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Finding Will Hennie

Page 22

by Joy Redmond

  “What’s wrong?” Will asked.

  “It’s after midnight and Chief is still upstairs. He knows to be out of here at closing time. If he’s not down in five minutes, I’m going after him,” Rose said, gathering her skirt and standing as if she were ready to spar.

  “If you need any help just let me know.”

  “I can handle, Chief. Just get on with your chores.”

  Will was walking down the hallway when Sudie came running up behind him. “I’m going to the parlor to do some studying before I go to bed. Do you mind to help me with a few things?”

  “Sure. Rose will be getting ready for her trip to St. Louis, again, and she won’t even know I’m not in the bed. Just give me five minutes.”

  Will walked outside and into the shed. “Red. Are you asleep?” Red didn’t move. Will poked him. “Hey, ol’ boy. I know you’re lonesome, but—” Will stopped talking when he stroked Red’s head and felt wet fur. “What on earth?”

  He picked Red up and walked out of the shed. The bright moonlight allowed him to plainly see Red. “No!” Will screamed as he saw blood, and he realized that Red’s throat had been cut. “Who would do this to you?”

  As Will held tightly to Red’s lifeless body, he heard a chuckle. Will quickly turned around. He was face to face with Farley.

  Farley was holding a switchblade—blood dripping down his arm.

  Will dropped Red and lunged for Farley, he hands spread, ready to strangle the life out of him.

  Farley made a quick slice across Will’s bare stomach.

  Will felt as if a hot poker had ripped his skin open. He placed both hands on his stomach and felt hot blood pouring through his fingers. “You sonofabitch! I’ll—” Will felt the ground tremble, and he heard thudding of hard steps running toward him. He brought his thugs. They’re going to finish me off.

  Before he could figure out his next move, Will watched in disbelief as Wiggles gored Farley in the gut with his antlers. Farley fell to the ground, holding his gaping wounds.

  “Get him, Wiggles. Kick his brains out!” Will yelled.

  “Will—” Sudie’s words caught in her throat when she saw blood running from Will’s stomach. Then she saw Farley on the ground, blood streaming out of his stomach and face. “Holy shit! What the hell happened?”

  “Just go get Rose!” Will yelled. He stood over Farley, and holding his own stomach wound with one hand, he said, “You stay down, you fat sonofabitch or I’ll let him finish you off!”

  Farley raised his bloody head. He almost had his shoulders off the ground.

  Will kicked him under the chin and his head flew back and hit the ground, hard. After that, his eyes were open but he didn’t move. He didn’t even flinch.

  Chief, Rose and Sudie came running out the back door. When Chief saw Farley lying on the ground, he walked over to him, knelt down and checked for a pulse. “He’s dead,” he said, as he looked up at Will. “What the hell happened?”

  Will told the whole story starting from the minute he’d stepped outside the shed holding Red. “I’d be dead if it hadn’t been for the deer.”

  Chief scratched his head. “What deer?”

  My pet deer,” Will said as he turned to grab Wiggles.

  Wiggles was gone.

  “I don’t see a deer. Ah, man. What a night,” Chief said, still scratching his head. “Will, are you sure you didn’t knife him? His guts are hanging out!”

  Will, wiped sweat from his face. “My pet deer gored him in the gut. I swear that’s what happened.”

  “Will is telling the truth,” Sudie cried.

  Rose said, “Then that’s what happened. Farley tried to kill Will. Will was only defending himself. And he does have a pet deer, Wiggles.”

  “Well, I didn’t see a deer, but if there was one, in my opinion it’s a hero and should be decorated. And I believe you. But the fine people of this county won’t see it that way. They’ll demand that charges be brought against Will.”

  Rose cried and her entire body shook. “Chief, what are we going to do?”

  “Give me a minute. Let me think.”

  Will, Rose and Sudie didn’t breathe until Chief said, “Rose, get me as many burlap sacks as you can find while I go get my car.” He examined Will’s wound. “I don’t think you’ll require stitches. The fat bastard couldn’t move fast enough to make the swipe cut as deeply as he wanted. Now, go sit down and don’t move.”

