Love's Spark

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Love's Spark Page 11

by L A Cotton

  His question surprised me. Do I?

  “I can’t believe he showed up here,” I said aloud, even though the words were more for myself than Keefer.

  “Who is he?”

  “Deacon? I’ve been on two dates with him, but he’s persistent. Hasn’t taken my ‘I’m-just-not-that-into-you’ signals as was intended.”

  Something flared in Keefer’s eyes and I noticed that his fists clenched at his side. “Are you okay?” His face softened.

  “I will be. Just didn’t need to deal with him on top of everything else.”

  Damn. Damn. Damn. My stupid mouth—betraying me at every opportunity.

  “Get your things.” It came out like an order instead of a request.

  “What? Why?”

  “We’re going for that drink.” Keefer stalked away from me to collect up the last of the equipment. He threw it into the back of his truck and opened the passenger door. As I climbed up into the cab, I was more confused than ever.

  Chapter 12

  ~ Keefer ~

  My eyes tracked Sharn as she left the field in the direction of the black BMW convertible. I knew how stupid I must have looked standing in the middle of the field in full protector mode, but she seemed on edge. And as she brushed past me, my gut told me something was off. I’d spent the whole week sulking over her after she had changed her mind about grabbing a drink last week. I never asked girls out. Ever. But Sharn made me want to be that guy. Even though things with Dad were shitty and I wasn’t sure she’d understand my fucked-up family situation, I wanted her so damn much.

  I could hardly believe my eyes when I recognized the dude climbing out of the convertible. He’s the douche who she’s been seeing? Anger bubbled up as I watched the guy I had punched in Durty's step closer to her. They talked about something and Sharn had her back to me, but I could tell from her stance that she was uncomfortable. Her shoulders were tensed and her arms were folded in front of her chest, like she was putting a physical barrier between them. Fuck. I’d never really been a jealous person but seeing him with her hit me right where it hurt the most—my heart.

  Without realizing, I closed the distance between us so I could just make out what he was saying to her.

  “You expect me to believe that you weren’t hot for me? I saw the way you looked at me, eye-fucking me over dinner.”

  My temper exploded and I wanted to kill him. Dead. Trying to get a grip on my raging feelings, I moved in behind Sharn. The douche noticed me and his eyebrow shot up. “Wait, aren’t you-”

  “Sharn, everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine,” she replied. “You were just leaving, weren’t you, Deacon?”

  His eyes burned through me and I could see that he wanted round two. Bring it on, douchebag. “Yeah, everything’s good here. See you around, Sharn.”

  I didn't miss the warning in his voice, but Sharn looked upset, commanding my full attention, and I was sure I saw tears in her eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I can’t believe that he showed up here,” she whispered, her arms wrapped around her waist.

  “Who is he?”

  “Deacon? I’ve been on two dates with him, but he’s persistent. Hasn’t taken my ‘I’m-just-not-that-into-you’ signals as were intended.”

  Deacon. So, the douche had a name. “Are you okay?” I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her. Fuck. Zac would have loved this protective bullshit.

  “I will be. Just didn’t need to deal with him on top of everything else.”

  “Get your things.” I didn’t mean for it to sound like an order, but I refused to let her run this time.

  Her eyes widened. “What? Why?”

  “We’re going for that drink.”

  She climbed into the cab silently. The air was thick between us, almost stifling. Shit. I was so far out of my depth. “So... umm, you cool with going to a bar? I could use a beer.”

  She nodded while staring out of the windshield. Pulling off my Yankees cap, I shoved a hand through my hair before putting it back on and turning the key. The engine roared to life; the noise was a welcome distraction. “The boys did well tonight. I haven't told you yet, but I have a surprise planned for them.”

  That piqued her interest and she turned her head slightly toward me. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, but it's a surprise for you, too.” I winked at her. A fucking full-blown one-eyed wink and a smile. Dammit. I realized then that I was done for; she'd completely and utterly pulled some hypno-magic bullshit on me. And she hadn’t even realized.

