His Mate - Brothers - Witch Way?

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His Mate - Brothers - Witch Way? Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  “Jake!” Daniel growled at the thought of his brother, wooing, winning, claiming, and bonding with his mate.

  “Debbie!” Jules gasped out in surprise and slapped her hand over her mouth as her eyes widened and she stared back at her mate. “You…!”

  “What did I do?” Daniel looked flabbergasted.

  He didn’t mind taking responsibility for his own screw ups, and he was getting used to the taste of his own feet in his mouth every time that he said something to her. Anything to her.

  But there was no way in hell that he was going to take the blame for anything that his brothers did. He had enough damn troubles of his own to deal with.

  Besides, Jake bonding with his mate wasn’t exactly a screw-up. In that moment, he hated his brother and envied the man at the same time.

  Jake had his mate. He had his future all set out in front of him. A mate and family.

  Daniel had to wonder if he would ever have the same thing.



  “You’re breathing, aren’t you?” Jules snapped back.

  “Well I’m sorry, I’ll just hold my breath for ten minutes or so, shall I?” Daniel growled back.

  “That would be helpful — give it a try, and we’ll see how it goes,” she hissed.

  “You are just so…” For one long moment, he looked constipated, and she jumped right in.

  “Go ahead — say it!”

  “Argumentative!” Daniel thrust the word out of his mouth like he wanted to say so much more, but couldn’t.

  “Is that the best you’ve got?”

  “Probably not,” he admitted. Then he rolled his head on his neck and grumbled another growl.

  “Come on; you can say it — go for it!” Jules baited him.

  “Witch!” Daniel announced like he’d had a Eureka moment.

  The deep, hard scowl on Jules face faded away. Something pulled and tugged at her lips, her eyes brightened with amusement, and she snorted a chuckle.

  “It’s not funny!” Daniel grumbled.

  Jules opened her mouth to speak, but all that she could manage to get out was spluttered chuckles, mixed with schoolgirl giggles. He huffed in frustration back at her.

  “You are really mean, do you know that?” Daniel huffed once more.

  She could only nod her head, as giggles and chuckles turned to full-blown laughter. She couldn’t seem to make it stop.

  “Are you trying to be mean? Are you trying to kill my ego?” Daniel almost begged for an answer.

  Jules lifted up hands and shrugged her shoulders. The laughter was still spilling from her lips as she nodded her head and shook it at the same time.

  “And you have a decision making disorder to boot. Great!” He folded his arms across his broad chest, and her eyes immediately followed that movement.

  “And you’re the big bad Wolf,” she managed to get the words out even if she was snorting chuckles at the time.

  “When I have to be.”

  “Go for!” She chuckled.

  “You still don’t get it, do you?” Daniel asked on a slow shake of his head.

  “Enlighten me.”

  “You’re my mate. I can’t be the big bad wolf with you if I tried,” he said with a small shrug of his broad shoulders.

  Jules sobered a little at his words. They sounded heartfelt. He looked sincere, but then, not a moment earlier he’d looked as if he needed to run head first into a brick wall.

  She guessed that was her fault.

  Jules felt a small rush of guilt along with a big dollop of excitement, and she cursed the mating pull as he tore down another brick or two from the wall around her heart.

  “Now, see — that’s not fair,” she said offering him a small shake of her head in reply.

  “What’s not fair?” He gave a small sigh of resignation. She was being argumentative — again.

  “You throwing out lines like that. They sound kind of believable.”

  “It’s not a line. It’s me. When are you going to see that?” Daniel asked in dismay. The look on her face said some time never. “I see you. Why can’t you see me?”

  Jules mulled over his words as she stood there speechless. Daniel nodded just once, and then he turned and started towards the door.

  Jules winced. Then she grimaced. She snagged her upper lip with her lower teeth as she thought hard.

  He’s not exactly Satan’s minion.

  Sure, he’s male — enough said.

  But, he’s also kind of sweet – in a rough and ready sort of way.

  But, then he is a shifter — enough said.

  Goddess, can I be thinking what I think I’m thinking?

  No — maybe — bloody hell, yes!

  Him. Him and pups. Him, and me, and pups.

  Bloody hell! I think I need my head testing. I think I need my bell rung. Maybe, more than once.

  Would it be so bad?

  Debbie bonded with Jake. Mia is definitely going to bond with Lewis. Sure, Aggie might turn praying mantis with Nestor — but fate did send me Daniel’s way.

  Am I just supposed to deny that he is my mate?

  Am I just supposed to whistle a happy tune while I walk away?

  What the hell am I thinking? Walk away? Who does that?

  Oh look, I found the perfect man. I’ll just toddle off. Maybe, Mr not – so – perfect is right around the corner!

  Oh goddess, I’m losing it.

  Losing him — what?

  I’m not losing him. Wait — I’m not losing him!

  He’s my damn mate. I’m not walking away from that. That would make me an idiot, and there’s already one idiot that can’t keep his paws out of his mouth in this relationship.

  Hell, he’s an idiot — I’m an idiot — we are perfect for each other!

