My Fair Captain

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My Fair Captain Page 14

by J. L. Langley

  Christian nodded. “Yes, he got his commission while he was enlisted, worked his way up the ranks.”

  “Amazing considering he’s an earl, surely his family could have easily bought him an officer’s commission.” Rupert touched his chest dramatically.

  Aiden was fascinated. He’d already surmised that Nate was an honorable, noble man, but he had no clue that Nate had such a well-known reputation here on Regelence. Nate may not be an earl, but his rank and status as an IN captain made him more than acceptable consort material. Keeping quiet, Aiden soaked it all in. A man like Nate would never leave his career as an IN captain for marriage. It made Aiden’s spirits drop a little—which was ridiculous, Aiden didn’t want a consort—but he could not help but admire the man even more.

  Bannon grabbed a drink off a passing tray. “Captain Fitzgerald said it was his ship Captain Hawkins saved.”

  Leaning close to Aiden’s ear, Rupert whispered, “He’s so handsome.”

  Aiden was about to agree when an opening formed directly in front of him, and through a chasm of people, a vision appeared.

  Nate. Aiden’s heart began beating so hard he was certain it could be seen through his waistcoat and evening coat. Like tunnel vision, his entire focus centered on the man walking toward him. Whispers and gasps sounded all around him, but Aiden barely heard.

  Nate was covered head to toe in brilliant almost blinding white. The uniform hugged his body as he strode forward. It accentuated his powerful frame, making him seem even bigger somehow. Which was something, because Nate was a very big man. He wore gold cords over his shoulder and under his arm proclaiming him an Admiral’s aide, likely the Admiral in command of Aries Fleet, the fleet in charge of protecting Regelence’s system. That and the colorful ribbon bars on his chest marked him as the highest decorated officer at the ball, out of IN and Regelence officers. He was the most beautiful and masculine thing Aiden had ever seen.

  Aiden would have given almost anything to have had his sketchscreen at that moment. He had to capture Nate like this. This was Nate. He was the embodiment of military authority and strength. He took Aiden’s breath away.

  When Nate finally stopped in front of him, Aiden just stared. He wanted to touch Nate, yet at the same time he was afraid to. Nate was so…perfect.

  Looking up into the chestnut eyes, Aiden caught Nate’s gaze. It was like the entire assembly disappeared and the two of them were alone. They stood there for several seconds, neither of them saying a word—they didn’t have to. It was then that Aiden knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted Nate.

  The side of Nate’s mouth turned up, as if he knew, then he offered Aiden his hand.

  Aiden got the distinct feeling if he grasped it he was accepting much more than a dance. Which was fine by him. He inhaled deeply and took what he wanted, seizing Nate’s hand.

  Arching his right brow, Nate gave Aiden a full-fledged smile. “You promised to waltz with me.”

  “I did indeed.”

  Aiden’s group of friends began murmuring at once.

  Bending over Aiden’s hand, Nate kissed the knuckles. “Forgive me, but after seeing you tonight, I must command all three.”

  Aiden’s hand trembled in Nate’s. Surely Nate knew what he’d just done. That was akin to a proposal. No, he probably didn’t. He wasn’t really an earl, he was an IN captain.

  Silence surrounded them, followed by whispers.

  Nate squeezed his hand, his gaze never faltering.

  Aiden wondered briefly what he’d do after Nate left. How would he deal with the rumors? He didn’t care, he let happiness bubble inside him until he couldn’t hold it back any longer. He laughed and nodded. He’d deal with Nate’s leaving and the rumors of a broken engagement when it happened. “The saying is your wish is my command but tonight your command is my wish, milord. Let’s dance.”

  Nate knew he had it bad when he found himself spending the only free moment he’d had at this ball staring at Aiden. He was getting anxious for the last waltz. It was a little Neanderthal of him, but he didn’t care. Having decided Aiden was his, he wanted to make sure everyone else was aware of it. Nate took a swig of his scotch and continued to watch Aiden. He was dancing with one of the Regelence Marines Nate had met earlier. The man seemed a decent sort, but Nate was watching the marine like a…well like a Hawk. Funny, Nate had never considered himself a possessive man.

