All Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction Series Starters

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All Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction Series Starters Page 37

by Vangjel Canga

"I was snooping around this place myself when I saw you enter, and I hid, then thought to myself, you might be able to help me." The Rogue keeps its hands up. "I know you came back and saved Pandora." It pauses and continues, "That act alone confused me, and I have been trying to process it since, but have not been able to."

  It never answered my question, so I snap, "What do you want?"

  "I am rambling, so I will get to the point then. I have a proposition." The Rogue pauses again and then asks, "Can I lower my hands?"

  I have no idea what it wants from me, but it does seem to be everywhere, it must know a lot of things, so I should at least hear it out. I nod and wave the Rogue back with my gun as I step from the elevator, and then I question, "A proposition?"

  "Yes, I overheard you talking with the doctor at the hospital," the Rogue tells me as it lowers its hands. "You told him you were looking for who killed Theresa Griffin."

  Anger and rage wash over me at the mention of my mom's death. I want to know who killed her, and I'll do anything to find out, even make a deal with this tin can.

  "Do you know who murdered her?"

  "No, I do not have that information, but I did find something at the Factory. I discovered a disk I believe belonged to your mother."

  I ask, "And you want what in exchange?"

  "Silly woman, I want Pandora of course. Bring her to the Factory, so I may kill her. Here..." The Rogue hands me a piece of paper and a small blueprint labeled BL5. "This is the location of the Factory along with the layout for Basement Level Five of Research Building 10." It hands me a white keycard. "This will get you in through the parking garage." I take it, and the Rogue continues, "Bring Pandora tomorrow night after nine to the first room circled on the blueprint in the Green Division, and I will have the disk waiting for you in the Computer Lab circled in the Yellow Division. Here..." The Rogue hands me one green and one yellow keycard. "Those will get you in the rooms, and one word of warning, the T-3s have gone rogue and have taken over the Factory. You will have to elude them." The Rogue hands me a small piece of paper. "Once you have the disk, that word will unlock it."

  I glance at the password and snarl at the Rogue, wondering if it's trying to tell me something with this access word.

  "How do you know I'll turn her over?" I question it.

  "Because I know your kind. You do not care about anyone, even dear old dad. The only person you ever loved was murdered, and you want to find her killer and take your revenge." The Rogue starts out. "You must be looking for a way to get rid of the headache you reluctantly took in. There is no easier way than to hand Pandora over to me, and you get something out of the deal."

  "Fine, tomorrow then," I state and watch the Rogue leave.

  It's right about one thing, that woman has been nothing but a nuisance. I'll have to say sorry to my mom's memory. It was so long ago that she wanted me to save that woman and so much has changed. I glance at my gun and stare at my hand tinged with unseen blood. Much has changed, including me.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  The Locked Door

  2:47 P.M...

  Hellenistic Sector, Residential Vicinage...

  Nexus Apartments...

  The digital clock in the kitchen read 2:47 P.M. as Kat slightly stirred on the couch, and Unfinished Melody played, keeping her in the grips of the Drifting Time. The digital clock was the only light in the dark apartment.

  "Door unlocked," A.C.S. stated.

  The spare bedroom unlocked, and the light within flicked on, lighting up the crack under the closed door.

  Katharine's view...

  I open my eyes at hearing the sounds, sit up a little disoriented, then close the music box, and place it in my pocket.

  "Umm... Could I have some lights?"

  "Guest request acknowledged." A.C.S. turns on the ones in the living room. "Setting lights to ninety-five percent."

  I scan the apartment, but see no one. I thought I had heard someone talk.

  "Umm... Apartment Computer System, did you say something earlier?"

  "Yes, I stated that the spare bedroom has been unlocked and the room is ready for use."

  "Oh..." I stand, rub my eyes, walk to the first room in the hall, and open the door. "Kimberly, are you back?"

  No one's in the room, so I enter and look around curious as to why it had been locked in the first place. The walls are full of photos of Kimberly as a child and her mother, and a few of them have a man in them, who I guess is her father. Kimberly was a really cute kid. I walk by a bed that hasn't been used in years, and go and stand in front of a wall, and take a closer look at the little blonde girl in the pictures.

