Bailey's Beach (Hotwife Paradise Book 1)

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Bailey's Beach (Hotwife Paradise Book 1) Page 1

by Matt Coolomon

  Bailey’s Beach

  Hotwife Paradise

  Matt Coolomon

  Sher Madonna

  Adults Only

  High level erotic content

  Copyright © 2018 Matt Coolomon

  All rights reserved. No part of this Book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real life person is coincidental.

  Bailey’s Beach: Hotwife Paradise (Book 1) is an 8,000 word X-Rated wife-sharing serial. It is the beginning of an ongoing series of short independent stories with a common setting.

  Bonus hot scenes:

  Young wife Julia being felt up by other men 6,000 words.

  Young wife Tamika being cummed on by other men 9,000 words.

  Please enjoy.

  - Matt

  Sofia & Gino

  Chapter 1:1

  Gino waves the glossy holiday brochure at his cousin. “Sofia's always complaining I'm not romantic enough. Well, this year I'll blow her socks off. After last year's debacle she never lets me forget, well, she's never gonna complain again!”

  Ray is shaking his head. “No way, bro, that’s fuckin’ nuts. No WAY.”

  “Fuck yeah, she’ll be into it.” Gino opens the brochure for another look at the pictures. There’s a row of modern-looking units set along the sandy shore of a pristine, glassy lake. “Come too, dude! Yeah, you could use a vacation, right? You could easy get time off work.”

  Ray takes the brochure and looks through it, still shaking his head. “But isn’t this a nudist thing or whatever?”

  “Nah, dude. It used to be, but the guy’s developed it heaps. It’s got lots of things now. The nude bit’s just in a little area over one side.”

  “And this guy you work for – this um…?”

  “Mr Bailey. Wes.”

  “This Wes dude, he, like invited you or somethin’?”

  “Not exactly. I only met him once to speak to. The Christmas party last year. And he was goin’ on about the place then – with Sofia standing right there listenin’, now I think about it! So she already knows about the place, and she seemed cool about it then I guess.”

  “Yeah right.” Ray chuckles. “So the dude invites you to his nudist camp with Sofia standing there, huh?”

  “Um. What? Nah, it wasn’t like that, bro.”

  “Ya sure?”

  “No, it’s not even the nudist bit,” Gino insists, grabbing the brochure and checking it again. “No this is the normal bit – for regular people.”

  The two men are standing in the driveway of Ray’s house, Gino lives three doors down. Ray resumes polishing the dashboard of his purple muscle car. Sofia’s little yellow SUV flashes past but pulls up and reverses. Sofia lowers her window and smiles.

  “Hey, baby,” Gino calls over.

  “What are you pair up to?”

  “Nothin’ much.”

  Sofia backs up a little further and pulls into the driveway. She approaches and Gino takes her hand, pulling her to him.

  Sofia returns his kiss. “Hey.”

  “Let’s go home. I got somethin’ I wanna show ya.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, just show her, bro,” Ray calls over from the other side of his car.

  Gino looks around, his face heating. He shrugs off apprehension. “I was just sayin’ to Ray that we should get away next week, since we’re on holidays and just hangin’ round home.”

  “Oh yeah?” Sofia asks, lifting for another kiss.

  “Yeah, but tell her where,” Ray calls over again, grinning.

  “Where?” Sofia asks flatly. “What’s going on, Gino?”

  Gino offers the brochure to his wife. She opens it and flicks through then looks up, blushing a little. “This is the place your boss was talking about?”

  Gino nods. “He’s not exactly my boss. I’m my own boss.”

  Sofia nods acceptance. “But this is the place, right? And you want us to go?”

  “Yeah – why not? I’ll have the hottest woman there.” Gino pulls his wife into another cuddle. “You wanna go, don’t ya, baby?”

  “I’d love to,” Sofia mutters into a kiss, suddenly excited.


  “Uh huh. If it’s anything like Wesley was saying, it’ll be amazing, Gino. I’m just surprised you’d want us to go somewhere like that.”

  “Yeah, but we don’t have to do the nudist shit. That’s just what the old fucker’s into. He said it’s only a small part of the resort now.”

  Sofia is cuddling close. She’s as tall as Gino in her three inch heels. She breathes into his ear. “Yes, but I could go topless, at least? Just to even out my tan. Would you be able to handle that much?”

  “Handle it? I can fuckin’ handle anything, baby. I’ll take ya to the full birthday suit bit if ya want. Wouldn’t bother me!”