  Rose and Sudie ran inside the shed and grabbed a handful of sacks. They waited for Chief to drive his car around to the backyard. Chief got out of his car and opened the trunk. “We’re going to stuff the sacks into his stomach wounds, and wrap his head in one. Then we’re going to hoist his body into the trunk. The sacks will soak up the blood.”

  “Then what?” Rose asked with panic in her voice.

  Chief reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of leather gloves. “Rose, put these on. Then you drive Farley’s car and follow me. I’ll drive down the road a piece and when I pull over to the side of the road, you pull in behind me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, but—” Rose’s voice shut off.

  “Rose you and Sudie grab a leg. I’ll lift under his shoulders. On the count of three, we lift and toss. After he’s in the trunk, Sudie, you get Will inside and tend to his wound. Soak some cotton with iodine, rub it across his stomach, then wrap his stomach tightly with gauze. He’ll heal.”

  “What are we going to do with Farley?” Rose asked.

  “We’re going to take him down the road. Then we’re going to pull him out of the trunk, drag him a few feet into the woods, take the sacks out of his wounds and from over his head. Then we’re gonna unzip his fly. Then we’re gonna come back here and drain a bottle of whiskey.”

  “But somebody will find him, Chief,” Rose cried.

  “I’m sure they will. And this is what happened. He was driving down the road when he had to take a piss. He pulled over to the side of the road, walked into the woods, unzipped, and son of a gun—he was attacked. Sad, sad,” Chief said, shaking his head with mock sorrow.

  “You think it’ll work?” Will asked.

  “Why not? Nobody saw a thing. Right?” Chief answered, and patted Will on the shoulder. “Get yourself patched up, then get another sack, pick up the switchblade, wrap it tightly, then bury it in the woods. Bury it deep!”

  Rose slipped on the gloves. “Lead the way. I’ll be right behind you. Will, do what Chief said. Sudie you help him.”

  Will and Sudie watched Chief drive away.

  “I hope he rots before he’s found,” Will said.

  “I hope a wild animal eats him and he’s never found. Come on. I’ve got to get you fixed up, then we’ll bury that damn knife,” Sudie said.

  Will and Sudie were sitting in the kitchen, a bottle of whisky in the middle of the table, when Rose and Chief came through the back door.

  Chief turned a chair around backward and straddled it. “Job accomplished. Now hand me that bottle!”

  They passed the bottle. Nobody said a word until it was half empty.

  Sudie said, “Chief, what if the girls were looking out the windows and they saw everything? I really don’t think any of them will open their mouths, but what if—”

  “Chief held up his hand to shush Sudie. “I’ll have a talk with the girls. You all sit tight.”

  A few minutes later, Chief came back to the table. “Nobody saw a thing. If later they decide they did and want to open their yaps, then they’ve been told they’ll be charged with accessory. If they saw what was happening and did nothing to intervene, they’re guilty. Trust me. Their lips are sealed. Works every time!” Chief turned up the bottle.

  A week later, Will opened the newspaper and read the headlines: Former sheriff, Jessie Farley’s decomposed body was discovered in the woods on Mount Pleasant Road. Will read the rest of the story. The medical examiner declared he was attacked by a wild animal.

  Will placed the paper in his lap. “Yep. The best wild
animal in the world sent Farley’s miserable carcass to hell. You got him for me and Red, Wiggles.” But people will be scouring the woods.

  “Run, Wiggles, run!” Will cried.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Every morning for the next three years, Will took his coffee and went to the woods where he buried Red. He knelt beside the white cross that marked his grave. “I still miss you ol’ boy. I know you’re in dog heaven and you’re having a good time with new eyes and ears—playing with all the animals that you’ve made friends with. I’ll talk to you later, Red. I love you.”

  When he came back inside, Rose, Ceil and Sudie were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee, talking and laughing. Will loved to hear Rose laugh with the girls. She had changed so much since that fateful night. But from time to time Will had nightmares about it, and Rose said she did, too.

