My Fair Captain

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My Fair Captain Page 19

by J. L. Langley

  Nate chuckled. “I asked if you were all right.”

  Aiden nodded. “Yes, just taking everything in.” He sure wished he had a screen right about now. Normally, this setting would have made him uncomfortable. He was definitely out of his element, but he also had Nate. And he had no doubt Nate would keep him safe. Likely walking close to Nate would deter most people from messing with him.

  This was different than watching from above. Here in the midst of things he could see better. He could feel what it was like. It was much more real down here. Even his skin felt different, clammy. The air was thicker, harsher. Capturing this on screen would allow others to experience it too.

  Squeezing his hand again, Nate laughed. “You should see your face. And the answer is no you cannot stop and sketch.”

  Turning toward Nate, Aiden laughed. “Am I that transparent?”


  Aiden smiled. Nate didn’t seem to mind one bit that he was in “artist mode”. Nate liked that part of him too. Amazing really, no one else did, it annoyed most people. He bumped his head into Nate’s arm, chuckling. How had he gotten this lucky?

  They continued down the pier, listening to the boards squeak and clack beneath their feet, silently enjoying each other’s company. At least Aiden did. It felt right to hold Nate’s hand and walk beside him, sharing the experience with him.

  Nate jostled his hand, getting his attention. “Aiden, look in front of us.”

  Turning his head away from a pair of squawking seagulls fighting over a fish, Aiden spotted the ship. His stomach plummeted to his feet and jumped for joy at the same time. He’d half expected not to find it today. “Do you see the numbers or a name yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  Aiden inspected the Cargo Hydro-Space Craft from top to bottom and side to side, trying to burn the details into his brain, and he knew Nate was doing the same. It didn’t look like the other ships. It was much nicer, newer. He hadn’t noticed that before. Or maybe he had, but seeing it next to some of the other ships, up close, made it very apparent.

  As they approached the ship, Nate hailed a passing sailor. “What’s the name of this ship? Do you know if she takes on passengers? Where can I find the captain?”

  The man shook his head. “That there is the bloomin’ Marchioness, guv. Ain’t she a beaut? Far as me knows, she’s a cargo ship now, guv. At’s ’er cap’n there.” The man pointed.

  Nate tightened his grip on Aiden’s hand and jerked him in between two stacks of wooden crates right next to them. He pushed Aiden against the wall of crates, grabbed Aiden’s shoulders and shoved him to his knees.

  What the—?

  “Suck, boy. I did not pay you good money not to have your mouth doing something besides flapping.” Nate spoke loudly, unhooking the placket of his trousers.

  Oww. His knees. Aiden frowned up at him. What in the Galaxy was he doing? “I—”

  Nate’s prick smacked his cheek. The sound seemed much louder than it should have from the feel of it. “Don’t make me punish you, boy. Do you know what I do with naughty little boys who don’t do as they’re told? You want to be stripped bare and tied up in my dungeon? Want me to whip the insolence out of you, boy?” Nate wasn’t even hard.

  Despite their location and the fact that he was certain Nate had just lost his mind, Aiden’s prick hardened right up. The ring peeked out from the foreskin, glimmering in the light, and made his mouth water. He leaned forward, taking Nate all the way in. Being careful, he sucked, pulling the foreskin.

  When Nate grunted, there was a little hitch in the sound like he was surprised. His fingers threaded through Aiden’s hair, hesitating slightly before clenching.

  The feel of Nate hardening in his mouth was amazing. Aiden used his tongue, running it around the head underneath the foreskin. He found the ring with his teeth and tugged gently. In no time Nate was fully erect. Aiden’s own cock jerked. “Mmm…”

  Relaxing his throat, he took more in. He liked the way Nate felt sliding over his tongue. The ring that had caused him to gag the night before felt like a part of Nate to him now. Holding the base of Nate’s cock, Aiden held it down and really got to work. He wanted Nate’s pleasure. Wanted to taste it. He did everything he knew Nate liked, really throwing himself into the moment, forgetting everything but Nate and how Nate made him feel.

  In no time, Nate was groaning and fucking his face. Aiden was so turned-on his own prick was leaking. He was very close to an orgasm himself.

