Dark Mind

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Dark Mind Page 5

by H. R. Owen

  Standing up, Callen zips his jeans and unties me. He dresses me in my clothes—sans my shredded panties—and drags me back to the car.

  Opening the passenger door to his Impala, I slide in and try to turn the heat on. The days have been hot, but the nights have a chill to them.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, I just have to grab something inside,” Callen states, turning back to the house.

  He’s been gone for a while, and I’m starting to become concerned. And also, I can’t get the heat working, so I hop out of the car and head toward the house to find him. As I stroll toward the balcony, Callen stands tall and rigid at the bottom of the stairs glaring at me looking like he’s seen a ghost.


  Dahlia’s in the car outside waiting for me, but there’s something in the house that I’ve wanted for a long time, I just hope it’s where I left it. Let’s face it, twenty years is a long time ago. I have only driven out here and sat in front of the lake since the day my entire family died, but I could never get myself to go inside. Opening the door to Caleb’s and my old bedroom brings back so many memories, some good, but mostly they’re bad ones. Two small beds covered over with sheets sit on either side of the room, and an old covered wardrobe stands between them. We used to sit on those beds for hours looking at nude magazines and drinking. We always tried to avoid having anything to do with our father.

  Walking over to the wardrobe, I pull the sheet away from it which flicks up a dust cloud before I nudge the doors open and kneel on the ground in front of it. Caleb had knocked the bottom out of it one day so we could hide all the shit we would steal from Harry’s Corner Store—it was the only place nearby that sold food and alcohol.

  Lifting up the board in the bottom of the wardrobe, I see it straight away. The gun I shot my father with. I hid it in here quickly before running off and never looking back. It’s sitting on top of an old bottle of whiskey that Caleb had lifted the day before he died. There’s no way I’m leaving that behind either. I pick up the bottle and the gun and start heading back outside.

  It looks like Dahlia and I are getting drunk when we get home.

  Which reminds me, I better tell her tonight she’s not going back to that dump, and she’s moving in with me. My house is so big and empty now that Bates isn’t around, and I want to keep my woman safe. My woman. Shit! I don’t know what she’s done to me, but in a matter of days I’ve opened up to her, and it’s brought up feelings I thought were long gone.

  I make my way out the door and down the front stairs, and that’s when I see her standing there, just like in my dream. She mumbles something, but all hear is her stutter, “I-I’m sorry, I have to do this.”

  I freeze at her words. “What did you say?” I ask with a ripping pain in my chest.

  “I said… I’m sorry you had to do this,” she states.

  My body relaxes a touch but being in the same place and her words still so close to what she actually said in my dream makes me wonder what it’s all supposed to mean.

  I wonder what her story is.

  Why this feels all too familiar?

  Finally, bottle and gun in hand, I make my way over and wrap my arm around her. Pressing the bottle of scotch to her chest, she flinches against my touch.

  “Sorry,” she says. “I think the graze may have a bit of dirt or something in it, you literally fucked me into the ground.” Her laugh after that comment makes me calm down a little, and it even made me smile. I haven’t smiled a genuine smile in a long fucking time.

  “Wanna get drunk?” I ask.

  “Yes, please.”

  We get back in the car, and Dahlia tells me she got out to find me because she couldn’t get the heat working. I want to get that fixed up before we freeze to death, so I turn the switch to the ‘on’ position to see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it. Yeah, it’s working.

  The sound of beautiful laughter fills the car.

  “What’s so funny, darlin’?”

  “I didn’t turn it on… I just moved the heat bar thingy.”

  “You don’t know much about cars, do you, sweetheart? Is this the heat bar thingy?” I ask, pointing to the volume bar on the stereo.

  “No, I don’t. I’ve never even driven one. So I have no idea, to be honest with you.” She giggles again.

  “No shit! Well, how do you get around then?” I ask.

  Her voice shakes a little on her reply, “I walk. I’ve always walked everywhere.”

