Love's Spark

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Love's Spark Page 26

by L A Cotton

  “Dinner will be like ten minutes. Can I get you more wine?” Keefer’s hand brushed my bare shoulder and my insides flipped.

  Every time he touched me was still like the first time.

  I smiled up at him and held out my empty glass. “More please, Sir.”

  “It’s Sir now?” He grinned and my heart melted.

  Dinner was amazing. One thing that I’d learned early on in our relationship was that the man could cook. He’d promised me dessert-to-die-for, but I was so full that I wasn’t sure I’d manage it.

  “Can I take your plate please, Miss?” He dropped a kiss on my head. “I’ll be five minutes.”

  I watched him put the dishes on the drainer and head toward the bathroom. He was up to something. I’d known it the minute that he appeared dressed in a dress shirt and pants. He rarely wore anything other than his sweats and a jersey, unless it was a special occasion. The faint click of the door, only just echoed over the John Legend album Keefer had picked out for our romantic evening. A couple of seconds later, he reappeared in the archway.

  And my heart stopped.

  The dress shirt was gone and he had changed into a plain white jersey. But it wasn’t just any jersey. There was no team name or number. Instead, the words WILL YOU MARRY ME? stared back at me.

  He walked toward me and dropped onto one knee. My breath hitched as I watched him through wide eyes. “Sharn Macer, I love you. I love your heart, your smile, your crazy. I love everything there is to love about you. And then some. I meant it last night when I said we should do it. We should get married and have babies and live happily ever after because you are my now, my future, my forever.”

  He opened a small black box in his palm to reveal a solitaire diamond engagement ring. It was the most beautiful thing that I’d ever seen. Silent tears flowed down my face as he slid the ring onto my finger, watching me with hopeful eyes. I looked at him. Really looked at him. The way his eyes regarded me, full of love and desire. I might have been Keefer’s now, future, and forever… but he was also mine.

  My spark.

  Throwing my arms around his neck, I cried, “Yes.”

  Love’s Spark Playlist

  You can listen to the playlist at

  My kind of love – Emelie Sande

  Summertime sadness – Lana Del Rey

  Pompeii – Bastille

  Talk to me – Lauren Aquilina

  Only love can hurt like this – Paloma Faith

  Let me in – Snowmine

  Words – Skylar Grey

  Quiet Love – Erland and the Carnival

  All you never say – Birdy

  Life support – Sam Smith

  Let me get this right – Ne-Yo

  All of me - John Legend

  About the Author

  Author of NA Contemporary Romance, L. A. Cotton loves writing about those first looks, first kisses, and happily ever afters.

  A wearer-of-many-hats, L.A juggles being a full-time mum to two little people with two part-time jobs and college. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find her immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life.

  Official Website

  You can connect with her at:

  Or email her at:

  [email protected]


  When starting to write these acknowledgments it kind of felt ‘do people really want to read my spiel to a bunch of random people that have helped me in one way or another’. But then I figured, it doesn’t really matter if anyone reads this or not. Once written and published, it’s there, imprinted in print forever. This is my way of thanking those that have helped and supported me on a journey I never dreamt I would find myself on.

  To my beta readers: Amy, Amanda, Christine, Debbie, and Jenny H, Your feedback helped make Love’s Spark a better story. Thank you.

  To the blogs I have had the pleasure of getting to know since I started this journey. You all work so hard to promote and support indie authors, and without you my job would that much harder. A quick shout out to The Book Enthusiast (for rocking all of my release promo) and Watz Books and Teasers (Caryn, you are awesome). There are so many blogs out there doing amazing things for us indies—too many to mention, but thank you to each and every one of you.

  To my cover designer, Kari for finding the perfect image without even realizing. I love it, thank you. And to Jenny, my editor, you worked magic with Love’s Spark. Thank you.

  And finally, a few of special mentions...

  To my street team: Aime, Amy, Amanda, Barbara, Chastity, Caryn, Dawn, Jenny, Joanna, Megan, and Pamela. We might only be few, but thank you for getting behind me, pimping, reviewing, and for just being amazing!

