Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 55

by Koko Brown

  “Will you tell me something?” Victoria coasted her hand over his.

  The feeling started to awaken his dormant cock again. “Depends.”

  “Had you not gotten caught that night after you saw that picture, would you—”

  He cut her off. “I would have reacted the same way after you kissed me. I would have steered clear of you.”

  Lying had gotten Russell out of tight spots before. He would use this tool now to sway Victoria to believe him, to continue to trust him. He wiped his hand down his face as soon as he felt his eye flicker.

  At that confession, she blinked. “Really?”

  Russell nodded. “Sure. You were Crush’s daughter.” He averted his gaze.

  “I’m still his daughter.” Victoria challenged him like no woman ever had. “Didn’t stop you today.”

  “Yeah, but we’re older.”

  “We are. You would be surprised at the skills we pick up as we age.” Victoria rested her head on his shoulder.

  When she wrapped her arm around his waist, he knew he had opened himself up to getting too comfortable with Victoria, with this life. The lie had the opposite effect.

  Russell had to keep his ultimate goal in mind. He had to get paid and get out.

  “I need to make a call.” He shifted, which prompted Victoria to sit up again.

  “To Crush?” She stared at him with wide eyes.

  He shook his head. “Are you kidding? I need to get in contact with my p.o.” He glanced at the nightstand at the tan phone that sat next to a lamp. “Do you have a personal phone?”

  Victoria shook her head. “I don’t have a cell with me anymore. They can be traced. I’ve watched enough Snapped to know that they check the tower where the phone pings to locate people.”

  Smart woman.

  “You got a burner?”

  When Victoria slowed to answer, Russell started to explain what kind of phone he needed to keep their location from getting exposed.

  She pointed to a bag on top of the desk table. “It needs to be charged.”

  Russell didn’t know why her answer surprised him. Victoria proved to be a product of Crush and Eloise Crandall. Cunning, smart, savvy. She had picked up some talents over the years.

  “You make your call.” She kissed the center of his chest before slipping out of bed. “I’ll give you your privacy.”

  “You don’t have to.” Russell stood and headed to the desk.

  “I know.” She winked before ducking into the bathroom.

  He searched through the bag filled with snacks and another box of condoms. Damn. How much sex had Victoria planned to have with him? The sight of the box, though, had his body tingling before he found the phone.

  He tore open the packaging and hooked it up to an outlet before he found his discarded jeans to get his wallet. Inside the bill holder, he pulled out a business card that he had nestled next to the few bills he had.

  After powering up the phone, Russell dialed the number to his parole officer. After a couple of rings, she answered.

  “Dana Overstreet.” Her husky voice remained all business.

  “It’s Russell Griffing. Checking in.” The whole process made him feel like an irresponsible teenager on punishment.

  “Yes, you are. And you’re calling from a phone that does not identify the number, no less.” She cleared her throat. “I usually see that when someone calls from a burner.”

  Russell caught her disappointed tone. He sauntered back to the window.

  “You’re not doing anything that I should be concerned about, right?” Dana coughed.

  Through the phone, he heard her igniting her blue plastic Bic lighter like she had done after they had discussed his discharge plan.

  “I have a job.” True. Russell hadn’t lied about that.

  Dana didn’t have to know what kind of job.

  “Really? Doing what?”

  He glanced in Victoria’s direction. “I’m a driver.”

  “That’s good. I know I told you that finding employment after getting out might be challenging. Good to see you going in the right direction.”

  He wouldn’t go that far to say his new job classified as suitable. It would give him a great payday. He had to keep Victoria out of the equation. She wouldn’t be a part of his plan.

  She coughed again. “What’s the name of the company?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a new one.”

  Russell hadn’t lied. Crush did say that this business had just started, and he hadn’t mentioned the name of it to him when he had offered him the job.

  “Okay. Even new businesses have names.”

  Damn. Dana wouldn’t let this go.

  “I can call you back with the name.”

  A pause lingered before she resumed her interrogation.

  “Are you staying in one of the temporary housing locations?” Dana asked almost robotically, like she had had this conversation many times before.

  “I found another place.” Russell scanned the hotel room.

  It didn’t qualify as his new home, but he wouldn’t let Dana know of his whereabouts. He imagined Crush or one of his goons getting a hold of her and trying to shake her down for information pertaining to Russell and his current location.

  “Really?” The suspicious tone returned to Dana’s voice. “You found a place to stay, but you’re not in the temporary housing. You have a new job, but you won’t tell me the name of the place. And you’re calling me on an untraceable phone. Russell, are you doing something that I won’t like?”

  Damn, he hated that motherly sound to her voice. Russell couldn’t deny that his parole officer did sound a lot like Belle right now.

  “I’m fine.” He gave her the same standard answer that he would have given his mother.

  Victoria flushed the toilet.

  “Are you at work now?” Dana’s voice sounded clear, not phlegm-filled like normal.

  “Yes.” When Victoria emerged, Russell’s pulse pumped. “I need to go.”

  “Fine. I don’t want you to get in trouble at your new job.” She cleared her throat. “Call in again in the morning. I get out of church around ten.”