  So, what the hell am I waiting for?

  Get those buns moving, sister!

  Go hunt down your mate, and woo his sexy self!




  “Okay, now don’t think because you got all fur and fangs that it somehow means that I’m okay with this mating thing — because, let me tell you — I’m not!” Aggie tossed back over her shoulder as Nestor pushed the door to his cabin open and she strolled blindly inside.

  “Got it.”

  “And when I say I’m not…” Aggie stopped in her tracks the moment that Nestor flicked on the overhead lights and illuminated the small, cozy, very homely cabin around her. “Oh, this is nice.”

  “I think that’s the first positive thing I’ve heard come out of your mouth since I met you,” Nestor chuckled as he back heeled front door closed and noted that the sound of wood on wood made her jump in place.

  “That depends on whose point of view you are looking at it from. Personally, I think everything I say is positive,” Aggie offered behind her as her eyes took in everything about the room.

  She liked the open fire. She liked the way that he’d positioned the sofas, just right to get the effect of both the flickering flames and the television.

  She liked the deep luxurious looking rug in front of the fire. Hell, she even liked the curtains, and for her, that was a miracle.

  Maybe he wasn’t such an old fart after all.

  “So, you like our cabin?”

  “Whoa, back up there a moment, wolf-breath,” Aggie offered him a little chuckle of disbelief. “Our? Now, who said anything about our anything? I think someone’s getting ahead of themselves.”

  “I think I’m too old not to get ahead of myself. But hey, you go right ahead and procrastinate yourself into your grave, if that’s what you want to do.” Nestor shrugged.

  “I’ll do what I want to do, and I’ll do it when I want to do it. No sense in rushing in where fools fear to tread, and by fools I think we both know I’m talking about you, right?” Aggie turned to look over her shoulder at him, a large mischievous grin on her face, as humor danced within her eyes.

  “Yep. I think we can both ag
ree that there is no fool like an old fool.”

  “Oh, a cliché — I can work with that.”

  “I’m going for a shower — feel free to join me if the mood takes you.” Nestor was already walking past her towards the bedroom.

  “Now what kind of a come on line is that?” Aggie berated him.

  “The kind that says we’re not getting any younger.”

  “I hear that!” Aggie shrug just one shoulder. She lifted her hand and tapped a fingernail against her lips as she considered the options.

  She could turn around and leave — but she didn’t really have anywhere to be right at that moment.

  “What should a wicked witch do?” Aggie took a deep breath in and sighed it back out again. “No sense in wasting all that water!” She said as she clicked her heels together before starting off towards the bedroom door.

  Nestor had heard her words, but it was the sound of a very wicked, dirty chuckled that rolled in towards him that sent his heart rate racing, and his length hardening in anticipation.

  “Today starts the rest of my life.”



  “Daniel!” Jules yelled from one end of the corridor to the other. Not because she thought the man couldn’t hear her, but because she wanted to stop him in his tracks and give him no other option but to turn back towards her.

  Daniel kept on walking. He reached out for the handle and tossed the door open in front of him.

  “Pretty damn deaf for a Wolf shifter!”

  Then she added insult to injury by zapping his backside. Daniel grumbled a low growl within his chest as he slowly turned to look at her.

  His chin was down near his broad chest, and his dark, brooding eyes glared at her from beneath his brows. He fisted his hands at his sides and toyed with the idea of wringing her neck — but, damn it, she was his mate, and his heart just wasn’t in it.

  Although, if Jake walked out into the hallway now he would happily punch him in the face.

  “What do you want, witch?” Daniel heard himself saying the words and the hard tone of his voice made him want to punch himself in the face.

  Mated or not mated, and it was kind of looking like it was going to be never mated — she was still his mate.

  “I was thinking — you,” Jules offered him a wicked grin.

  Daniel’s beast pushed forward, and he could feel the hard prickle the wolf’s fur just beneath his skin. The animal had processed her words before he had and the beast wanted out.

  “M…?” He stumbled over his words, a blank frown upon his face, but Jules didn’t give him time to gather his thoughts as she started off towards him down the hall on fast feet and launched herself at him, barely giving him enough time to catch her.

  Jules felt his large hands against her backside as she wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.

  “What the…?” Daniel started, but he didn’t get a chance to continue when she bumped her lips against his.

  Daniel didn’t give a damn about words, questions, or anything else that could wait for as long as it took to kiss her breathless. She was in his arms, and it didn’t matter how the hell she got there — it just mattered that he was kissing her.

  Jules was female — and Daniel knew one thing about females — they were a puzzle he was never, ever, going to be able to solve.

  He reached out a hand and tossed the bedroom door closed. He had her where he wanted her, and if she didn’t think that he was the big bad wolf, well, he might just have to go and prove her wrong.

  Daniel turned towards the bed, and it only took him three long strides to get there. But, he wasn’t done kissing her senseless yet.

  A heady, hearty, hungry growl rolled through his chest for all of the things that he imagined doing to her. He wanted her more than he wanted the blood that ran in his veins.

  Jules wrenched her lips from his and gave him a wicked grin.


