Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 98

by Koko Brown

  A collective gasp went up around the ever growing crowd and then there was a flurry of activity.

  “Let me help,” a male with a thick Bronx accent offered, coming to grab the wounded man’s elbow.

  Feeling a sudden surge of protectiveness Regina gave the burly man a quick once over before nodding. He was dressed in a dark green uniform that reminded her of some type of maintenance worker. While he supported the brunt of the injured guy’s weight she took the opportunity to shuffle out of her jacket. Another good Samaritan rushed over to help hold him steady while she placed the thick material on the ground for his head. They laid him down gently and she knelt at his side praying that the sirens she heard in the distance were coming to their aid.

  “Hold tight, help is almost here,” she said encouragingly while moving his hand from the wounded area to peel back his jacket. Regina tried not to react to the copious amount of blood staining his light blue button up. “I need a towel or something,” she called to no one in particular but was relieved to see what looked to be a clean cloth shoved in her direction.

  “I’m going to apply a little pressure okay?”

  He nodded his agreement but winced and groaned at her follow through. God, she hated causing him any additional pain.

  “Sorry,” she apologized. His face was moist with sweat and he looked disturbingly pale. His eyes drooped closed and she’d seen enough movies to know that wasn’t a good sign. She had to keep him awake.

  “Hey, stay with me,” she said leaning in closer.

  His eyes fluttered open slowly and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Not…going… yet,” he answered the corners of his mouth turning up into a painful smile.

  “Good, your uncle doesn’t sound like the forgiving sort.”


  His lids drifted closed once more but opened without coaxing. She wanted to ask him questions, his name for starters and exactly what was he doing in the alley in the first place but speaking was an obvious struggle for him and he needed to conserve his energy.

  “This isn’t exactly how I pictured tonight going. I figured right about now I’d be working on a second glass of boxed wine and regretting my dietary choices for the evening.”

  The sirens were getting thankfully closer.


  “Boring, I know,” she completed when his voice shook. “That’s me, boring old Reggie. Too much work and not enough excitement, at least not until tonight.” Tack endless auditions to her statement and she realized it really did sum up her life since she arrived in New York.

  He smiled weakly.

  She reached for his hand, not caring about the blood and checked his pulse.

  Sluggish. Unfortunately, her medical repertoire didn’t extend beyond the basics, CPR and a bit of vital stats gathering. She was so far out of her depth.

  His eyes drifted closed again and her heart pounded harder in her chest.

  He can’t die.

  “So let’s play a little game. I guess things about you and you squeeze my hand if I’m right, but no talking.”

  His eyes drifted open again and she took it as his agreement.

  “Let’s see. You weren’t out here doing a yuppie jog challenge?”

  Small smile and squeeze.

  “You’re not an eccentric hobo who lives in that alley?”

  Weak smile and squeeze.

  The sirens were even louder, definitely closer. “You’re not going die.”

  It was a statement, she hadn’t meant to voice but he still squeezed her hand anyway. It was her turn to smile.

  “They’re here,” someone announced from behind her. She heard the hurried sound of EMT’s before an authoritarian female voice demanded she move out of the way. The injured man squeezed her hand.

  Reggie tugged to free herself but his hold was strong even for a man in his weakened condition.

  “She comes with me,” he commanded clearly.

  “Sir you have to let her go so we can help you.”

  “She comes.”

  “Okay, okay,” the female EMT agreed. “Now please let us help you.”

  He agreed with a nod and a slackening of his grip which allowed Reggie to break free. She stepped away dazedly watching as the duo took vitals, did a quick patch of his wound to slow the bleeding before transferring him to a gurney. While they worked the man’s eyes stayed fixed on her. Dark brown, young and full of life.

  He wouldn’t die.

  Reggie saw the familiar blue and white flashing lights pull up curbside and she gave the emerging officers a cursory glance wondering what had taken them so long.

  With a mental huff, she turned back to the injured man and busy EMT’s. The officers swept by her and started hurling questions at the medical tech to which the woman provided a few short, succinct answers, not bothering to look up from the task at hand.

  “That’s all I have for you. You might want to ask her.” The tech turned to look over her shoulder long enough to point out Reggie with a nod of her head. The two male officer team split up, one to secure the scene and the other walked over, she supposed, to question her. The police officer was tall, bald with a serious look on his face. His gaze zeroed in on her blood stained shirt and hands.

  “You were with the victim when he was shot?” he started by way of greeting pulling out a notepad and pen.

  “Not really, it happened a little before he came out of the alley,” she nodded toward the dark opening. He glanced in the direction she indicated and scribbled something on his pad.

  “Around what time would you say this happened?”

  She thought for a moment then gave her best approximation based on when she was done in the eatery. Regina partially tuned out as she looked expectantly at the injured man ready for transport while they wheeled him to the waiting ambulance. He reached for her as the gurney passed.

  “Come,” The one word was weak but urgent.

  “Ma’am we still need to get your statement,” the bald officer insisted.