  Secondly, to Jenny H and Stylo Fantome. You both got a mention last time, but you deserve another one—you help make my books better, help me be a better writer. Simples! Jenny…I hope you know that you’re stuck with me now. And Stylo… you keep me sane—reassure me I’m not the only one going crazy in this crazy business. It’d be a lonely place without you both.

  Thirdly, to my new author friends (Steph, Victoria, Dawn, and to all the other authors I’ve had the pleasure of chatting to). Thank you for supporting Love’s Spark Facebook release party, pimping me out, and generally being there to chat writing with. I can’t wait to meet some of you all next July at the Second City Signing!

  …And finally to my readers. I hope you enjoyed Sharn and Keefer’s story as much I enjoyed writing it, thank you for taking a chance on them.

  …Sneak Peek from the next book in the Fate’s Love Series

  Love Collides

  *Coming Spring / Summer 2015 *


  I was in hell. No, that didn’t do justice to the level of wrong going on inside of my body. How much did I drink last night? My eyes squinted around the unfamiliar room as I tried to stop the spinning in my head. Where the fuck am I? The room smelt of beer, sweat and… sex! And then I felt him. All of him, pressed into my ass, ready for round two, or three, or four… it was all a little sketchy. Fuck!

  Think, Jameson, think. There was a party... Yes, Livy's party, at that cute little pizza place. And skating at that psychedellic mindfuckarama, and then shots. Lots and lots of shots. My stomach lurged. Who was there? Think damn it. Sharn and her boyfriend, Liv's friends, Ethan... oh shit, that means...

  "Morning gorgeous, ready for round four?" A husky voice said from behind me.

  Fuck, fuck, fuckety. I groaned, covering my eyes with my arm, clenching my thighs together, trying to ignore his effect on me. That voice was like my own personal screwed up version of kryptonite... Left me breathless and weak kneed, and made me want to avoid him for all eternity.

  His arm snaked around my naked hip and he dragged me back into him. "So? Are we doing this or what?"

  Somewhere in my hangover fog my senses caught up with me, and I managed to wriggle free and turn over to face him. "Do I still look wasted? Because I'm pretty sure this-" I motioned between him and me. "only happens when I'm drunk. And right now? I'm as sober as a damn judge. So pass me my clothes and call me a cab."

  He laughed and pushed himself off of the bed, proceeding to throw my clothes at me. After managing to half dress myself I rolled out of bed and tried my best to stay upright, all the while avoiding his piercing stare.

  "Cabs here," he said, pointing to the door opposite his bedroom door, over on the other side of the hallway.

  Trying to reclaim some shred of dignity, I smoothed my dress down and walked past him with my head held high and my best so-we-just-fucked-now-fuck-off smile.

  "See you around," he called after me.

  Not likely.

  Kade Ford was a mistake I definitely wouldn't be making… Not for a third time.

  Chapter 1

years later

  ~ Staci ~

  "Holy shit, Livy. You look stunning." My eyes bugged as I took in my best friend's bride ensemble. "Ethan's going to die."

  She laughed. "Hopefully not. I want a wedding night first."

  "Too damn right, you got to put that Victoria Secrets lingerie to good use." Sharn added.

  "You three are like dogs on heat. I'm lucky if we have sex once a week now we have Bray. Being a mom is amazing but it kills your sex life."

  We all turned to stone-faced Amber, as she carried on applying Sharn's makeup.

  "Which is why I won't be having kids for at least another five years," chimed Lou, and we all burst into fits of laughter.

  Livy, her sister, Lou, and I were ready. Livy's best friends Sharn and Amber were taking a little longer—since when it took bridesmaids longer to get ready than the Bride was beyond me. I was already growing restless in the sage green, floor length cocktail dress Livy had us all wear, and the fact my hair was stretched in an unnatural way that pinched my scalp.

  "You okay in there, Staci? You look a little uncomfortable?" Livy sat delicately on the chaise next to me.

  "Nothing I can't handle for your big day. You ready?"

