Empire - 02 - Servant Of The Empire

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Empire - 02 - Servant Of The Empire Page 19

by Raymond E. Feist

  'I see several problems,' a crisp voice interjected.

  Startled by Tasaio's silent return, Incomo jerked his chin upward. 'You might explain.'

  Tasaio pointed. 'I came for the map.'

  Incomo removed himself from the parchment as if walking on eggs. Tasaio was dangerously annoyed, and if he chose to elucidate, he would do so best without badgering.

  Tasaio motioned, and his aide knelt down to roll the chart. The First Adviser waited, still with patience.

  'What could go wrong?' said Tasaio in candour. He took the rolled map from his officer and slung it casually under his arm. 'My cousin's boldness does him honour as head of the clan. However, he depends far too much on events proceeding as Minwanabi desires would have them. From experience I suggest it is wiser to prepare for the worst.'

  'Then you expect the double raid to go wrong,' Incomo prodded, skilfully implying a defeat that Tasaio would face death rather than to allow.

  Tasaio lifted tawny, black-lashed eyes and returned a merciless stare, ‘I will not be able to stay and lead this raid to ensure that things will go right. Nevertheless, it is often said that battles are won and lost before the first arrow is shot. The Acoma will certainly emerge with losses. I will spend my last hours before I depart for Dustari preparing for every imaginable contingency, and our Force Commander will receive instructions as detailed as I can make them. Irrilandi was Keyoke's boyhood friend and knows his temper. He should be able to anticipate which action Keyoke will take in response to our efforts. If I give Irrilandi detailed instructions for each option, he will emerge victorious.'

  Incomo bristled at the doubt implied in Irrilandi's skills; still, the criticism was fair relative to the man who had been the Warlord's Subcommander, the First Adviser conceded as Tasaio and his aide marched smartly from the hall. Desio's cousin was probably the most skilled field officer in the Empire, having earned a reputation for valour and cunning in the rise of the Minwanabi under Jingu, then refining his natural talents through four years commanding the Alliance for War on the barbarian world.

  Incomo sighed, his only sign of regret that after one last night of planning, this gifted young noble would depart by river to begin this journey across the Sea of Blood to the ruins at Banganok. There Tasaio would join the men already in camp with the desert raiders, to effect the second stage of the plot to be set in motion by the silk raid. The campaign against the Xacatecas in Dustari must be stepped up, else the demand for an Acoma relief force could never be bribed through the council. Assigned the more demeaning worries of bath water and pretty serving girls, the Minwanabi First Adviser skirted a sweeper as bent as time, and shuffled his way out of the vast hall.

  * * *

  Mara paced. She spun in a tight circle, repressed an impulse to kick a pillow, and said, 'Call him back. At once!'

  The scribe, whose slates lay in a disorderly stack by the desk in the Lady's study, bowed low and touched his forehead to the floor. 'Your will, Mistress.' He scrambled erect and hurried from the room, too intimidated by Mara's anger to resent the fact that she had ordered him off to the farthest reaches of the estate as though he possessed a runner slave's fitness.

  As the servant's footsteps dwindled down the passage, Nacoya clucked in reproof. 'Daughter, the troubles you shoulder are difficult, but that should not let you take liberties. You have worked yourself into a deplorable state.'

  Mara whirled, white with fury. 'Old woman, your nattering is most unwelcome.'

  Nacoya raised a furrowed brow. 'Worry has made you unreasonable.' Her gaze fastened unerringly upon Kevin's name, repeatedly scribed on the slates strewn around the floor. Narrowing her eyes as if trying to peer into her foster-daughter's heart, the former nurse said, 'Or love has.'

  Now Mara did kick the cushion. It sailed through the screen and through close-woven branches of akasi; flower petals exploded in profusion, and a cloud of pollen showered the floor. 'Old woman, you try me beyond tolerance! Love has nothing to do with this. I'm angry because I allowed myself to send him away out of fear, and cowardice of any sort is unacceptable.'

  Nacoya fastened at once on the key phrase. 'Fear . . . a barbarian slave?'

