My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked

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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked Page 1

by Marita A. Hansen





  Marita A. Hansen

  Like a television series, My Masters’ Nightmare is broken up into seasons and episodes. Normally, a new episode is published every 2-3 weeks, but due to working on the novel Overwhelmed there will be a three month break between Episodes 10 and 11. After that, the remaining episodes will return to being 2-3 weeks apart until the season finishes.




  Recap of Episode 9

  1 Sophia

  2 Rita

  3 Camila

  4 Sophia

  5 Camila

  6 Sophia

  About the Author

  Other Books by Marita A. Hansen


  My Masters’ Nightmare

  Season 1, Episode 10


  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 © Marita A. Hansen

  Cover design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

  Cover Photography by Nick Freund

  and sourced from

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means whatsoever without the written permission of the author, nor circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email: [email protected]

  All characters, names, places, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  I would like to say a big thank you to my beta reading team for this episode:

  Carol Allen

  Andrea Braccio

  Jahayra Lopes

  Elaine Makri

  Your help is greatly appreciated.

  In Episode 9 “Crucified”

  After Frano breaks up an argument between Jagger and Camila, he tells Jagger that Rita is Sophia, his cousin’s supposedly dead girlfriend.

  Alessandro tries to calm down a panicked Honey, who is upset that Jagger doesn’t want her. When she throws herself at him, desperate not to be sold, he has sex with her. He soon regrets it, not only because she’s married, but because he discovers she’s an FBI plant, sent in to bring the D’Angelos down.

  Christo crucifies the Landi sisters, which ignites a mafia war. As a result, the grieving father storms the D’Angelo household, wanting to execute the Donatelli sisters. He kills Ghita, but Alessandro and Frano manage to save Andriena and Camila.

  Wanting to take revenge on Christo for what he did to her seven years ago, Rita asks Frano to get word out that she’s alive, so that Christo will come for her.

  Episode 10 “Stalked” begins...



  Jagger was proposing to me! He was kneeling behind the school gym, holding a big ring up for me to take. I couldn’t believe it. Yeah, Christo Donatelli had warned me that this would happen, but Jagger and I had only been going out for a few months, so I hadn’t taken the Padre’s brother seriously.

  Jagger’s stunning face started to scrunch up, the look in his eyes telling me he knew I wasn’t going to accept the ring. “Please say yes,” he said.

  “I can’t.”

  He pulled the ring back and pushed to his feet. He was wearing his school uniform: tan trousers, a white button-down shirt, a red tie, and a blue blazer. He looked so nice, but he still wasn’t Frano. Even though I found Jagger attractive and liked kissing and talking to him, he just didn’t make my heart pound fast like his cousin did. No, Frano made it soar; just the thought of him warmed me all over.

  “Why can’t you marry me?” Jagger said, his voice sounding hurt.

  “We’re too young,” not to mention I want your cousin.

  “I’ll be seventeen soon, and you’re almost eighteen.”

  “It’s still too young, and I’m only your first girlfriend. Don’t you want to go out with more people?”

  His face dropped. “No! Why would you say that?”

  I looked down at the concrete ground. “Because, I want to...”

  “You want to what?!”

  “I want to break up.”


  I looked back up, now even more upset. I didn’t want to hurt him, because he was so nice, but he would feel even worse if he found out I lusted after his cousin.

  “Please don’t do this, Sophia,” he said, looking like he was about to cry. “I’m sorry I proposed.” He shoved the ring into his blazer pocket. “I just want to be with you, no pressure.” He took a hold of my hands. “Please don’t break up with me.”

  I bit my lip, not knowing what to do now. After my father had found out about Christo Donatelli’s threat, he’d made me promise to break up with Jagger. But with Jagger looking at me like a kicked puppy, I didn’t know whether I could go through with it.

  He let go of my hands, the pain in those golden eyes pulling at my heart strings. “You were the only good thing in my life,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Now I have nothing to keep me here.” He picked up his school bag and slung it over his shoulder.

  I took a hold of his arm, scared he would do something stupid. “Don’t run away.”

  Jagger had mentioned he hated living with his uncle and cousins, and had talked about running away to America or England, or somewhere no one could find him. And worse, he’d said that I was the only reason he stayed with them.

  “I’m not worth running away for,” I added.

  He yanked his arm free. “I’m not going to run away! If I can’t have you, then I have nothing to live for.” He took off around the gym as though he couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

  I ran after him, cutting him off. “Jagger, you shouldn’t say such things. I’m not worth it.”

  His eyes flashed with anger. “It’s not only because of you! And what do you care? You hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “Then why are you dumping me?”

  I placed a hand to the back of my head. “My father is making me,” I said, now wanting to defuse the situation. If he thought it was because of my father, rather than my feelings for Frano, then maybe he wouldn’t feel rejected.

