Survival Instinct: Brian Book One (Van Zant Siblings 1)

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Survival Instinct: Brian Book One (Van Zant Siblings 1) Page 14

by Roxy Harte

  Brian wasn’t sure what he expected, maybe some scattered shards of pottery or even a preserved room—he’d discovered both in his career—but as the beam of light swept first the floor in front of him and then the walls, his jaw dropped. He didn’t move farther into the wide cave. Hawk bumped into his back. “Aren’t you going in?”

  “Not yet.”

  Brian called over his shoulder to Agent Miller, “Is there some way to block off this corridor? Until I can get a field team in here, I need this area secured.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “And a SAT-phone. I need to make some calls.”

  Behind him, Hawk grew impatient. “Brian?”

  “Give me a minute.” Brian rubbed his hand over his mouth, trying to take in the extraordinary importance of the archaeological find he was facing…and the damage already inflicted by the idiots who had been in the cave trying to steal it. He was overwhelmed, completely overwhelmed. Mentally. Emotionally. He stepped forward, allowing Hawk enough room to step into the cave room with him, but keeping a restraining arm across his chest to keep him from going farther in. He lifted his flashlight beam to one of the walls.

  “Cave drawings?”

  “Stay here.” He moved closer to the wall, angling the flashlight. In awe he said, “God. My God,” as he moved around the circumference of the room. He shook his head as he shuffled slowly around, muttering to himself.

  From behind Hawk an agent said, “You asked for a SAT-phone?”

  Brian pulled himself away from the wall and joined Hawk and the agent. He took the phone as the agent explained, “You can get a signal on the ledge outside.”

  Brian nodded, took the phone, then hurried toward the bright opening. Out in the cool, fresh air, his head cleared and giddiness rose to the forefront. He held himself in check from breaking out in dance in front of the agents, but his mind was doing backflips. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, he calmed enough to dial information and request assistance connecting with the University of Montana’s Center for Archaeological Research. He asked for Harriet Whitehead, hoping the woman hadn’t retired. They’d met while he was in Cairo, and Brian had been very impressed with her knowledge. He was put on hold without any indication if he would be connected to Harriet or someone else.

  “This is Harriet Whitehead.”

  “Harriet! Thank goodness you’re there. You may not remember me, but we worked together a bit in Egypt. Brian Van Zant?”

  “Brian, my god! Yes, of course, I remember. How could I forget you?”

  Brian breathed a sigh of relief. She remembered him and she hadn’t retired yet. Now the big question was, would she support him or bulldoze him and take credit for the find herself? Brian was taking a chance sharing any information at this early stage, and this discovery was going to be the pinnacle of someone’s career. “That’s great news, because I have a favor to ask you. I need a second opinion on something, and I think you’re going to need to see it in person to appreciate it.”

  After a bit of schedule comparing, and coaxing on Brian’s part that she should make the trip a top priority, Harriet determined she could make the trip in a few of days.

  Brian was nervous as he disconnected.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Brian jumped, not realizing Hawk had come up behind him. He explained, “Politics. Someone is going to get credit for this find because of its sheer significance. I’d really like that person to be me.”

  Hawk crossed his arms. “No one ever needed to know this site was here. This is sacred land.”

  “Yes. It is. I can see that. I respect that. But the reality is this cave entrance is exposed now. It’s no longer a fable, but actual. Too many people know about it now. You, me, the nine agents here now, the men arrested last night, the men arrested this morning, the helicopter pilot —”

  Hawk raised his hand to silence him. “I get it. The only way to keep it preserved now is to protect it with bureaucracy.”


  “This woman can do that?”

  Brian shook his head. “Harriet Whitehead will lend extra legitimacy. With her expertise authenticating the site, money will become available to make this a national protected site, but that only means it will be a felony to deface the rock. I have enough contacts to get a steel gate up here to prevent trespassing, but the more serious threat is the one posed by Erik—and the people he worked for.”

  “Meaning they won’t give up. They’ll be back.”