  'I feared his blasphemous opinions on the working of Fate's Wheel, and the effect that attitude might have upon my son. And I'm put out with myself for feeling this. Kevin is my property, is he not? I may have him sold or killed at my whim, yes?' Mara sighed in frustration. 'For these last two months I've had his behaviour watched, and he has conducted himself well. The fields are at long last clear, and not one of his countrymen has been hanged to speed things along. And the entire time he has shown the proper respect toward his superiors.'

  Nacoya's sternness softened. She considered her mistress's fevered eyes and the flush on her cheeks, then regrettably concluded that little more could be done. The girl had come to love the barbarian. Though Mara still didn't understand that fact yet, neither tact nor reason could turn back time. Against any sane judgment, Kevin would be back by nightfall.

  Nacoya shut her eyes in long-suffering patience. The timing could hardly be worse, with news of a coming Minwanabi offensive just delivered from Arakasi's able hands. But one could not fault a young woman for turning to comfort in a crisis. Nacoya could only pray that Mara would tire of the slave quickly, or at least learn that nothing more than sexual release could come from such a relationship. The Lady must see reason, and give attention to more appropriate suitors. Once married to a man of rank, firm on her seat as Ruling Lady with a fit consort at her side, Mara could sleep with anyone she chose — her husband must accept this was a right of her office, as mistresses would be for a Ruling Lord. But finding a consort, that was the problem.

  Since the shaming of poor Bruli of the Kehotara a year before, most young noblemen shied clear of the Ruling Lady of the Acoma; Tsurani street gossip consistently took the breath away with its detailed accounts of what occurred in supposedly private bedchambers. While only a handful of servants had witnessed Bruli's embarrassment, within days every street vendor in the Central Provinces had repeated the tale.

  Perhaps some potential suitors had learned of that incident and decided the strong-willed Lady was more trouble than her wealth and title were worth, or perhaps lingering suspicions regarding Lord Buntokapi's dishonour and death kept others away. Certainly a majority of potential suitors were simply waiting to see if Mara survived much longer.

  Even someone as overt in his interest as Hokanu of the Shinzawai could not be expected to wait while Mara indulged in her follies. Each night that Mara dallied with Kevin was an hour she was unavailable to entertain noble sons. Nacoya threw up crabbed hands and made a disgusted sound through her nose. 'My Lady, if you must call him back, at least ask the herb woman to mix you a potion of barrenness. Bed sport is all to the good, but not if you have the misfortune to conceive accidentally.'

  'Out!' Mara flushed red, then paled, then blushed again. 'I am calling my slave back for reprimand, not to indulge his rampant lust!'

  Nacoya bowed and beat a retreat as quickly as her ancient bones allowed. In the hall she sighed. Reprimand for what? For being efficient and showing respect to his betters? For extracting more work from his barbarian countrymen than anyone else had been able to do? With a look of unbreakable patience, Nacoya walked to the servants' building and called upon the herb woman herself, to ensure that an elixir of teriko weed would be left in the Lady's room by nightfall. With the Minwanabi hot for Acoma blood, all the family needed for folly was a Ruling Lady burdened with a pregnancy.

  * * *

  The afternoon was well spent by the time the exhausted scribe returned from the farthest meadows accompanied by Kevin the barbarian. Having forgotten she had sent other than a runner slave on the errand, Mara's temper had not improved with the delay, nor at the realization her judgment had been clouded by emotion. Hungry, but too nettled to eat, she waited in her study, while a poet whose verse she had not listened to for the better part of two hours read from a sea
t on the bare wooden floor. Mara waved him silent each time she heard footsteps in the corridor. The poet resumed with feigned patience each time the tread turned out to be that of a passing servant. If not for the great Lady's patronage, he would be on the streets in Sulan-Qu, trying to eke out a living composing verse for passersby. When the expected party arrived at last, he graciously bowed at his dismissal; Mara was generous in her ways, and if he felt slighted by her inattention through the afternoon, she would make up the discourtesy to him later.

  Cued by striding footfalls, accompanied by the quick patter of feet as a much shorter servant attempted to keep up with the long-legged barbarian, Mara bade the pair enter before either had a chance to knock. The nearly incapacitated scribe pushed the screen open, his face bright red as he gasped, 'Lady . . . Kevin.'

