Neighbor Games (Cuckolding Shorts Book 6)

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Neighbor Games (Cuckolding Shorts Book 6) Page 3

by Ben Boswell

  Becky and Anita went back and forth to the car a couple of times to unload the groceries. They were mostly talking about shopping at first, but after the they brought in the last load, they started talking about that night.

  Becky was obviously uncomfortable talking about it, but Anita was persistent, convincing her it was just "girl to girl."

  "I thought Jeff was going to shit when he saw Donnie coming up behind you," Anita said with a laugh.

  "I still can't believe that happened," Becky replied. "I can't believe I let it happen."

  "Don't blame yourself. You just got caught up in the moment."

  "I don't blame myself. Well, not much. I blame Jeff mostly. And you," Becky said.

  "Don't blame me, honey. You're the one who was prancing around in that bikini. I never guessed you'd actually wear it. And you were the one getting all soulful with Donnie in the pool."

  "We were just talking," Becky replied defensively.

  "About what?"

  Becky paused. "Sex, I guess, but talking about it and doing it are two different things."

  "Not completely. Talking is part of sex. You know what they say about the brain being the sexiest organ."

  "Anyway, you and Jeff started it," Becky replied.

  Anita laughed. "Why are you looking for someone to blame? Didn't you enjoy it?"

  "I never would have started it," Becky sputtered, "and I wouldn't have done it if we weren't drunk. And I would never do it again."

  "That's not what I asked. I asked if you enjoyed it."

  Becky didn't answer for while. I stepped out into the hallway and edged closer to the kitchen until I could just see their reflections off the glass patio door.

  "I mean seriously," Anita continued, "didn't you enjoy it just a bit?"

  Becky tried to keep a straight face, but then she smiled. "Well, maybe a little."

  Anita smiled in return. "You know, we always tell guys that size doesn't matter, but it sort of does, right?"

  Becky just grinned.

  "I remember the first time I did it with Don," Anita continued, "I thought I had died and gone to heaven."

  "It wasn't that good!" Becky exclaimed.

  "No?" Anita asked, surprised.

  "Well, maybe it was pretty good.... okay very.... okay amazing," Becky finally gushed.

  They giggled like schoolgirls for a few moments.

  "Oh God, when he first put it in," Becky added, warming to the topic, "I thought I was going to explode. I actually had to look back because I could not believe that was actually his cock. And when I saw it was, it totally set me off."

  "It is nine-and-a-half inches long and nearly seven inches around," Anita replied. "A lot of women can't take it all, but those who can usually can't get enough."

  "But it's not just the size," Becky said, her words streaming out fervently, "it's also his stamina."

  "Better than Jeff?" Anita said mockingly.

  Becky just rolled her eyes. "What he gave you was about average. I usually don't get off before he's done. But Don... oh God, Don... he just went on and on. And even after he came, he was hard again in minutes."

  "Not bad for an old guy, eh?"

  "Not bad for a teenager. After a while, I kept expecting it to end any minute, but when it didn't it just made me hotter. I've never had a sexual high last that long."

  Becky finally stopped yammering, and the two women stared at each other for a few moments.

  "So?" Anita asked simply.

  "So what?"

  "So, when are we going to do it again?"

  "Oh, Anita, I couldn't. I just couldn't. Jeff wouldn't allow it, and I just couldn't."

  "I can take care of Jeff," Anita said with a sly grin. "And then after a minute or two, come over and join you and Don."

  Becky giggled for a second, but then caught herself. Straightening her shoulders, she said firmly, "No, Anita. No." But then a slight smile came across her face. Anita smiled too. They went back to talking about shopping, as I slinked back into the bedroom and pulled the covers over my head.


  That night, Becky and I started to fool around. I caressed her amazing body, relishing the feel of her full breasts. She was very turned on. I could feel her hot breath against my neck as we rubbed against one another. And then I was suddenly struck with the thought that she was fantasizing about Don. I tried to get that thought out of my head, but all I could picture was Don between her legs, and her meaningful smile as she spoke to Anita. For the first time in my life, I completely shriveled and no amount of coaxing from Becky could get me up. Finally, after a little while, I pleaded that I had a headache and turned away.