  “Yes.” Brian motioned for Hawk to follow him and led him deep into the cave. With the beam of his flashlight he brought his attention to the tools and damage already inflicted on a three-feet-by-four-feet section of rock they’d been trying to break free. “See this fissure? They were attempting to break free a solid block, but it cracked, making it less valuable. Still worth a lot of money, but not worth nearly as much as it was. I’d say someone halted the chiseling to try to recalculate and salvage what they could. Fortunately, they started with a lesser drawing.”


  “This one is probably between five hundred and a thousand years old. Carbon dating will be more accurate, but that’s my best educated guess. It depicts what looks like birds and a mountain goat. In my mind it is priceless, but in a collector’s mind, a million dollars. Intact. Broken, worth a quarter of its original value.” Brian walked three feet to the left. “Now this one. It’s clearly older.”

  HAWK TILTED HIS head, thinking the two looked identical.

  “Trust me on this. It’s older. See how it is divided into three parts? Clearly a sacred image. The top two parts, obviously representative of earth and sky, fairly typical, but this third layer is not typical…at least in this part of the world…representing below earth. It may be representative of the underworld. I’d have to research local myths and legends to know for certain. That is one reason in particular I called Harriet. She’ll know the history of every inch of this state. Together, we can pull together relative dating and carbon dating no one in the field will challenge, and if this cavern system and the drawings and objects found within prove to be the age I believe they are—it will challenge current history models.” Brian turned and faced another wall. “But back to value—to the archeological community—priceless—but to a collector value increases with availability. Getting the drawings out of here intact is potentially impossible, but when enough money is offered men will always be tempted to try.”

  Agent Miller cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, Doctor. We’re ready to take the prisoners down.”

  Brian looked at him, confused and Hawk interpreted what the agent had left unsaid. “I think he’s requesting for you to gear up so we can go down as well.”

  “Hell no, I’m staying right here.” To prove his point, Brian rummaged in his backpack and pulled out his camera to start documenting. Hawk drew the lead agent into the previous chamber and quickly explained the situation to Agent Miller. The man’s mouth depressed into a firm line, muttering as he walked away, “Intellectuals are gonna be…”

  Amused, Hawk watched from the narrow chamber entrance as Agent Miller and Brian had a quiet, but heated debate, knowing the agent wasn’t one to take any guff from anyone. Agent Miller turned from Brian and walked toward Hawk with an unreadable expression. Hawk stepped to the side so that Agent Miller could navigate the thin passage. Brian met Hawk’s gaze with a small smile.

  What the hell?

  Hawk joined the other agents to hear what Agent Miller was saying and caught only the tail end, “…we will leave three guards here with the doctor. I’m asking for volunteers.”

  “You’ll only need two volunteers, Sir. I won’t leave Dr. Van Zant’s side.”

  Agent Miller glanced at him, looking him up and down, then turned back to his men. “I need two men. It’s going to be a weeklong assignment. I’ll have rations and supplies for a long term field camp sent up tomorrow.”

  Long-term field camp? Hawk didn’t interrupt, but won
dered just what in the hell Brian had said to him.

  Chapter Eleven


  Agent Miller’s men were posted at the entrance to the cave. Hawk paced the small antechamber, trying to gather the last bit of patience he had left. He was seeing a new side to Brian Van Zant: focused, über-intelligent, anal-retentive, obsessive, tireless and stubborn as a mule. He had to make Brian stop, and at least drink some water while he changed out his bandage. He’d gone two days with almost no food and very little sleep. Grabbing the first aid kit, he started to go back inside the deeper cave but stopped himself and counted to ten. He dropped the pack and made his way to the cave entrance. He stepped outside into the much cooler night air and caught sight of the two men Agent Miller had left. He caught their nods, knowing they were changing shifts. Only one maintained the outside perch and they rotated inside and out in four hour shifts.

  Thankfully they’d had two balmy days of forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. After the near freezing temps of their hike in, the change was a welcome relief and a curse. Around him the drifted piles of snow were melting, leaving hanging daggers of ice and hazardous puddles that would freeze overnight leaving their ledge a perilous sheet of ice. The men had taken turns, knocking down the icicles as they formed but it was merely a dent in hazard management. Staying the full week was going to be an exercise in stupidity, but trying to get Brian out of the cave had only ended in argument after argument.

