My Fair Captain

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My Fair Captain Page 26

by J. L. Langley

  “I bet. Your son seems like a handful.”

  Nate glanced around the perimeter of the ballroom. Where was Trou— Rexley and Trouble waltzed around the floor, looking like they’d been dancing together for years. Even if it did appear that Rexley was counting aloud for Trouble. Nate’s mood lightened even more. They complemented each other well. It was a nice surprise. He’d agonized over the betrothal when Steven had told him about it. He still wouldn’t force Trouble to marry, but it appeared that he wouldn’t have to if things kept up as they were. There was bound to be some friction eventually, but for now…

  “You are going to have more children, aren’t you?” His father raised a brow, practically beaming at him.

  What? Nate blinked and then started laughing. He truly had his father back and apparently it was time to start thinking up excuses to the endless badgering about grandchildren.

  “Don’t look so grim. He has table manners; he’s been to formal dinners with me before.” Nate squeezed Aiden’s hand that rested on his forearm as Trouble walked into the dining room in front of them.

  Aiden grimaced. “There is that, I suppose.” Pausing, Aiden jostled his arm. “You talked to your father?”

  “Umm…” He wondered how long he’d get away with that non-answer. One, two, thr—

  “Umm? What does that mean? What did he say?” Aiden’s eyes narrowed, his nose scrunching.

  Nate arched a brow, trying not to smile. “That you deserve a spanking for not asking me first.”

  Scoffing, Aiden resumed walking. “I seriously doubt he sa—” He stopped, his eyes widened and he smiled, showing off even white teeth. “Do I?”

  Laughing, Nate started them moving again. When they rounded the corner leading to the dining room, they noticed someone—it looked like Colton but it was hard to tell since his head was around the corner—at the other end of the hall.

  Stopping in front of the dining room, Nate pointed and looked at Aiden.

  Aiden shrugged and disengaged his arm from Nate’s, heading toward his sibling. He reached the end of the hall and peeked around the corner. Groaning, he grabbed Colton’s arm. “Come on.”

  “But— You have become a stick in the mud, big brother,” Colton grumbled, jerking his arm away from Aiden. He nodded at Nate and went into the dining room.

  “What was that about?” Nate offered Aiden his arm again.

  Aiden smiled and took it. “Lord Wentworth was inspecting the guards.”

  “The captain of the royal guards?”

  “That’s the one.”

  Oh damn. Nate chuckled, wondering if Raleigh knew his son had a hard-on for the head of castle security. Probably not, the man was still employed.

  In the dining room, everyone was just sitting down. A huge twenty-foot rectangular table dominated the middle of the room and several smaller round tables flanked it. Nate escorted Aiden to the large table that had been reserved for family and close acquaintances. Near Steven’s end of the table, there were empty chairs for them. Nate pulled out Aiden’s chair then his own and took a seat. Across from them and to Steven’s left sat Rexley and Trouble. Nate had a sneaking suspicion Aiden had a hand in that. It was a smart move. Between, Nate, Aiden, Steven and Rexley, one of them was bound to be able to control Trouble.

  Steven nodded to them and motioned to the footmen to start pouring the soup. They started at Raleigh’s end of the table, so it gave them a little time to talk. Unfortunately, with everyone present, they couldn’t talk about what really needed to be discussed.

  Taking a drink of his wine, Steven set his glass down. “Nate, with all that has happened I don’t believe I told you congratulations on making Admiral.”

  From the corner of his eye, Nate noticed Trouble cocking his head back and forth at the empty soup bowl in front of him. He tried to ignore it and carry on his conversation with Steven. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Aiden put his hand on Nate’s knee under the table. “I have a gift for you.”

  Nate turned to his boy, surprised. “You do?”

  Smiling, Aiden nodded. “I do. It’s upst—” Aiden’s head jerked around, facing Trouble. “Oh Galaxy.”

  Trouble held up the blue and white bowl from in front of him, looking at it. “I did not know you could do that. Nate, have you ever done that?”

  A feeling of dread hit Nate before he even glanced down at the plate in front of him, trying to figure out what Trouble was talking about.

  Rexley started coughing.