  The song came to an end. The marine escorted Aiden from the dance floor where they parted ways. The marine went to the punch bowl and Aiden toward the hallway outside of the ballroom. There was a bit of a break before the waltz began, so Nate made himself relax. He knew Aiden hadn’t forgotten their dance—the man had been ogling him off and on all evening. It made Nate want to drag him to the nearest dark, secluded corner.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Steven strolled up beside him with a drink in hand.

  “Yes, actually.”

  Steven leaned close. “I think we need to talk.”

  Nate nodded. He’d known this was coming. He should have already sought Aiden’s parents out, but the entire situation had besieged him. Give him a ship of people to command and he was in his element, but throw a pretty little artist in his path, his head was spinning. “I apologize, I should have spoken to you first.”

  Steven’s smile was radiant. “I only wanted to make certain we were of a like mind. I assume you will join me in the study tomorrow to discuss a betrothal contract?”

  “Name the time.” Nate took another sip of his scotch then set the glass on the tray of a passing waiter.

  “Eight a.m.”

  “Done. But I can save you the hassle. A dowry isn’t necessary.”

  “I like hearing that. But nevertheless, you’ll get one. I want to discuss living arrangements too.”

  Damn. Was Steven going to give him grief about Aiden living with him on his ship? It wasn’t at all unheard of in the IN for captains to bring their families aboard. No way was he going to debate this with Steven in the middle of a ball. He gave a crisp nod.

  That seemed to please the king. He was quiet for several seconds then he chuckled. “Three waltzes?”

  Nate smiled. “Too much?”

  “No. It’s a bold statement, it fits you. Besides, haven’t you heard the whispers? It’s wildly romantic.”

  “Guess that explains all the young lords sighing at me.”

  “No, the sighing is probably due to the uniform.”

  “The uniform is supposed to be intimidating.”

  At that moment a couple of young lords walked by, doing nothing to conceal their interested gazes.

  Steven laughed and took a drink out of the glass he held.

  Nate groaned. He’d gone from being fawned over by a bunch of women on his home planet because he was a duke’s heir, to being sighed over by a bunch of men because he was a war hero. Well, he was being sized up for being an earl too, but these men seemed much more impressed with his military status. They hadn’t been quite so demanding of his time when they thought him merely a titled gentleman.

  Steven’s mirth faded, his gaze thoughtful. “How is the investigation going?”

  “I’m still trying to figure out how the thieves got away with it. I think if I can figure that out, it will make finding them much easier.”

  “Have you questioned Thomas and Christy yet?”

  “I haven’t.”

  Steven swirled the contents of his glass. “I wish I had more time to help you with this. Sometimes being king really rains meteors. I miss the times when my father and sire handled everything and Raleigh and I could play all day…take the children hunting and things like that.”

  His parents must have died recently if the princes were old enough to hunt. Nate knew what it was like to lose loved ones. He’d lost his mother when he was a boy and, in a sense, he’d lost his father and brother when he left Englor. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you. It was several years ago.” After a few minutes, Steven took another sip o
f his drink and raised an ebony brow. “You will see to it Aiden is allowed to follow his dream?”

  “You have my word.”

  Raleigh sidled up beside them. “If you hurt him, you won’t live to regret it.” It was delivered with such calm assurance that Nate had no doubt the man meant what he said. Whether he could carry it out… Nate didn’t question that he would try.

  Steven snorted and elbowed his spouse. “Go away, Raleigh.”

  “I will not.” Raleigh turned toward Nate as if to say, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Nate looked the man right in the eye, just as serious. “He will never want for anything, physically or emotionally, you have my solemn oath.”

  Raleigh dipped his head, acknowledging the vow for what it was. Which was apparently all the man needed because then he smiled and took the drink from Steven’s hand, tossing it back. “Ah, whiskey.” He raised both eyebrows. “Why are you drinking whiskey?”

  Steven shrugged.

  Raleigh’s dark brows drew together in a frown. “You were in the card room, weren’t you?”