  Suddenly, Nate thrust into his mouth hard and stilled, his thighs tensing. The tangy taste of Nate filled his mouth and just like that, Aiden came too. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead on Nate’s abdomen. Cleaning Nate’s prick, Aiden inhaled the masculine smells of sex and sweat found in Nate’s pubic hair.

  Stiffening again, Nate grabbed Aiden’s face in his hands.

  Glancing up, Aiden realized Nate wasn’t even paying attention. He was staring out of the alleyway.

  Aiden turned his head, letting Nate’s cock slip from his mouth. Nate turned him back, mashing his head against Nate’s hip, but not before Aiden saw Felix Chapman walk by.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They had a name. Halle-fucking-luiah. Nate sat in front of the computer feeling much better than he had when he and Aiden left for the docks. He was afraid the ship wouldn’t be in port. Not only had they found the ship, but they found Aiden’s attacker. “Jeffers, search the port guards’ records for a ship by the name of The Marchioness.”

  Aiden stuck his head around the door. “Nate?”

  He smiled. Just the sight of the man made him happy. How fucked was that? He’d only left Aiden in the dining room a few minutes ago. “Yes?”

  “Want company?”

  “Yours? Always.”

  Aiden smiled and came into the room, empty-handed.

  Nate frowned. He knew damned good and well after the trip to the docks his boy was itching to get everything he’d seen immortalized in art. Damn. He’d forgotten someone had stolen Aiden’s screens again. They were going to have to find out who. Not only did it piss him off that someone was taking them from Aiden, but whoever it was had a hand in Aiden being attacked.

  “Find anything yet?”

  “Not yet. Jeffers is looking for the ship info now.” Pushing himself back from the desk, he patted his thigh. “Is Thomas here?”

  “Yes, everyone went to a ball. I imagine Thomas is in his room or playing cards with some of the other servants or something. Why?”

  “I was going to have him go buy you some new screens.”

  Aiden kissed his cheek. “Thank you, but the art store is closed. I’ve already asked Thomas to go first thing tomorrow morning. Besides, I have several sketchbooks upstairs. I came to help you.” Turning toward the computer, he cocked his head. “Although I shouldn’t. Once you solve the crime, you’ll go back to your ship.” Aiden frowned, intently studying the screen. “Hmm…”

  Nate ignored the comment. He didn’t want to think about leaving, not when he had Aiden here, in his lap. He fought the urge to suck on Aiden’s earlobe and looked at the monitor. There was a list of the dates, times and cargo The Marchioness was in the bay of Pruluce harbor. The weapons were not on the list.

  “The port guards are in on it.”

  “Not necessarily.” Wrapping his arms around Aiden’s waist, Nate read through the list again and found the date the weapons were stolen.

  Aiden scoffed and pointed at the screen before turning to look at Nate. “Why doesn’t it say weapons? Aren’t they supposed to search the cargo?”

  “Technically yes, but I imagine if they were really busy, as they appeared to be from your sketches, it might get overlooked, especially if they were paid. Happens all the time. Doesn’t mean they are necessarily guilty of anything but expediency versus greed.”

  “We need better commerce laws.”

  Nate chuckled. “Are you going to lobby for them?”

  Aiden groaned. “Good Galaxy, no. I’m actually
thankful you aren’t a Regelence lord, so I don’t have to sit in parliament. I’ve much better things to do. I’ll mention it to my father, but that is the extent to how involved I want to be in politics, thank you very much.”

  Aiden looked so horrified at the idea, Nate laughed harder. “What if the government starts encroaching on your rights?”

  “Then I’ll make a political statement with my work and get the public riled. Don’t underestimate the power of art.”

  Apparently, he’d thought this out. Nate was impressed. “You do realize your own family is head of the government?”

  Aiden grinned, and his eyes practically twinkled. “Oh yes, that makes it even better. I know their weaknesses. My father is easily swayed by gore.”

  Nate raised a brow. “Oh? How exactly did you find this out?”

  “I painted a lovely piece for the dining room in celebration of liver.” Aiden shook his head and sighed. “Father didn’t like it. What a shame too, it was such a lovely representation of the inside of a slaughterhouse. And I thought the dead bloodied cows looked peaceful…” He shrugged. “Everyone’s an art critic.”