  Steven covered his mouth with his napkin, snickering, and Aiden kept up a steady refrain of “Oh Galaxy” under his breath.

  He was going to kill the kid this time. The plate depicted nude Greek wrestlers, at least that’s what Nate thought it was. It certainly was open for interpretation. It could have been an image from the Regelence Kama Sutra… No, not in the castle, he was pretty sure it was wrestlers. He gave Trouble the look, and noticed Rexley turning red next to him. Was the kid choking or laughing? He was slumped so far down that he was nearly on the floor.

  Apparently, Aiden’s friend Rupert wasn’t sure either. He started pounding on Rexley’s back.

  Trouble looked up at Nate, his eyes twinkling. Oh, the little shit.


  Trouble turned the bowl, showing it to Nate. “Whaaat? I’m just saying…”

  Rexley righted himself, took a deep breath and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “Jeremy,” he whispered as he reached for his drink.

  Just like that, Trouble set the bowl down and took a drink as well. Rexley looked up at them over his glass, arching a brow. That was when Nate noticed only one of his hands was visible. Hmm…

  Aiden, at some point, had stopped his song of “Oh Galaxy,” and patted Nate’s thigh. “Close your mouth.”

  After the ball, Nate retired to the study with the royal couple, his father, brother and Aiden. Aiden had only lasted thirty minutes before he started yawning and said good night. Jared stayed about an hour. Nate had thoroughly enjoyed his family’s company and Steven and Raleigh’s as well, but he was getting anxious to get upstairs to his boy.

  “Nate, I don’t believe in arranged marriages, and I won’t make Rexley and Trouble marry if they don’t want to, but I have to say I think this might be a very good match. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rexley laugh so hard.” Steven’s lips twitched again, just as they did every time the dinner was brought up.

  Taking a drink of his scotch, Nate leaned back in the leather love seat, trying not to smile. He and Steven had gotten along well from the beginning, but now the man was becoming a good friend. Nate wasn’t sure if it was due to his marrying Aiden or swearing fealty, but even Raleigh had lightened up around him. “I’m glad you thought that was funny, Steven.” All right, it was funny, but the brat had poor timing. And Steven had a very valid point. Trouble and Rexley did appear to be suited to each other.

  Nate’s dad chuckled and took a drink of his own scotch. “I don’t know why you’re complaining, Nathaniel. It sounds exactly like something you would have done at his age.”

  Nate pushed his father’s knee with the foot he had crossed over his own knee. Nate knew he could trust his father, but he hadn’t told him everything about what was going on, not just yet. They were still trying to find their footing with one another. And there was a little resentment on Nate’s part, even though he tried not to let it stand in the way of getting to know his father again.

  They all laughed for a few more minutes, then Nate cleared his throat. “How’s Englor, Father?”

  “Not very good, I’m afraid. There are a lot of rumors flying around.”

  Steven swirled his drink, pretending only vague interest, but Nate wasn’t fooled.

  “Oh? What about?” Nate took a sip of his drink, making eye contact with Raleigh.

  His father shook his head. “Vague mentions of the royal scandal, not good at all.”

  Raleigh set his drink on the coffee table in front of them and leaned bac
k. “Prince Simon is an IN Marine officer, isn’t he, your grace?”

  “He is. He’s a colonel and a very highly respected one.” Turning toward Nate, his father frowned. “Nathaniel, I really think you should make a point to visit Englor now that you are Aries Fleet admiral.”

  Nate nodded, looking at Steven and Raleigh before turning his attention back to his dad. “I think you are right, Father. A trip to Englor is definitely in order.” Tossing back the rest of his scotch, Nate stared at his feet. He needed to plan a trip to Englor, but it could wait until the morning.

  His father stood, clapping him on the back. “Gentlemen, I hope you will forgive my rudeness, but I believe I’m ready to call it a night.” He stood, dipping his head. “Your Majesties, it’s been a pleasure. King Steven, I thank you again for contacting me.”

  Steven stood, offering his hand. “You’re most welcome, your grace.”

  Getting to his feet, Raleigh shook hands, and then Nate’s father turned to Nate. After giving Nate a hug and extracting a promise to go riding tomorrow from him, the Duke of Hawthorne left.