  His tawny eyes widening, Steven looked over the crowd and waved like he’d spotted a long-lost friend. “Ah, look there. Isn’t that Viscount Foxglove? I haven’t seen him in ages.” He patted Nate’s shoulder. “Enjoy your third dance. We’ll talk about a betrothal contract first thing in the morning.” He trotted off toward a portly, balding man, the tails of his black evening coat flapping behind him.

  “Coward,” Raleigh called after him before turning to Nate. “He’s terrible at gambling. I don’t think the man has won a hand of cards in his life.” He shook his head, making the dark curls fall into his eyes. “I don’t know where he thinks he’s going, he promised me a dance. And that is not Foxglove, it’s Stratford.”

  Nate fought to keep from laughing. He was beginning to see why their children were such a handful.

  The beginning notes of the waltz played and Raleigh dismissed himself with a reminder that they’d talk about Aiden tomorrow.

  Scanning the ballroom, Nate searched for the prince. It was awfully crowded, and Aiden was shorter than most men in attendance, but Nate didn’t think the man was in the room. He studied the crowd for several more minutes and was about to hunt outside when Bannon walked past on the arm of a tall lord dressed in a green waistcoat and shocking purple evening coat, strolling toward the dance floor. Thankfully, all the Townsends had enough sense to dress in sedate colors that enhanced their good looks.

  Nate blinked. Good Galaxy, the man’s color scheme was rough on the eyes. And to top it off the dandy’s fiery hair clashed with his outfit. Nate forced himself not to gawk. “Lord Bannon?”

  Bannon paused, giving him a dazzling smile. “Lord Deverell.” He scrutinized the area immediately around Nate and frowned. “Might you know where Aiden is? He was looking forward to this set.”

  “I was hoping you could tell me.”

  “I haven’t seen him.” He motioned Nate closer. When Nate did, Bannon leaned in and whispered, “He was going to the water closet, then the refreshment table.” He straightened. “Perhaps I should help you find him. He was very anxious to dance with you.”

  Nate winked. “Go dance. I’ll find him. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  Bannon hesitated then reluctantly nodded. “Thank you, Lord Deverell.”

  Nate headed out of the ballroom after a quick stop by the refreshment table. The estate was huge, but the washrooms were easy to locate. They were just outside the ballroom below the main staircase. Passing several older couples and a group of younger lords on his way, Nate walked the length of the hall, checking doors.

  There were several water closets since it would be improper for the young lords to be alone with other men without a chaperone. Most were empty with the door standing open. Knocking on the ones that were locked, Nate didn’t recognize any of the voices that called out, “Just a moment.” When he got to the last closed door about halfway down the hall, no one answered. Nate knocked again and tested the knob. It was locked and no sound came from within.

  He leaned close, listening. These rooms would be perfect places for a lovers’ tryst, provided both partners could get in unnoticed. There were no video cameras, microphones or heat sensors inside washrooms—it was against the law. But Aiden wasn’t the type to meet someone for a rendezvous. If he were in one of the rooms he was either lost in a drawing or something was wrong.

  Nate thought he heard a whimper come from inside the room, but wasn’t sure because the music was too loud. Putting his ear against the door, he heard nothing. He was about to leave when the sound came again. He knocked harder and an unfamiliar breathy voice finally called out, “Occupied.” Hmm, probably some lovers trying to be quiet as to not get caught. Nate turned to leave but a thud and some moans brought him up short.

  He didn’t know whether to force the door open or go back to the ballroom. It was probably exactly what he thought, two lovers stealing a moment, but what if it wasn’t?

  “Hel—” Someone yelped from inside the room and a loud crashing sound followed.

  Grabbing the knob, Nate rammed his shoulder into the door. It came open instantly with only a small cracking sound.

  A tall, dark-headed man jerked his attention toward the door with a smaller, limp man hanging from his arms. The man had his arm around the smaller man’s neck. Aiden.

  Howling, Nate rushed forward, punching the man directly in the nose.

  Blood splattered. With a wail, the man shoved Aiden at Nate and grabbed his wounded face.