  A year after the incident with Red and Farley, Prissy went back to Memphis to take care of her ailing mother. The day Prissy left, the girls cried, Rose was sullen, and Will felt as if he had lost a sister.

  Six months later, Belle married Chief. The wedding was held in the parlor and through tears of joy, they all kissed the bride and everyone threw rice as the couple ran for the car.

  A month later, Belle and Chief moved to Texas. Belle wrote letters, sending her love to all.

  A year later, the twins, Milly and Tilly left for St. Louis, in search of better clientele.

  Rose didn’t seem to care that she only had two working girls. She didn’t even try to recruit new ones. With only two girls, business was half of what it had been. Will had more time to read. Sudie had more time to study. Ceil had more time to make quilts and knit.

  One afternoon, Rose called Will into her office. Will took a seat in the straight back chair across from her desk. “What’s up now?” he asked, interlocking his fingers behind his head.

  “I don’t want to start an argument with you, but I hope you’ll listen and take my offer.” She waited for him to say something. When he merely stared at her, she continued. “You’re twenty-three-years old. It’s time for you to go to St. Louis and enroll in law school. I can handle things here. Two girls to protect is nothing. My shotgun is loaded and I have no fear of using it if need be—”

  Will didn’t give Rose time to finish her sentence. He stood, his eyes as hard as steel as he said, “I haven’t saved enough money yet, and I’ve already told you, I’ll go when I ready!”

  Rose held up her hand. “I’m about to make you an offer, if you’ll give me a chance to finish a sentence. You don’t have to worry about the money. I’ll finance you.”

  “No! You will not finance me. I won’t be a kept man. I’ll go when I can afford it.”

  Rose shook her head. “I said finance you. Which means it’s a loan. I expect you to pay back every penny. I won’t charge you any interest and there won’t be a time limit to pay it back. I’ve made good money and I’ve invested well. When you get your degree, pass the bar exam, get your lawyers business going, then you can start with payments.”

  Will raised his voice as he interrupted. “I’m not going! I’ll let you know when I’ve decided it’s time. Don’t bring it up again!”

  “Would you please tell me why?” Rose kindly asked.

  “Rose, I’ve lost my first family from the boarding house. I’ve lost all but two of my only sisters. I’ve lost Wiggles and Red. You are the only thing I have left. I’m not leaving you!”

  “Will, you can come home every weekend and I’ll come up to see you every Wednesday. We’ll have three days and two nights together. It’s not like you’re going off and we won’t see each other for a few years.”

  “That might be enough time for you, but it doesn’t work for me. I’ve spent every night in your bed for five years and I’ve grown accustomed to your body against mine. I’m not going to sleep in a bed alone. I’m not ready to give up one night. Now, excuse me. I’ve got to help Sudie with her studies.” He tripped over his feet in his attempt to get around the chair.

  “Will!” Rose said, raising her voice as if she were scolding a child.

  Will turned and met her gaze. “Forget it!” he yelled back, and slammed the door. You won’t win this argument, Rose. Just give it up!

  He ran upstairs and knocked on Sudie’s door. “Come in,” she said.

  Will stepped inside. “Do you need any help with your studies? I’ve got some time.”

  “I can always use help. This stuff is hard. I’ve always had a good head for figures but this algebra is beyond me.”

  Will shut the door.

  Sudie was lying across her bed. She scooted over. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  Will stretched out beside her. “What are you stuck on?”

  Sudie shoved a paper under his nose. “What idiot had the bright idea of putting numbers and letters in a math equation? It makes me crazy!”

  Will picked up a pencil. “Listen and learn.” He worked the algebra problem and explained as he went. “Did you see how I worked it?”

  “I think so. It looks easy when you’re doing it. I’m too thick headed.”

  Will arrested his work. “Your turn,” he said, as he wrote another equation.

  Sudie studied for a few minutes, then she had the right answer. “Things are easy when you show me. I just can’t catch on by reading this stuff. You’re a good teacher.”

  “You’re a good student.”

  Their eyes met and locked. Then they were kissing.