  A slow smile broke over her face. "I'm ready." Her love for Ethan radiating off of her in waves.

  There had been a time, back in college, I thought Livy was like me. But it turned out she just needed eight years and a near-escape from death for her head to catch up with what her heart already knew... she was in love with Ethan. I knew there was no happily ever after out there for me. Hell, I wouldn't even want it if there was.

  Amber and Sharn were done, finally, and the four of us helped Livy into her shoes before heading down to the foyer just off to the side of the ceremony room. I followed at the back, trying to perfect my I-hope-this-smile-doesn’t-give-away-how-much-I-hate-weddings smile.

  Once we reached the foyer of the grand hotel, people started yelling and dishing out orders, and poking and prodding Livy, who just smiled graciously. I deduced they were organizing the wedding party for the big walk down the aisle. I'd missed the rehearsal dinner, only flying in last night, so there'd be no practice for me, I was just to do as I was instructed. Nothing more, nothing less.

  A man prettier than me on a good day, started pairing people up and demonstrating the appropriate aisle walk—as if we needed to be told how to fucking walk for Christ's sake. The whole thing seemed ridiculous.

  "Miss Jameson, you shall be over here behind Miss Macer and Mr Smith." Mr Pretty tried to pull my arm, but I yanked it away swiftly and motioned for him to show me.

  Ethan's little brother, Mason, stood upfront, looking all kinds of cute in his mini-tux. He was going to be a heartbreaker in a few years for sure with those big browns and killer smile. I was too busy fumbling with the corset on my dress to notice the hand catching mine. "Well isn't this going to be interesting."

  Fuck, fuck, fuckety.

  I turned to Kade and shot him my best nice-to-see-you-in-your-fucking-dreams smile.

  "You shouldn't look at me like that, Jameson. That look will get you into trouble."

  Oh my...My stomach clenched, but thankfully, Mr. Pretty announced it was time to move into position. I tried to focus on the sound of the piano drifting into the foyer and not Kade's hand holding mine.

  I risked a sideways glance at him. The bastard looked all kinds of delicious in his tailored tux, that matched his jet black hair to perfection. He looked like sex-on-a-damn-stick. I needed to lay off strong liquor tonight—it’d be too long since I got any, and with Kade looking like that… well, let’s just say, my resolve wouldn’t last long.

  Three and a half long and boring hours later, it was finally time to party. Don't get me wrong, the ceremony was beautiful and the meal was so good I almost licked the plate, but I just didn't do weddings. I think it was the structure, the expectation and execution of it all. I was more of a free spirit. I liked to live by one schedule. My own.

  I downed my glass of sparkling wine and grabbed Lou's hand to head to the dance floor. It was time to shake what momma gave me, but Lou's hand yanked me back. "What are you doing?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

  "Hmm, dancing."

  "They haven't had the first dance yet. No one can dance before the bride and groom."

  I dropped into the seat defeated. I thought that old tradition went out of the windows years ago. It was almost nine for Christ's sake—time to get the party started.

  Lou shook her head incredulously, at my obvious disgust at waiting. "Hey, it's not all bad. You get to dance with Kade. He's dreamy in a totally I'd-rock-between-the-sheets kind of way."

  I almost choked on the wine I'd just sipped. You don't know the half of it. "Please, the guy's arrogant, so cock sure, he refers to himself in third person, who does that? And he has permanent sex hair."

  "I have permanent what?"


  Lou laughed under her breath. "Staci was just saying you have nice hair."

  "Not as nice as mine. Right, bro?" Russ, Lou's fiancé added.

  Lou nudged him in the ribs, stifling her laugh.

  "Whatever, dude." He looked at me and extended his hand. "We have to dance, bride's orders."

  I blew out an exasperated sigh. "Well if the bride says, I guess I'll do as I'm told."

  Kade's face cracked a smug smile, as if to say 'oh, you'll do as your told alright.' His hand curled round mine and I felt tiny sparks of electricity run up arm.

  Knock it off, I told myself.

