Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warlords of Aegir Book 1)

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Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warlords of Aegir Book 1) Page 1

by Luna Hunter


  Warlords of Aegir - Book 1

  Luna Hunter

  Copyright 2020 Luna Hunter.

  Published by Luna Hunter at Amazon.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All characters represented within are eighteen years of age or older and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This work is property of Luna Hunter, please do not reproduce illegally.


  About this book

  1. Emma

  2. Malak

  3. Emma

  4. Malak

  5. Emma

  6. Malak

  7. Emma

  8. Emma

  9. Malak

  10. Emma

  11. Emma

  12. Malak

  13. Emma

  14. Malak

  15. Emma

  16. Malak

  17. Emma

  18. Malak

  19. Emma

  20. Emma

  21. Malak

  22. Malak

  23. Emma

  24. Malak

  25. Emma

  26. Malak


  Also by Luna Hunter

  About this book

  The High Prince of Nyrr takes what he wants. And this time, it's me.

  My mission is to find Earth a new home. There's just one tiny problem: A tall alien brute attacked my ship, stripped me, and took me as his prisoner.

  Now we're heading to his icy alien homeworld, and the demanding warlord is not letting me out of his sight for even a second. In fact, his hands are all over me.

  So what if his volcanic, smoldering eyes make me weak in the knees? Who cares if he's hotter than the sun itself?

  I've got to escape.

  Before we reach his planet and he claims me as his eternal mate.

  Even if I'm starting to like the sound of that...

  ALIEN KING is the start of a new trilogy! It's a fast paced, insta-love fated mates story featuring a growly Alien King who will do anything for his mate, and a fiercely independent astronaut who can't believe she's actually falling for this guy. Each book will follow a different couple and can be read as a standalone. No cheating, HEA guaranteed!



  “New Seattle? I think I have a problem.”

  I peer out the window of my spaceship and squint. That can’t be right. It looks like there’s a giant, strange ship out there. And it’s slowly but surely heading towards me. It’s not showing up on my radar, but my eyes don’t lie.

  “What’s the problem, Fairheart?”

  There’s a slight delay in the comm because I’ve just ventured outside our solar system. I’m the first person to do so. Ever. My mission is to find a new home for humanity, so you could say there’s a lot of pressure on my shoulders. Random ships floating through space is something I don’t need right now.

  “There is a massive ship heading right for me,” I say as calmly as possible, but I feel like screaming. “Are you absolutely sure I’m the first vessel to come this far?”

  I cross my fingers and pray that this is some kind of secret military device they forgot to tell me about, because I am not ready to make first contact. I know this is a mission of discovery, but alien life wasn’t on my list of things to discover.

  Okay, maybe I wouldn’t mind discovering space-puppies on the green, lush planet where I’ll found New Earth…. But that’s where I’m drawing the line. No little green men, please.

  “Uh, Fairheart, can you repeat that? It sounded like you said you’re seeing a ship?”

  “Affirmative,” I say.

  “Is it derelict? An old Soviet ship perhaps?”

  “I… don’t think so.”

  All I can do is stare out the window as the decidedly alien ship approaches. Now that it’s closer I can get a better look at its exterior, but I don’t like what I’m seeing one bit.

  The sleek, black metal surface is covered in spikes.

  Strange hieroglyphs are written all over this ship.

  Whatever this thing is, it’s definitely not Soviet. I doubt it’s even human.

  My mouth goes dry as the alien vessel opens its spiky maw and threatens to swallow me whole.

  I’m jolted into action and set my engines to maximum thrust. It’s of no use. This thing approaches faster than my engines can go.

  An alarm starts blaring, red lights flashing rapidly.

  “Oh, now you wake up?” I ask the ship. “A tad late, don’t you think?”

  The ship groans in response, and my stomach lurches. It’s not supposed to talk back at me. I run to the source of the commotion, which is the thick, metal door separating me from the outside world.

  And it’s caving.

  Who or whatever is on the other side of that door seems hellbent on tearing it down. I’m frozen in place, all of my training forgotten as the alien whale-like ship swallows my tiny craft whole.

  I ran a thousand simulations.

  None of them included this.

  “New Seattle, do you copy? Do you copy? Do you fucking copy?!” I scream into my comm, violently slapping my earpiece. My voice shakes so hard I barely recognize it.

  “Bbbz… do not… bzz… I repeat… bzzz… contact…—”

  My comm goes dead, and my heart skips a beat. That alien vessel must be blocking my communication. I am in the belly of the beast now.

  “I can’t hear you! You’re breaking up! Hello? Hello?!”

  Okay, New Seattle is not going to come save the day for me. I knew that when I signed up for this mission. I’m all alone here, in deep space. Well, I was alone. Now… I’m not so sure.

  That’s okay. Deep breaths. It’ll be okay. Think, Fairheart. What do you need right now? A weapon. They didn’t give me a gun. Why didn’t they give me a gun?!