  Will’s head was screaming, Stop it! Get off the bed! But his body wasn’t listening.

  Sudie took his hand and slid it under her blouse. She didn’t have on a bra.

  Will cupped one breast. Then he took a deep breath as he returned to his senses. He quickly jerked his hand from under her blouse, jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. He bounded down the stairs two at a time and headed out the front door. Once he was down the front steps, he took off running down the driveway. When he reached the road, he continued to run, faster and faster. He ran until he was completely out of breath. He stopped running, bent and placed his hands on his knees. What the hell is wrong with me? Rose is the woman I love. I don’t know what came over me.

  He looked at his watch. He had one hour to get back to the house, take a bath, and get ready for work. He wondered if he would ever be able to look at Sudie, again. Will my guilty conscience give me away?

  It was Wednesday and a slow night. Will spent most of his time in the dance area and he made few trips upstairs. He remembered back when he first started and Rose was on pins and needles when they had a slow night. Now, she seemed to enjoy them. What a difference five years had made.

  That night when they went to bed, Rose lay her head on Will’s shoulder. “Just one more night and my monthly will be over. I know you get uptight when you have to wait, but—”

  Will propped up on his elbow. “Rose, I’m always fine just as long as I can hold you in my arms. But I have to tell you something. Guilt is eating me alive. Please hear me out before you toss me out of bed.”

  Rose sat up and patted his face. “I’m not a priest. But if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll hear your confession.” In a chiding voice she continued, “What has my bad boy done? Do you need a spanking?”

  “Rose! I’m serious. I was unfaithful.”


  “You had me in an uproar about college, Sudie needed my help with algebra, we were laying across her bed, then the next thing I knew, we were kissing. I cupped her bare breast, and, well that’s it. But I couldn’t live with myself until I told you. I’m so sorry.”

  Rose started laughing. “Honey, now you understand lust. You weren’t unfaithful. What does a kiss and a feel of a breast have to do with love? You lusted with your body for Sudie. You lust for me with your heart, and with love. There’s a big difference. It’s been a dry spell for a few nights, and you were just being a man.”

  “Whew,” he said, and fell back on the bed. “So you’re n
ot mad at me?”

  “I’m not the jealous kind. I’ve been in the business too long. I look at nature differently than most women. I’m not mad at you.”

  “Please don’t be mad at Sudie either. I shouldn’t have led her on. I didn’t even realize I had until, well, until we were kissing.”

  “Sudie was taking advantage of an opportunity. She’s had a crush on you since the first day she laid eyes on you. She can’t help her natural feelings any more than any other girl. You two were simply being the young kids that you are.”

  “I’m not a kid! I’m twenty-three years old!”

  “And that’s how old Sudie is. To someone my age, that’s a kid.”

  “How old are you? I’ve always wondered, but I didn’t dare ask.”

  “Now, Will. You know a lady never tells her age. I’ll just say I’ve got a few years on you. Now, put your conscience to rest and let’s get some sleep.”

  “Would you mind to talk to me for a while?” he sheepishly asked.

  “What is it now, Will?”

  “I’ve observed a lot in the past five years and I’ve noticed when men pay for an hour with one of the girls, they are back downstairs in fifty minutes. Isn’t that cheating them?”

  Rose laughed. “In this business it’s called the fifty minute hour. They pay for fifty minutes of pleasure, then they pay for the extra ten minutes that it takes for the girls to clean up the mess they made. They get their money’s worth. And the girls have to be clean and ready for the next john.”

  “You know, I always wondered about that. It didn’t make sense that one man after the other would have sex, knowing another man had just finished. I know most of them use rubbers, but still.”

  “Well, now you know. Is there anything else your concerned about?”

  “Yes, there is. Do any of your girls have diseases? I know accidents happen even when they think they’re protected. I also know that some men refuse to use rubbers.”

  “What do you think Dr. Sellers comes out once a month for? He checks my girls for any sign of any kind of disease, then he gives them a shot of penicillin, whether they need it or not. The only problem we have is with the damn crabs.”


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