  Jagger’s angry expression dropped. “But, I thought he liked me.”

  “He does, it’s just...” I pulled a face. “Christo Donatelli and his brother came over yesterday and ordered me to stop seeing you. My mother and I were threatened with our lives if I didn’t agree.”

  Jagger’s eyes widened. “I’m going to kill him!”

  He went to move around me. I mirrored his steps, now terrified he was going to approach Christo. “No, Jagger.” I grabbed his arms as he tried to go the other way. “Stop!”

  He went still, though he was breathing hard, the anger in his eyes telling me he would try to kill Christo. There was a darkness inside of him that at times scared me. He could be so sweet, making me think of adorable things, then a few minutes later he could say something that would send chills down my spine.

  “You can’t attack Christo Donatelli,” I said. “He’s a killer.”

  “I don’t want to kill him,” Jagger snapped, “I want to kill the Padre.”

  “Why? It was his brother who threatened me.”

  “Only because of the Padre. That freak is behind everything. He tried to bully me into breaking up with you
too.” He dropped his bag and took a hold of my face. “But we can’t let him or his brother split us up. I love you, and would rather die than lose you.” He leaned forward and kissed me, causing me to freeze in place. We’d kissed numerous times before, but at this moment, even though he was my boyfriend, it strangely felt like I was cheating on Frano, which was ludicrous considering I had nothing to do with Jagger’s cousin. But I still didn’t stop Jagger kissing me. He didn’t make my heart soar like Frano did, but it still beat fast, making me wonder whether I could stay with him and forget about Frano. No, I could never forget about Frano, but it didn’t change the fact I could never in a million years be with him. He was too far out of my league. God, even Jagger was out of my league, and I should be grateful he wanted me.

  Instead of pulling away, I wrapped my arms around Jagger and kissed him back. After a minute, he broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine. “I will sort this mess out with the Padre, and make him understand I can’t live without you. So, please, stay with me.”

  “Okay,” I breathed out. Deep down I knew I was making a mistake, but I couldn’t say no, and if Jagger could change the Padre’s mind, things could possibly work between us. I just had to do whatever was necessary to stay away from Frano. And if I succeeded in doing that, then hopefully things could go back to the way they were before.

  Jagger smiled at me, his golden eyes now dancing with happiness. “You won’t regret this,” he said. “I’ll make everything right again.”

  I nodded and let go of him. “I better get home,” I said. “I’m grounded.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at school then.”

  I shifted about on my feet. “Can you keep us a secret until you sort things out with the Padre?”

  “Sure. The Devil’s coming over for dinner. I’ll sort it then.”

  “The Devil?”

  “It’s what I call the Padre behind his back.”

  “Can I ask why you spend so much time with him? His brother said the Padre was training you to be a priest. Is it true?”

  “I’m not going to be a priest!” Jagger spat out. “And I’m not going to do anything he tells me ever again. He can go straight to Hell, where he belongs.”

  “Why do you hate the Padre so much?” I asked, the venom in his voice startling me.

  “He... Nothing. I need to get home. I have stuff to do. See you tomorrow.” He walked past me fast, taking a short cut across the school field.

  Still wondering why he hated the priest so much, I headed in the opposite direction. I unlocked my bike and got on it, then pedaled out of the school grounds. I spotted my bodyguards’ car further down the road, parked in front of another black vehicle. They’d been given orders to drive me to and from school, but I had insisted on riding my bicycle. In the end, they had given into me, although they still followed me in their car to make sure I was safe.

  I continued down the road, listening as their car followed me. I felt like stopping and getting a lift rather than riding my bike, because the cross-country at school had left my legs sore. I grimaced at the tightness in my thighs as I hit the steep hill. Yeah, stuff it; the bodyguards could be of some use to me today.

  Putting my brakes on, I stopped and looked over my shoulder, jerking in surprise. It wasn’t the bodyguards’ car; it was the other black car that had been parked behind them. I couldn’t see through the window, it was too dark, but it made me think of the Donatelli since it was an expensive car. They were a flash family, always showing off their wealth, and right now I was dead certain that Christo was behind the wheel. I knew I should take off, but I couldn’t move. My arms and legs were frozen in fear, while my mind was screaming at me to run.

  The car door opened. Christo got out, his intense pale-blue eyes zeroing in on me. He sauntered over to me, the cocky grin on his face amused. “Ciao, schiava,” he said, calling me a slave. “What are you doing out here all alone?”

  I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

  He raised his eyebrows. “If I were your father, I’d have soldiers protecting you from men like me.” He pulled out a knife from his belt.

  My heart stopped as he wiped blood onto his dark pants. “What did you do?” I croaked out.

  He held up the knife. “It doesn’t matter who you have protecting you, I will always get to you, no matter what.”

  “You killed my father’s men?”

