Knight of Her Life

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Knight of Her Life Page 16

by Marisa Chenery

  * * * *

  Lady Elizabeth read the missive she held once again. Jacqueline really had herself immersed in a fine mess. Most of it was not her doing. Damn the earl and his scheming ways. If only he could have just left them alone. Jacqueline and Terric would be happily wed and eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child.

  Sighing deeply, Lady Elizabeth sadly shook her head. Her daughter had already suffered enough at the hands of her father, the greatest blow being the death of William. Now she had to suffer losing Terric as well.

  Jacqueline was not going to have to go through this all alone. Her family would stand by her. When Forwin left this world, she would personally make sure Terric got his due—her daughter as his wife.

  * * * *

  “So you have given up. Just like that.”

  Terric scowled at Edwin, who sat next to him. “What would you have me do? She is wed to another and expecting a child.”

  Edwin shook his head. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

  “Just what, pray tell, do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, how sure are you the child Jacqueline is carrying is not yours?”

  Terric roamed his gaze over the other patrons of the inn where they sat and thought about Edwin’s question. He had thought of that, but Jacqueline had had plenty of opportunity to tell him before that Nicholas had shown up.

  “Nay, the babe is not mine,” he said.

  “You have to admit there is a chance it could be.”

  “A very slim one.”

  Terric drained his tankard of ale, then thumped it onto the table. He caught the eye of the buxom serving wench and signaled her to bring another round.

  The woman sauntered over, seductively swinging her hips, carrying a pitcher of ale. She stood behind Terric and reached around him to fill his tankard. She purposely pressed her ample breasts against his back while she poured his drink.

  “Anything else you would like, sir?” she asked in a seductive tone.

  It was blatantly obvious what the wench offered. He looked at her. She would be considered pretty by some, but there was a coarseness about her. At one time, he would have seriously considered her offer, but now he found her not the least bit alluring.

  Terric shook his head. “Nay, the ale is all I want.”

  The wench stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. “Well, if you change your mind, just ask for Lucy. I would be happy to…oblige such a one as you.”

  “Many thanks for the offer, Lucy, but I do not think I will change my mind.”

  Once the serving wench left their table, Edwin chuckled. “You have it bad.”

  “What do I have bad?”

  “Love. Lady Jacqueline still holds your heart. There was a day when yonder wench would have found herself in your bed.”

  “Since when is my bed sport any concern of yours?”

  Ignoring him, Edwin continued. “You love her. I know you do. So you should not give up hope. While you were at the castle visiting Lady Jacqueline, some of the villagers shared an interesting bit of information. More than one bit, actually.”

  Terric could see Edwin itched for him to ask what he had heard as he squirmed. He picked up his tankard and took a sip. He decided to see how long it would take for Edwin to break down and tell him without being asked. It only took a few seconds before the squire broke.

  “Fine, do not ask. I will tell you anyway. They said Forwin is ill and near death. It is said he might not even live long enough to see his heir born.”

  It seemed Jacqueline felt it was unnecessary to relay that information to him as well. “So Jacqueline will be a widow soon.”

  Edwin continued. “You see, there is more. Apparently, Forwin fell ill right after his marriage and has been practically bedridden ever since. So I feel Lady Jacqueline’s babe is yours. How could a deathly-ill man father a child?”

  Having heard enough of Edwin’s assumptions, Terric stopped him from speaking further. “Shut your mouth, Edwin. The subject of Jacqueline is closed. I do not want to hear another word about it from you,” he snapped.

  Thoroughly chastised, Edwin wisely kept his mouth shut.

  * * * *

  Their small party of travelers entered the bailey of Nunney Castle. Beth was accompanied by Sir Guy along with four men-at-arms.

  After dismounting, Sir Guy stepped to Beth and helped her down from her palfrey. He put the bailey and castle walls under close scrutiny. Obviously, finding them both lacking, he snorted in contempt. “This castle is just begging to be taken. No portcullis, only a simple wooden drawbridge operated by a manual crank.”

