Lucian’s Reign

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Lucian’s Reign Page 37

by Mason, V. F.

  A veil that protected me all these years lifts from my psyche, sending me flying into the devastating pit where all truth lies.

  The boy who stalked my sister, he had long, shaggy hair that covered half his face and thick glasses that made it impossible to study his features.

  However, up this close along with all the other memories, I know with clarity that it’s him.

  The man who killed my mother so viciously, the monster who destroyed my life…was Evangeline’s handsome prince.

  Oh my God.

  He cocks his head to the side, waving his gun up and down. “Now we’re going to play by my rules.” He slides the tip of the gun over my cheek while my hands fist on my lap, the nails digging into my palm. “And compared to Lucian, I will punish you accordingly for ruining my life.”

  Pushing the shock, fear, and hate aside, I put a lid over these emotions and focus only on rational thinking that has the power to save my life.

  A tiny chance is still a chance.

  His masterpiece always required my death to finish the composition.

  So does it matter what I do now if, at the end of it all, death awaits me?

  I quickly open the door as his hand grabs air, my shoulder just out of his reach, and I fall on the ground. I still the cry of pain when my knees bear the brunt.

  Getting up swiftly, I race in the opposite direction of the house, back into the forest, shouting with all my might, “Help!” While bullets fire at my feet, his heavy thudding behind me tells me he’s running after me, so I speed up. “Help please!”

  “Come back here, you bitch!” he screams and using all the strength I have, I add more power to my feet when he fires several more times, the ground jumping next to me, and I dart to the side avoiding the bullets.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Help!” I shout once again, but my cries stay unheard in this forest where only birds serve as witnesses to my misery.

  I step on a rock, twisting my ankle, and it sends me stumbling forward where I fall hard, my chin connecting with the ground as I cry out from the pain traveling from my ankle to my calf and knee. I dig my nails into the cold soil under my palm, pushing myself up, the adrenaline rush spreading in my veins and urging me to keep going.

  Because as long as I do, I have a chance.

  However, that’s when his heavy breathing becomes closer and closer, and as I struggle to get up, my foot refusing to listen to me, his hand fists my hair, dragging me back, and a hurtful groan escapes me. “You will not ruin my painting twice, Esmeralda!” He screams right into my ear as he slams the gun’s grip on my head.

  The last thoughts playig in my mind before oblivion claims me make me almost wish I’d listened to my gut back at the mansion so I wouldn’t have to face this soulless creature again.

  The man chasing me in my nightmares has finally captured me.

  And unfortunately, there is no waking up from this one.

  Because the horrible dream has become a tragic reality.


  Scanning through the latest report on the recent fire erupting in one of my companies in Boston, I growl in anger at not finding the culprit or why one of my men ended up in the hospital with second degree burns.

  Pressing on the intercom, I wait for the soft female voice to speak up. “Yes, sir?”

  “Savanna, if the police call, transfer it to me right away.”

  “Of course.”

  “Also, any update on Whitney’s surgery?” Anger spreads through me at reading how the hardworking man was trapped under the wood while the firefighters tried to get to him, but due to the hard position, it took longer than they anticipated.

  All because someone intentionally set fire on the top floor, and it’s only by sheer luck we don’t have more victims on our hands.

  Whoever that man is… he better run fast because my wrath will be absolute.

  I couldn’t give a fuck about destruction of my property.

  But my people? Their fear and pain?

  You do not fuck with them and go unscathed.

  “His daughter informed me that his surgery went well. The doctor is hopeful he will still have the use of his hands, although he’ll still need a couple of plastic surgeries.”

  “Make sure he gets the best care, and check if his family needs anything. Also contact the doctor to ask him what kind of equipment Whitney would need after he is discharged.’’

  She types the orders, her keyboard clicking quietly before she clears her throat. “Mr. Reed called. He’d like to have dinner with you sometime this week. What should I reply to him?”


  Kenneth and his death threats that sound more like imaginary problems of a workaholic who thinks everyone is out there ready to snatch his empire from under his nose.

  That being said, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to his kid.

  A man who knew hunger would never subject another one to it.

  “Make a reservation for Friday somewhere quiet. Anything else?”

  “No, sir.”

  I remove my finger from the intercom and go to the huge window serving as a wall and giving me a sense of freedom in this office by opening up a view onto the busy streets of Chicago.

  A magnificent city that deserves all the praise it gets and a perfect location to start fresh with my gatita.

  A smile shapes my mouth as my heart pangs in my chest, reminding me about my lilac-haired beauty who I had to leave this morning after spending the night loving her in the only way I know how.

  This soul-deep emotion obsessed with making her happy, cherished. An emotion urging me to create heaven on earth for her, so she never regrets choosing me.

  Is this love everyone speaks so highly of and I never experienced?

  I need her to breathe, and satisfaction fills every pore at seeing my marks on her.

  Especially the two rings that are a symbol of our union.

  She’s mine.

  The princess, who never should have ended up with the villain, is his and only his.