  He turned around and looked out over the mountain range. Inhaled. Exhaled. Based on the position of the sun, night would descend in a matter of hours. Darkness would return freezing temperatures and likely more snow.

  Hearing Brian’s boot crunch on the hard packed snow at the entrance, Hawk closed his eyes. He didn’t want to fight with him. Again.

  Brian came up behind him and rubbed his shoulders through his down parka. “I’m sorry.”

  Hawk turned his head, to meet his gaze over his shoulder.

  “I know you can’t understand my need to be here.”

  “I’m trying, Brian.”

  “Tomorrow more supplies will arrive. The field office will go up. I want you to return to work.”

  “You want me to leave?” Hawk asked through gritted teeth.

  “Discovery and documentation isn’t an afternoon gig. I’m here for the duration or until I’m replaced by someone more capable.”

  “When the sun sets, you’re looking at a ten- to twenty-degree drop.”

  “It’s warmer inside the cave and we have sub-zero sleeping bags,” Brian argued, wrapping his arms around Hawk’s waist. “I’ll be fine.”

  Hawk stilled, knowing the two soldiers were watching even though they appeared to be scanning the horizon. It took every ounce of his will not to jerk away, but he knew it really was do or die time. He was either in a relationship with Brian and out of the closet for good, or he wasn’t.

  He could feel Brian’s warm breath against his cheek, and as much as being trapped in the cave overnight held a certain amount of allure, the dangers outweighed any romantic leanings. Besides, a hot meal and a soft, warm bed waited at the bottom of the mountain. “Come down the mountain with me. Stay one night. Shower, shave, rest—spend the night with me.”

  Brian rubbed his cheeks, knowing his beard was coming in fast. It always did. “You don’t like my scruff?”

  Hawk backed into the cave and Brian followed close, keeping his hands on Hawk’s waist. “Keep the beard. I do like it. I spend way too much time thinking about what your beard would feel like brushing against the inside of my thighs.”

  Brian broke into the sexiest smile he’d seen in days. “Oh yeah?”

  “Ooh, yeeeah.”

  Brian slid his hand under the bottom edge of Hawk’s parka to find the soft, warm fleece layer beneath. His hand didn’t stop there. He pulled the edge of his sweater to reveal the thermal underwear shirt beneath. Another tug and his bare stomach became exposed. Cool air blew over his warm flesh. Hawk closed his eyes as Brian’s glove-warmed hand slid over his bare skin.

  When did he take off his gloves?

  “I’m taking a break. Spend the time with me not fighting about my decision to stay and protect this discovery until I am assured Harriet Whitehead will credit me with this find?”

  Hawk turned to face him and Brian pouted, not begging, not saying please, but looking like he might. That look, that pouting, needy expression, made fire race through his veins. Not anger. Need. Raw, all-consuming lust. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He’d never felt so affected by anyone.

  “You’ll leave camp first thing in the morning to meet with Harriet Whitehead and escort her here. I’ll stay.”

  Brian smiled widely, hugging him close. “That’s all I asked for.”

  Hawk grabbed the neckline of Brian’s jacket and pushed him backward through the main cave and series of chambers till they reached the farthest wall. He pressed Brian against the rough rock and wrapped his other hand into his short, curly hair so that when he leaned in to kiss him, he could control him. He didn’t want him pulling away; he didn’t want him in control of the situation at all. Brian needed to accept that he was in charge. Always. He knew he’d made his point when Brian’s eyes widened. He was anticipating his roughness.

  “Will rope be involved?”

  The question Brian had asked yesterday—before Erik arrived at the cabin—kept rolling through his brain. Did Brian like to be tightly bound? Perhaps suspended? Hawk had guessed he liked it rough, especially when combined with the pinching, biting, and innuendoes. He called himself a masochist but Hawk wasn’t convinced. Maybe it seemed too good to be true, the thought he could fit so perfectly with another.

