Only For A Moment (The McCormicks Book 2)

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Only For A Moment (The McCormicks Book 2) Page 19

by Elena Aitken

  Dee slowed the car and looked over at her. “I know this isn’t happening the way you expected,” she said kindly. “And maybe it’s not my place to say, but I think the best thing you can do now is have an open mind to everything. I mean, you didn’t think things would happen the way they have up until this point, right?”

  “No.” Jade shook her head. “Definitely not.”

  “Right. But the baby is a good thing.”

  Her hand went to her stomach and without hesitation, Jade said, “It absolutely is. I never would have thought it would be, but now I see that life has a funny way of working out just the way it should.”

  “Exactly!” Deanna declared. “Remember that, too. Because sometimes an opportunity comes, only for a moment, and then it’s gone. You have to take it while you can.”

  Jade gave her new friend a strange look, but nodded because even in her strange way, what Dee was saying was true. Sometimes there was only a moment.

  She let herself think about that for a second. About how maybe her love with Mitch was only for a moment, if it had been love at all, and how she’d actually been happy, even if it was only for a moment. She could have let herself think about that idea for a long time except all of a sudden, Dee was pulling the car to a stop beside a beautiful log home.

  “We’re here,” she said. “Isn’t it perfect?”

  Jade stared out the window. It was perfect. For a family. It was most definitely not the perfect house for a single mom who was about to move her entire life to a new town and start over. A small bungalow right in the heart of town would be much more suited for that. But for the right family, there was no doubt, the house she was staring at would be ideal.

  “It’s amazing,” Jade answered, unwilling to disappoint her friend.

  “Come on. You have to see what’s inside.”

  Jade opened the door and followed Deanna up the driveway. “Shouldn’t there be a real estate agent meeting us? Do you have a key?”

  “I don’t need a key.” Deanna was practically giddy with excitement. “Oh.” She stopped short right outside the door. “I just realized I left something in the car. You go on ahead, okay? I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll wait.”

  “No. You have to see the view when you walk in. You can see through the entire house and look right out to the big deck and the lake behind. It’s the most perfect view you’ll ever see.” Deanna hesitated and dropped her hand. “Trust me!”

  Deanna looked adamant, and it’s not as though Jade were going to buy the house anyway. The whole thing was just about humoring her friend. With a sigh, she turned, opened the door and her heart stopped for a moment.

  There were flowers everywhere, candles flickered, and twinkly white lights strung all over made it look like there were stars inside. It was breathtaking and magical and not at all what an open house should look like.

  She took a step back and turned to look for Deanna. Her car, and Deanna, were gone.

  Jade turned back to the house. Her heart raced in her chest. And that’s when she saw it. The view Deanna had spoken of. The one she was supposed to see when she first walked through the front door.

  Just like her friend had promised, she could see straight through the room, out to the deck, the lake, and…


  Mitch had never been so nervous.

  His legs shook, his heart raced, and despite the warmth of the evening, cold droplets of sweat trailed down his spine. His hand went into his pocket, his fingers wrapped around the ring he had there and instantly his breathing slowed.

  It would all work out.

  He watched, unspeaking, as she stepped into the house, looked around in wonder and turned to leave. She stopped. Good, that must mean that Deanna had left quickly. Damn. He owed her one for her part in his plan. Jade turned around again. This time she looked straight through the house toward the lake. And him.

  Mitch smiled.

  She still didn’t move.

  He wanted to call out to her, to yell and ask her to come talk to him, but his voice wouldn’t work, so he did the only thing he could think of that would get her attention.

  He got down on one knee.

  Even from across the room, he could see the shock on her face. He kept the smile on his, willing her to walk toward him so she could see for herself the love in his eyes. The love he’d felt all along but was just too stupid to admit.

  It felt like a million years went by but finally she started to walk through the flower-filled living room and out to the deck. There were more flowers out here, and even more lights that would look amazing when the sun fully disappeared. But for the moment, he was glad it was still light out so she could see him clearly.

  “Mitch?” Her voice shook in question when she stepped outside. “Mitch, what are you—”

  He held out his hand, silencing her questions.

  She didn’t have to, and after the way he’d behaved he wouldn’t have blamed her if she didn’t, but she took his hand.

  “Mitch, I—”

  “Please,” he interrupted her. “I’m sure you have so much to say and so many questions for me and maybe even you want to yell at me a little bit.” That earned him a smile. “And I want to give you the chance to do all of that. But first I really need to say something. Will you let me have that chance?”

  She nodded and it took all his self-control to keep from jumping up, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. She was so amazingly beautiful and her willingness to give him a chance made her even more stunning. His heart swelled.

  “Jade, I have been the biggest idiot,” he started. “From the minute I met you at the summer solstice festival, I knew there was something amazing about you. You’re gorgeous, strong, witty, smart, and successful. I was speechless. And the connection we had, it was electric and instant. And maybe that’s why I didn’t realize right away that it could possibly be real. I mean, how could it be possible to fall in love the moment you met someone?” Her eyes filled with tears. It stopped him. He’d never seen her cry before. Was she a crier? Or did she hold everything in? There was still so much he didn’t know about her. Still so much he had to discover. The idea excited him.