  Nate stretched, covering a yawn. “Steven, Raleigh. Shall we meet back here tomorrow morning to discuss business?”

  “Indeed we shall, Admiral.” Steven slapped him on the back.

  “Father! Cony! Nate!” Payton came running into the study, his face red. He was breathing hard.

  Raleigh started forward immediately and Payton waved him away.

  “I’m fine, Cony.” He looked at Nate. “You know those messages Trouble downloaded?”

  Nate nodded.

  “Well, Trouble couldn’t crack them so he asked me to take a look at them. I haven’t cracked them either, but I’ve figured out that the encryption is definitely Englorian.”


  The first thing Nate saw when he opened his bedroom door was Aiden standing bareassed in the middle of the bed. Then his gaze landed on the silver chain collar and lock he’d given Aiden before the ball when they’d snuck back here for a quickie. Not a bad thing to open the door to. His cock was rock hard in seconds flat, but what the hell was Aiden doing?

  Grinning, Nate closed the door quietly and walked closer. Aiden was fiddling with the painting above their bed. Funny, Nate didn’t even recall what the subject matter in the painting was. It certainly wasn’t one of Aiden’s pieces. And Nate didn’t pay attention to the artwork now either. How could he when that delectable little ass was eye level? “Boy, you are going to fall on your head.”

  Aiden turned toward him, smiling ear to ear as Nate’s thighs bumped the edge of the bed. “What do you think?” He lifted his hand toward the picture but Nate’s gaze stayed on the view in front of him. Aiden was a work of art all by himself.

  Nate wrapped his hands around Aiden’s waist and pulled him closer, burying his nose in the dark hair above Aiden’s prick. Inhaling deeply, he savored the warm musky smell. He knew the scent would be stronger further down, but it was still nice, still Aiden.

  “Mmm… You’re not looking.” Aiden’s fingers tangled in his hair, petting. His cock hardened, nudging Nate’s neck.

  Oh, fuck yeah. Grabbing the hot hard cock, Nate covered the head with his mouth and slid slowly down. His other hand cupped his boy’s tight little ass, dragging him forward.

  Aiden’s fingers gripped his hair, his thighs stiffening. “Sir…” His voice was like a purr. His legs wobbled, threatening to give out.

  Nate groaned and pulled back, letting the glistening tip of Aiden’s prick bob free. He didn’t want to do this with Aiden standing on the bed. He smacked Aiden on the hip. “Down from there, boy.”

  Grumbling, Aiden sat on the edge of the bed, his hand going to the button of Nate’s uniform pants, a huge grin tugging at those full lips.

  Oh, it was so tempting, but he wanted Aiden begging for him. “Lay down.” Nate batted his hands away and undressed himself.

  After putting his clothes away he started to get into bed, but froze, sitting on the edge when his gaze landed on the painting he’d forgotten all about.

  “Do you like it?” Aiden crawled across the bed on his knees, looping his arms over Nate’s shoulders and pressing himself up against Nate’s side.

  At any other time it probably would have distracted him to have the firm little body rubbing on him. But this time all he could do was stare in awe.

  Aiden had painted a picture of the Lady Anna. It was an incredible likeness of her sailing through space. The Regelence Space Station was on the port side and slightly behind the vessel, like she was coming to Regelence.

  Nate was speechless. He sat there with Aiden on his knees next to him, still looking at the painting. It was beautiful, just as Aiden’s other pieces were, but this was even more so. It was painted out of love. A gift painted especially for Nate, something Aiden had known would be treasured.

  Aiden looked at the artwork, resting his cheek against Nate’s face. “Her last trip under your command. She’s sailing to Regelence…” Smiling softly, he turned back to Nate, his hands going to Nate’s beard. “Bringing you home, sir.”

  Home indeed. Nate blinked away tears. The sterling silver around the pale throat caught his attention. His boy was worth way more than any IN destroyer. Fusing their lips together, Nate pushed Aiden flat on the bed, coming down on top of him. Aiden felt so right, fit perfectly against him.

