Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 25

by Koko Brown

  I stepped down from the platform to his seat and straddled his lap, slowly. My nails trailed down his cheek and across his chest, and my hair hid us from the rest of the world. He didn’t touch me, didn’t make any moves toward me, but he couldn’t look anywhere else. Didn’t even try.

  “I earned my keep, Jack Steele.” I channeled the sexiest voice I could. I grabbed the script resting next to him and dropped it between us, so it was resting on his lap. “It’s time you kept your word. Auditions are tomorrow, noon.”

  “That’s a little early for me.” His eyes crinkled in a mischievous grin and sent my heart soaring. We were so close I could taste the whiskey on his breath. I could almost feel his heart racing under that black shirt.

  I could kiss him now, in this moment, and nothing would stop me. He would gladly part his full lips and take me. My resolve was slowly crumbling and I needed to save face immediately. “I’ll see you at noon.”

  I slipped off his lap and sashayed my ass out of the VIP area, stopping just at the ropes. Jack was right behind me, looking as collected as ever, but he still followed me. Which meant I had him.

  He held up the script as a goodbye and winked. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”



  “Well.” My assistant, Kelli, checked her watch for the hundredth time. “Are you sure he’s coming?”

  “He said he was coming.”

  “So you’ve said, but how can you know?”

  My mouth fell into a tight line and I glared at her. She held up her hands in surrender and buried her head back in the portfolio of headshots. I hadn’t told anyone what I did last night to secure Jack Steele’s attendance today and I didn’t intend to start.

  The second I walked out of that club, a panic attack crept up. Had I really done that? Had I actually crammed my ass into the tiniest dress I owned and flashed my goodies at a guy I only knew by name for work? It practically felt like prostitution by the time I got back to my apartment. I’d used my body to sell something. But that something was the culmination of my life’s work and it was worth it. Right? I told myself time and time again that it was, but something about it always felt…too sharp.

  It was two in the afternoon now and he still wasn’t here. Two hours late. I wrapped my legs around a pole for six-and-a-half minutes just to let him disappear into the atmosphere with a copy of the script?

  On cue, dread trickled down my spine. What if he took the script and ran? There were horror stories out there about thieving actors who only pretended to be interested in readings to skulk off with the scripts for their buddies.

  I felt hot. “Kelli, I need water.”

  “Sure.” She slammed the book shut, causing me to jump, and crossed to the other side of the room for the water jug.

  I gulped the whole thing down as Denver popped his head in. “Still no Steele yet?”

  “He’s coming,” I said firmly. “His agent called and said he was running a little late, but he said he’d still be here.”

  Denver nodded, his entire body relaxed. “Great! I can’t believe you managed to wrangle him in here, Alison. Everyone will be thrilled. Let’s just not tell Bowen yet, eh?”

  I nodded. “That was the plan.”

  “Great. Let me know when he’s here. I’d like to see him read if I’m able.”

  “Sure thing!” The door slammed shut and I collapsed in my chair. “Fuck.”

  “His agent….?” Kelli side-eyed me. “You didn’t tell me you talked to his agent.”

  “I didn’t.”

  Kelli clucked her tongue. “Think anyone will buy that he sucks for this role?”

  “God, I hope so.”

  If I had to hear about Josh Bowen one more time, I’d scream. He was mediocre at best, a definite shoo-in for a B-lister. Just because his daddy bought him roles all over Hollywood didn’t mean he was getting any better, either. Seemed like a nice guy, don’t get me wrong, but not star material. And definitely not Eddie Bowser material.

  I could see my career tanking faster than a drunk at this point. No one would believe, not really, that Jack Steele wasn’t a good fit. Not after I campaigned for him so hard. Not after I spent weeks discussing how badly I wanted him.

  You know, for the movie.

  It wasn’t until last night that I realized how badly I wanted him in my bedroom, and that was completely beside the point. He could be a terrible kisser or have a really tiny dick and it would make working together awkward. Clearly, we had to remain professional on set, provided he ever fucking showed up.