  Mitch squeezed her hands a little tighter in his own and continued. “I was convinced that it couldn’t be true, that what we had couldn’t possibly be what I thought it was. But I was wrong. It’s everything.”

  “Mitch, I—”

  “No. Jade, it is. And I wanted to tell you that earlier but then you told me about the baby and how you didn’t want or expect anything from me and well…it hurt. And yes, of course you surprised me with that. I mean, I didn’t expect to hear that I was going to be a father.”

  She laughed and wiped at her eyes. “I certainly didn’t expect to tell you that.”

  “But I’m so sorry about the way I handled it. I never should have gotten upset like that. I never should have—”

  “No,” she interrupted him. “I never should have been so cold.” Jade crouched down so they were eye to eye. “I just thought…well…I just thought you weren’t interested in being with me, and I didn’t want you to feel you had to be. I never want anyone who doesn’t want—”

  He silenced her with a kiss. “I want you, Jade. Make no mistake about it. I want you and our baby and…everything.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head gently.

  “Yes.” Mitch took her chin in his hand. “I love you. Look at me.” She did as he requested. “I love you,” he said again, slower. “And I want to be with you. Do you believe me?”

  For a moment, she didn’t do or say anything. He held his breath and finally she nodded. “Yes.”

  He pulled her face into his hands again and kissed her thoroughly.

  “You believe me?” he asked again and stood, taking her with him. “I really need you to believe that despite everything, I love you. And I know it’s fast, and I know it’s crazy, but when I’m with you I feel like I’ve never felt before. When I�
�m holding you, I feel like I’m home. Like there’s no place else I’d rather be than in your arms, and I—”

  “I believe you.” Her eyes danced with laughter and tears, but it was the smile on her face that gave him the answer he needed. She did believe him. “And it’s the craziest thing, but I love you, too. So much.”

  He kissed her again. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight while his lips pressed against hers, taking love as much as he gave it. Mitch was so lost in her that he almost forgot what he needed to do. He regained his senses and pulled back, once more dropping to one knee. This time, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring.

  “Mitch, what are you…get up…”

  He shook his head. “Jade, it took me longer than it should have, but my eyes are completely open now. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life falling deeper in love with you.” He held out the ring. “Will you do me the great honor of being my wife?”

  She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.” She nodded her head. “Yes. Oh, God. A thousand times yes.”

  Mitch slipped the ring on her left hand and kissed it before he stood and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so glad you said yes,” he murmured into her hair.

  She pulled back slightly and looked him in the eyes. “How could I say anything else? Just like you, I fought all of this. The way I felt about you scared me, Mitch. I reasoned it away to be anything but love. But now…well…now I believe. And to hear you say you feel the same way…” Tears spilled over her cheeks and she swiped at them with a laugh. “I can’t seem to stop crying.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I know.” Jade smiled. “I know it is. And I can’t believe I’m going to say this but, I can’t wait to marry you and be a family with you.”

  He knew how crazy that was for her to say given everything she’d told him about her childhood and what she’d been raised to believe. “I’m so glad to hear you say that.” He grinned. “Because I’m not done with the surprises. Turn around.”

  After Mitch’s confession of love, Jade probably would have done anything he asked, she was flying so high. It couldn’t get any better than to hear that he felt the same way she did.

  But then it did get better.

  Because she turned around.

  Just inside, in the very living room full of flowers she’d just walked through, stood all their family and friends. They all held a single flower in their hands, and wore the biggest smiles Jade had ever seen.

  Confused, she turned to Mitch. “What is this?”

  He took her left hand and held it to his lips before he wrapped it in his. “This is our wedding.”

  Speechless, Mitch led her through the door and they were greeted by cheers and celebration before each of their friends and family members came up to them one by one to offer their congratulations. As each person came up, they handed Jade the flower they were holding, creating, as they did so, a beautiful bouquet.

  Deanna stepped up and handed Jade a lily and gave her a hug. Jade looked between her new friend and her new fiancé—that was going to take some getting used to saying—a look of confusion on her face. “How did you…were you…weren’t you…”

  Deanna laughed. “Oh sweetie. We had to get you here somehow, didn’t we?” She kissed Jade on the cheek. “But this was all Mitch’s idea. He planned everything.”

  “With a lot of help from everyone else.”

  Deanna moved off. The next person, a woman, grabbed her hand and handed her a rose with the other one. “Jade.” She squeezed. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to meet the woman who holds my son’s heart.”


  “Mrs. McCormick?”

  “Please. Call me Maureen.”

  There was something about the woman, her smile, the fact that she was Mitch’s mother, and she was there and—Jade pulled her in for a spontaneous hug. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Maureen laughed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, sweetie. And I can’t wait to get to know you better, but I think my son has a few ideas about how the rest of this evening should go.” She turned and gave her son a hug, whispering into his ear, but not so quiet that she couldn’t hear. “I like her, Mitch. I love you, son.”