  Because you’re supposed to be all alone out here, dummy. And do you really want to fire a gun inside your spaceship? Are you TRYING to die?

  Okay, so no gun. But you need something. Let’s take stock.

  My eyes scan the room, the little cozy ship that’s been my home for the past few months. All the discarded food packets aren’t going to help me. Neither are the multitude of pillows I smuggled onboard right before take off.

  My eyes land on a blowtorch, half-hidden in the corner underneath my dirty laundry. A device strictly meant to be used outside of the ship, in case I need to do some emergency repairs.

  This is definitely an emergency!

  I grab the heavy tool and aim it towards the door. I grip the damn thing so tightly my knuckles turn white. “I’m armed, I’m warning you!” I scream towards the door to hype myself up.

  The heavy door caves in further, and it’s now on its last legs. The gut-wrenching sound of twisting metal travels all the way down my terrified spine.

  “Stop it! Don’t come in!” I scream, my palms sweaty as I try to maintain my grip on the heavy blowtorch. It’s meant to be used in zero-gravity, so I’m struggling to merely keep it upright. I don’t have the time to turn off the gravity simulators right now.

  I ignore the thought at the back of my mind that says if this alien beast is strong enough to rip the door off like it’s nothing, that torch is not going to do anything but tickle it.

  There’s no more time left to worry. Sparks fly as the door is completely ripped open. This is it. The moment it all goes to hell.

  I squeeze the trigger as hard as I can.

  White-hot flames burst forth, completely engulfing everything in front of me. The heat is unbearable. Sweat trickles d
own every inch of my body as my hands tremble. Despite the flames and the heat, I can still make out the outline of a tall, mysterious figure. Imposingly tall.

  The sprinklers go off and douse me with cold water. It does nothing to stop the burning heat or the shooting flames, though. I grit my teeth and hold on. Whoever is on the other side of this torch has got to be burnt to a crisp by now, but I’m not stopping until the tank is empty.

  Then, out of nowhere, a strong blue hand comes out of the flames and crumbles the torch like it’s a piece of paper. I yelp and drop the heavy device, backing away instantly until my back is planted firmly against the wall.

  Holy mother of…

  I can barely believe what I’m seeing. An absolutely gorgeous figure is standing in the doorway, eight feet of pure muscle, a man unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

  Literally. Because this man is blue.

  And he’s got horns. Two big, terrifying horns that rise out of his long and wild dark hair, the tips scraping against the ceiling.

  It takes me a moment to take it all in, because my eyes are bouncing all over the place, from his chiseled jaw to his wide shoulders to his impressive abs to his piercing, feline eyes, and then back to that chiseled jaw again.

  For a brief moment he seems very naked. The overhead lighting, combined with the water still raining down from the sprinklers, illuminates every muscle in his broad, well-defined body.

  It’s enough to take my breath away.

  It takes me a glimpse at his impressive bulge to realize he’s not naked. A closer look reveals that his torso and legs are covered by a thin, black, tight layer of what I assume is some type of alien armor. He might as well be naked though, because, well, everything is pretty much visible.

  He can pull it off, though.

  This isn’t what I imagined an alien male to look like. Not after seeing that hellish ship he rode in on. I imagined a monster, a barbed-wired monstrosity, something straight out of a horror movie.

  Not this savage, yet noble looking warrior.

  What I’m drawn to most are his eyes. His cat-like gaze is smoldering, volcanic even, yet at the same time there’s a touch of softness, of vulnerability, of kindness.

  A sharp contrast to his killer body.

  “Emma? Come in?! Come in?!” New Seattle screams into my ear, the feed suddenly coming back online. “Are you alright?! Emma?! My god, I think there’s been a gas leak…”

  “I’m here,” I stammer absentmindedly, all of my cognitive powers occupied with scanning every inch of this imposing alien in front of me. “And you’re not going to believe this…”

  The horned male steps forward, and my breath falters. He reaches out, and his strong fingers brush against my cheek. I can’t help but shudder at his touch, as a warmth unlike anything I’ve ever felt before passes right through me.

  He growls something in an alien voice so deep I can feel it in my very core. He grabs my comm and crushes it to bits as he closes his massive fist, which is easily the size of my head. If he wanted to, this brute could snap me in half.

  “Hey, I was using that,” I say dryly.

  He cocks his head to the side as his feline eyes narrow, his tongue wetting his lip. Two things stand out immediately. One, his tongue is forked. Second, his lips are soft and inviting.

  Then in a blue flash his arms snake around my waist and he lifts me right up, carrying me off like I’m his trophy.

  Well, fuck my life. I’m being kidnapped by a freaking alien.



  I carry the strange creature into my ship and lower her down, my hands still resting on her soft skin as the doors close automatically behind us. I cannot believe what I’m seeing. The alien creature is exquisite; I have never seen anything like her. Her skin is so smooth, her body so curvy.