  Nate started laughing before Aiden even finished talking. He laughed so hard his sides hurt and he had tears in his eyes. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

  Aiden kissed his lips and stood, chuckling. “Just don’t try to make me eat liver. I’m going upstairs. You coming?”

  Wiping the tears from his eyes, Nate shook his head. “No, I need to call the admiral. I’ll be there shortly.” He would have loved to see that. They got along so well together, Nate had nearly forgotten how defiant Aiden could be.

  “Okay, I’ll draw until you come up.”

  Aiden turned to leave and Nate caught his hand and tugged. “I’ll be up as soon as I check in with Admiral Jenkins.”

  Aiden looked like he wanted to say something but he didn’t. Nodding, Aiden squeezed Nate’s hand and left.

  Resting his head on the desk, Nate sighed. He would rather follow his spouse upstairs. Work first. “Jeffers, can you get Admiral Carl Jenkins for me? He’s on Regelence Space Station.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  Nate sat with his elbows resting on the desk and waited. It wasn’t long before Carl came on the screen.

  “Hawk, how’s it going? I trust you’ve settled in and gotten things moving with the investigation?”

  “It’s going good, Carl. The investigation is going a little slowly, but I’ve got some leads to check out.”

  “Do you have some information for me?”

  “I do, yes. And I have a favor to ask. I need you to check someone for me. I need you to look into a man named Felix Chapman. I’ll have Jeffers send you the sketch Aiden did of the man. Regelence only logs criminals and registered voters. Apparently, Felix Chapman is neither.” Nate would investigate the ship more tomorrow.

  “Done.” Carl nodded. “Anything else? I bet you’re anxious to get back to the Lady Anna.”

  Nate was surprised to find that he wasn’t. He’d decided to stay here and he had no regrets, but he’d expected to miss the ship, miss his life as an IN captain. He smiled at his old friend. “I married Prince Aiden.”

  “What? It sounded like you said you married Prince Aiden.”

  “That is exactly what I said.”

  Carl smiled reluctantly. “Is this a good thing?”

  “It’s a very good thing.” Nate chuckled at Carl’s disbelief.

  “Well, in that case, congratulations, Nate.” Carl shook his head. “How in the hell did you manage that, you old dog?”

  Nate winked and relaxed back into the computer chair. “With a lot of luck. Shh… He hasn’t figured out I’m just a poor sailor yet.”

  Laughing, Carl slapped his desk. “Somehow I doubt that.” After a few seconds he stopped laughing and his face grew serious. “How would you like to impress your prince by becoming an admiral?”

  What? A couple of days ago this would have been a dream come true, but now? Nate wasn’t so sure. It would keep his family off the front line, and it would keep them with him, but still involve taking Aiden from his family.

  “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t love to be in command of Aries Fleet.”

  Aries Fleet? That was Carl’s fleet. It was the fleet that protected Regelence. “What’s going on, Carl?” Why would Carl give up his position? The man wasn’t that old. Admiral was almost always a position held until the man died or became too infirm to make rational decisions.

  Carl waved a hand, but Nate didn’t miss the hesitation. The man had to know how surprising his revelation must be. “Nothing. I’m retiring.”

  Nate frowned. “I’ll think about it.”

  Nate walked upstairs dazed. The IN wanted to promote him to Admiral. It would mean he could keep Aiden with him. He wasn’t sure that getting through the year and retiring wasn’t a better solution. But Admiral… A few years ago—hell, a few days ago—it would have been an answer to a prayer, but something felt off. Carl wouldn’t retire voluntarily, would he? No, Nate didn’t think so. Carl lived and breathed the IN. His whole family was IN, his father and grandfather before him, his brother, even his son. Something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. Maybe discussing it with Aiden would help. Assuming Aiden was still awake. Nate rounded the corner to the hall outside their suite. Knowing Aiden, he was in bed with a sketchbook. Pushing open the door, he walked in and closed it behind him.

  Aiden was right where Nate expected him to be, on the bed, on his stomach, feet in the air and completely absorbed in a sketch. He gave no indication of knowing Nate was there at all.