  However, my love can never be pure; if so, I will drag her back home if she ever plans to leave me when my madness and obsession might become too much for her.

  Right now, I finally understand my father who couldn’t live normally without my mother. If he felt for her an ounce of the feelings I do for Esmeralda, then I wouldn’t wish his fate on anyone.

  My mind travels to the two monsters chasing us down who still haven’t made a single move despite me giving them endless opportunities last night.

  Eugene even surveilled the place as well but came up blank, although I laughed in the morning when he said that the girls planned to purchase a building.

  Because was he fucking kidding me? As if I’d let my woman go around the city when there was a man ready to kill her or use her to kill me.

  By my voice, he guessed I was dead serious when I ordered him to inform his wife that she better cancel the whole thing.

  So my wife probably won’t be in the best of moods tonight once I come home.

  Thank God for good friends like Eugene and Jacob though, who would always stay by my side no matter what.

  The door to my office bursts open, pulling me away from my thoughts, and I spin around to see Andreas barging inside as an exasperated Savanna runs after him. “You cannot enter without permission, sir.”

  He flashes her a grin, although his eyes stay ice-cold and distaste mars his features, a distaste that he saves only for serving personnel. “Oh, come on, darling. You’ve known me for years. I have access to this building.”

  Savanna’s lip curls; she fists her hand, and annoyance crosses her face while her chest rises and falls. Although she barely reaches his chin, she still stands her ground. “You have to leave.”

  “He can stay,” I say, watching pleasure light up his orbs as my secretary’s shoulders sag in defeat. “First though, apologize to Savanna. And you do not call her darling, Andreas. Ever.”

bsp; She straightens up quickly after that, sending me a grateful smile as Andreas huffs and crosses his arms. “You have to be kidding me.”

  “Either apologize or get the fuck out.”

  Considering he has been trying to see me ever since he came back to Chicago, not to mention endless calls received here and at home during his banishment years, he will comply with the order.

  An order that he must viciously hate, because if there is one thing Andreas despises… it’s showing any respect toward women.

  One of the reasons he stopped being a wolf in my pack and a trusted friend over the years, transforming into a nuisance who deemed himself invincible just because we shared a horrific past all these years ago.

  My father gave Andreas a unique opportunity when he found good people who adopted him, showering him with love and attention that he thrived on.

  Except he wanted the power and recognition his family name failed to give him—well compared to mine anyway, and I should have seen the first sign of his character when he came to visit me.

  His eyes drank in all the riches, my staff, even my wardrobe, and he couldn’t hide his jealousy.

  While I gave him many things and asked my father to pay for his tuition to college so we could attend it together, he started to get used to using my name and our friendship in any way to protect himself from any harm.

  He spent money carelessly, didn’t study for shit, and drank too much while participating in every frat party hosted at the university.

  Still though, whenever I looked at him, I saw the small, skinny boy who starved for love and food, so I let a lot of things slide even though he grew more and more into an entitled asshole.

  Besides, I figured everyone dealt with their demons differently. I killed monsters to sustain mine, and Andreas needed attention to feel he wasn’t alone anymore.

  However, his idiotic behavior only worsened with the years, and no one liked him as he had little respect for anyone unless they were above him financially. My other friends like Jacob and Eugene flat-out refused to show up anywhere in his company.

  In my last attempt of saving him, I opened a small company and took him as a partner, hoping that by giving him a purpose and some status that he desperately craved, he’d get his head out of his ass and finally grow the fuck up.

  Deep down, I knew it was a mistake though, but out of a sense of loyalty for all the years we spent in hell where he was the only one I had, I wanted to help him. Although he was a hopeless case.

  Forcing himself on Blair was the last straw. I was walking out on the terrace when she screamed in protest several feet away, doing her best to push him away while he put his mouth on her, blocking her exit.

  I still remember how rage filled every one of my bones, and I strode to them, gripping his nape and dragging him away while she sobbed into her hands.

  Not waiting for anyone else, I took him to the garden away from prying eyes and beat the shit out of him, until his nose and ribs cracked under my fists.

  Her stupid brothers didn’t give a shit anyway; they kicked him for good measure but forgave him the minute he offered money to pay off their debts.

  That was the end for me.

  My loyalty will last for only so long, but any kind of force… A man who doesn’t mind harming women can’t call himself a man.

  I banished him to France where he had to support himself and cut off all financial help he got from me previously, then made sure everyone knew he no longer was in my close circle.

  The fucker of course called and begged for forgiveness, but I don’t give second chances.

  Even to the boy who lived through similar nightmares as me.

  Andreas speaks up, as he addresses Savanna. “I apologize for being rude and for calling you darling.” His jaw tics, and the vein in his neck strains, showing how much it costs him to say these words.

  Savanna nods but still glares at him as she leaves the office, shutting the door quietly after her.

  “What do you want, Andreas?” My tone stays cold as I sit on my chair, and he occupies the one opposite me.