  And I put on a damn fine dance for him, too. Asshole.

  “Is there anyone else even here?” I threw my pen on the table, imagining it as Josh Bowen’s face. Smashed to smithereens. So sorry, Daddy Bowen, but Josh can’t play because his face is all jacked up! “We’ve exhausted everyone in town?”

  “Everyone,” Kelli said. She scrunched up her face in a way that almost reminded me of Sarah, which, if I was being honest, was part of the reason why I hired her. I just really trusted my best friend, okay? “This whole set-up was really for Jack. I mean, second string is hanging in the green room today, just in case, but we’ve already read them, so…”

  “Send them in.” I sighed heavily and kicked the table leg. “Let’s get our Martha out here, too, so we can start sorting through who’s going to be—”

  “So we’re just giving up?” Kelli cut me off. “Not going to wait for this Mr. Wonderful to walk through the door and—”

  The door swung open and in walked that sexy and impossible man, Jack Steele. In the fluorescent lights, he almost looked like a normal man instead of the demi-god he resembled last night. Almost. He was wearing hip-hugging jeans and a tight army green shirt, which managed to show off every single muscle under his shirt and around the sleeves. I took another sip of water to keep my tongue from falling out of my mouth.

  Sexy wasn’t even a fair description. He was beyond sexy. He was otherworldly.

  I didn’t date a lot of white guys. It wasn’t intentional, like I barred them from going near me or anything, they were just by and large scared of me because I was ‘different’ to what they were used to. They thought I’d be a fun conquest until they realized what that entailed and hauled it out of there.

  But the way Jack stared at me, script in one hand and phone in the other, suggested he probably knew exactly what he’d be getting into…and be damn good at it.

  I cleared my throat and checked my watch, trying to be casual. “You’re a bit late, Mr. Steele.”

  “I got lost.” He flashed that winning smile that made my heart race, but only for three seconds.

  He got lost? That was his excuse for practically standing me up? He wouldn’t even humor me with the truth, just come out and say he didn’t think he’d do it until the last minute?

  Then again, I didn’t know what else I expected from him. I barely knew him. I definitely was not hoping to hear he’d been up all night, unable to sleep because of the image of me dancing before him racing through his mind, and he overslept his alarm from it. Definitely not.

  I was definitely not a liar.

  “Well, here’s hoping you quickly learn your way around the city that’s been your home for several years. I’m sure it’s terribly inconvenient.” I surprised even myself with the chill attitude I exuded. I grabbed the test scenes and offered him one. “Kelli will read with you—”

  “I had some other ideas.”

  I paused, arm frozen in midair. “Excuse me?”

  “No disrespect, ma’am.” Was that a wink? Did he just wink at me? “But I was up all night reading the script and I’d like to read my favorite scene, if possible.”

  “How do you know it’s not the scene in my hand?” I swallowed down a lump of frustration. I’d dealt with prima donnas before. Hollywood was rife with them. Performers who thought they should be catered to simply because they wore tight pants and knew how to wink suggestively. It always turned my stomach.

  Jack’s bad boy image was infamous, yes, but I’d been secretly hoping it was a Heart of Gold situation. Instead, I found myself regretting approaching him at all.

  “Again, I don’t mean to be rude.” He totally did, that liar. “But I know how these usually work. The scenes you guys usually choose. I wanted to try something a little different, prove that I was worth…searching out.”

  Well. That wasn’t what I was expecting.

  “And I was hoping to read it with you.”

  “Me?” My heart stopped.

  “You. I’m sure your assistant is very nice, but I’d rather prove it to you than her.”

  Kelli nudged me, practically jumping out of her skin. I mouthed ‘stop staring’ before grabbing my script and joining him in the middle of the room.

  “Page 180.” He turned his back to me and ran his hands over his head as though getting into character.

  I flipped to the page he requested and felt my stomach drop to my shoes. This was the big fight between Eddie Bowser and Veronica Station, the love interest. It was explosive and passionate, one of my favorite scenes in the whole thing.