  “Look, I have to go with him can you get it at the hospital?”

  The already severe look on the officers face worsened but the injured man reached for her insistently, causing both EMT’s to stare sternly at her.

  “We have to go,” the female EMT said inclining her head towards the opened rear of the ambulance.

  “I’m coming,” Reggie said to the injured man then turned to the officer. “I’ll answer all your questions there while I’m waiting for his family.”

  “Let me have your phone number.” It wasn’t a request.

  Reggie rattled it off, relieved when the officer dismissed her. She waited until the paramedics had the injured man situated and the male driver was on his way to the front of the truck before climbing inside.

  The woman followed, closing the door. The female EMT maneuvered her way around the tight space and tapped the partition separating the cab and wagon to signal the driver to get moving. Reggie watched as she moved with precision attaching IV’s and monitors.

  “You’ll be okay now,” Reggie reassured while trying to stay out of the way.

  “What’s his name?”

  Several seconds ticked by and it dawned on Reggie that the woman was talking to her.

  “Um – I don’t know.”

  The EMT paused to look between them. “Aren’t you two together?”

  “No…uh we just met after he was shot,” she replied a bit sheepishly.

  “Well, I guess that’s one way to find a man in New York. Let’s get him all patched up for you.”


  Hyuk took the attack on his nephew for what is was: a challenge.

  And he accepted it with every breath in his body. He couldn’t shake the sense of déjà vu, fifteen years ago he’d received a similar call when his brother and sister-in-law were executed coming out of a nightclub. His nephew was only ten at the time and Hyuk had stepped in as a surrogate parent. He almost pitied the individual respo
nsible for the attempt.

  There was no sugar coating it, whoever was stupid enough to come for his family had a death wish. He had no qualms in assisting them with their assisted suicide request. His point would be made clear to any other would-be challengers. Hyuk Kazimir Chon was a very relevant force even from behind the scenes. There was a time when he actually thought he could slip quietly into the background as his father had done when turning the reigns over to him. But leaving the life he’d been born into, a life he’d immersed himself in for too many years until it was all he knew proved far more difficult to walk away from than he’d expected. After him, his nephew, Jay, was the last living male in the Chon family line but the boy was proving to be rash, impulsive and was losing the respect of the other families just as Hyuk’s brother had done. His brother paid the ultimate price for his follies. This attempt on his nephew’s life was just further proof of how Jay was perceived among the other families.

  The doctor said the bullet had gone through without hitting any major organs. Jay would need some stitching up and a blood transfusion. He was lucky. Hyuk arranged for a transport and medical staff to see to his nephew’s special needs during recovery.

  Hyuk stamped down his anger as he stepped onto the floor where they would wait in privacy until the surgery was completed. Two more guards, in his six man complement, broke off silently to do a floor sweep. He didn’t need to instruct them, they’d all been with him long enough and he’d personally trained each one in their youth. Their families were linked to his and their loyalty unshakable. The first two plain clothes guards had proceeded his arrival and discreetly provided patrol outside of his injured nephew’s operating room as a precautionary measure. The remaining two guards would ensure privacy in the plush waiting room reserved for people who preferred and could afford the luxury. The Chon family name unquestionably guaranteed access to the deluxe accommodations.

  Hyuk pushed open the door and immediately spotted the chestnut complexioned woman staring out the window at the bustling city night life. She turned slightly when he came in and he paused to consider her, letting the door shut behind him with a barely audible click. The sterile antiseptic scent combined with the jarring smell of sickness evaporated inside the spacious room and was replaced by an inebriating blend of sweet feminine sensuality.

  He basked in her fragrance and his body responded with instant primal awareness.

  Hyuk pegged her to be somewhere in her early to mid-twenties and around five foot seven or eight inches, much smaller than his own six foot three frame. Black, skin tight leggings molded her frame showing off defined and shapely legs, not to mention the tight, high rise ass he’d gotten a glimpse of before she turned to look at him. A fitted pink shirt touted My reality check bounced. He noted the prominent blood stain smattering the brightly colored top. Jay’s blood. He didn’t comment choosing instead to ignore it in his perusal of her. His gaze lingered momentarily on her full breasts before traveling upward to her face.

  A very pretty face, his inner voice added.

  Tightly curled hair was cropped almost as short as his own but on her, it was definitely feminine.

  Not his nephew’s usual type but maybe the boy was finally maturing in his taste in women.

  Hyuk more than approved.

  Her eyes widened in surprise before furrowing brows deepened as if she were contemplating something difficult.

  “You’re the uncle?” She asked with uncertainty in her voice.

  He nodded purposefully ignoring her reaction, at forty-two he was accustomed to it.

  “I’m Hyuk and you are?”

  “Reggie,” she offered.

  The masculine name definitely didn’t suit her. “Is it short for something else?”

  “Um… yes… Regina.”

  Much better.

  “You were with my nephew when he was shot, Regina?”