  Sensing more to the story, I pull the car out, and we sit in silence the whole ride home. I’ll wait until we get home before I question her more about that one. After speeding down the highway, the lights blur past the windows, and the time quickly passes until we finally arrive home to a dark house. Getting out, I run around and hold Dahlia’s hand as she slides out and continue to do so until we’re safe inside and the lights are on.

  “Come on upstairs, darlin’. I feel like a bath, and I’m not having one without you,” I demand.

  “Okay, sure. You definitely want me in there?” Dahlia questions hesitantly.

  “Darlin’… you’ll never have a bath alone again,” I threaten her but with a smirk.

  Dahlia follows me upstairs and into the bathroom, and I turn the faucets on. Steam builds around us making the cold night disappear. Dahlia starts to take her pants off, but I stop her. I want to be the one undressing her. Slowly, I lift the shirt she’s wearing over her head, then remove the tie from her hair letting it fall in long, brown waves flowing down her back and shoulders. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  Our eyes lock, and I can feel my cock growing hard against my pants. I’m not fucking Dahlia yet. I have questions, ones that need to be answered tonight. My hands work her pants down to her ankles, and she lifts her legs as they slide off with ease. I pull my own clothes off in a matter of seconds, and they join hers on the tiled floor. I don’t want her hands on me, or she’ll have her back slammed against that wall riding my cock in an instant. And that can’t happen because I need to get to know what her deal is.

  “Get in,” I demand, and she follows my order.

  I don’t know where to begin with these questions, so I just start with the first thing that comes to mind. “So… why don’t you drive?” I ask.

  Her body goes tense, so I grab her hand to let her know I’m here, and she can tell me anything. With that, her breath hitches and she hesitates, but she finally opens her mouth to speak. “Well… it’s mostly because my boyfriend died in the back of a pickup when I was young.”

  “I think there’s more to it than that, darlin’. I’ve let you in, and now you need to do the same.”

  I can sense she’s a little reluctant to tell me the whole story, but she starts speaking to me anyway. “Well… when you told me the story about your father today, I realized we have a lot in common,” she explains.

  “You could never be as twisted as me, sweetheart,” I scoff out.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Callen…” she hesitates but then continues, “… the day that Jake died wasn’t an accident. My father killed him. Jake and I waited to have sex, and the day it finally happened, my father caught us. He was drunker than usual and right after Jake entered me, we both heard my father yelling.” She closes her eyes like there is real pain there but then reopens them. “It was too late by then. Jake’s body was pushed off mine, and my father was standing there with a bat covered in blood. He’d killed Jake… actually killed him. And for good measure, he then proceeded to break my finger and call me a whore.” Her eyes start to well up, and a small tear runs down her cheek. “Right then and there, I decided I’d had enough. No more bruises. No more damn broken bones. I killed him, Callen. Just like you killed your father… avenging the death of the people we loved.” She blinks her eyes a few times and swallows hard. “And you know what? I loved it, too. I felt such a rush watching the life drain from that bastard. After that day, I never let anyone else into my heart… after Jake, after my father�
�� but somehow, you’re different. I feel safe with you that no one will ever take you from me.”

  I can’t fucking believe what I’ve just heard.

  How often do you meet someone so perfect that’s been through the same shit as you?

  This woman is my dream—a fucking devil in disguise.

  She wants me. All of me. Even the evil that resides in my dark mind.

  “You’re right, Dahlia, no one could ever keep me away from you.”

  She smiles at me and reaches in for a kiss, but I push her back gently.

  “I have more questions,” I tell her.

  “Really? That wasn’t enough confessions for one night?”

  “Just one more… for tonight,” I promise.

  She looks at me with an awkward smile. “Okay… but don’t make it such an intense one. That’s all I can give you tonight,” she states.

  “Okay, darlin’. Have you had sex with anyone besides Jake and me?” I question, staring directly into her beautiful blue eyes.