  Acting was not my forte. I belonged behind the camera, behind a desk, hand-picking the talent I could see oozing from actors when they themselves couldn’t even taste it. That was my gift. Kelli always did the readings because I was horribly awkward.

  Just before we began, the doors swung open and Denver and Gerald waltzed in with two other assistants. A full crowd. Lovely.

  Jack paid them no mind, a professional actor to the core. He dived right into the scene with an intensity I’d hoped for but almost didn’t expect. I had to work to follow the lines because I was so mesmerized by the conviction and angst in his voice, the way his eyes tore through me as he begged me to stay. I played along as best I could but he never lost a beat.

  I, however, nearly fell apart when he crossed to me, gently rested his hand against my cheek, and ran his thumb across my lower lip. We were as close as we’d been in the club and it was almost as intense now as it was then.

  “I love you.” His voice dropped two octaves and for the tiniest moment, I thought he was talking to me. I barely had enough time to recognize it was a reading before he crushed his lips to mine. Written in the script. Performed across my tongue. God help me.

  Thunderous applause broke us apart. Jack winked at me and stepped back to do a small bow. Kelli wolf-whistled and I felt like my entire body was red-hot. Okay, hot kiss aside, what the hell did he think he was doing, kissing the casting director? I mean, the sheer arrogance of it all was maddening.

  But it didn’t change the fact that he was every inch of Eddie Bowser and exactly what the film needed.

  “You were worth the wait,” Denver announced. “I think we’ve found Eddie!”

  Everyone cheered and clapped. Kelli ran over to give me a hug, whispering, “Thank god that’s over.”

  The smile on my face hurt. Jack’s antics aside, I did this. I brought him in. I wowed Denver. Even Mr. Sour Grapes Gerald looked impressed, and he patted my shoulder as he walked out.

  I did it.

  “Well, Mr. Steele, if you’d like to accept, I’d be happy to show you around.”

  “After you.” He extended his arm for me to take, which I ignored. He was beautiful and kissed like a dream, but he was arrogant. So arrogant. It was time to be professional, and that started with reminding myself he was a guy with a mile-long fuck buddy list. I needed our hero, I got our hero. The end.

  Even if that hero was stunningly, painfully gorgeous.

  We toured the lot so I could introduce him to some of the key players on our team. Most of the cast and crew were on break, but it was enough to show him off and let everyone know I’d delivered in full. Suck it, Everyone In My Life Who Doubted Me.

  “And this is your trailer.” I pulled out a key and unlocked it. “If you’d like to take a look.”

  He stepped inside with a grin and popped back out immediately. “I mean, it’s a bit small.”

  “Well, your ego fit nicely through the door, so there’s a start.”

  He let out a low laugh and motioned me inside. “No seriously, come see this.”

  I rolled my eyes and followed him up the steps into the trailer. It was larger than the space Kelli and I shared outside of the room used for castings. Hell, it was practically larger than the casting room. An exasperated laugh escaped my lips, so I coughed to cover it up. Jack cocked an eyebrow at me.

  I was going to apologize, thought better of it, and said instead, “This is bigger than our office. For more than one person.”

  He offered a wry smile. “Ah, the allure of star power.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Bobby will call you later to discuss salary and all that.” He grabbed an apple from a basket and tossed it in the air once before taking a bite. The whole thing reminded me of something out of a Tom Cruise movie. “I wanted to say thank you.”

  Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear that. “For what?”

  “For seeking me out. For putting up with my ridiculous requests. I know it sounds like I’m an asshole, and I’m sorry. I’m not really, I swear. I’m just... always waiting for someone to take advantage of me. Like last night. I see a beautiful woman approach me, drink the same poison, and then hustle me for a job my agent insisted I shouldn’t do. I’m just a piece of meat someone can use.”

  I pressed my lips together, embarrassed. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

  “But then.” He pointed at me with his apple. “I read the script. I saw what you wanted from me as Eddie Bowser. I saw the potential you saw in me. That was… unexpected. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d have the guts to come out and audition, but I really wanted to see you again.”