  Nate leaned against the door, watching him for a few minutes. Damned if his prick didn’t start filling. Why in the world being ignored was arousing he had no idea, but it was, at least when it was because of Aiden’s passion for drawing. He loved how Aiden unconsciously rubbed his feet together and how whenever his pencil stopped his head automatically tilted to the side and the tip of his tongue peeked out from his lips.

  As if thinking about it made it happen, Aiden began rubbing the bottoms of his feet together, making the white linen shift further up his pale thighs. Trouble was right, the nightshirts were girly. Nate had hated the damned things even as a teenager. It hadn’t taken him long to decide to sleep nude.

  Suddenly, it hit him. Aiden had a nightshirt on. Hadn’t he told Aiden no nightshirts in bed? Technically, Aiden wasn’t in bed, he was on it. But still, Nate wasn’t about to argue semantics with himself. This was going to be fun. Nate grinned, his cock getting even harder. “Boy, would you like to explain to me why you have a nightshirt on?”

  Aiden gasped, his head jerking toward Nate. “Oh, Nate, you scared me.” His gaze traveled over Nate’s body, lingering on his groin. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips, and he smiled, meeting Nate’s gaze. Dropping the pencil, he rolled onto his side and extended a hand toward Nate.

  “And now you’re ignoring me. You’re begging to get your ass spanked, aren’t you, boy?”

  “Huh?” Aiden’s eyes widened, looking startled, then they softened, glittering with excitement. Biting his bottom lip, he sat up.

  Nate stepped forward, already pulling his own waistcoat off. “Nightshirt off, boy.”

  “Yes, sir.” Aiden nearly ripped the thing getting it over his head. Tossing it to the floor, he leaned back on his arms, making sure Nate got a good look at the nice, toned body. He lay all the way down and placed his arms over his head, flexing the lean muscles in his abdomen. His gaze darted to Nate’s face and he grinned when he noticed Nate looking.

  The little devil. Nate finished undressing and took his time putting his clothes away. The entire time he was aware of Aiden watching him. He even heard an occasional whimper and sigh, letting him know Aiden liked what he saw.

  After putting his shoes in the bottom of the armoire, Nate got on the bed. Pushing the pillows against the headboard, he got comfortable, stretching his legs out.

  Aiden rolled over to face him. “Sir?�

  “Come here.”

  Aiden crawled to him like an eager puppy, immediately moving to straddle his thighs.

  “Over my lap, boy.”

  Aiden hesitated, but again Nate noticed the spark of excitement flaring in his gray eyes. It intensified Nate’s own arousal. He couldn’t wait to see that pretty little white ass turn red under his hand.

  Aiden draped himself over Nate’s legs, wiggling a bit to get comfortable. Finally, he ended up with his ass positioned perfectly on Nate’s thighs.

  Nate sat there for a minute and let the excitement race through him. Fuck, his boy was something else. Aiden had managed to get himself situated where his cock rested against the inside of Nate’s leg. “You ready, boy?” Nate put his left hand on the middle of Aiden’s back and rested his right over the pale cheek closest to him.

  Aiden’s muscles tensed under Nate’s hands for a second before relaxing again. “Yes, sir?” He said it with a questioning tone, like he wasn’t entirely sure.

  Lifting his right hand, Nate paused. “You know what this is for, right, boy?”

  Bobbing his head, Aiden answered. “Nightshirt, sir.”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to wear a nightshirt in my bed?”

  The impudent brat grumbled something, making Nate smile. “What was that?”

  “I won’t do it again, sir.”

  “Well, maybe this will help you remember next time.” Nate swatted his ass and received a shocked gasp and an automatic tensing in response. He did it again, slow and hard at first then a little quicker. The slapping sound of skin and Aiden’s writhing went right to his cock. That pretty little ass pinkened up nicely.

  Something nudged his leg and it took him a few seconds to realize it was Aiden’s cock. Damn. His boy was hard from the spanking. Nate continued to rain down smack after smack, beginning to work up a sweat. Nate watched for Aiden anticipating the blow and adjusted to keep him off balance.

  At first Aiden only squirmed, yelping occasionally, but when the yelps grew into sobs, Nate stopped. Aiden was still hard and hot against his thigh but— “Aiden?”


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