  “Sure.” He started to hang up but Dana continued.

  “And let me know where you are.” Dana’s voice sped up like she wanted to get out her statements before Russell disconnect the call. “Call me anytime, especially if you feel like you might be overwhelmed with your circumstances, got it?”

  Russell couldn’t take his attention off the naked woman in the cozy room.

  Whether he wanted her to or not, Dana continued. “I know you.”

  “You don’t know me. We’ve only met face-to-face one time.” Russell shook his head like Dana could see him.

  “I’ve been doing this a long time. There’s a lot I can tell from one meeting, and from reading your file.” She paused only to sniff. “I know you’re loyal.”

  Russell hated himself for continuing to listen to Dana. As she spoke, he got a glimpse of what others who didn’t know him had thought of him. It shouldn’t have mattered. It never did before. Yet, he listened intently.

  “You didn’t take anyone else down with you when you got busted. You sent letters to your younger brother, although they all had come back.”

  That tidbit made Russell wince. He didn’t blame Quinton for shutting him out. He only wished his brother would have at least read his apology.

  Dana said, “Don’t be foolish. Your downfall has been associating yourself with the wrong people.”

  Russell didn’t need to hear Dana stating the obvious. As he stared at Victoria, he wondered if he should have steered clear of her. The magnetic pull he experienced with her prevented him from escaping.

  “You have to be smart.” Dana paused. “Griffing, are you listening?” Her voice rose.

  “Got it.” He disconnected the call and sat the phone on the desk.

  Russell stared at Victoria as she stood a few feet away from him. She looked
like she tried taming her sexy bed hair. It appeared smoothed back and tucked behind her ears.

  “Business all done?” Victoria sauntered toward him.

  He nodded. “Finished.”

  Russell should have showered, gotten dressed, and gone back out to the hot car. Looking into Victoria’s eyes, he felt the need to be connected to her again, physically and emotionally. Then Dana’s words filled his head.

  Victoria must have detected his thoughtful demeanor. “Penny for your thoughts.” She didn’t stop moving closer to him.

  “Something my parole officer said.” He watched her stalking him until she finally stood in front of him. Before she could ask what Dana had said, Russell diverted the conversation. “Have you eaten at all?”

  Victoria shook her head. “And I’m ravenous.”

  Instead of heading to the small fridge behind him, she lowered herself to her knees and crawled to him.

  Russell’s breathing came out heavy although he wished it didn’t. His anxiousness needed to be hidden. Watching Victoria moving closer to him made him forget everything except for feeling good.

  While sitting on her haunches in front of him, she curled both hands around his hard shaft.

  “Fuck.” Before Russell could stop himself from weakening to this attention, he placed his hand on Victoria’s head and encouraged her to do more than just stroke his pulsating cock.

  Without hesitation or fight, she first licked his tip. She twirled her tongue around his head, driving him crazy. He felt his legs twitching, firming up one moment and then trembling, especially when she eased her mouth down to the hilt.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Russell’s knees relaxed.

  Victoria drew her mouth back to the tip, swirled her tongue around his shaft before devouring him again. On her second trek down, she eased a hand under his balls and massaged them.

  “Fuck, you’re amazing.” He made sure his feet remained planted on the carpeted floor before he started thrusting his hips, slow at first, easing himself in and out of her hot, slick mouth. When he glanced down and saw her full lips wrapped around his shaft, he nearly blew his load.

  Unlike their first experience, Russell didn’t know if he had it in him to come and then go at her again. As much as he wanted to shoot his seed into her mouth, he still hungered to plunge deep into her tight folds.

  Victoria handled him not like a pro, but more like a woman who actually cared about him. When she moaned, the vibration reverberated through his body. Her warm fingers caressed him.

  He couldn’t take this treatment for much longer. Russell scanned the room until he found a string of condoms. Reluctantly, he pulled back from her.

  “You didn’t like it?” Victoria remained on her knees as Russell tore into a condom package and rolled it on himself.

  He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up to her feet. “What do you think?”

  This time, Russell would forego the bed. In one smooth motion, he lifted her, pressed her against the wall, and slipped himself inside her. He couldn’t figure out if Victoria had the best pussy in the world or if his lack of sex made him appreciative for any human connection.

  He would have believed the latter if she hadn’t stared at him like he mattered.

  “God damn.” Russell rested his head on her shoulder.

  Victoria wrapped her legs around his hips and held onto his shoulders. His thrusting remained hard and steady until he curved his hips. The direction must have pleased her.

  She leaned her head back as much as she could against the wall. Victoria released a scream that shook her body. “Put me down.” She pounded his shoulder while trying to catch her breath.

  Russell continued his thrusts inside her tight channel, ignoring her request, or rather, her demand.

  Victoria hugged his shoulders and pressed her chest against his. She brought her mouth next to his ear. “From behind.” Like she needed to encourage him, she nibbled on his earlobe.

  Now he understood her need. Russell pulled out of her sex long enough to let her feet hit the floor.

  Victoria pivoted to the dresser next to them. She planted her hands on top and faced the mirror. “Again. Take it.” She clawed the wood as she stood with her legs spread apart.