  I can't believe this is the same person I met. Kimberly was so happy back then. I see pictures of her eating ice cream, petting kittens, and playing on a sunny beach. I can't even imagine what has happened to her since to make her so unhappy and angry. I rub my shoulder as it itches a bit, and then I decide I shouldn't be in here. Kimberly would be mad, so I leave the room.

  I head toward the living room and then glance back at the bedroom. Kimberly locked all of those happy memories away. It's like she hid them in there, so she didn't have to remember. Maybe it was too painful for her.

  I start for the couch. A.C.S. unlocked the room, but Kimberly wasn't here to give the command. Maybe A.C.S. is malfunctioning. I yawn, groggy from sleeping, then return to the couch, and plop down on the cold leather. I can't believe how tired I am as I lie back, remove the music box, and stare at it. I don't know what I would do without it. I hold the music box close to my chest, thinking what a luxury it is to sleep without fear the Un-Men will find me. I grab my blanket and pull it over me. I'm warm and safe, what more could a girl ask for? I drift asleep without the music box to lull me.

  End Katharine's view...

  Outside of Nexus Apartments...

  A white van parked at the curb in front of the gate facing Knot Street sputtered smoke from its muffler. The engine idled as Zax sat in the driver's seat, typing a few things on his H.H.C., and once he finished, he placed the H.H.C. on the passenger seat.

  Zax's view...

  I don't understand why R.G. had me do it, but I guess my job isn't to know the why, only to do what I'm told. I remove a cell from my shirt pocket, dial a number, and say, "Delivery Man here, please connect me to R.G." A few seconds pass, and I state, "Yes, as per your instructions, I waited till Ms. Griffin left the apartment, and I triggered the A.C.S. to unlock the spare bedroom, so the rest is up to Katharine. Yes. Yes. I'm monitoring the situation now." I see a red car drive by. "Kimberly is returning." I buckle my seat belt. "I'll contact you with any new development, Delivery Man out."

  I hang up and drive a little ways down Knot Street and turn onto West 1000 Avenue to get in a better position. Kimberly won't be too happy to discover the spare bedroom has been opened. Poor Katharine... Kimberly might kill her if she went in her mother's room.

  End Zax's view...

  Sometime later...

  Kimberly's view...

  The door to Apartment H slides open, and I enter a little fatigued. I don't know why I feel so weary unless it's the decision to betray that woman that weighs on me. It shouldn't bother me, and I convince myself that I'm only tired from the mess that woman put me through.

  "Welcome back Ms..."

  "Night and Quiet Mode, A.C.S."

  It shuts down its verbal interaction and reverts to its evening settings as I walk down the entry to the kitchen, and the lights come on at fifty percent. I set her backpack on a barstool, place her Beretta on the counter, and turn to the living room. I move to the back of the couch and find that woman asleep, clinging to the music box like it's a teddy bear. I stare at the enigma as she sleeps soundly. I could so easily kill her. I could walk around this couch and snap her neck, and nobody would ever know. No one will care that that woman's gone, except maybe the Council, and they will only care because she's some precious exper
iment of theirs. I put my hand to my hip in a tisk-tisk fashion. That woman should have heard me when I entered and woke up. Her instinct to survive must not be very strong.

  I think about what I'm going to do to her when I deliver her to the Factory, and I take pity on her. I haven't pitied anyone in a long time. A babe I took off the streets... an innocent I'll deliver to her demise. I snatched her from the fangs of the grave only to hand her over to the Reaper.

  I consider my conversation that I had at Etna. The Rogue couldn't be right about her. Her trust in me must be an act. It has to be an act... She couldn't have survived this long as a kitten. She has to be a tigress.

  My pity turns to anger as I think about the trust she has in me. Stupid. It's her fault if I betray her. I never told her to trust me. I'm a Closer. I only look out for myself.

  I return to the kitchen, place my car keys on the counter, and lean on the counter as guilt burdens me. My mom told me to save her, but finding out who murdered my mom is more important to me than saving that woman.

  I hear her mumble and move back to the couch. She sleeps, but her lips move, reciting a phrase in a murmur. I place a hand on the back of the couch and lean over to listen.

  "Always know there will be a love that will not die."