  When I saw her on my scanner, time slowed down. I knew I had to see her in person. And now that I have, my stone-cold heart is melting.

  A drop of water slithers down her soft cheek, and I barely manage to resist the urge to lick it off. My body is screaming, pure passion racing through my veins. I must make her mine.

  No matter what, I must make this wonderful being mine. She will be my xeer!

  I didn’t think it was possible for the yali bond to form with an outsider. She’s no ordinary outsider, though. I have never seen her kind before. She’s a rare gem.

  And she is mine.

  The female peers back at me, her beautiful face covered in a mixture of fear, shock, and anger. All I can do is cock my head to the side and drink in her beauty.

  I brush a lock of golden hair out of her face. She backs away as if my touch will shock her, as she hurls insults my way.

  I think that’s what she’s doing. The sounds she makes is like the mewling of an agitated cat, all hissing and blowing of air. It’s good, because the more she speaks, the sooner my translator device will have successfully mapped her language. Already I am starting to pick up words and fragments of sentences.

  They consist mostly of the words ‘stay back’ and ‘blue asshole’.

  The ingenious device works its magic, and seconds later her language is mapped, fully translated, and automatically shared with the database so that every Aegir will be able to communicate with her. Luckily for me, her language seems rather rudimentary, so it didn’t take long.

  I hold out a translater device for her to use, but she backs away again, as if I smell like a punir. I lean in and gently slide the device into her ear.

  “What are you doing?! Get your hand out of my ear, you blue creep!”

  “Calm yourself, small one,” I say. “The device may take a moment to settle. You might feel dizzy. This will pass.”

  She jumps up like a cat would, eyes wide open. “You talked!”

  “That I did,” I say, chuckling to myself.

  I can’t remember the last time I laughed. And that’s not the only unknown feeling that this curvy being is stirring inside of me…

  “Wait, but, how?! What?!”

  “Lungs, air flow, vocal cords. Judging by your frame, you speak in roughly the same manner. I suspect your lungs are quite small and fragile, however.”

  She freezes for a moment as she processes what I just said.

  “Yeah, no, I get how talking works.. or are you the type of alien who takes everything literally? …alien… alien? That’s what you are right? I can’t believe I’m saying this. I’m rambling. To an alien. Oh help. I must have run out of oxygen or something. This has got to be a bad fever dream.”

  “I do not take everything literally,” I say. “Unless you want me to take you literally, small one, then I will take you right here and now.”

  She freezes up again. “I’m sorry?”

  “Calm down,” I chuckle. She’s easy to rile up, this one. I will enjoy making her my xeer. “Let’s get you out of those wet, bulky clothes, and I will answer all your questions. We don’t have much time before the flock catches up with me. Or before the pirates get here. Whoever it is, we won’t be alone for long.”

  I reach for her.

  “Don’t touch me,” she says firmly, backing away. “Who are you, and why did you kidnap me?”

  Her behavior humors me. If I want to make a xeer out of her, I will have to fight for it. A welcome distraction from the grief that’s been swallowing me whole.

  “I am High Prince Malak of the Xeerdom of Nyrr. And you are?”

  “Emma,” she says. “Emma Fairheart, of… Earth, I suppose?”

  “Emma Fairheart of Earth. Welcome to my vessel.”

  “Welcome? Yeah right, like boarding was my choice. I want to be kidnapped by an alien prince. Sure.”

  Her tone is… strange. Her words do not match up with her body language. Her body, which is… covered by that unwieldy suit, keeping all of it from my view. That must change.

  I flick open a knife. Her eyes grow wide in an instant.

  “Do not be afraid. I will not harm you.”

say that, but you did just bust down my door and threw me over your shoulder and now you’re wielding a serrated knife. Pardon me if I’m not exactly at ease. What’s the knife for?”

  “I will remove your wet, bulky suit. You will not need it in my care.”

  “Absolutely not,” she gasps.

  “It wasn’t a question.”

  In one quick movement I slice her cumbersome suit open. The bulky thing falls to the floor, exposing her round, curvy frame. Thin fabric clings to her full breasts and thighs. The rest of her pale, beautiful body is exposed.

  Heat surges through my frame, straight down to my cock. Fuck. She’s even more gorgeous than I had dared to dream. She’s my yali. I’m sure of it.

  Emma gasps and covers up, crossing her arms and legs, as she tries to shield her body from my inquisitive view. However, no matter which way she turns, I see something I like.

  “You were heading straight into pirate-controlled space, Emma Fairheart of Earth,” I say. “You were lucky to come across me.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t feel so lucky,” she snaps. “Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you going to give me something else to wear?!”

  A fair question. I could stare at her all day. But now is not the time.

  “This is my personal vessel, so I do not have anything suited for your frame. Of course, I do have a spare set of dun armor.”

  “Sounds perfect, give it to me, please.”


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