  “I don't like surprises.” Although she turned away from me again, I could just make out the faint smile playing on her pink, soft lips, and I laughed.

  “Sharn, everyone likes surprises.”


  I pulled into the small parking lot of 42nd Bar 'n' Grill. I chose here because there’d be less chance of running into any familiar faces—the last thing I needed was to run into Zac or the guys.

  “I've heard good things about this place,” Sharn said, eyeing the signage.

  “Yeah, they do a mean burger.”

  After climbing out of the cab, Sharn walked next to me. I opened the door and she ducked underneath my outstretched arm. Her sweet scent wafted past me and I closed my eyes, breathing her in. I immediately shook my head, realizing how lame I was.

  The bar was quiet; a few couples and groups of college kids were scattered about eating. My throat felt constricted as it dawned on me that we’d actually have to talk this time, and I choked out, “Bar or booth?”

  Her big brown eyes scanned the small room, settling on a booth toward the back of the place. She nodded in its direction.

  “Go sit, I'll get us a drink. Bud okay? Or something else?”

  “Bud's fine. Thanks.” She headed toward the booth as I wound around the tables to get to the sleek black bar.

  Waiting for our beers, I turned my attention from the bar to Sharn. She looked so tiny nestled in the black and red leather booth. Watching her was hard enough, but sitting with her—alone—would be torture. All I could think about was kissing her again. Fuck.

  My hands refused to stop shaking as I headed back to her. Get a grip, Smith. Spotting me, Sharn smiled and my heart jumped. It was as if she was hardwired to the damn thing.

  “Here you go.” I slammed the bottle down in front of her.


  We both took swigs from our bottles and the silence almost choked me. This was exactly one of the reasons I didn’t date; conversation wasn’t easy with me, but the silence was even worse.


  “Yeah, this isn’t awkward at all.” Sharn smiled again, waiting for me to say something.

  “I’m not big with the small talk.”

  “I’ve noticed. We’ve spent seven weeks together now, Coach.” She emphasized the O, and I liked how it sounded coming from her—it was a sound I could get used to. I laughed. Sharn was a tease and knew exactly what to say to lighten the mood.

  “I gotta ask. What were you doing with douche back there?”

  She shot me a questioning glare. “Who? Deacon? I told you, he’s just some guy I dated a couple of times.”

  “That the type of guy you usually go for? Suited and booted?”

  Her eyes watched me intently and she chewed her bottom lip as she considered her answer. “It used to be.”

  The silence enveloped us again, neither of us sure of what to say, and then she said, “What about you? Anyone special in your life?”

  I almost spat out my mouthful of beer. She was so wrong. “Nah. I don't really date.”

  Her smile dropped, a flash of disappointment sparking in her eye, but she quickly recovered. “Oh, you're one of those guys.” Picking up on my confusion, she added, “Got ya. Lots of guys aren't the settle down type. What is up with that? Is the idea of commitment really that awful? I mean-”

  I cut her off before her runaway mouth could say any more. “Sharn, you think I'm a
player? Trust me when I say that you couldn't be more wrong.”

  Her nose scrunched in a cute way. “Really? But you're so hot...” She faltered as her cheeks stained with embarrassment. “Oops. I tend to say my thoughts instead of just think them.”

  “You're pretty cute, you know that. I'm glad you came this time.”

  And I meant it.

  Her blush deepened. “I'm just going to head to the restrooms, okay?”

  “Sure. I'll get us another beer.”

  Before heading to the bar, I pulled out my phone and typed out a text to Zac. He'd kick my ass for not letting him know about my impromptu drink with Sharn.

  Me: Dude, you won't believe it. That douche from Durty's turned up at the school. Got pushy with Sharn, recognized me, and backed off. She fucking dated him. At 42nd with her now.

  My phone vibrated immediately.

  Zac: Hope you kicked his ass again. Tell me one thing man, how good does she look?