  I walk around the sofa, not sure of what she said. She rolls over, faces the couch, and says nothing more. I shrug and start for the hallway as I decide as if I haven't done so a dozen times over, that whatever she's the Key to doesn't matter to me. It's more important that I discover who murdered my mom and take my revenge. I pause at the hallway entrance and glance back at the living room. That woman has been nothing but a headache since our meeting. I'll be glad to be rid of her. I walk past the spare bedroom, wondering how I'll convince her to come to the Factory with me. From what she has told me, if I was her, I wouldn't want to return there.

  Exhausted from all the running around, I reach for the doorknob of the master bedroom, thinking those problems can wait till morning. My eyes droop. I need to get some sleep. I pause as my heart skips a beat and my weary mind recalls something out of place, and I quickly turn, looking to the spare bedroom. A glow shows through the crack under the door, and I walk back and turn the knob, expecting it to be locked, but the door opens. Furious, I search the room and find nothing has been moved. Everything is as I left it years ago.

  I'm going to kill her. I'm not going to wait for the Rogue to do it. I'm going to kill her right now! I march into the living room as I fist my hand, controlling my anger, and then I say in a forced gentle tone, "A.C.S."

  "Yes, Ms. Griffin."

  "How did she unlock this door?"


  "Yes, Pandora... I mean Katharine."

  "Your guest did not unlock the door. A command was given over the Nexus Apartment's main system."

  "By who?"

  "Identity unknown," A.C.S. replies.

  I take several deep breaths as my anger boils again. "Tell me this, did she go in the room?"

  "Yes, your guest entered after I announced the door had been unlocked."

  I fist my other hand, thinking of beating her to death while she's sleeping, but then I wouldn't get what I want from the Rogue. I have to be very careful what I do next. I don't want to jeopardize the prize I'm seeking, so I decide I can't yell at her, not if I want that woman to go to the Factory with me tomorrow. I'll have to let this go for now. The Rogue can torture her for violating my privacy.

  "A.C.S. lock this bedroom door."

  "Yes, Ms. Griffin."

  I head into my bedroom as exhaustion seizes me again, shut the door, and slip into my pajamas. I lie on my stomach and clinch my pillow with both hands. I can't get the idea of that woman rummaging through all my precious stuff. She better not have touched anything or the Rogue will be the least of her worries.

  End Kimberly's view...

  Back in the living room...

  Kat's face wrinkled as her dream changed to a nightmare, and she uttered, "Preacher! No! Don't die. You can't leave me alone. Don't leave us alone." Her eyes rapidly moved under her closed lids. "What do I tell him? What do I tell Chad? NO!"

  Katharine's view...

  I sit up and look around as sweat beads my forehead, and I sadden as grief strikes me. I have no idea what I'll tell the boy. First, I left and now Preacher left him. I cover myself with the blanket. I know it's not safe, but I need to find Chad and tell him what happened.

  Back in the master bedroom...

  Kimberly's view...

  I continue to stare at my pillow, repeating to myself that woman's life means nothing to me. I keep thinking back to what the hologram told me, and I'm hesitant to hand her over to the Rogue for the disk. I roll on my side and grumble. Hades! Nothing's been easy since I met her. It'll be good to get rid of her, and it'll be good to return to my mundane life. I chuckle. Listen to me, I never thought I'd hear myself say I miss the solitude. I roll on my back, contemplating if I really do miss the loneliness.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  What's On TV?

  October 20...


  7:58 A.M...

  The TV came to life as Kim turned it on with the remote, and Anchorman Jim Charles with NBS gave a report.

  "As we wrap up this hour, news has come in that Dr. Robert Seeker's trip to Antarctica has been delayed."

  Famished, Kat sat at the kitchen bar, watching Kim cook oatmeal and fry eggs and bacon. Kat had slept for more than twelve hours and felt like a new woman. Her stomach growled as Kim poured her a glass of orange juice.

  The anchorman continued, "Dr. Seeker was scheduled to leave yesterday, but–"

  Kat hummed Unfinished Melody as she whirled on the bar stool.

  Kim commented, "You're in a better mood this morning."

  "I am," Kat said.