  Too preoccupied to be contrite, Mara dismissed him to rest and leave her alone with her slave. When the screen clicked shut, she regarded Kevin, framed in the space before the doorway. For a long moment neither spoke, then Mara made a curt gesture for the barbarian to step closer.

  Kevin complied, deeply suntanned and freckled over the nose, his blue eyes in startling contrast to his darkened skin. His hair had bleached red-gold, and the untrimmed ends fell curling to his shoulders. He wore no shirt. Hours spent digging with his work crews had left him callused and heavily muscled across the back and arms. The intensity of the summer's heat had taken its due: his precious Midkemian-style trousers had been hacked short at the thigh, and his knees showed old scars and new scratches from the briers. Absorbed with taking in details, and unprepared for the leap of her heart as she saw him again after so long, Mara did not anticipate his anger.

  Kevin bowed with insulting brevity. He locked gaze with her and gestured in his un-Tsurani fashion. 'What do you want of me, Lady?' He fairly spat out the title.

  Mara stiffened on her cushions and the colour left her face. 'How dare you speak so to me?' she whispered, barely able to speak.

  'And why should I not?' Kevin shot back. 'You push me about like a chess . . . shãh pawn! Here! There! Now here again, because it suits you, but never one word of why, and never one second of warning! I've done as you've bid — not for love of you, but to save the lives of my countrymen.'

  Startled into the defensive, Mara broke poise and found herself near apology, as she attempted to justify her acts. 'But I gave you promotion to slave master and allowed you charge of your Midkemian companions.' She gestured at the slates. 'You used your authority to see them comfortable. I see they have been eating jigabird and needra steak and fresh fruits and vegetables along with their thyza mush.'

  Kevin threw up his hands. 'If you work your men at heavy labour, you've got to feed them, or they weaken and take ill. That's common sense. And those fields are a lousy place to be, filled with stinging flies and insects, and all manner of six-legged pests. Any kind of cut gets infected in this climate. You think my men have been enjoying banquets — you try sleeping on the ground out there, where the dust chokes your nostrils, and what passes for slugs and snails on this godforsaken world invading your blankets after dark. And when you do rid your kit of guests, you lie awake unable to catch a breath of air.'

  Mara's eyes darkened. 'You will all sleep wherever I bid, and keep your complaints to yourselves.'

  Kevin tossed back his untrimmed bangs, the better to glower at her. 'Your damned trees got cleared, and the fences are nearly complete — give me another week. That's something, considering our Tsurani counterparts wilt and take siesta every time the sun crosses the zenith.'

  'That does not give you leave to take liberties,' Mara snapped. She caught her voice rising, and controlled herself with an effort.

  'Liberties, is it?' Kevin sat down without permission. Even then she had to look up to him, and that gave him perverse satisfaction.

  Mara reached out, picked up one of the slates scattered at her feet, and read: 'The barbarian's words to the overseer as follows: "Do that again and I'll rip off your . . . balls, you lying son of a ditch monkey."' Mara paused, sighed, and added, 'Whatever a "ditch monkey" is, my overseer took it as an insult.'

  'It was intended that way,' Kevin interrupted.

  Mara's frown darkened. 'The overseer is a free man, you are a slave, and it is not permissible for slaves to insult free workers.'

  'Your overseer is a cheat,' Kevin accused. 'He steals you blind, and when I found that the new issue of clothing for my men went to the markets to line the man's pockets, while they continued to wear rags, I —'

  'Threatened to stuff his ripped-off manhood between his teeth,' Mara interjected. She touched the slate, it's all here.'

  Kevin said something rude in Midkemian. 'Lady, you had no business spying on me.'

  Mara's brows rose. 'About my overseer you happened to be right. He has been punished for his thefts, but as to spying, these are my estates, and what happens is certainly my affair. It is not spying to oversee one's estate operations.' She paused, about to say more, then changed course. 'This interview did not begin as I had planned.'

  'You expected me to come back to you with kisses after sending me off like that? After months of breaking my back labouring to get fences built, under a threat of death for men whose only crime was to suffer from heat and malnourishment?' Kevin said another word in Midkemian, this one short and to the point. 'Lady, I might be forced to serve as your slave, but that doesn't make me a mindless puppet.'

