Trick - A Stepbrother Romance

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Trick - A Stepbrother Romance Page 5

by Daire, Caitlin

  ’I love watching you come,’ he’d said. ‘Do it again. Come for me, Lucy.’

  My eyes flew open as the first spasms of pleasure began to fade, and I pulled the toy away and shoved it back into its box. No. I couldn’t do this. Masturbating to the thought of Patrick felt like cheating, even though I hadn’t so much as touched him in the time I’d been dating Jimmy.

  ‘But you already came, sweetheart,’ I could practically hear him lecturing me.

  “Oh, shut up,” I said out loud.

  Dammit. Even in the privacy of the guesthouse, he still had a way of affecting me.

  He’d known exactly what would happen by giving me the toy. It hadn’t been a friendly gesture. He wasn’t my ‘buddy’ as he’d so charmingly written on the note, and he sure as hell never would be. In all the wanton confusion of my mind right now, that was the only thing I knew for certain.

  Patrick and I would never be friends.



  “Yo, Trick, you still comin’ tonight?”

  My buddy Shawn was on the phone, and I stared into the mirror and ruffled my hair up to get that perfectly-disheveled look as I replied. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “VIP entrance is around the side of Shape,” he said. “See ya later.”

  The Shape Club’s Adult Pool Party was the number one Hollywood event to be seen at this month, and there was no way I was going to miss it. It was an annual event known for its drunken debauchery, and there were going to be wall-to-wall chicks in tiny string bikinis and an endless supply of booze there. I needed that right now; something to take my mind off Lucy.

  I just had to figure out a way out of the house without being caught. As my new ‘relationship manager’ or whatever crap they wanted to call it, she’d been following me around practically everywhere and making sure I wasn’t up to anything she deemed unsavory. She was worse than the goddamned paparazzi. It didn’t matter where I went or what I did, she managed to figure it out and stalk after me like a bloodhound. I was still ‘allowed’ to go to certain events, but there was no way she’d be okay with me going to the Shape pool party, considering the kind of reputation it had.

  It was after eleven, and everyone else in the main house was already asleep. Lucy had headed back into the guesthouse at nine, so it was likely that she was asleep too. The problem was that I couldn’t just walk out any of the doors that led outside. They were all set up so that if anyone went near them at night, all the outdoor lights would automatically turn on, and I knew she was a light sleeper. I’d figured that out when I’d tried to sneak out for a smoke at midnight a few nights before. The lights had gone on and she’d immediately raced out of the guesthouse with messy bed hair to chastise me about how I wasn’t allowed to be smoking anymore, like I was some thirteen year old she was babysitting.

  Fuck, I may as well move to some sort of totalitarian state. I’d probably end up having more freedom that way.

  As I sat on the sofa in my room and tried to dream up an escape plan, my phone vibrated, and I glanced at it to see a notification from Insta-Snap. It was an app that allowed people to send photos to others, and the photo would only last for ten seconds before disappearing. Most people used it to send nude pictures, knowing that the receiver wouldn’t be able to store it on their phone seeing as it vanished into oblivion as soon as the ten seconds was up. You could always try to take a screenshot of it, but the app alerted people if you tried that, and then they probably wouldn’t send you anything ever again because they’d think you were a dick who was trying to save their nudes for the wank-bank.

  I opened the snap to see who it was from, and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked at the picture. It was from a sender whose username was ‘PGxoxo’ and the picture was of a high heeled shoe sitting on a bed. There was a message attached to the snap – Come and join me. PG.

  Who in the hell was ‘P.G.’? I couldn’t think of any chicks I knew whose name started with P, except our housekeeper Penelope, and I doubted she’d be sending me anything. She was a professional, and she knew perfectly well that she’d be out of a job if she tried sleazing onto the son of the people she worked for.

  Being in the position I was in life, I kept my social media stuff pretty private, so it wasn’t like someone could just randomly discover my username on the internet or something. So how had this person got it?