  I smiled at his message—always the joker.

  Me: Too good. I'm a goner...

  Sharn had been gone for longer than a few minutes, and when my eyes found the restrooms and I watched her exit the frosted glass door, I knew something was wrong. Her head hung low and her body was drawn into itself. I stiffened, waiting for her to reach me, and despite her tousled curls hanging thick around her face, the tears glistening on her cheeks were obvious.

  She slid into the booth and avoided my searching eyes.

  “Sharn, what's wrong?” It came out abruptly, and I regretted my tone when she winced.

  “N-nothing.” She was lying; her body language was a dead giveaway. When she looked past me to the bar and her eyes widened in alarm, I turned to see what she was looking at. As I picked out the two girls standing at the bar, my clenching fist almost crushed the bottle in my hand. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

  “You know them, right?” she said.

  “Something like that. What did they say to you?”

  “I-I don't want to talk about it. Please.” Her eyes pleaded with me, but my temper refused to let it go. “Sharn, tell me or I'm going to go over there and ask them.”

  Her face paled, causing me to slump back in the seat in defeat. Whatever Aubrey and Simmy had said to her had really hit a nerve. “They seem to think you like me, and Aubrey's friend doesn't seem too happy about it. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Aubrey never liked me back in high school. She was jealous…” Her voice trailed off, but then she added, “And the fact you were cozied up to her friend the other week. Anyway, she said some pretty hurtful things. I'm- I’m not the girl I was back then…” She stared right through me.


  “The old Sharn would've just brushed them off and probably put them down a peg or two...” Tears dripped down her gorgeous face, and it was my undoing. I grabbed her hand, yanked her out of the booth, and pulled her toward the door. I had to get out of there or things would get ugly.

  “Keefer, wha-what are you doing?”

  “We need to get out of here. Before I lose my shit.”

  We crashed through the door and I released her hand, but she stumbled. Catching her in my grasp, I took one look at her soggy face and all my reasons for why an us was a bad idea disappeared. My lips came down on hers and the cute little moan she let out zipped straight to my dick. Fuck, I needed more.

  Our height difference made things a little awkward, so I backed her up to the side of the building and lifted her off the ground, wrapping her in my arms. Her mouth formed an O at my move, but when I smiled against her lips and started tracing the outline with my tongue, her body melted into mine. Her legs ended up clasped around my waist and my hands cupped her pert little ass. I hadn't planned for us to end up getting up close and personal in the alleyway next to 42nds, but it was too late—she had me at the moan.

  “Keef-” She tried to break free from the kiss, but my mouth refused to let her up for air, kissing her with everything I felt: anger, frustration, desire, want, need. It was explosive. She responded to my touch, thrusting one hand into my hair and knocking off my cap, the other clinging around the back of my neck. Our tongues fought for domination, our teeth clashed, and our bodies fused together.

  A wolf whistle cut through the air and I realized where we were—and what we were doing. Dammit. I pulled back, pressing gentle kisses along her bottom lip, and then kissed her nose.

  “Oh God, how embarrassing.” She nestled her face into my neck and I savored the feel of her nose rubbing against my jaw, before dropping her to her feet and returning her to my chest-height.

  “Keefer, what-”

  “Don't. Just give me a minute. Come on.” I grabbed her hand and led her to the truck.

  We rode back to the school in silence, but I kept her left hand placed in mine the entire ride. I didn't know what to say. Things had changed between us. All I knew was that if the kid hadn't whistled at us, I was not sure I would have been able to stop myself, which was crazy. I wasn’t some horny teen who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

  As we turned into the school, I could feel Sharn's eyes watching me. She was waiting for my next move. I didn't want to do the whole psychoanalyzing bullshit that girls did, I just wanted to kiss her again. Actions speak louder than words.