  Russell didn’t hesitate. With one hand on her hip, he used his other hand to guide himself back into her hot pussy. He slammed himself in her and held himself there.

  “God, yes.” Victoria nodded, but kept her head down.

  No longer content to have sex with Victoria without that crucial eye contact, Russell fisted her hair and brought her face up. “Look at me.”

  She didn’t at first. Victoria squeezed her eyes tighter. The longer he continued, the more she started to break. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and chewed on it like she needed to be pacified.

  “Do it.” Russell slammed into her harder.

  Even with him stilling her head motions by continuing to grip her long hair, he thought he caught Victoria shaking her head. “So hard. Yes.” She pounded her fist on the dresser. “Fuck me.”

  The air conditioner kicked on, sending a stream of cool air across his back and shoulders. Thank God. Russell didn’t know how he hadn’t exploded in his spot before then. Even as hot as he found Victoria, and for the little he needed for himself, Russell desired more.

  “Look at us.” He gripped her hip harder.

  This time she opened her eyes. Through the reflection in the mirror, it looked as though she smiled at him. “Ready to say my name now?”

  He pumped in her faster, harder. He concentrated every muscle and cell in his body into satisfying himself and this woman. Victoria covered his hand with hers, then reached back with her free hand and held his head.

  Russell leaned forward and nipped her shoulder with his teeth. He wouldn’t be giving her what she wanted. Not just yet.

  Victoria grabbed Russell’s hand and brought it to her mouth. She slipped his index and middle fingers in her mouth. Before he got used to the slippery comfort of her mouth, she pulled them out and eased his hand down between her legs.

  Russell might have ignored her repeated request for him to say her name, but he would be damned if he didn’t satisfy this woman physically. He rubbed her hard clitoris, making her moan and wail.

  By the time Victoria came again, Russell could no longer hold himself back. He squeezed her clit between his fingers as he pushed himself deep in her tight channel. By the time he came, sweat covered both bodies.

  Russell didn’t know what went through Victoria’s mind, but he felt rejuvenated. Too bad he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he had twisting inside of him. The last time his intuition hit him like this, he had gotten stabbed in the back. As he thought about it, his scar ached.

  “Fuck, I need to get away from you.” He stumbled backward and sat on the bed behind him.

  Russell hadn’t expected to blurt that statement, but his body refused to keep him silent. His mind needed to get the rest of him in order. He had no life with this woman beyond a job. Victoria barely looked at him during sex. Probably to her, she had herself a life-sized sex toy. Too bad Russell started to get used to that position.

  He braced his hand on the mattress to stand. Victoria must have noticed him in the mirror. Faster than he could react, she pivoted, sat on his lap facing him, and wrapped her arms and legs around him, stilling him in his spot.

  “Stay.” She hugged him harder. “Just—I need—” Her body shook. “Don’t go.”

  Russell raised his arms to embrace her, but stopped. This woman had been the catalyst for his prison stint. She would be the key to his ultimate freedom. Feeling her warm body and her constant trembling, he couldn’t help but hold her.

  “Okay. You’re paying for me.” He tried lightening the moment, but she didn’t laugh. Russell couldn’t even tell if Victoria breathed since climaxing. “No more fucking. I’m supposed to be helping you.”

  “Did you ever think that the sex may be helping me?” Victoria loo
sened her grip around his shoulders to look at him. “Don’t bring up money again. And I’ll decide what we do.” She climbed off his lap.

  “You know I have spent years taking orders. Guards told me when to wake up, when to eat, when to work, and when to sleep.” Russell pointed to Victoria. “If you think I’m going to get out and get back into following orders again, you’re crazy.”

  “So now you’re some sort of self-made man?” She snickered at him.

  “Don’t laugh at me.” He shook his head.

  Victoria crossed her arms over her chest. “Another demand from you? No. I make the rules here. You listen to me.”

  Russell stared at Victoria and wondered when she became a stranger. “What is your deal? You go from hot to cold in a blink of an eye.”

  “What’s my deal?” She put her fists to her hips. “I find it strange how someone straight out of prison is so against having sex with a willing partner. Either I’m a horrible lay or—”

  “Or what?” He had to hear what she thought. Did she suspect he had ulterior motives? He dropped his gaze and immediately regretted the reaction. “You’re reading too much into me trying to be a gentleman.”

  Plus, with each time he touched her, tasted her, heard her amazing orgasms, Russell gained some hope. He envisioned a life with Victoria. Considering her financial status, she should be looking for any and all ways to disassociate herself from Russell.

  “I’ll get you to your board meeting in a couple of days. Did you need anything else from me after that?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but stopped. She dropped her gaze to the floor and paced in her spot as though she wanted to get her argument together.

  “I’m taking a shower, and then I’ll eat.” Victoria glared at him. “I expect you to still be here.”

  Russell bolted to his feet once he found the strength in his legs. “And if I’m not?”

  Before Victoria could answer, a knock sounded at the door.


  What the hell? Victoria didn’t need any more drama, but the interruption at least stopped their arguing.


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