  Sofia giggles. “Yeah sure, babe. You’d freak the first time some other guy so much as looked in my direction!”

  “No, I wouldn’t!” Gino shoots back, although his heart is thumping at the thought, which is beyond any kind of logic or reason. “I’m the man, baby – I’d be proud as fuck showin’ you off!”


  Sofia leans back into her husband’s cuddle and remains there quietly listening to him talk and banter with his cousin about taking her to the resort she has been fantasizing about since Christmas. She had been enthralled when Gino’s boss was talking about it – quite taken by the idea of naturalism and even by the charming, charismatic older man himself. She hasn’t dared mention it to Gino ever since, neither the resort nor Wes Bailey.

  Sofia is taken home and avoids her husband the rest of the afternoon then sits through dinner in a daze. It’s getting on midnight when she finds herself lying awake, staring at the ceiling with Gino snoring beside her.

  Sofia slips out of bed and tiptoes into the lounge room with her laptop. She sits up cross-legged on the lounge and clicks on the link she has had saved in her favorites all along. The welcome page for the Bailey Beach Resort looks different every time she opens it. There has been a lot of building going on in recent months and the facilities are constantly changing and evolving. There is a new advertisement for a permanent aged residential resort and a link to what looks like a youth camp or community of some sort. The main part of the resort caters to couples and groups – adult for the most part, judging by the pictures. There is a completely separate area of accommodation with facilities for naturalists and nudists set quite apart from the other new compounds.

  Sofia always clicks onto the ‘Adult Resort’ tab and scrolls excitedly through the pictures, looking for any new additions. Her hand has strayed beneath the laptop, rubbing herself between her legs while she imagines being naked outdoors in front of all these other men – her fantasy includes her husband sitting there, watching on. There must be a lot of tradies swarming around the place, she thinks … big, muscly men with their tatts and big, strong shoulders and tiny butts…

  “Mmm..hh..huhh.” Sofia moans quietly as she squeezes her eyes shut and works her swelling clit. She rubs herself close to orgasm but is distracted by a small, flashing icon on the screen. It’s a pop-up window that only appears for a second every now and then. There is an image of a black door with ‘Room 17’ in red lettering on it.

  Sofia watches for it to appear again, hovering her mouse where she saw it last, and clicks on it quickly. The screen blackens and a login box appears, with a sign-up option. She clicks to sign up and is prompted to enter a username. SofiaKitten is available, as usual. She uses that handle everywhere. Enterin
g a password and her email address leads to an introductory page that has an R18 warning.

  She clicks on the acceptance box promising she is over 18 years and the screen opens to a picture of a large, sumptuous-looking room. It’s in semi-darkness. There is a red couch to the left with what appears to be a masked person sitting there. In the middle is a bench with a chandelier above it. A woman is lying on the narrow bench, wearing very little, apart from a full neck cuff which must be holding her head completely still, Sofia thinks. Surely the woman couldn’t even move her head to look down at herself. Her hands are cuffed to the sides of the bench. She is motionless, as is the figure on the couch. Is it a photo? Sofia peers closely at the screen, examining the image. There is a wall in shadow at the back of the room, adorned with whips, chains, shackles and all manner of amazing looking equipment. Gosh, thinks Sofia. I wonder what all that’s for?

  “Oh shit!” Sofia cries and sits back slapping her hand over her mouth. The woman on the bench seems to move – her legs shifting slightly. They are bent up and together. “Oh!” Sofia cries again as the masked figure on the couch stands and walks toward the prone woman. This figure is clearly male – tall, broad-shouldered, muscular tattooed arms, wearing leather gloves and just a pair of black, tight-fitting pants. Sofia pictures herself running her hands down his body and across his bulging arm muscles... He stops at the base of the bench and lifts one of the woman’s stilettoed feet, strapping it into a stirrup. Her body writhes on the bench, her flesh quivering as her legs are spread and her other foot is strapped into a stirrup, spread-eagling her and exposing her pussy.