  "–the helicopter had mechanical problems," Jim Charles continued. "Dr. Seeker should be on his way to Vulcan Station within the next twenty-four hours." The anchorman turned to another camera. "This just came in... There are reports of several explosions in the Hellenistic Sector."

  Unconcerned with the news, Kim placed a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of Kat along with a bowl of oatmeal and said, "There's milk and honey if you want it."

  Kat stared at the TV as the flames from the explosions reflected in her eyes. Her stomach growled again, so she turned facing the counter, dove into the eggs, shoveling them in her mouth, and devoured strips of bacon between spoonfuls.

  Appalled by her tiger-like eating, Kim uttered, "I guess you were never taught manners."

  Kat peered up from her plate wide eyed, picked up a napkin, and wiped her mouth, and then she continued eating at a slower pace.

  The anchorman finished, "At this point, the cause of the explosions is unknown. We will update you as new reports come in. This is Jim Charles with NBS, signing off."

  Kim took several bites of her breakfast.

  "Umm... Last night..." hesitant to even mention it to the angry Phoenix, Kat started. "A.C.S. woke me, and your spare bedroom light was on, so I went in."

  Kim stopped eating, put her fork down, and fixated on the plate. That woman better not have touched anything, not one item in that room, or so help her... Kim picked up the remote and turned off the news.

  She noticed the change in Kim's demeanor before Kat continued, "I ah... thought you were home and went in. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. It's a special place. One you made for your mom. I shouldn't have..."

  "Did you?" Kim interrupted as she turned and glared at her. "Did you touch anything?"

  "Umm..." Kat swallowed hard, feeling the intensity of her stare. "No, I only touched the door knob."

  Picking up her fork, Kim examined it as if she would stab it through that woman's heart, but she had to remember the Factory and the disk. She couldn't make the deal with the Rogue if Kat was already dead, so she calmed down and forced
a smile. Kim could kill that woman at any time, decided to set the fork down, and said, "It's fine." She pressed a wider toothy smile, cooing out, "No harm done."

  Her smile made Kat uneasy, and Kat dared not say anymore.

  Merely setting the fork down wasn't enough to quell her wrath, so she had to think of something else and take her mind away from the image of that woman violating the memories in the room. She thought of Etna Toys and the things she found there.

  "Oh..." Kim said as she stood, retrieved Kat's backpack, pulled out the envelope, and handed her the letter from Mr. Morta. "I found this yesterday in the basement of Etna Toys."

  Cautious of her, Kat took the letter and opened it, and after about a minute, Kat wondered what Mr. Morta meant by poor devil when he referred to Argus.

  "If I understand everything–" Kim started as she went over in her head how to manipulate things, so that woman would go to the Factory with her. "–you want to find out who you are and what you've forgotten?"

  "Yes, and you're searching for who killed your mom."

  "Here's the deal," Kim began. "We'll work together to find our answers, but once I find my mom's killer this partnership is done. Understood? I'll help you no more after that. I have no reason to."

  It was a little one sided Kat thought, but it wasn't like she had a better offer, so she nodded.

  "Good then." Kim retrieved her knapsack from her bedroom, returned, and removed from it one of the papers the Rogue had given her. "I need your help. I have discovered the location of the Factory and that there's vital information about my mom there; the information's on a disk." She showed Kat the address. "I'm heading there tonight. Will you come with me?"

  Kat couldn't believe it; Kim wanted her to go to the Factory! She wanted her to go back after they had tortured her, and she didn't know if she could. Kat swore she would never let them take her again, so there was no way she was going back. She glanced at Kim and noticed how much it meant to her that they find this disk she mentioned, so for her sake, Kat pushed her fears aside and asked, "Is this information important?"

  "I believe it is very important. Will you help me?" Kim added a little bait, "The Factory could have information on you."

  Kat knew Kim was right about the info. The Factory could have some, but she didn't know if it would be worth the risk. She did tell Kim she'd help, but going back... she was so afraid, but she couldn't be a wimp. If Kim had a plan and they could sneak in, they may have a chance. Even if Kim had a plan, that didn't mean they wouldn't get caught. It was hard for her to decide, but then she thought about what she would do if Kim was one of her friends... if she was Chad and he was asking for her help, she wouldn't hesitate to tell him yes.


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