  After that night, my confidence completely deserted me. Becky tried to initiate sex a couple of times during the week, but I turned her away, knowing it would only result in humiliating failure. I knew Becky was getting upset. I overheard her whispering on the phone several times, only to have her hang up hurriedly if I approached. I could only assume she was talking to her sister or Anita, the only two people she really confided in.

  I knew I probably should get counseling, but I figured I was just in a funk and that it would go away. But her feelings about Don became something of an obsession for me. Every time she looked at me, I assumed she was comparing me to Don. And whenever I thought about sex, I was convinced she’d measure me against Don, and find me wanting.


  That Sunday, I started watching football at 1:00pm, and I also started drinking beers. Drinking was one of the few things that got my mind away from thinking about Becky and Don. By the time the second game was over, I had gone through a couple of six packs, and I was pretty blasted. I was sort of slipping in and out of awareness, when suddenly the doorbell rang. Becky answered it, and Don and Anita walked in.

  "Aren't you going to say hi to our dinner guests?" Becky asked as I stared bleary eyed.

  "Hi," I slurred. I had totally forgotten about dinner.

  Anita shot a grin over at Don, and Becky shook her head. Don sat down next to me on the couch and clapped me on the shoulder.

  "How you doin', buddy?" he asked.

  I muttered something vaguely unintelligible in response, prompting Don to get up and grab a couple of beers from the fridge and hand me one.

  "Don't you think he's had enough," Becky snapped as if I weren't even in the room.

  Don laughed. "I don't think one more is going to make a difference."

  I was ashamed to have them see me like this, but that only made me want to drown my sorrows even more. Don was talking to me, but I could not easily make out what he was saying. I was too drunk to follow a conversation, and each word he said came at me individually as if at random. I nodded my head, and tried to speak, but I could not quite seem to make my tongue form any sounds.

  After a while, Becky announced that dinner was ready. I thought about getting up, but instead I sort of collapsed onto the sofa. Don tried to lift me up by the arm, but I could not seem to find my balance.

  "Oh just leave him there," Becky said to Don after a couple of seconds.

  As I lay on the couch, I tried to pay attention to the dinner conversation, but it was just too much work. I stared at the TV, but it was too tiring to pay attention. Finally I closed my eyes, feeling the room spinning around me. For the next hour, I made out random noises: the sound of forks and knives against dishes, laughter, the electric blender, water running.

  I awoke out of my half-sleep to find Anita sitting beside me. Still badly drunk, I felt suddenly felt half-way lucid. I looked around, but Don and Anita were nowhere to be seen, and then I looked into the kitchen and there they were doing dishes side by side.

  "They look nice together, don't they?" Anita said curiously.

  "What?" I muttered as if through gauze.

  "Donnie and Becky, although Becky would look good with anyone with that blond hair and big tits."

  "Leave me alone," I hissed, sounding more forlorn than authoritative.

  She leaned d
own close to me, her mouth near my ear. I could feel her hot breath.

  "You know, he's gonna have her," she whispered in my ear.

  "No," I said, but she quickly clamped her hand over my mouth. I was too weak to push her away.

  "That's right. He's going to take her right here in your house, right in your own bed."

  I managed to pushed her away and sit up. I looked over into the kitchen. Don was pressed up behind Becky, his hands under her shirt as he played with her tits. Becky had a dreamy look on her face. She turned her head toward Don and they started kissing wetly.

  She started thrusting her butt against his crotch. Don took that as an invitation to reach down the front of her shorts. After a moment, Becky gasped, and judging from the way he was moving his hand, he was playing with her pussy. Becky reached behind her and rubbed his crotch, stroking his long shaft through his pants.

  "Hey!" I managed to choke out.