  I racked my brains and then remembered that Alex had introduced me to a girl called Phoebe a while back. I didn’t remember giving her my Insta-Snap details, but she had added me on Facebook, so maybe I’d given it to her at the same time that I’d given her my Facebook details. I couldn’t remember all that much, but I’d been drunk as hell when I met her, so I probably had. I wasn’t sure why she’d be messaging me, though. I barely spoke to her anymore. Perhaps she’d sent it to the wrong person.

  Shrugging, I closed the app and slipped my phone into my pocket along with my wallet before heading over to my window. There was a trellis that ran down the side of the house, and I grinned as I realized I had my way out. I could climb down it, walk around the edge of the property so as to not trip any of the light sensors, and then when I was out on the road I could call for a car to come pick me up. It wasn’t like I could drive my own car out of here, and besides, I was planning on getting totally hammered at this party, so driving wasn’t an option anyway.

  Being as quiet and careful as possible, I climbed out of my window and scaled down the trellis. It was a lot stronger than it looked, and when I was about a foot away from the ground, a familiar feminine voice startled me.

  “Going somewhere?”

  I hadn’t been expecting to be caught, and the shock made me reflexively move my hands and lose my grip on the trellis. I tumbled backwards onto the lawn below, and I rubbed my back and glared up at Lucy.

  “Fuck, I could’ve broken my neck or something!”

  She folded her arms. “Don’t worry, I waited until you were close enough to the ground to make sure that didn’t happen.”

  I stood up and brushed the grass off my back and legs. “What the hell are you doing out here?” I asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she said, gesturing towards the trellis. “Why are you climbing out of your window like a fourteen year old girl sneaking out to meet her boyfriend?”

  I rolled my eyes. “None of your business.”

  “Actually, it is my business. You are my business. So where were you headed? I’m guessing it was somewhere you aren’t supposed to be.”

  “I was going to the pool party at Shape Club,” I said, narrowing my eyes at her. “Look, just let me go. I’m not gonna do anything to get in trouble.”

  “Bullshit. I know what that party is, I know you, and I know what you’ll end up doing.”

  “You don’t know me anywhere near as well as you think you do,” I replied, my forehead crinkled into a frown.

  She crossed her arms again. “I know you better than you think.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah. My Mom is a frequent binge drinker who constantly makes poor, impulsive decisions, so you know what you smell like to me?”


  “Home,” she replied, taking a step closer and tilting her head up to stare directly into my eyes. “You smell just like home.”

  She’d made her point. We might not have had much contact in the last year, but she still knew me better than I thought. If I went to that party, there’d be photos of me all over the web by tomorrow morning. Getting wasted, smoking, getting lap-dances from slutty party girls – the usual. At least I didn’t do coke like half the other partygoers did every time I went out. A lot of celebrity careers had tanked after being snapped snorting lines in bathrooms or directly off half-naked models.

  I tried staring Lucy down, hoping she’d end up relenting anyway, but she didn’t back down.

  “You wanna swim? You can swim right here,” she said, jerking her head towards the pool. “It’s a nice night. I’ll
join you so I can keep an eye on you. God, it’s like babysitting a bonobo.”

  I scoffed. Swimming wasn’t the point of the pool party. The point was to hang out with cool people and maybe meet some chicks. Hanging out in the backyard with Lucy wasn’t exactly the same, but then again…I couldn’t think of a single chick I’d rather see in a bikini.

  Yep, screw the party. The chance of seeing her in a swimsuit was all the motivation I needed to stay put.

  “Fine,” I said, flashing her a smirk as I stripped off my shirt and pants.

  She shielded her eyes as I did so. “No! I’m not going to watch you swim naked.”

  I chuckled. “Calm down, I won’t be naked. I’ll keep my boxers on. But I’m not surprised your mind immediately jumped to me being naked…”

  Even in the dim light of the backyard, I could see a blush creeping over her cheeks, and I grinned. I was getting to her. She hated my guts, but she still thought about me in ‘that’ way. Something deep inside me sparked at that discovery, and I pushed the thought away.