  Beth had to agree with what the older man said. The lack of defenses was appalling, to say the least. Allowing a party of strangers to enter the castle unchallenged made it even worse. “We must find Jacqueline.”

  “Aye, and quickly. The sooner we establish ourselves in the household the better.”

  Beth nodded as she picked up her skirts and headed in the direction of the hall. “Remember now, Sir Guy, what Lady Elizabeth wants us to do. We must not give our true reason for being here away.”

  “Fear not, my lady. I know exactly what has to be done. I will not put the lass in any more danger.”

  Beth pushed the hall doors open, and added, “Good. Now let us see what we are up against, shall we?”

  The hall was just as empty as the bailey had been. Beth looked at Sir Guy, and he shrugged. It was midday. Usually, the hall would be filled with the occupants of the castle eating their first large meal of the day.

  This was ridiculous. They could be left there all day before someone noticed their presence. Thoroughly disgusted, Beth decided to take matters into her own hands. She went in search of the kitchen.

  After finding the stairs leading down to the bowels of the castle, she and Sir Guy descended to the kitchen. The sound of voices talking animatedly drifted up to them the farther they went. Beth recognized one of the voices amongst the others. Jacqueline was indeed down there. She entered the kitchen and found her sitting at the worktable, happily conversing with the kitchen help.

  Clearing his throat loudly, Sir Guy made their presence known. “Is this any way to welcome guests, lass? By hiding in the kitchen?”

  Jacqueline let out a squeal of surprise. She slipped off her stool, then ran to greet them. “I was not expecting you. Why did you not send word of your coming? I would have been better prepared.”

  Beth gave Jacqueline a quick embrace, then took a step back to take a closer look at her friend. “I must say you have widened a bit since our last meeting.”

  Jacqueline appeared not to know whether she should laugh or cry. “I am so glad you are here, Beth. You too, Sir Guy.”

  The older man smiled warmly. “Do you think your mother would leave you to face your time of trial alone? She sent us here to be of service to you.” He stared intently into her eyes, then said pointedly, “To serve you in all matters, to the very end.”

  Jacqueline gave Sir Guy a quivering smile. “I will gladly accept your help. Your presence brings me much comfort. You have no idea how much.”

  * * * *

  Why did those two have to come? Nicholas silently gnashed his teeth in rage. All he had worked so hard to obtain was slipping through his fingers like so many grains of sand. The arrival of Lady Beth and Sir Guy marked the beginning of subtle changes within Nunney’s walls. He could not prove either one was the cause of them, but he just knew they were.

  All meals, which he was expected to attend, were now served in the hall. It seemed they tried to keep him from Forwin. What he found most disturbing was the now manned walls.

  Sir Guy had been very unobtrusive about what he was doing. At first, the four men-at-arms who had accompanied him there took shifts patrolling the walls. Now, five more men had been added to their ranks. Where they had come from, Nicholas did not know and could not find out either. Those men were very close-mouthed and could not be easily drawn out in conversation. One thing that was true about all
of them was that, to a man, they were all very well-trained. Sir Guy held daily training sessions in the bailey. Nicholas had watched one and observed how well those men handled their swords.

  Having planned for the last few years to be the next owner of Nunney Castle, he was not prepared to just walk away. He would silently bide his time. Once Jacqueline bore her brat, then things would change. No one was going to stop him from getting what he had striven so hard for. Not the shrew Lady Beth, and not that old knight. He would show them all in the end.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The time of Jacqueline’s lying-in finally arrived during a cold and blustery winter night. It had been decided beforehand, amongst the three of them, to keep Nicholas ignorant as long as they could of what took place. At the very least, until after she had safely been delivered. She and the babe would be too vulnerable as she labored.

  So with great stealth on Sir Guy’s part, he secretly brought the village midwife up to Jacqueline’s chamber when the time came. The older woman understood the motive behind it and was quick to reassure them she would not draw attention to herself in any way.