  Wrapping his legs around Nate’s calves, Aiden squirmed, already pushing himself up against Nate. His hot cock nestled against Nate’s hip, his hands clutching at Nate’s back. “Please, sir…”

  Nate moaned, his own prick filling. Pulling back, he braced himself on his hands above his boy. “Thank you.” For everything.

  Still trying to rub against Nate, Aiden nodded. “I wanted to give you something special.”

  “Be still, boy.” Balancing on one hand, Nate pressed Aiden to the mattress, halting his moving hips. He smiled down into the handsome face just below his. “I already have something special. I realized that the day you snuck into my room.”

  “You knew.” It wasn’t a question. “That’s why you said the things you did.”

  “Of course, I knew. I was trying to save you and scare you off.” And instead he’d found the perfect partner.

  Aiden grinned and shook his head. “It didn’t work, sir.”

  Thank Galaxy. Nate chuckled. “So I’ve noticed, boy.” Dipping his head, Nate rubbed his beard against Aiden’s chin and cheek. Just knowing how excited it made Aiden when Nate did that, made Nate’s heart race and his breath hitch. He couldn’t wait to feel the tight heat wrapped around his dick and watch Aiden flush with pleasure, begging for Nate to fuck him harder.

  Aiden moaned and rubbed back, his hips pushing up again, frantically trying to get friction on his cock.

  Damn. Nipping Aiden’s jaw, Nate reached for the headboard, getting lube on his fingers, and brought it down between them, pressing into Aiden’s crease, looking for the snug little hole.

  Aiden bucked toward Nate’s fingers, impaling himself. He groaned and writhed, closing his eyes for just a second before he opened them again. His gray eyes widened and focused on Nate’s as Nate added a second finger.

  Nate moved in and out, opening his boy for him. His cock ached and his balls drew closer to his body. He wanted inside his boy so badly.

  Adding a third finger, he angled them upward, finding Aiden’s prostate. Nate loved watching Aiden squirm, trying to fuck himself on Nate’s fingers. As always, Aiden’s need matched his own.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, please, sir…” Precome seeped from Aiden’s hot prick, smearing on Nate’s abs.

  Sitting up, Nate pushed a fourth finger inside. Using his other hand to get more lube, he caught Aiden’s gaze and spread the slippery gel around the outside of Aiden’s hole.

  The whole time, they held each other’s gaze. Saying everything without opening their mouths. Nothing outside the room existed at the moment. There was no IN, no corruption, just the two of them.

  Aiden d
rew his legs up, bending his knees and planting his feet on each side of Nate. He thrust up, making his prick slap against his lower belly.

  Fuck, that was a pretty sight. Nate licked his dry lips, remembering the feel of Aiden in his mouth. After, he promised himself. He’d taste after.


  He loved hearing the love and respect in Aiden’s voice when he said that, so easily and naturally. Without removing his fingers, Nate braced himself on his hand and knees above Aiden before slanting his mouth over Aiden’s, kissing him deeply. His tongue stabbed in, staking his claim.

  Aiden returned his kiss with equal fervor, all the while bearing down on Nate’s fingers, trying to get them deeper.

  Pulling away, Nate nipped Aiden’s lip. “What, boy?”

  “Remember what you said that day? About my heart?” His voice was low, a whisper.

  Oh fuck, yes. Nate’s cock throbbed, jerking at the thought of his entire hand in his boy’s ass, feeling his heartbeat— His cock was so hard it hurt, but for Aiden, for this, he’d wait. Moaning, Nate stared down into his boy’s eyes again. Mine. My boy.

  Nate glanced down at the collar he’d bought Aiden. He’d never expected to find someone to share his life with, much less a lover who shared his desires. Pulling his fingers out a little, Nate fitted his thumb in and pressed slowly into Aiden’s hole. “You’re mine now, boy, all mine.”

  About the Author

  JL has been talking since she was about seven months old. To those who know her it comes as no surprise, in fact, most will tell you she hasn’t shut up since. At eighteen months, she was speaking in full sentences. Imagine if you will the surprise of her admirers when they complimented her mother on “what a cute little boy” she had and received a fierce glare from said little boy and a very loud correction of “I’m a girl!” Oddly enough, JL still finds herself saying that exact phrase thirty-some-odd years later.


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