  He pocketed the knife. “Killing is such a harsh word; I prefer to say that I paved the way for them to meet their creator.”

  Panicked by his words, I went to take off on my bicycle. He grabbed my arm and yanked me off it. I screamed, but he moved too swiftly, clamping a hand over my mouth as my bicycle crashed to the ground. The door of the cottage we were standing in front of swung open. A burly man stepped outside, but as soon as he spotted Christo, he rushed back inside the house, slamming the door shut.

  Christo smiled at me. “You can scream all you like, schiava, but it will do you no good. No one will come to your rescue, I’m untouchable.” He leaned forward and kissed the tears rolling down my cheek. I tried to pull away, but he clamped a hand behind my neck, locking me in place. “You look so scared,” he said, his lips now glistening from my tears. “You shouldn’t be, unless you have done something wrong: such as kissing Jagger D’Angelo. Don’t you remember what I told you I would do if you didn’t break up with that boy?” He waited for a moment as though he expected me to answer him, but I couldn’t since his hand was still clamped over my mouth. “I said I’d kill you,” he answered for me. He moved his mouth to my ear. “But that would be such a waste, so I’ll give you one more chance, pretty little schiava: break up with the boy or I’ll make sure you won’t be going to God a virgin, unless Jagger has already taken your virginity. Has he?”

  Now sobbing, I shook my head.

  He removed his hand from my mouth. “By the way, your boyfriend isn’t a virgin, but not in the way you think.”

  “Please let me go.”

  “Why ever should I do that? The fun has only begun.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and spun me around, causing me to release a startled scream. He stopped, allowing my feet to touch the ground. “There really is no reason for you to scream. We were merely dancing.” He let me go, the freedom bewildering me.

  He tapped my lips with a finger. “Say arriverderla,” he said, telling me to say the formal version of bye.

  “Arriverderla,” I croaked out.

  “Arriverderla, what?”

  I stared at him, not knowing what else he wanted me to say.

  “It’s ‘Arriverderla, master’,” he said.


  “I’m now your master, schiava, so you will address me with respect every time you see me, and if you don’t, I will kill a member of your famiglia.”

  I stifled a sob with my hand.

  “There’s no need to be upset,” he said, “you just need to say what I have instructed you to.”

  “Arriverderla, master.”

  He nodded, looking satisfied. “Good schiava.” He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward, kissing me roughly. After what felt like forever, he finally let go and headed back to his car. He got in and drove forward, stopping next to me. The window wound down. “Watch your back, schiava; you never know when I might feel the need to possess a full-time slave, especially a virginal one.”

  He wound the window back up and drove off, leaving me staring after his car as it disappeared down the road. I sank to my knees and started sobbing.

  A red Alfa Romeo pulled up next to me. The door opened and Frano stepped out, his face looking concerned. “Are you alright, Sophia?” he asked, bobbing down.

  I shook my head and flung myself at him, hugging him for dear life.



  Frano was always trying to save me. Like that day he’d happened along right after Christo had threatened me. Instead of telling him what Christo had said, I had allowed him to believe I’d had an acciden
t. In response, he’d helped me up and carried me to his car, driving me home.

  Though, I wondered what would’ve happened if Frano had arrived a few minutes earlier. Would everything be different now? Would he even be alive? Because back then, I didn’t think anyone could take Christo down. But now Frano was a don—a figure of authority and respect amongst the Mafioso community. Regardless, I still didn’t want him to face Christo and risk losing him. Instead, I was going to take care of Christo myself, so the bastard didn’t harm another soul.

  “I won’t allow you to do this,” Frano snapped, upset that I wanted to get a message to Christo that I was alive. “He will finish what he started.”

  I nodded. “You are right.”

  He stopped flailing his arms about. “I am?” he said, looking surprised I’d agreed with him.

  “Yes, it was a horrible idea.”

  “O-kay,” Frano said.

  “Don’t look so surprised. Sometimes I speak without thinking. You made me see sense.”

  “I did?”

  I laughed at his dumbstruck expression.

  His eyebrows pulled together. “Why do you find this conversation so humorous?”

  “You’re making the most adorable facial expressions; that’s why.” I took a hold of his handsome face. “But you are definitely right.” I kissed his lips. “You are totally and utterly correct, amore mio.” I kissed him again.

  “I know,” he muttered against my lips.

  “And you are very cocky,” I said, brushing a hand over his crotch.

  He grabbed my wrist. “Don’t make me hard.”

  I pulled away from his lips. “Why not?”

  “No matter how much I ache to be inside of you, I can’t right now. I have people to phone and arrangements to make.”

  “I won’t interfere as long as you allow me two things.”

  He let go of my wrist. “What do you want?”

  “Give me some clothes as well as freedom to roam the house.”

  “I can give you clothes, but I would prefer that you stay in my room.”


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