  Apparently, the general opinion down in the village was one of hatred toward Nicholas. To see the back of him leaving Nunney would be a blessing to them. The minstrel would be a harsh master in their minds, if Nicholas was somehow able to find a way to claim the lands as his own.

  As Jacqueline’s labor progressed, Sir Guy left his post at her chamber door. He had only been tolerated in what was usually classed as woman’s work because the women could not protect themselves against an attack. Now, he had to put into motion the next step in his plans to keep Jacqueline safe.

  Jacqueline clenched her teeth as another wave of pain hit her. The pains came faster, not giving her much time to rest before the next one took her over. Knowing it meant her baby was close to being born, she silently wished it to come quickly. Much to her relief, it did just that. A short time later, she began the job of pushing her child into the world.

  With Beth holding her hand for support, Jacqueline gave one last push, and the child slip free of her body and into the waiting arms of the midwife.

  At the muffled cries of her infant, she propped herself up on one elbow and expectantly looked at the midwife. “Tell me. What is it?”

  Smiling, the older woman came to Jacqueline’s side, then passed her the well-wrapped bundle of her child. “You have a fine, healthy son, my lady.”

  Seeing her child’s face for the very first time was the most beautiful thing she had ever experienced. Jacqueline blinked back tears of happiness that threatened to fall. She pulled the blanket away from her son and checked every inch of him. He was perfect. The peach fuzz upon his head was dark brown. When the baby opened his eyes and looked at her for the first time, she found herself staring at a copy of Terric’s own. They were a lovely shade of violet.

  Hearing someone sniff, Jacqueline looked at Beth. She stood beside the bed, staring at the baby while silent tears dripped down her cheeks.

  Beth gave her a watery smile. “Oh, Jacqueline. He looks so much like William.”

  Beth was right. Her son was a male version of herself. Exactly how William had looked. Jacqueline wrapped the baby back up again, then passed the infant to Beth. At first, she refused, but Jacqueline would not give in. Beth held the baby close.

  “What are you going to call him, Jacqueline?” she asked.

  She had had names picked out long before this day had come, a boy’s and a girl’s. “He will be Jordan William.” She almost added Aubrey to the end of her son’s name, but that was not to be. Jordan would have Forwin’s—De La Mare.

  Though her labor had not been very long, tiredness slowly seeped through her. She needed to rest. For on the morrow, the greatest challenge would begin—ousting Nicholas and then securing Jordan’s future as the next Earl of Somerset.

  * * * *

  Jacqueline had no idea why she awoke from her slumber. Maybe because she was now a mother and had come to possess that extra sense all mothers have when it comes to their children—the one that allows them to know when their child needed them without being told. Whatever it was, she sensed something wrong.

  There was someone in her chamber. She knew that even before she came fully awake. Jacqueline reached under her pillow and grabbed the hilt of the dagger she kept at the ready. In one swift movement, she jumped out of bed, then held it against Nicholas’ throat as he bent over her son’s cradle.

  “Move any closer to my child and I will cut a nice hole in your throat.”

  Nicholas slowly straightened. All the while Jacqueline kept the sharp edge of the blade against his throat. “Now, now, Jacqueline. Is this any way to treat your future husband?”

  “The day I wed you will be the day hell freezes over. Besides, I still have a husband.”

  “I am sorry to give you grievous news, but Forwin is no more.” After imparting those words, Nicholas laughed. A sinister laugh.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “You are a widow. Once I dispatch your brat, you will be my wife.”

  Jacqueline tightened her grip on the dagger. Her top lip curled into a snarl. “Touch my son and you will die.”

  Nicholas laughed once more. “Really, Jacqueline. You just gave birth. I can feel you shaking. Do you honestly believe you can overpower me in such a weakened state?”

  He was right. Her hand trembled. “I do not think it is wise of you to celebrate a victory you have not won yet.” Jordan whimpered, which caused Jacqueline to nick Nicholas’ throat.

  Nicholas hissed in anger. “You will pay for that.”

  “I think not,” Sir Guy said from behind them.