  “I need you Hawk. I need this before you go.”

  Hawk crushed his mouth against Brian’s, licking, biting, and sucking. He was on fire for him as he reached for the zipper of his parka and unzipped, exposing layers of warm clothes. He pushed his hands under his shirts, finding his nipples tight buds, which seemed to be begging to be pinched. He complied. Twisting and pulling the sensitive buds made Brian gasp and moan. Hawk grabbed a handful of chest hair and tugged, not hard enough to rip it free, but enough so that Brian writhed beneath the onslaught of painful attention. “If you cry out, we stop.”

  “I won’t make a sound, Sir,” he whispered. “Please use me. Please.”

  Hearing the need –filled ‘Sir’ on Brian’s lips shattered the last of his control and Hawk reacted strongly to his response, wanting more, needing more. He grabbed his jaw and pinched it between his fingers, forcing him to meet his gaze. “We have a curious audience out there.”

  “We do, Sir. They won’t know.”

  “They’ve already guessed, Brian. I’m not an idiot.”

  “Never that, Sir.”

  “How rough do you want it, Brian?”

  Brian remained silent, Hawk released his jaw and slapped Brian’s face, then gripped his jaw again, holding his face in a position where he could make him look at him even if he didn’t want to. Brian wasn’t fighting; he was panting with need. He tried to push his face closer to kiss Hawk, but Hawk didn’t let him, controlling the distance between their mouths. “I’m an avowed sadist, Brian. I like to play more than a little rough; I’m not sure you can take it.”

  “I want as much roughness as you are willing to give me, Sir,” Brian promised. Reaching for Hawk’s belt buckle, his hands doing the work to expose him, to expose himself. Brian’s hand dipped into his pants and wrapped around his hard cock. He squeezed and pulled Hawk’s stiff shaft. Hawk didn’t make any move to stop him, but gripped Brian’s cheeks in a biting pinch before holding him exactly where he wanted him. Brian couldn’t move his mouth to speak, but attempted to beg, “Weez, Thir! Weez, Thir!”

  “Are you going to try to force what you want to happen again, Brian?”

  “No, Thir.”

  Hawk kissed him hard, harder, demanding access to his tongue as he grabbed blindly for Brian’s cock and balls. He stroked down
his hard length to his balls and squeezing a yelp out of him that got caught in Hawk’s mouth. He jerked away. “Didn’t you just promise me to not make a sound?”

  Hawk smiled at him, the one that made the masochists at Twisted Pleasures drool with the knowledge a powerful scene was coming.

  Brian tried to pull his mouth away from Hawk’s pinching fingers, but Hawk wouldn’t allow it. He kissed him again, kissing him deeper and squeezing his balls hard enough to hurt—then stroking the pain away again and again. He had Brian trembling with need as he caused him unbearable pain, followed by tear pulling pleasure, over and over.

  Brian shook harder and Hawk liked it, liked it too much. It was one of the reasons he didn’t date on the mountain. No one knew he was gay. No one suspected he was kinky. If it were ever discovered he was a sadist—

  Well, he suspected he’d be brought in for questioning on every violent sexual assault that passed through the nearby police departments.

  He whispered against Brian’s face, “I like feeling you tremble beneath me.”

  Brian closed his eyes. “Oh God.”

  Hawk squeezed his cock and was rewarded with a thick drip of precum. “You’re so turned on, you could come right here, right now, couldn’t you, Brian?”

  “Yes,” he hissed as Hawk squeezed harder.

  “Not yet.” Hawk pulled his cock straight down, making him moan. “I want you to suck me first.”

  Brian slid down the rough wall and dropped to his knees in front of Hawk. His hand was still wrapped around Hawk’s cock. He closed his mouth around the circumcised head and sucked, pulling him deep.

  Hawk moan. “Fuck, yeah. God, Brian, oh God.” He didn’t let Brian suck him long. It felt too good and he didn’t want to come yet. He grabbed Brian’s hair and brought him to his feet. “You are too…damn…good…at…that.”


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