  She drops her gaze to her hands which are sitting under the water. “No… just you. And well, kind of Jake, but it didn’t get very far.” She bites her lip, and her cheeks turn red.

  “Darlin’… don’t feel embarrassed about that. It’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. I didn’t think I could want you any more than I already do, but fuck, Dahlia… I’m going to ruin you. Claim you every day, and in every way possible, for the rest of our lives.”

  Not waiting for her reaction, I grab her face in both of my hands and smash my lips down hard against hers, kissing her with everything I have.

  Pulling away, I can’t help the words that come spitting out, “Dahlia… move in with me? I don’t know how to love, but with you, it feels like I don’t know how not to love.”

  “I… I can’t move in with you, Callen. I’ve never lived with anyone before besides my father, and you know how that turned out. I wouldn’t know the first thing about it. What if I’m annoying to live with… oh my God, what if you’re annoying to live with?” She lets out a huge laugh on the last bit.

  “Darlin’, I can’t let you go back to that place. It’s a fucking dangerous neighborhood. I couldn’t bear for someone to hurt you...” I pause. “Anyway, if you don’t agree to move in, I’ll tie you to the fucking bed again and never let you leave the house.” I smirk my most charming smiles at her.

  “Fine, I’ll give it a go. But not until next week. I have a friend visiting from out of town, and I also have classes to teach all week.”

  With a small smile I reply, “Okay, darlin’, but I will be keeping my eyes on you whether you like it or not.”

  It’s a good thing too. Now I’ll have more time to find Garrotte before we get too serious, and make him beg for his life before blowing his fucking brains out.

  “Come on, let’s get out,” I demand, pulling Dahlia out of the bath water and wrapping a large, fluffy white towel around her.

  Back in the bedroom, I find myself drying Dahlia’s wet skin, softly rubbing the towel all over her perfect body. Standing in the middle of the room, my cock strains as she pulls off the towel sitting around my waist and starts kissing and licking my firm chest. Her mouth drops down and licks a trail from my belly button down to my cock, sucking it into her warm mouth. I groan with pleasure as she starts working it, rubbing her tongue along my shaft while she sucks.

  Dahlia’s soft hands come around and land on my ass with a firm grip. Using her hands, she pulls me toward her making me fuck her mouth harder. I can feel my orgasm build, but I’m so wrapped up at the moment, I don’t say anything. My hot ejaculate streams out making her choke a little, but she keeps going milking me clean.

  “Holy fuck, darlin’, how do you even know how to do that?” I question, placing my hand down to her cheek and lifting her face to look at me.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing, it just comes naturally. I didn’t want to stop,” she explains.

  Dahlia stands, our mouths meeting in a hurry while I back her up to the wall, sounding out a harsh grunt when she hits it. My hands grab her breasts and squeeze tightly, as her legs come up and wrap around me. Her pussy is soaking wet to the touch when I dip my hand down between her legs.

  “Yes darlin’, tell me that it’s all my fault you’re this wet. Tell me how bad you want me,” I whisper in her ear, taking the lobe between my teeth.

  “I want you, Callen… please don’t stop… oh God… you’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”

  “What, this?” I ask, pounding my fingers into her tight pussy.

  “Fuck… Callen,” she screams, and I feel her tighten around my fingers, her body shaking as she rides my hand while she comes. She’s still panting, coming down from her orgasm, when I press my cock to her entrance and push it in all the way to the hilt, in one long thrust. I ride her rough and fast against the wall, grabbing her ass so hard it will leave bruises.

  “Come for me, darlin’,” I command. “I need you to come… your pussy feels too good.” I’m about to explode.

  She looks up into my eyes as I pump even faster, and her face glows red as she releases around me, moaning my name. Seeing her like this, it tips me over the edge and with one last thrust, my hot cum shoots inside her warm, wet pussy.

  Her legs wobble as she places them back on the floor, so I pick her up and carry her to my bed.

  Our bed.