  “I’m going to get changed,” she said, turning and marching back towards the guesthouse. She called out over her shoulder a second later. “Don’t you dare go anywhere!”

  “Don’t worry, I’m staying right here,” I said with a grin, sliding into the water.

  It was a warm night, but the pool was freezing, so I dunked my head under, hoping my body would quickly grow accustomed to the temperature. Lucy returned a few minutes later, and I rolled my eyes as I saw what she was wearing. It was a black one piece swimsuit, and I called out to her.

  “Didn’t realize we were going scuba diving. I dunno why else you’d wear that.”

  She glared at me and dipped her feet in the pool. “It’s not a scuba suit, idiot. Not everyone wants to wear tiny little bikinis.”

  I had to admit, it looked fucking good on her, even though it covered half of her body. Normally I liked women in tiny outfits, the skimpier the better. But Lucy…shit, she could wear a boxy oversized cardigan with sweatpants and still look better than anyone. When I’d helped her move in the other day, she’d been dressed in a shirt that looked like it’d been designed for a lumberjack, but she’d still looked a shitload better than her friend, Claire, or whatever her name had been. Her friend was hot, but in a generic, boring kind of way. The kind of way that made it almost impossible to tell her apart from every other tall blonde model in this city. Lucy wasn’t like that. She was unique and goddamned beautiful.

  “You gonna be stalking me onto the set tomorrow?” I asked. “Filming starts in the morning.”

  “Yes, I’m coming,” she replied, sliding all the way into the water. “Oh, crap! It’s freezing!”

  Her nipples hardened under the thin material of her suit, and my eyes wavered as I tried to keep them off her tits and on her eyes. Shit, it was hard. It wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Despite the cold water, my cock was stirring in my boxers, and I tried to ignore it.

  “You ever actually been on a set when they’re filming something?” I asked.

  “A few times, when I was younger. Dad took me along. So what’s your new character, anyway?”

  I laughed. “It’s fucking stupid. I’m playing this seventeen year old kid called Chris Keller. Chris falls in love with his classmate, Dana Greer, who is the daughter of a local church minister. She isn’t allowed to date until she’s eighteen, so there’s this whole scandalous element to it when they sneak around. In the scene we’re filming tomorrow, he briefly pecks her on the lips. It’s probably the most scandalous thing that’s ever happened on the show.”

  She laughed. “Probably. What happens after that?”

  “I really shouldn’t be telling you,” I said. “You might sell the spoilers to the media.”

  “Oh, sure, like I’d do that. I’m going to be there tomorrow anyway,” she replied. “They’ll make me sign something preventing me from doing that.”

  “Right. Well, Dana has this older sister. She’s actually called Lucy as well. She’s played by Lexie Greyson…remember her? She was in that Spring Break Attack movie last summer.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “That was a terrible movie. I don’t really remember her, but go on.”

  “Well, she catches us embracing, and there’s this whole cliffhanger, like a ‘is she going to tell the parents or not?’ kinda thing.”

  “How very dramatic.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said, rolling my eyes. “It’s basically aimed at fifteen year olds who aren’t allowed to watch anything that isn’t G-rated.”

  “Yeah, I know. I still can’t believe they hired you,” she said, wrinkling her nose as she gazed at me.

  “Neither can I,” I admitted.

  “So why are you trying to get yourself fired?” she asked, fixing me with a cool expression.


  Her eyebrows knitted together. “Oh, come on. You think I’m stupid? You’ve been against this whole ‘cleaning your act up’ thing from the beginning. You want to keep your whole ‘bad boy’ bullshit image. You want them to fire you, don’t you?”

  I didn’t reply for a second. Well, shit…she wasn’t exactly wrong.

  “I dunno,” I said, not meeting her eyes. “Maybe I wanna do other stuff.”

  “Well, you could start by being smart about it, if that’s the case,” she said. “Getting fired by breaking your morality clause is only going to get you sued. If you hate the show so much, then quit. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep yourself warm.”