  That was as far as she got. Daniel plucked her body away from his and launched her through the air towards the mattress.

  His ears almost bled at the high pitched screech that exploded from out of her lips. Her face was a picture of confused horror, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him.

  Daniel thought that she’d probably bounce three times, but by the second bounce, she was already scrambling to be upright. She reached up and pulled and tugged the hair from in front of her face, giving another little screech of annoyance that warmed his heart.

  “You!” She bit out, and this time when she said it, she was still breathless, but it had a whole different tone to it.

  “Me. Your mate,” Daniel growled as he placed one knee on the bed and the mattress dipped bringing her closer towards him as she hesitated in place, eyeing him like a lamb that knew it was going to market.

  “Oh, now you…”

  “The big bad wolf that’s going to eat you up for being a right Royal pain in my backside,” he growled, and boy did he mean it.

  “Well, if you feel like that about it then maybe I should leave.” Jules huffed with her hands on her hips and offering him the stink eye to go with it.

  “Go right ahead,” he growled and watched as she snapped her head back on her neck in disbelief, her lower jaw sunk downwards, and then she screeched again.

  “Fine, I will!” She announced as she thrust her body towards the edge of the bed — but, she was swimming in midair.

  Daniel’s arm had come about her waist, and he was yanking her backward through the air towards him.

  “Oh no, you don’t!” He growled out.

  “Watch me!”

  Jules zapped him — not just any kind of zap, but the kind that propelled him back onto the bed — the only problem was — she was still attached to him.

  “I told you, woman…” Daniel felt the pointy end of her elbow against his ribs, and he groaned at the pain that shot through him.

  “Bite me, you Butthead!”

  Jules heard the roar of the growl that went through him. The vibration alone sent ripples through her body. It was only then that she realized what she’d said.

  “When I say bite me…” She rushed out.

  “Too late!” Daniel growled, and in one quick breath, she found herself on her back with him caging her in.

  His hard body was all around her, and there was no escape.

  Not that she wanted one. The man looked so sexy that she didn’t know if she wanted to kiss him or lick him from head to toe — maybe, she thought that she should do both.

  “Say you’re going to ravish me first!” She rushed out breathless with excitement.

  “Oh,” Daniel growled long and hard. “I’m definitely going to ravish first — and during — and again after.”

  For one long moment, she looked like a goldfish, her lips were flapping, but there wasn’t a sound that was coming out.

  “Sounds like a plan that I can get behind, and in front of, and on top of, and definitely below…”

  “How about sideways?” He grinned — but it wasn’t just any grin — there was full on hunger in those eyes and in that smile.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” She giggled like a schoolgirl at an X-rated movie.

  That was all that he needed. His large hands reached for her shirt, but he didn’t unbutton it — he grasped it in each hand and ripped it right down the middle, exposing her very expensive black lace bra.

  “If you…” She went to warn him not to kill off her favorite piece of lingerie. His hands were reaching out for it, and it looked as if he was about to cup her breasts. He hesitated in place, and his eyes met hers. “You know what? I’m going to shut up now.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to be making all the noises that I want to hear,” he promised. Then he grasped her bra and tore it in two.

  Jules gave a small squeal. It was a cross between mourning the death of her lingerie and the excitement that rushed through her like a hot flash.

p; “If you changed your mind and you’re about to zap me, now is not the time,” he said with a decidedly wicked chuckle.

  “Nope, I’m good, or at least I will be if you hurry up.”

  She was already reaching for the zip on his half open jeans. The large bulge in the fabric was just too much anticipation for her to take.

  He snatched at her wrists, wrapped his fingers around them, and pushed them up over her head against the mattress with a deep growl of satisfaction.

  Now she truly was trapped, caged in by him, and she liked it. Boy, did she?

  Who wouldn’t? The man was sex stick, and she wanted to lick him like a lollipop.

  Everything else that had gone before was just verbal foreplay. She got that now — she got that she was attracted to him from the moment that she first met him.

  Fate had sent her a mate. Mr perfect. And she could have tried to push him away until the cows came home, but that didn’t matter because fate knew better.

  “Not yet, sweetheart,” he growled. He didn’t give her a chance to answer as he dipped his head and tasted her lips.



  It had only meant to be a taste, but once he started, he couldn’t stop. Not until he’d left her breathless once more.

  Then he moved down her body to her breasts, licking, nipping, and sucking against her flesh until her hips had pushed up from the bed and she was rubbing her stomach against his hard length.

  He growled like a man possessed of more than just his wolf. He wanted her, naked and grinding against his body, and he released her wrists to start stripping off her clothes.

  Daniel couldn’t resist tasting the soft skin that he was uncovering. He sent her wild with desire, and hungry with need.

  Then he parted her thighs and ran his tongue down from her knee to the closely shaven hair around her sex. He used his thumbs to open her to his tongue, and he devoured her.

  Jules could barely catch her breath. She fisted one hand against sheets and the other in his hair. He was taking her up to the peak so fast that she wasn’t sure if she was trying to pull him closer or push him away — but he wasn’t going anywhere.


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