  Another flashy smile. Another line he’d likely used a million times. Still, it made my heart race just a touch, enough to soften the edges. “Well, thank you for giving it a chance. Denver looked over the moon.”

  “You were a great audition buddy. If you’re at the set, it should be a breeze.” He cracked another grin and turned serious. “But truly, this is the kind of role I’ve been waiting for. Thank you, Alison, truly, for seeking me out. I’m going to bust my ass to prove to you it was worth it.”

  I was taken aback by his sincerity, and I smiled. Maybe he wasn’t such a dick after all. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the table reading.”

  He nodded and pulled his shirt over his head, like I wasn’t even there anymore, and went about his business getting settled into his new trailer. I left him to do it, but realized very quickly, as I made my way through the set pieces and hulking equipment, that I was disappointed to leave.


  I had a crush on Jack Steele.



  Table readings were always fun. A great opportunity to learn about your fellow cast members, test the waters of improv with the director, and break the ice before any nudity comes up. You know, a good chance to laugh it all off before they really strapped my dick in a sleeve around my thigh and shoved cameras in my face while I sucked on a costar’s tits.

  It sounded kinda sexy, but it was actually awkward as hell. Boners were painful as shit, too, inside that little pouch. I always spent the whole time thinking about my grandmother’s dentures to stay as dead inside as possible. It was never a fun afternoon for anyone.

  Though, as luck would have it, this movie got better and better, because my favorite leading lady sat next to me in the seat marked for Veronica Station. Lena Nichols. The girl was cool as hell and partially responsible for my rise to fame. Our sex scenes in The Tailor’s Apprentice won just about every goddamn award there was to win.

  I didn’t even mind the dick sleeve while filming with her.

  “If it isn’t my favorite big softie!” She threw her arms around me, still smelling like peppermint and cigarettes, same as always. My kind of girl, except for that whole only-dates-chicks bit.

  “My favorite lady!” I gave her a squ
eeze. “You’re looking more beautiful than ever. Have you decided to give up the muff yet? I’m lonely.”

  She scoffed. “In your dreams.”

  “Every night.”

  She just laughed at me and hauled me across the room. “Come on. Everyone’s been dying to meet you. Every other spot was filled except yours. I was starting to think we’d have to CGI someone in. Thank god we don’t, because those damn green screens give me a headache. Ah. Holly!”

  A pretty young thing, emphasis on young, spun around with a bright smile on her face. She practically skipped over to us. And by skipped, I mean swung those hips hard. I'd seen her type around a lot: the girls who would do anything to pass themselves off as older, to be taken more seriously in the industry. It was cutthroat out here, man.

  "Hi." She grinned in a flirty manner and stuck her hand out. "Holly Fisher. I'm playing your sister, Eva."

  "Jack Steele." I shook her hand firmly and her eyes fluttered. Lordy. "My darling baby sister who gets kidnapped. They cast well."

  She flushed and pretended to be shy from the compliment, but you could see behind her eyes how hungrily she ate it up. "They said I was a shoo-in. You, though…that took a while. I'm really excited they went with you for the lead. This should be a fun movie!"

  "Aren't they always?" Lena raised her eyebrows at me with a smile before patting Holly on the arm. "Holly here is one of the new breakouts from last year. Don't mind the pretty face; the girl has some serious chops."

  "I'm just trying to contribute as best I can." Holly's eyes were wide. Did she ever turn this off? This whole doe-eyed bullshit routine?

  Maybe I was just too jaded. Maybe being on a movie set was still thrilling when you were a teen and hadn't been swallowed whole by the industry. Yet. I mean, I still enjoyed it... we just had a mutual respect for one another now. A little world-weariness. Holly still looked newly-minted.

  Then again, Lena shone brighter than the sun without the set lights on, so maybe the problem was me.

  "I remember my first day on set," Lena said wistfully. "God, I was so nervous..."


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