  As I cut the engine, I turned to face her, gently pulling her hand so her body moved toward mine. Leaning down to face her, I brushed a knuckle over her flushed cheek and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. Her tongue flicked over her bottom lip and I couldn't help the smile building inside of me. She was thinking. I could see the thoughts ticking over in her mind. “Wha-”

  My lips crashed down on hers, and my tongue demanded access. I wanted nothing more than to pull her onto me and feel her straddling me, but I didn't want things to go too far, not in the truck, so I focused on kissing her. My hand roamed down to her thigh and casually stroked her clothed leg, but I had it under control—on the outside at least. On the inside, my body was screaming for her.

  My tongue swirled with hers and she nipped at my lip. It was so damn sexy, and the way she pulled me toward her, it was as if she was afraid to let go, and my inner guy fist punched the air. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. But then her lips were pulling away and her hands were pushing firmly against my chest, and I groaned a protest. “Okay, I need to breath. I can't think straight.”

  I laughed at the perplexed look on her thoroughly kissed face. “I need to head out. But I'll text you, yeah?”

  “Okay.” She grinned at me before reaching for the door, but I caught her hand. “And Sharn? Nothing has or ever will happen with me and Simmy, the girl from the bar. Just so you know.”

  She frowned, but her face softened and a slow smile broke over her face. Sharn climbed out of the truck and stood watching as I backed up and pulled out of the lot. Zac was going to love this—I was falling hook, line, and sinker for Sharn Macer.

  Chapter 13

  ~ Sharn ~

  I rolled over onto my back and wriggled into my pillows. Keefer had dropped me back at the school two hours ago and I'd been home for just over an hour. I couldn't wipe the grin from my face and kept prodding my lips just to remember. I felt like a giddy teenager after her first kiss. It was everything a kiss should be: full of passion, desperate, and totally unforgettable. There weren't just sparks—there were Fourth of July fireworks. Despite being the opposite of everything I usually went for, I felt sparks with Keefer Smith. Go figure.

  My phone vibrated again and I smiled, hoping that it was him.

  Keefer: I can still taste you.

  I blushed. He was a guy of few words, but usually the ones that passed his lips were worth it.

  Sharn: Me, too. Did you get home okay?

  Keefer: Not home yet. Had some stuff to do. Meeting the guys for a beer now.

  A wave of disappointment washed over me, and I cursed myself. We weren't together. It was just a kiss. Okay, it was one of the best kisses ever, but I couldn’t expect
him to sideline his life for me. I didn't even know what the kiss meant, and I still knew nothing about Keefer.

  Me: Have fun x

  I stared at the two words, analyzing their underlying meaning. I wanted them to say 'cool, have fun with your friends’, but was worried they said 'I'm in a mood because you’re with your friends so I'm only texting you two words'. Shit. When did I become that girl? Benson and Mom had turned me into a self-conscious Sally. I hadn't even stood up to Aubrey and her Barbie-esque friend when they’d cornered me in the restroom at the bar. I'd been so confused about Keefer dragging me to the bar that I didn't even see them enter, but then I heard Aubrey’s voice. I was just finishing washing my hands as they approached the mirror and Aubrey noticed me, making a point of saying hello. I thought it was her way of making sure her friend knew who I was. As Aubrey introduced us, I noticed her friend’s face paled and then the claws came out.

  “You're Sharn Macer?” Her lip pulled up in disgust.

  “Hmm, yeah, last time I checked. Not what you expected?” I raised an eyebrow at her in question.

  “Not really, no. I don't know what he sees in you.”

  Aubrey laughed at her friend’s comment and I felt myself straighten.

  “Well, Keefer clearly doesn’t know his class from his trash.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. You think Keefer wants someone like you? He obviously doesn't know what you’re really like, or he wouldn’t be anywhere near you.”

  The air left my body and my jaw fell. I couldn't believe they were so bitchy. It wasn't high school anymore—we were adults, for Christ’s sake.

  “Aw, cat got the whore’s tongue.” Barbie wannabe glared at me, and my anger flared. “Bitch, call me a whore again...”


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