  “Forgiveness,” he says, exhaling heavily. “Lucian, please stop this war between us and listen to me.”

  I raise my splayed palm, and he rolls his lips, recognizing the gesture well. “You forcibly kissed Blair during her sixteenth birthday party. My eyes were certainly not deceiving me.”

  He places his connected hands on the table and lowers his voice. “It was a mistake, Lucian. I was drunk. I didn’t even comprehend what I was doing.” He swallows hard. “She forgave me, and her brothers don’t harbor any resentment either. It’s just you and me, amigo. Please. I don’t drink anymore. I’ll never do it again.”

  Except he would.

  So far, I have no reports on Andreas acting out on these urges, but the minute I do…

  My rage will have no boundaries, and he will face the fate of all my victims.

  “Is that all?” I ask, not interested in his bullshit, and anger settles on his features as he groans loudly and gets up, pacing the office back and forth while lacing his fingers through his hair.

  That’s when the diamond watch glistening under the light catches my attention.

  The reason I banished him to France was because he had no connections there and would have to work his ass off to even support himself. His adoptive parents died in a car accident when we were in college, and the money they left, he lost in a weekend in Vegas, cruising the casinos.

  Yet he wears expensive clothes, accessories, and even the car the other day was the latest model that must have cost a fortune.

  Where does he get his money if he doesn’t work for shit?

  A strange suspicion dances in mind, ready to open the truth to me yet still hiding in the shadows, not revealing to me why all these details about him unsettle me.

  Unaware about my gut feeling screaming something at me, Andreas continues to talk. “One mistake. One simple mistake shouldn’t cost me our friendship, Lucian.” He plasters his hands on my desk, looming above me while I barely hold back from laughing in his face.


  What friendship?

  If I don’t look at our relationship through the prism of loyalty, then it’s clear Andreas used me his whole life, even back when we lived in the basement.

  I was necessary to his survival, so he stuck with me, and then he thought he could ride off on my back toward building his empire where he let his selfish desires rule him.

  Although how a man planned to have one if he refused to put in the fucking work is beyond me.

  “A mistake.” I taste the word in my mouth and then get up, facing him as he backs off a little. He might act like a dominating alpha, but we both know deep down a coward lives inside him. “Is this what forcing yourself on someone is called now?”

  Andreas groans. “Okay, it was a bad word. You know me. Our past. I’d never do it again!” he swears, placing his hand on his chest for good measure.

  Andreas certainly thinks highly of himself if he assumes I’ll believe this bullshit.

  “Face the consequences of your actions and get the fuck out of my city.”

  Something flashes on his face while his eyes squint in annoyance, but he covers it up with indifference. He starts pleading again. “Lucian, come on. Stop punishing me and accept me again. Remember me and you against the world?” He clutches his shirt. “No one understands you better than me. We have a deep bond. Let’s use it for something great. Let’s build an empire.”

  Deep bond?

  Fuck that.

  Cruelty consumes Andreas, and somehow our mutual experience shaped him into a person who reminds me more and more of the clients visiting James’s hell to acquire their latest toys.

  Cold, amused, believing that everyone should bow their heads to him.

  Such a man should never have power because he’ll never use it for good, only to dominate the weaker people around him.

  But until he commits a real crime, I can�
��t do anything about him.

  “Why would I build one if I already have one?” He snarls at the reminder of my power. “Get the fuck out, Andreas, and stop living in the past. We aren’t friends anymore. We are nothing.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief, betrayal written all over his face as he steps back, gaping at me. “It’s because of her, isn’t it?” I frown. What does my wife have to do with this? “You tasted love, and you’ve gone soft. You now have someone in your corner, and you don’t need me anymore, huh?”

  My laughter rocks off the walls, vibrating my chest, while his idiotic conclusion astonishes me, and I wonder if maybe he’s been insane all along and just hid it well. “I never needed you, Andreas. We were friends, but you don’t know how to value things in life.”

  “You’ll regret this. Someday, you will wake up with that wife of yours and regret turning your back on me.”

  “I will never regret it. Threaten me or my wife again though, and I guarantee you I’ll never show you mercy again.”

  “Famous last words, Lucian,” he says and then with a last snarl gets out of the office, shutting the door firmly after him, but my hunting instincts are still on high alert.

  Because Andreas will act out for sure. However, his words play in my mind.

  Let’s build an empire.

  Expensive watches.

  His paranoid need to reestablish contact with me and blaming my wife in all this.

  A controlled expression before losing his composure and letting his emotions rule him.

  Not like before though, no, this Andreas has something that four years ago he didn’t.


  The blocks in my head align, creating a structure, but the picture still isn’t clear enough for me to latch onto and spring into action.

  A phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts, and I grab the handset, barking, “Yes.”

  “Lucian,” Harold’s worried voice says on the other end, “Esmeralda left with Alec so he could show her his property. The one they want to buy for the gallery.”


  That guy who considered himself my and Jacob’s friend just because we attended the same college?


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