  Mara bridled again, controlled herself, then threw up her hands in a manner more Kevin's than her own. 'I had intended to compliment you on your work team's efficiency. Your methods might be unorthodox, even rough by our standards, but you got results.'

  Kevin regarded her keenly, his mouth a compressed line. 'Lady, I can't believe, after being silent so long, you called me all the way back here to give me a pat on the head.'

  Now Mara felt confused. Why had she called him back? Had she forgotten how much of a distraction he could be, with his outspoken barbarities and headstrong manners? She felt his anger toward her, and his bleak and frustrated resentment. Having smoothed over the intensity of him in her memories, she tried to distance his presence, and the appalling havoc he was playing with her heart and mind.

  'No, I did not call you back here for compliments. You are here because' — she glanced around, apparently seeking something, while she calmed herself, then reached out and selected another slate, the one that had touched off her fury in the first place — 'of fence rails.'

  Kevin rolled his eyes, his hands clamped hard enough to bring white marks out on his forearms. 'If I'm going to build a fence, I'm not going to do it with rotten posts that will fall down in the wet season sure's there are flies in the fields. I can see me sitting here being lectured for shoddy "barbarian" workmanship. Not to mention the fact that next year I'll be stuck with repairing the miserable job.'

  'What you'll be doing next year is not your concern.' Mara fanned herself with the slate. However she tried, she could not seem to control this conversation. 'But taking the merchant who sells us the posts and tying him upside down over the river by the feet is an outrage.'

  Kevin unlocked his hands, folded his arms across his chest, and looked smug. 'Oh? I thought it was perfect justice. If the post held, the merchant stayed dry. If the wood was unsound, he got a dunking. Made him think twice, when we pulled him out of the water, about selling us inferior lumber.'

  'You shamed my name!' Mara broke in. 'The man you dunked happened to come from a guild house, and an honourable family, even if they are not noble. Jican had to pay significant compensation to redress the injury done to the man's dignity.'

  Now Kevin sprang to his feet with the sudden wild grace that always startled Mara. He paced the floor. 'That's what I don't understand about you Tsurani,' he shouted, shaking an accusatory finger in the air. 'You're obviously cultured, educated, and the factors you have in your service aren't stupid. But this confounded honour code you have, it makes me crazy. You cut off your toes to spite your
feet with it, keep lying, lazy, or just plain incompetents in positions of authority because they happen to be born to an honourable house while better men are wasted in jobs of low demand and reward.' He spun in a tight stride and faced Mara. 'No wonder your father and brother got killed! If your people thought in straight logic, instead of in tangles of duty and tradition, your loved ones might still be alive.'

  Mara went white. Kevin didn't notice, but went on shouting, 'And my people from the Kingdom might not be in such straits were your generals to play a straight war. But no, they advance here, savage a town without mercy, then retreat for no apparent reason and go off and ravage someplace else. Then they camp for months and do nothing.'

  Mara fought to hold her ebbing composure. 'Are you saying my people are fools?' Vivid in her mind were the memories of the family killed through Minwanabi treachery. The thought that fate might have provided means to bring them home alive, if Tsurani honour had been somehow ignored, was cause for unanticipated anguish. Though the loss by now was six years past, the grief still lingered.

  Kevin drew breath to answer, but Mara interrupted. 'Say no more.' Her voice broke over the words, and tears welled in her eyes. Daughter of a proud heritage, she tried to rein them in, but did not succeed. She averted her face to hide this shame, but not quite quickly enough.

  Kevin saw the sparkle in her eyes, and his anger abruptly drained away. He knelt down and reached an awkward hand toward her shoulder. 'Lady,' he said, his tone gone gritty with honesty. 'I never intended to hurt you. Mostly I was mad because I thought I pleased you, before you sent me away.' He took a deep breath and shrugged. 'I am only a man, and like most, I don't like to find out I'm wrong.'

  'You weren't wrong.' Mara spoke softly, without turning her head. 'But you frightened me. Many of your ideas are constructive, but others are an affront to the gods — to what I believe in. I would not see the Acoma be ground down into the dust because I listened to your outworld "logic" to the exclusion of wisdom, and spurned divine law.'


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