  “Not exactly. It happened before I saw him. There was a guy who came running out of the alley, he knocked me down and stole my wallet.” She paused but he didn’t press partly to give her a moment to gather her thoughts, the other part to process what she’d said. She hadn’t been with Jay. Had they gotten separated before the attack or did they even know each other? Was it simply a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for her?

  “I think he was the same guy who shot your nephew,” she continued, a distant look fell over her eyes and he could see the subtle tremors begin in her hands.

  He closed the gap between them easily sandwiching one of her smooth hands between the two of his. His thumb stroked the underside of her wrist. Her pulse was slightly elevated. Nothing to worry about, but there was something else that gave him pause. Her scent went from sensual to downright intoxicating. A spark of electricity arced between them heightening his awareness of her and he resisted the urge to inhale deeply.

  Her hands. He would focus on her hands.

  Small. Delicate. Soft.


  For long seconds he stared down at where their bodies connected.

  “Why don’t you sit down,” Hyuk said guiding her towards one of the soft leather sofas.

  As she settled into the seat he poured a cup of complimentary hot coffee left on the rectangular serving table alongside iced water and pastries. He wanted to distract her from her thoughts and calm her before shock could take hold.

  “Drink this,” he said gently offering her the lightly creamed and sweetened brew.

  Wordlessly she accepted it from his hands, the evident tremor didn’t prevent her from taking a couple of sips.

  “It’s perfect,” she said after a third sip.

  He waited until she relaxed enough to sit the cup down on her own.

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  She nodded but looked at him hesitantly. “Shouldn’t we wait until the police get here? I told them I would give them a statement while waiting for you, but no one came.”

  And they wouldn’t either he’d already seen to that issue with one phone call. This was an in-house matter and he didn’t want police interference muddying the waters.

  “They’re most likely delayed. It’s better to tell it while it’s still fresh in your mind. I’ll record it for them,” he said carefully pulling his cell from an inner pocket and setting it on the table with the recorder app running. The less she knew, the fewer questions she’d ask and telling her the police wouldn’t be coming was sure to raise some questions.

  Regina eyed the device but proceeded to tell him about the man who came running out of an alley and how he knocked her down. She’d initially thought he was a jogger but quickly realized her mistake after he’d taken her wallet.

  Instant anger flashed inside of him, followed by an overpowering protective urge. It disturbed him. Had the emotions been directed at his nephew he could have processed them easier but oddly enough everything he was feeling was about her tale of events. About her?

  A woman he hadn’t even known existed until that fateful phone call. Mentally, he shoved the odd reaction aside instead searching her words for anything useful. It was obvious the would-be assassin was running from the scene of his failed attempted murder when he’d slammed into her. Undoubtedly he’d taken the wallet to get her address and tie up any loose ends later, possibly before she could relay any information to the authorities or much worse to him. She might not realize it yet but her life was very much in danger.

  She finished her story with a wobbly voice but he could tell she was doing her best to hold it together and admired her strength. He handed her the cup of coffee once more and she sipped.

  “Do you think you can describe him to me?”

  She nodded but nibbled at the corner of her lower lip for several seconds.

  Hyuk found himself distracted by the action. Her lips were full, pouty and so damned sexy. He would like to pull her onto his lap and suck that lower lip between his own.

  Fuck, he mentally cursed at the errant thought but the woman was too damned distr
acting to ignore. Her scent, the way she… hell…just… Her.

  What was it about her that had him thinking about doing all the right things in the wrong places and reverse? He tried to remind himself that she could be someone important to his nephew.

  The thought didn’t help. He fought against the primal intensity welling up inside of him. Pushing him to want to… to what?

  Claim? Own? Possess her? None of those adjectives seemed strong enough.

  More importantly, none of them were appropriate for their current situation.

  “He wasn’t much taller than me, with dark hair and beady dark eyes…”

  It wasn’t until she trailed off that he realized she’d spoken again. His mind fumbled to latch on to what she’d said.

  “Go on,” he urged, reigning in his disturbing emotions.

  “He had a British accent and not to stereotype but pretty pasty pale skin. His face… his face was cruel.” She shuddered after the last statement.

  “He spoke to you, what did he say?”

  She paused again in recollection. “Not a lot. He told me not to worry about my wallet so I thought he was getting it for me but he snatched it and then…” her brows furrowed deeper before her eyes rounded and she gasped suddenly.

  “What are you remembering? What else did he say to you?” he urged.

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t what he said actually, but he mouthed something. I couldn’t make it out at the time but I think… I think he said… I-I was next.”

  Regina didn’t just think it was what the robber said, she was fairly certain of it now. She could see the man’s face clearly in her mind's eye. The evil smirk on his lips just before he mouthed the words. At the time, she hadn’t known what he’d done before running into her, maybe that was why she didn’t process his threat earlier. But her recall was strong, almost as if he were standing in front of her. Her mind replayed the last moments before he disappeared into the car and she shuddered.


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