  At the sound of his voice, Jacqueline turned to find Sir Guy standing just inside her chamber, flanked by two men-at-arms. The baby cried in earnest. Controlling the urge to pick up Jordan, she waited until both men-at-arms took hold of Nicholas. With him now safely in custody and no longer a threat, she put down her dagger so she could comfort her son.

  Before Nicholas could be led from her chamber, Jacqueline spoke to him. “This will be the last time I see you so I am going to get right to the point. Whatever Forwin promised you, forget it. Nunney is now my son’s, and no man will take it from him.”

  Nicholas’ handsome face shifted into a mask of pure rage. “You might have won this time, but it will not be the end.”

  Sir Guy stepped in between them. “That is enough out of you. It is over. You will be escorted from Nunney, and you will not come back. On your way out, look to the walls. There are more men manning them. Men sworn to serve Lady Jacqueline.” Coming to stand nose to nose with Nicholas, he said coldly, “If you decide to try to claim Nunney Castle, which was never yours in the first place, it will be the end of you. Literally.” With a swift jerk of his head, he signaled the men-at-arms to lead the minstrel away.

  The encounter left Jacqueline completely drained. Still cradling Jordan close, she sat on her bed before her trembling legs gave out on her. “Nicholas said Forwin is dead.”

  Sir Guy sighed. “He is. With no small help from the minstrel.”

  Jacqueline gasped in shock. “Are you saying he killed Forwin?”

  “Afraid so, lass. I would not be surprised to find out he had been at it for years. There are poisons that mimic symptoms of a serious illness. It would explain Forwin’s inability to sire a child.”

  She had to agree with that assumption. Nicholas would have had no qualms about ridding himself of the man who stood in his way of gaining all he wanted. “We have removed the thorn from our side. Now what do we do to keep what we have gained?”

  With all seriousness, Sir Guy said, “You must wed again, and quickly. Ideally, before your father finds out Forwin is dead and buried.”

  Kissing the top of her son’s silky head, she nodded. “Terric. I will only have Terric. He deserves to be a part of Jordan’s life. More importantly, this time I will only marry for love. I refuse to be used as a pawn to furth
er a man’s fortune again.”

  Sir Guy brushed a finger across the baby’s soft cheek, then bent down to place a kiss on Jacqueline’s forehead. “We knew that, lass. Your lady mother and I, that is. All the details will be taken care of. Have no fear. You will get your man.”

  “How long do I have?”

  “A month to a month and a half. Then you will have what you want.”

  “Nicholas? He knows about my father and what he hoped to gain. Will he not go to the earl and tell him what we have done?”

  Sir Guy smiled a knowing smile. “I expect him to do just that, but he will have to find the earl first, then try to gain an audience with him. Nicholas is going to find out how a nobleman can really treat a lowly minstrel.”

  Jacqueline laughed. For once her father’s disregard of anyone in the lower classes would work to their benefit. “Poor Nicholas. He will be shunned.”

  “Maybe not forever, but he will give you time to gain your strength back so you can confront Terric. You are going to need as much of it as you can get.”

  Confused, she looked at the older man. “Confront? How?”

  Smiling, Sir Guy went to leave the chamber. “Why, you are going to face Terric in the list. What better way to gain his attention? After all, he is a tournament knight. So make your play for him in his territory. He can hardly ignore you then.”

  * * * *

  It was not fair. All the years wasted catering to that fool Forwin and for nothing. Nicholas knew he should not have listened to him. Forwin’s wife could have easily found herself rid of her child in the beginning. There were herbs that could have been slipped to Jacqueline without her knowing, but Forwin had not allowed it. He would have done it himself, but he had thought the risk too high if the herbs used were ever traced back to him.

  He had lost it all and had been outsmarted by a woman, but the bitch would pay. He was going to make sure of that. Nicholas looked over his shoulder and found the two men-at-arms closely watching him. He snatched up his belongings and roughly shoved them into his bags. Once he finished, he brushed past the two waiting men. They closely followed him.


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