  The other groomsmen found their bridesmaids and we made our way to the checkered dance floor. Livy looked so damn pleased with herself I shot her a discreet scowl. She was the only person who knew about my brief history with Kade, and that was only because she tricked it out of me after one too many tequilas once last year. Kade wrapped me in his strong arms and started swaying us to the music. "You look so damn fuckable in that dress."

  My head snapped up to meet Kade’s hooded stare. He looked like he wanted to devour me. Shit, Jameson... PULL it together. I gave him my best fake smile, and said, "Does that line actually work Ford? Because I've heard better."

  The smug smile he was wearing slowly transformed into a lazy grin. It only made him sexier. He dipped his head into the crook of my neck and whispered against my skin, "Maybe, but have you ever had better?"

  The guy was a walking, talking dick. I'd known some douches in my time, but Kade Ford, was—and always would be—douche canoe number one.

  I pulled away, forcing him to meet my eyes, slowly and precisely I said, "Well. Let’s see. There was Sam, he rocked my world, twice. Travis, could make a girl moan with just his tongue, I learned that one a good few of times." I felt Kade tense against me, his jaw set. "Jonty. Oh he had all the right-"

  "What kind of fucking name is Jonty?" He hissed, through gritted teeth, and I laughed, I couldn't help it. I had him by the balls. Stone-hearted Kade was jealous.

  He looked torn, his face screwed up with tension. I waited, knowing something eye-rolling worthy was about to leave his lips.

  He leaned into me, his arms gripping me ever so slightly tighter, until we were nose to nose, his breath caressing my lips. "Jonty, might have had to moves, but could he keep you up all night long? Could he make you scream his name so loud the neighbors complained?"

  Okay, that might have been true. Just once... Maybe twice.

  Kade's eyes sparkled with something. Lust. Desire. Need? Not likely, I told myself, as he said, "It. Will. Never. Be. As. Good. As. It. Is. With. Me."

  And like a bucket of ice cold water, I was ripped from the sexual tension between us and reminded why I'd never touch Kade Ford. Again. Ever.


  An hour later, I was restless.

  "Who are staring at?" Livy's voice asked over my shoulder.

  I turned from my spot at the bar and pulled her into a hug. "Just people watching. Congratulations, for like the fiftieth time. It was a beautiful day."

  "It was wasn't it," she said, wriggling out of my arms. "Are you okay? You seem a little off?"

  I forced a smile. "I'm just tired from all the smiling and mingling."

  "Are you sure you can't stay the whole week. We don't leave until Thursday? It'd be great to spend some time with you."

  "I can't. Flight is Monday. I'll only be gone a month this time though. I'll drive up for your birthday?"

  Livy squeezed my hand and nodded and turned her attention to Ethan, who had clasped his arms around her waist. “A dance with my wife?” She looked at him like he hung the moon. “Of course.” Her eyes narrowed at me. “Don’t you dare leave without saying goodbye.”

  I held my hand to my heart. “Promise.” I watched Ethan lead her to her to the dancefloor and refocused my attention. Kade was across the room, his arm draped casually round an unfamiliar girl. His fingers grazed her the curve of her tits, and he flashed me a cocky grin. Bastard. He was trying to push my buttons. Get me to play his game… And for all of my better judgment it was working.

  Refusing to give him the upper hand, my eyes quickly scanned the room. Bingo. I maneuvered my way through the round tables and reached my destination. “Hi, Zac was it?” I batted my lashes at the handsome guy standing in front of me.

  “Yeah. Staci, right? What can I do for you?”

  I shimmied up to him, giving him my best seductive smile. “How about a dance?” I glanced back toward the bar to see if Kade was watching. He was.

  Game on.

  “Umm, sure.” Zac’s eyes bugged as if he’d won a prize, and I almost felt bad for using him.

  Zac’s body tensed as I lowered his hands to my waist and my arms clasped around his neck. He stood much taller than me, even in my skyscraper heels, and the whole thing felt totally unnatural, but watching Kade’s jaw tense and his eyes flash with jealously was worth every fumbled step and the awkward silence.


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