  “Wait here,” I tell her pulling on a pair of pants. “I have something for us.”

  She nods, and I run back out to the car to grab the scotch I found earlier today. Walking quickly back inside and into the kitchen, I find two glasses and return to the room. Dahlia moves so her back sits flush against the headboard. She’s still naked and panting when she takes both glasses from me. She holds them out while I pour the amber liquid slowly into them. She doesn’t say anything, and we both throw back the entire contents of the glass.

  “Holy shit,” Dahlia yells out on a cough. “That’s disgusting.”

  I have to agree with her, it tastes like poison. This was Caleb’s bottle, so out of respect, no matter how bad it tastes, I intend on drinking it until the last drop is gone.

  “This was Caleb’s. I grabbed it from the lake house today,” I tell her. “I found it hidden in the cupboard with the gun I used to shoot my father. Figured it shouldn’t go to waste. He stole this the day before he died.”

  “Well, it might taste like shit, but I’m game… let’s do it,” she says with a small, sad smile. Dahlia pulls the bottle from my hand and pours two more shots of the rancid liquid.

  Once we finished the bottle, the both of us are pretty messed up.

  We talked and laughed and fucked all night, then fell asleep lying in each other’s arms. Tonight has to be one of the best and worst nights I’ve ever had.


  Waking up with Callen’s big tattooed arms around me is the best feeling ever. I never thought I’d get to experience this, but here I am with the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. We had sex all night, and this morning I’m definitely feeling it, along with the pounding head from the awful scotch we drank.

  Moaning, I turn in to Callen pushing my body as close to his as I can. His warmth makes me want to stay here forever, but that’s when I look at the clock and notice the time. “Shit!” I yell, springing straight up off the bed.

  Callen jumps off the bed, rubbing his eyes. “What the fuck’s going on, Dahlia? You scared the living shit out of me,” he spits out.

  “Fuck! I have a class in half an hour…” I run off to the shower while still yelling out, “Shit! I need a shower.”

  Callen comes into the bathroom, and I can feel a smirk on his face as he watches me. “Darlin’…” he drawls. “You’re as sexy as shit when you panic.”

  “Don’t tease me. I have a whole group of six-year old’s coming in today, and their mothers are nasty as shit.”

  “Wasn’t teasing,” he states in a lewd tone.

  Callen’s still sta
nding in the bathroom while I let the warm water of the shower run over me. “Hey, so I have to go back to my apartment today. Harmony’s coming to visit for a few days, and I don’t think she’ll be comfortable staying with a man I just met. Do you mind running me to the studio?”

  “Anything for you, but please be careful. I don’t like you walking the streets any more than I like you living in that shithole apartment,” he states.

  “It’s okay, Harmony’s meeting me at the studio and walking home with me. Trust me when I say… anyone would be crazy to go near, Harm. She’s tiny, but she can hold her own,” I assure him. Harmony won’t actually be meeting me at the studio, her flight doesn’t get in until ten tonight so she won’t arrive at my apartment until about midnight. I tell him this so he doesn’t freak out and stop me from going, and I really don’t want or need to be followed everywhere I go.

  All the girls and their mothers are standing outside when we arrive tapping their feet impatiently on the sidewalk and looking at their cell phones. Still sitting in the car, Callen sneaks in a quick, deep, claiming kiss.

  “See you later, darlin’,” he drawls.

  “Yes, you will,” I tell him, trying out a sultry tone. I hope I see him again sooner rather than later.

  As soon as I get out of the car and hit the front of the shop, all the mothers’ eyes are on me with their jaws dropped.

  “Sorry, I’m late, girls. I’ll open the door, and we can get started,” I apologize to the kids as I work on unlocking the door. All the girls run inside yelling, and their mothers trail in behind. Kids are screaming from all over the studio, and my head starts pounding almost immediately. I could never imagine having kids of my own, and after a night of drinking, I don’t think I could handle it anyway.


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