  Jade waited until she wandered away, and before the next person came to deliver her a flower, she turned to Mitch. “I still don’t understand. What is all this?” She gestured to the people who’d gathered in the large room. “What did you mean it’s our wedding?”

  “Just that.” Mitch took her hand and led her a few steps away. “I don’t want to wait, Jade. I want to be with you and not just as my fiancée. As my wife. And I think you want that too. Let’s be a family.”

  He put his hand on her stomach and gave her the sweetest smile. It was the first time he’d done that. The first time he’d acknowledged, really acknowledged that they could be a family.

  But it was so soon. Did that matter? Did it matter that they’d only known each other six weeks and already they were having a baby and getting married?

  Of course it mattered! It was crazy. Who did that? Nobody did that. Because it was insane.

  Jade looked down at where Mitch’s hand was still on her stomach. She placed hers on top of his, her new diamond ring sparkling up at her. They both looked up into each other’s eyes at the same time. She could see the love in his eyes. It radiated out from him and hit her with its warmth.

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I do. I want nothing more than to be a family with you. And yes, it’s crazy.” She closed her eyes and laughed a little, hoping she didn’t sound too maniacal. “It’s so freakin’ crazy, but that’s why I know it’s going to work. This is right. This is so right. I do want to marry you. I do.”

  Mitch laughed and placed a finger on her lips. “Save it for the ceremony, babe.” He replaced his finger with his lips and kissed her sweetly.

  “But how?” she asked. “How did you do all this? How can we get married today? Is everyone here?”

  “Who do you want here?”

  Her mother. She should have her mother there. After all, she was the only family Jade had. She should be in attendance, shouldn’t she? But no. Her mom would ruin everything. She’d tell Jade she was making a mistake and never to sign her life away for a man and a child. But her mom didn’t know Mitch. She didn’t know this love. She couldn’t have. There was no way if her mother had ever felt a love like she was feeling that she would ever have been able to coach Jade to avoid it. No. Her mom didn’t belong here. Not today. She’d talk to her later, definitely. But that day was not today.

  Jade looked around the group that was gathered. All of Mitch’s brothers. Including one she assumed to be Declan but hadn’t actually met yet. The family resemblance was so uncanny it couldn’t be anyone but. Gwen was there of course, and Deanna. Evie and her son, Jonah. A handful of people she didn’t know yet but assumed were important to Mitch. She looked back to her fiancé.

  “I have everyone I need.”

  “Are you sure? Because we can—”

  “I’m sure.” She nodded, never feeling more confident about a decision in her life. Being with Mitch felt right. It was what she wanted. It’s what she’d wanted from the very beginning. And it might be the most ridiculous thing she’d ever done but she needed to take a leap of faith, stop second-guessing her heart, put aside all of the objections she’d had drilled into her head her entire life and do what felt right. “Let’s do this.”

  Mitch squeezed her hands tighter and kissed them. “There’s just one more thing.” He looked over his shoulder and beckoned to Evie, who a moment later was at her side.

  “Come with me, Jade.” She took her hand from Mitch’s. “We have to get you ready.”

  She still had so many questions, but they could all wait because the only thing that was important was Mitch, her baby, and becoming a family.

  Thirty minutes later, dressed in the prettiest ivory lace dress she’d ever seen, with the bouquet of flowers from their guests in her
hand, Jade was ready to walk down the aisle. She stood trembling in the doorway of one of the bedrooms. When the hauntingly beautiful guitar sounds started, Jade walked down the hallway and back into the great room that was now lit up by the candles and twinkle lights that had been strung around the room. She didn’t even notice the faces of the people she passed, or the fact that the man playing the guitar was none other than the world-renowned musician, Slade Black.

  Jade only had eyes for Mitch, who stood by himself next to Pastor Christopher.

  When Evie was helping Jade get dressed, she filled her in on some of the details such as the pastor, who’d been secured at short notice because he was an old friend of the family’s. Everything else Evie had told her was a blur now. All Jade could think about was becoming Mitch’s wife and how right it felt.

  Somehow she made it to the front of the room. Mitch took her hand and steadied her. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  She nodded. “More than okay.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek and she laughed. “Is this crazy?”

  “The only thing that’s crazy is how we didn’t realize our love sooner.”

  “Well, we’re both pretty stubborn.”

  He kissed her forehead and Jade didn’t think she would ever get enough of him kissing her. “One of my favorite things about you.”

  “If you’re both ready,” Pastor Christopher interrupted them. “We will begin.” They nodded and turned to the pastor. He began the ceremony, most of which Jade couldn’t remember. That is, until it came to the vows. “Do you vow to honor and cherish Mitch as your husband and partner as long as you both shall live?”

  She didn’t even hesitate. “I absolutely do.”

  He grinned at her. “And do you, Mitch, vow to honor and cherish Jade as your wife and partner as long as you both shall live?”

  He looked straight in her eyes and with conviction, said, “Oh hell yeah.” He clapped a hand to his mouth when he realized what he’d said but everyone, including Pastor Christopher, laughed. “I mean,” he straightened up and tried again, “I do.”


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