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Moonshine Page 17

by Bartley, Regina

  “Yes ma’am. Oh, Momma says tell you hi.” I said as Moon and I walked out the door.

  “Tell her I said hello, you kids be safe.”

  “Be back later Momma,” Moon said.

  To be honest it was so nice to see my friends. I didn’t realize that I missed them so much. Katie didn’t stay long, but she wanted to tell me that she was moving away in a month. She was supposed to start Arizona State in the fall. I was so excited for her. I promised her that the two of us would get together before she left. I told her that I had a special going away present for her. I couldn’t wait to give her the earrings. When she asked me about college I told her I wasn’t sure yet. It wasn’t the highest thing on my list of priorities at the moment. I figured that I would take my first semester off and then start college in the spring. I still didn’t even know what I wanted to major in.

  Josh on the other hand had his whole life planned out. He was scouted by so many colleges. Practically every college mentionable wants him. “So what college did you choose, Josh?” I asked.

  “I’m moving away,” was his answer.

  “How far away are we talking?” I asked.

  “I chose Fullerton.”

  “You’re going to Cal State? Josh that is amazing, I am so excited for you.” I was excited but I could tell by the look on Moon’s face that he wasn’t.

  “Yeah, I am pretty excited too, but I will miss everybody. I hope you guys come and visit. I need my favorite girl on the bleachers cheering me on.”

  “From what I hear, I am not your favorite girl anymore.” I winked at him.

  “It’s not like that, man.” He said to Moon. “Valerie and I are just friends.”

  “When I talked to her on Friday she said that the two of you talk almost every day.” Moon argued.

  “She’s right we do, but it’s not what you think. We are just really good friends. She is nice to talk too, that’s all.” This was unusual for him. He usually never sugar coats anything, but he could put icing on the cupcakes with all that sugar.

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet her.” I spoke up, breaking the tension.

  “You will love her,” Josh said and I saw it there in his eyes. It was the look that Moon wrote about in his letters. Josh had a thing for Valerie and it was totally obvious. It was so cute. “I better get going, or mom will be on my ass. It’s so good to see ya, girl. You look real good.” He kissed my cheek before he left.

  “See ya later, Man.” They bumped fists.

  “It’s just you and me,” I said.

  “I’m glad. I have wanted you to myself for so long.” He reached behind the old wooden steps and pulled out our blanket. It seems we had those hidden everywhere. He spread it out on the ground beside the fire and I took my usual spot next to him.

  This time it was different. We have been sharing blankets for years, but never as a couple. I was actually a little nervous. He was always so big next to me, but I fit perfectly against him. When he pulled me over to him, it was like his body just swallowed me up. I was more aware of his body now than I ever have been. He had a man’s body and I couldn’t help but drool all over him.

  “You like what you see?” He joked.

  “You know you’re hot.” I answered.

  He rolled himself over where he was on top of me. Our bodies were touching all the way down to our toes, but he managed to keep his weight off me. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip just before he kissed me and I could feel the wetness building in my panties. He barely had to touch me to turn me on.

  “I have wanted to be with you like this for so long. I don’t think I can keep my hands off you.”

  “Then don’t,” I said a little breathy.

  “We can’t, I mean what about everything?” I knew he was asking about the incident. He must have thought that I couldn’t handle it.

  “I’m fine Moon. If that is what you are worried about. I want to be with you. Make love to me.”

  “Right here, I don’t want our first time to be on some hard ground outside.”

  “Then you don’t see what I see, because this is our spot. This is our favorite spot. I have lots of great memories with you right here by this fire on this blanket. It is a special place to me. I want you right here, right now.”

  “Damn woman, you can’t say stuff like that.” I knew exactly why because I could feel the hardness pressing against his zipper and into my lower stomach.

  “Kiss me Moon.” I said, and he did. He kissed me deeply and passionately making me shudder underneath him. I tucked my hands under his shirt and lifted it over his head. My God, he was beautiful. He had muscles in all the right places and the strongest shoulders ever. It was so sexy. I couldn’t help but run my fingers down his chest. He shivered under my fingertips. That did something to me because I kissed him flipping him over to his back. This was the first time that I’d ever taken control over sex, and I liked it. I straddled his hips with one leg on each side. I lifted my shirt over my head, and as he watched. He was staring at me like I was a hot fudge sundae. I reached around my back and unhooked my bra letting it fall to the side. This was the first time ever that I’d let him see me like this. My stomach was doing flips. I started to cover myself, but he moved my hands.

  “Shine baby, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Well that was all it took to change my mind. I nearly attacked his mouth. He rolled me over to the side of him and I watched as he took of his pants and then his boxers. Somewhere in the mist of all of it I’m pretty sure I forgot to breathe. He was so gorgeous, and so big. I knew that he would be. I was ready for him though. When it was my turn he did it for me. He first took off my boots. Then he unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down my legs. His fingers hooked into the sides of my panties and he paused. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive,” I answered lifting up my butt making it easier for him to remove them. Once they were off he stared only for a moment before he was kissing me again.

  “You’re so beautiful. I knew you would be perfect. I want you to know that I’m not gonna last long. Just looking at you like this has almost sent me over the edge.”

  “I know what you mean. I am so wet right now. I need you so bad. Please Moon,” I nearly begged. His hands went down to touch between my legs and it was the best feeling ever. When his fingers went inside me I nearly lost it. My body was shaking and I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer.

  “I’m ready, Moon,” I said. He knew exactly what I meant when he reached over to get the condom.

  “I love you,” he said right before he entered me. I knew that he did. I could see it all over his face.

  He was so big that it was kind of painful at first. I closed my eyes and winced a little. “Are you okay?” He asked. “Will you open your eyes?”