  Becky looked over at me and giggled. She seemed ready to let Don fuck her right then and there. But Don must have felt bad for me -- not bad enough to not fuck my wife, but bad enough to not want to do it in front on me -- because he took her by the hand and led her toward our bedroom. Watching the two off them walk away hand-in-hand broke what little spirit I had left.

  The thin walls of our small house gave little privacy, and in moments I could hear Becky moaning softly as Don did God-knows-what to her. I tried to get up, but I was still drunk, and Anita yanked me back on the sofa.

  She moved in close.

  "Doesn't it turn you to think about what Don is doing to little Becky right about now? If I know him, he's probably eating her hot, little box, getting her nice and wet for his big cock."

  "No! I want this to stop," I mumbled.

  "I don't think you want it to stop, I think it turns you on." With that she deftly unzipped my pants and reached in for my cock.

  "Stop," I hissed.

  "Well maybe you aren't turned on," she said mockingly as she handled my flaccid cock. "But I'll tell you what, if you can get it hard, I'll let you fuck me up the ass. I'll even help you."

  She pulled my pants open and fished my cock out from my boxers. Then she leaned down and sucked my whole cock into her hot mouth. Intellectually, I could tell she was good. Her tongue swirled around my prick, and she massaged my balls gently. But I just could not get it up. After a while she started taunting me.

  "Don't you want to butt fuck me? I bet you'd love to bend me over and ream the shit out of me for turning your precious little Becky onto Don."

  She took my cock back into her mouth and slurped it wetly.

  "You know, Don will be hard when it comes time to pop Becky's anal cherry."

  She licked my shaft up and down. It still stayed soft.

  "Well, now I see why Becky was such an easy lay. She probably can't believe what she's been missing. With that hot body she could have been getting fucked by a real man all these years, not some limp, pencil-dicked, premature ejaculator."

  She got up from my lap and suddenly she laughed in my face. I was too shocked to respond.

  "I can't believe I let you fuck me," she hissed.

  Then she got up and stalked into the bedroom after Don and Becky. I tried to get up against, but my legs collapsed under me. Or at least that gave me an excuse to not have to see what was going on. I was so miserable I just wanted to die. But instead, I curled up on the sofa and tried to keep from sobbing as Becky's cries of passion started filling the room.


  I woke up the next morning on the sofa, hungover and miserable. Becky was already gone, and my memory of last night was pretty hazy. I wondered if I had dreamt it all, and thinking about it didn't clear my mind at all.

  I stumbled into work looking the worse for the wear. I had been dragging for the past week, and the attorney I work for had enough and really laid into me. Then he worked me like a dog all day and only let me out of the office after 7:00pm.

  I came home to find a note: "Sorry you had to work late. I went to Don and Anita's for a bite to eat. Come over if you want. Becky"

  The last thing I wanted to do was go over there. So instead, I ate some leftovers and fell into bed dead asleep. At around 1:00am I woke to find that Becky hadn't joined me in bed. I lay in bed frustrated and anguished. A few minutes later, I heard the back door open, and footsteps coming into the bedroom. I pretended to be asleep and surreptitiously watched Becky.

  Her hair was wild and she was carrying her shoes in her hand. She slipped into the bathroom and took a quick shower before joining me in bed.

  I wanted to confront her. Ask her what was going on. But I knew what was going on, and I was terrified to hear the truth. Instead, I just lay perfectly still until she fell asleep beside me.

  The next night, Becky and I had a quiet dinner at home. Although we'd always been able to talk before any of this happened, the table was now virtually silent. We cleared the table and did the dishes without saying much of anything.

  That night we went to bed together. Almost immediately, Becky started to fondle me. She stripped off her nightgown and rubbed her luscious body against me, and then without prompting she went beneath the covers and started sucking my cock. It felt so good. Her mouth was so hot and her tongue playfully slid up and down my shaft. She cupped my balls and hummed softly as she took me in her mouth. This was the best head she'd even given me. For a moment, I started to get excited. And then I started thinking. Had Don taught to suck cock like this? Was she only doing it because she was feeling guilty? In seconds, I had shriveled to nothing, until Becky could barely get anything into her mouth. She kept trying for a while, but when it became obvious I couldn't perform, she finally gave up. She turned her back to me, and went to sleep, her naked body taunting my impotence.