  Nate caught Aiden’s limp body with one arm, keeping him from hitting the floor, as the man darted past him and out the door. Lowering Aiden gently but quickly, Nate sank to the floor next to him. It was as if someone squeezed Nate’s lungs in a vise. Fuck, he felt lightheaded, like he was going to be sick. His stomach twisted in knots and his chest ached as he searched for a pulse on Aiden’s neck. This man had already become a part of Nate’s life, his future. He couldn’t lose Aiden now. Feeling the heartbeat under his fingers, Nate relaxed and took a deep breath.

  Aiden was pallid, his lips almost bluish, but the color was coming back. Nate removed the neckcloth and tossed it aside.

  Almost immediately Aiden began coughing and reaching for his throat. He bolted upright, his eyes wide and watery.

  Rubbing the prince’s back, Nate pulled Aiden’s hands away from his throat and kissed his temple. “Shh… Calm down and take deep breaths. Relax, Aiden.”

  Aiden nodded and did as Nate instructed until the coughing subsided. He sat there for a few minutes, his breath still choppy and labored. Looking around the room, he appeared lost until his gaze landed on Nate. Aiden wrapped his arms around Nate and buried his head against Nate’s chest.

  Nate enfolded him in his arms, relief finally setting in. Closing his eyes, Nate let his head drop forward, resting his jaw against Aiden’s hair, and tried to regain composure. He sat there for several minutes just holding Aiden close, feeling Aiden’s warmth. Aiden was still alive. “Are you okay?”

  Aiden nodded, jostling Nate’s head. When he spoke it was croaky and rough, coming out as a plea. “It wasn’t my fault this time. I was paying attention.”

  “Tell me what happened.” Kissing Aiden’s head, Nate pressed Aiden’s cheek against his chest, rocking back and forth slowly.

  Snuggling in, Aiden inhaled deeply, still out of breath. “He pushed in behind me and locked the door. I thought it was Payton at first so I didn’t even turn around, just called him dust for brains. Then he grabbed me and started choking me.”

  “Did you know him?”

  Aiden shook his head and pulled back to meet Nate’s gaze. “I’ve never seen him before.” Trembling softly in his arms, Aiden angled his head upward. His gaze locked on Nate’s lips and Aiden licked his own. “I was scared. If you hadn’t come in—”

  Nate didn’t even want to think about that. Aiden was his and he wasn’t letting him go. Catching Aiden’s face in his hands
, Nate kissed him. It was rough and desperate.

  Within seconds Aiden was panting for breath, but this time it wasn’t from being choked. It was like the man was possessed.

  Nate groaned at the arousal that spiked through him. When had he gotten hard? Sliding his hands through Aiden’s hair, Nate held his head still and returned the kiss with equal passion. He understood the need all too well. Adrenaline had always been an aphrodisiac, but not like this. This was because of the young man in his arms. He couldn’t deny that. There was something special about Aiden and Nate wanted to protect him for the rest of his life. This was all about assuring himself that his Aiden was all right.

  A loud intake of breath pulled them apart.

  Braxton stood in the doorway, his mouth ajar. The sounds of talking and footsteps grew louder behind him and in seconds the hall was packed with people staring into the washroom.

  Abruptly, the crowd stopped and the talking ceased except for a few gasps.

  Star dust, bloody hell and imploding planets. Aiden scrambled off of Nate’s lap and grabbed his cravat. Nate stood and gripped his waist, steadying him.

  As he tugged at the collar of his shirt, trying to cover his neck, Father appeared in the doorway. Pushing Braxton aside, the king motioned to them to follow him. “Deverell, you should probably say something before we start getting offers to stand in as our seconds.”

  Aiden swallowed the lump in his throat, wincing at the pain.

  Clasping Aiden’s hand, Nate led them out of the washroom into the crowd, behind Father.

  Aiden wanted to sink into the floor when he caught sight of all the people in the hallway. To make matters worse, Cony looked like he was ready to explode.

  Nate squeezed his hand tighter, then lifted it to his mouth and kissed the back of it. He bowed his head toward Father, then straightened. “Your Majesty, I’m sorry. I know you wanted to announce mine and Aiden’s nuptials yourself, but under the circumstances…”

  Nuptials? What? Aiden glanced up at Nate.


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