  “Your Dad will be really pissed if I quit,” I said. “He pulled a lot of strings to get me the job.”

  “So you’d rather get sued. Real smart, Patrick. Nice to see you haven’t changed at all,” she said, shooting me a dirty look.

  “Yeah, like you’ve changed so much. You’re still a judgmental sourpuss who thinks she knows what’s best for everyone,” I snapped back.

  I didn’t know why I was lashing out at her. Probably because she was always right, and it pissed me off. A hurt expression flickered in her dark eyes, and I put my hands up.

  “Shit, Lucy. Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Look, let’s just talk about something else. What’s going on with this boyfriend of yours?”

  I had no idea why I asked that. I didn’t really want to hear anything about her boyfriend. The thought of some other guy putting his hands all over her made my stomach flip with jealousy, even though I knew I had no right to be jealous. She wasn’t mine.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from him in a while.”

  “What’s he like?” I asked.

  Another shrug.

  “He’s okay, I guess,” she said. “His parents own the PR company that used to work with CBC, but he doesn’t do much of anything these days. Work-wise, that is.”

  Jesus, the guy sounded like a fucking loser. He didn’t even work? It sucked to see someone as motivated as Lucy being stuck on a guy like him. She’d always worked hard at everything she did – school, work, her volunteer stuff in Africa. What the hell was she doing with him? Part of me wondered if it was my fault. Did she think she couldn’t do any better after the shit I’d put her through back in school? Had I really made her that insecure? A pang of guilt gnawed at my guts at the thought.

  “Why wasn’t he here helping you move in the other day? Shit, I helped out more than he did, and you don’t even like me,” I asked.

  “Yes, you did help,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me. “You helped put a certain little gift in my drawer, I seem to recall.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. “You’re still pissed about that? Look, it was just a stupid joke. Give it back and I’ll return it to the store if you’re that mad at me over it.”

  The blush from earlier returned to her cheeks. “I…um…no, you don’t need to do that. It’s okay.”

  Well, shit. That could only mean one thing. She’d used it. The thought of her lying back and playing with herself with the toy I gave her made me instantly rock hard. I
tried and failed to stop a triumphant smirk from spreading across my face, and she splashed water at me.

  “I hate you,” she said.

  I splashed water right back at her, and she squealed. “Stop!”

  “You started it,” I said.

  She dipped her head under the water and swam to the other end of the pool to get away from me, and I followed after her.

  “C’mon, let’s have a race or something,” I said, shaking my head like a dog as I came up for air.

  Water droplets from my hair sprayed her in the eyes, and she blinked them away and frowned at me. “A race? What are we, twelve?”

  “Nah. I was just hoping to see a little breaststroke action,” I replied, staring right at her tits.

  She rolled her eyes. “Funny. Fine, I’ll race you, but you won’t win.”


  “No bullshit. You might be bigger and stronger than me, but I’m quicker. That’s what’s good about being small. You don’t stand a chance.”

  “Okay. You’re on. First to reach the other side wins.”

  “What do I get if I win?” she asked.

  “You’ll have to find out. But you won’t win. Now go!”

  With that I took off, powering through the water in fast, heavy strokes.

  “That’s cheating!” I heard her call out behind me as I came up for a breath. “I wasn’t ready yet!”

  I reached the other end a good fifteen seconds before she did, and she slapped me on the chest as she angrily paddled over to me.


  “Sore loser.”

  She playfully swatted me again, and my eyes traveled from her tits up to her lips. Suddenly I couldn’t help myself, and insanity overtook me. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned down, crushing my lips against hers in a hot embrace. I breathed in sharply as I felt her body respond to my touch, and I locked my arms around her back. I didn’t want to let her go, and she wasn’t making any moves to escape either. As my tongue hunted for a way into her mouth, my mind was overtaken by a sense of desire I hadn’t felt in years; not since that afternoon when I’d first taken her in my arms.


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