  After that night, Becky didn't try to initiate sex again, and I didn't either. I was too scared of failure. Becky started seeing Don more often, and slowly the pretense of innocence dropped.

  She continued to go over to Don's house for weekly bike rides, but I soon noticed that her bike was parked in their driveway while they were supposedly out riding. After a while, she didn't even both taking her bike out of our garage, although she did continue to wear her skin-tight bike pants over to his house.

  A couple of times a week, she would go over to their house for coffee, never quite excluding me, but never really inviting me along either. Usually she came home around midnight those nights looking completely exhausted and disheveled.

  Summer turned to fall, fall to winter, and winter to spring. One day Becky suddenly seemed angry. I wondered why, until I looked out onto Don and Anita's deck to see a stunning, raven-haired, beauty prancing around in a tight green dress. Becky had some competition for Don's attention. For a little while, I fantasized that it might be over between her and Don, but after a few days, the enchantress disappeared and Becky resumed her thrice-weekly visits to Don's house.

  Try as I might to avoid her, I would occasionally run into Anita, who would taunt me mercilessly about Becky. According to Anita, there was now nothing Becky wouldn't do if Don asked, and as she put it, Don was very imaginative. She even told me who the mystery woman was, the wife of junior associate at Don's firm. It gave me a perverse pleasure to realize I wasn't Don's only cuckold.

  Strangely enough, Becky and I had adjusted to our weird situation. Things between us were some sort of surreal twist on a normal marriage, but that didn't stop us from having dinner together, running errands, and generally behaving as man and wife except that she was having sex with another man, and I had become totally asexual.


  Becky and I had our wedding anniversary in April, and we originally planned to go out to dinner. I was surprised when a week before the date, Becky suddenly informed me that instead of going out, we'd be going to a party at Don and Anita's in our honor. I wanted desperately to refuse, but Becky insisted, and I was too weak-willed to prevail.

  The party was on a Friday night, and was black tie
. I put on my rented tux, and stared open-mouthed when I saw Becky's dress. It was a gorgeous, long, black velvet gown. It was cut very tight, and looked almost painted on. When she walked, the slit up the side exposed almost her whole leg. The top half of the dress was almost all sheer lace flowing down to the small of her back, and in the front exposing a generous amount of cleavage. Her arms were covered in black velvet and the dress closed with a choker around her neck. Down the front of her dress she wore a large custom jewelry diamond necklace, which drew attention to her chest, and showy diamond earrings. She was, in short, stunning.

  At the party were most of the people we know including friends, neighbors, and people from my work and Becky's. Even my overbearing supervisor was there. I noticed that the raven-haired beauty was there, along with her glum-looking husband. There were also a lot of other people there who I assumed were Don and Anita's friends. All told, at least forty people had gathered for the party. All of the men and women looked dashing in their formal attire. For a while, I was actually moved that Don and Anita would have put on such a beautiful party for us. But I should have known it would not last.

  After a couple of hours, when everyone had had a few drinks, Don walked over to Becky and me and starting clanging his glass with a fork. Everyone quieted down and turned toward us. Raising a glass of champagne in the air, Don spoke:

  "Thank you all for coming. Let me first offer a toast to Jeff and Becky, our neighbors, on their anniversary. Congratulations to you both!"

  With that everyone raised their glass and drank to us. Then Don continued: "But we aren't here just to celebrate their vows. This is also a coming out party of sorts."

  I looked up at Don suspiciously.

  "Over the past few months, Becky has been discovering new things about herself, and tonight she wanted to share her new life with you."

  Before I could react, Don swept Becky into his arms and kissed her passionately. Becky responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around him. Around the room, there were a variety of responses. Some of our friends gasped in shock. A lot of others sniggered in amusement. Some of the single men there stared in unadorned lust.


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