  I opened them staring deeply into his piercing blue eyes. They were full of lust. “I’m fine. It feels amazing. It was just a lot at first.”

  “You sure?” he was so concerned.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I love you.” That was all he needed. He thrust himself into me again. It was light at first but both of us could barely hang on. He began to go in faster and harder. “Yes, please,” I pleaded.

  “Oh babe,” he said “Come with me,” and I did. Together we pushed ourselves right over the edge. It was amazing, the best feeling of my life. We lay there wrapped up in each other’s arms, out of breath and panting. Never could I have ever imagined that I would feel so full and complete, and in love.

  “It will never get any better than this,” I said.

  “I’ll take that bet.”

  “It wasn’t a bet.”

  “Well I can promise you that every time we make love, I’ll try to make it better than the last. I want to make each time amazing for you.” He said as he ran his fingertips down my arm.

  “As long as I am with you, it will be. I love you, Moon.”

  “I love you, Shine Baby.”

  I closed m
y eyes and silently thanked Johnny for giving me back my power to love.

  My life was changed on that day that I lost everything, but it wasn’t for the worst. It was for the better. I lost my best friend, but I gained another. I lost my innocence but I learned to love. I lost my mind but I learned how to be strong and take it back. So for those of you who think that you can’t live through it, you can. You are strong and you are a survivor, just like me. My name is Shine Craven, and this was my story.

  The End


  One Year Later


  Things have been awesome for Shine and me. Once we moved in together things just fell right into place. The first week that we were in our new place, I took her to get her tattoo. She was so excited. She ended up getting a half moon, a little star and a heart, all low on her right hip. It is small and sexy just like her.

  We hadn’t been at our place a month when I surprised her with the trip of her dreams. My Momma may have chipped in a bit of the funds, but oh well. I knew that I would take her as soon as I got my money anyway, so Mom just suggested that we go ahead and go. We both needed a getaway. I took her to France, the place that she had always dreamed of going. She was so damn excited. We spent a whole week putting our French to good use and just relaxing together. It was the greatest trip ever and I promised her that I would take her back again for our honeymoon. Don’t get too excited there is no wedding anytime soon. I have asked her to marry me about twenty five times now, and each times she says by common law we have been married since we were thirteen. I don’t think she thinks I am serious because I never get on my knee and do the whole over the top ring thing, but I plan on doing that real soon.

  Once all of our friends went back to college in the fall I decided that I would take that time off with Shine. We spent that time trying to decide what we wanted to do with our lives. I learned over the summer that I really liked to write. After spending all of that time writing to Shine everyday it was like therapy. I decided I would major in journalism. Now whether or not I could actually do it was the question. When I told Shine she was so excited. She said that it was perfect for me. She still hasn’t decided what she wants to do yet, but she said she is thinking about psychology. We’ll see. She has never been one that makes decisions easily. In the meantime she picked up the cheerleading coaching job at our local middle school, and she loves it. I think once it’s all said and done she will become a teacher. I have still been helping out on the farm, but I think papaw may have to sell the place before long. It’s too much for such an old man.

  Valerie came down and spent a week with us over Christmas, and her and Shine really hit it off. They are already best friends. I love it. We got a call just last week that her grandma had a stroke and they were going to have to put her in a nursing home. Valerie still has one more year left of high school so my Momma with her big ol’ heart is taking her in. I’m not gonna lie I am so excited. Shine and I are driving down this weekend to pack her up and move her home. At first we had a bit of a struggle with her, but once her grams gave her blessing she was ready. I couldn’t wait to have her around all the time. She was my other girl.

  I have to say that I am one blessed man to have three such incredible women in my life. We have come a long way. I am so proud of Shine for fighting back and taking control of her life. She is one of a kind. Every time I see the stars Shinning bright I think of her and know that I can’t live a day without her. It’s time to propose for real. Wish me luck!

  Moon + Shine = Forever

  National Sexual Assault Hotline-


  National Suicide

  Prevention Hotline


  Other books by


  Regina bartley:

  Genre- YA Paranormal

  The Graysen Pack Series

  Book One- Chased

  Book Two- Challenged


  There are so many people that I have to thank in this one. I always thank my husband and my kids first because they are the ones who put up with my craziness while I write. They love me, so they just do it. That makes them the best family ever. Thank you Jason, Christopher, and Brooklyn, I love you guys! XOXO

  Next, have to thank my mother. Without her I would be totally lost. She is the hardest working woman I have ever met and if I end up with at least half of her work ethic then I know I will succeed. She is so strong, and it is her strength that inspired my character Shine. If anyone shines as bright as the stars, it’s my mother Carolyn Lucas. I love you Momma.

  Thanks to Regina Wamba from MaeIDesign & Photography. She prepared the most amazing cover for Moonshine. I couldn’t be happier. This is why she is the best. It would not have been this amazing with anyone else. You Rock Regina!!! Thanks a million.

  To my “Grammar Girls,” this is what I will be calling you from here on out. These are the girls who beta read for me, and their hard work has been out of this world. I constantly brag on them because they are freaking awesome. No joke!!! You girls have truly outdone yourself this time, and you don’t know how much you mean to me. Thank you so much!

  My “Grammar Girls” (No specific order) – Shelby Smith, Marilyn Coulter, Gayle Bowman, Shelley Martin, Leslie Rivas, and Rhonda Nash.

  This book is my first Adult Contemporary Romance and I have absolutely loved writing in this Genre. Writing paranormal will always be my true love, but this was super fun and I can’t wait to write many more. I hope that you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. I thank each and every one of you for taking a chance on an author who has zero experience. Your constant love and support is what keeps me motivated. I love hearing from each one of you and I can’t wait to share more with you on my journey. YOU are the reason I continue doing what I love. THANKS, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!! *tears*




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