  The man is holding what looks like a riding crop. He circles around the woman, running the crop along her body making her arch her back as much as she can, in her limited position. He brushes a breast with the strip of soft leather at one end of the crop, drawing around her nipple slowly with it, then gives her belly a sudden little slap. She responds to both the only way she can, but it’s Sofia’s moans that can be heard. Now the man moves to the other nipple and repeats the gesture. Sofia can feel herself heating up, mesmerized by the scene, eyes glued to the monitor. The man slowly circles the woman again then positions himself at the foot of the bench. He runs the crop along the inside of her legs and up her inner thighs several times, ensuring the crop brushes over her pussy and tapping it very lightly. He continues teasing and playing with her a while then inspects her opening. Suddenly, as if by magic, the man rolls out a trolley from under the bench with a small motor on it, with various dials and buttons. Protruding from the motor is a long, black rod with what looks like a large, pink cock attached to the end of it! The man flicks a switch and the rod moves forward towards the woman’s pussy, the cock moving back and forth. The man positions it closer and suddenly rams it into her, causing her to arch up again.

  Sofia gasps. The movement of the cock is slow and rhythmic. Sofia is fingering herself in time to the machine. She quickly looks down the hall to the bedroom door to ensure her husband hasn't awoken from her moaning noises. The woman on the bench is breathing heavily, her head making frustratingly small movements locked into its position. The man is using his crop to stimulate her pussy and suddenly she arches her back for a time then collapses, limp on the bench, the rhythmic cock still probing her until the man flicks a switch to stop it.

  Sofia realises she hasn't taken a breath in a while, so she gulps in air. She swallows hard and covers her mouth with her hand again, wide-eyed in disbelief, shaking her head slowly, wondering what she’s been missing out on.

  The man looks straight at the camera, his black leather mask only showing his eyes and voluptuous mouth. He has a twinkle in his eye. He reaches up and removes the mask to reveal his blond hair. He smiles directly at Sofia and the screen fades back to black.

  Chapter 1:2

  Gino uses his wife’s small vanity mirror to check the back of his head for any stray hairs he might have missed. There’s a slither of shaving cream behind his right ear, which he removes and scrapes over with his razor. He needs to shave every other day -- his hair is dark and sprouts quickly, at least it does in a band above his ears. He prefers this bald look in his mid-30s, now that his hairline is starting to recede and he’s thinning considerably on top.

  He checks this way and that in the mirror again, happy with the sheen of his scalp under the bathroom lights. He dabs on some aftershave and loosens the collar of his shirt to show the chunky gold chain sitting in his thick mat of chest hair. His shoulders, back, stomach, butt cheeks and legs are covered -- he’s hairy everywhere below the ears.

  “Ray’s here,” Sofia calls out as she walks past the bathroom door.

  Gino takes a few steps back and looks around the doorway. “Thanks baby,” he says to his wife, looking at her bottom as she walks into their bedroom. She is wearing a white satin wrap over black panties and a strapless bra. She cocks a smile over her shoulder. Gino smiles back at her but she has vanished from sight.

  “Hey, bro,” Ray calls from the other end of the hall.

  Gino gawks back and forth from his bedroom door to his cousin. “Did you see Sofia just then?”

  Ray shakes his head but he’s blushing. “She just opened the door and said to come in then she was gone. I didn’t um – you know, like – I didn’t really see her.” Ray swallows hard. “Come on, bro, we’ve gotta go. This dude said he has to go out at nine.”

  “Yeah right,” Gino says and edges along to crane his neck for a look into the bedroom. Ray crosses from the kitchen into the laundry where Gino has the seat covers out of one of the cars they recently sold. He’s holding them up inspecting them. Sofia comes from the ensuite bathroom with her wrap open and floating behind her as she works her long dark hair into a knot on top of her head. She meets Gino’s gaze and smiles at him. She approaches the bedroom doorway and leans out to be kissed.

  Gino obliges and kisses his wife. He’s concerned about Ray being right there along the hall. His eyes roll down to his wife’s lacy bra and flat belly. She fiddles with the waist band of her panties.

  “I think we should hang onto these, they’re in good nick if we could clean ‘em up,” Ray calls out.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Gino calls back.

  Sofia looks around the doorway, biting a grin as she peers teasingly at Gino. “I think I scared him when I answered the door.”

  Gino gulps. “Did he see ya like that?”

  “Yeah. So did Mr Kendall when you were in the shower and he was looking for you for something about that job you’re doing with his car. I had the front door open and he was right there looking through the screen door before I even realized.”

  “And you were like that?” Gino asks, anxiously checking on his cousin again.

  “Yes, I closed my robe but he already seen me with it open.” Sofia leans close. “Is that all right, Gino? Ray didn’t exactly look away either.”

  “Aw fuck, baby.”

  “Should I come and see you boys off?” Sofia goes on breathily.

  “What, like that?” Gino gulps at the dryness of his throat, his heart is thumping and his shorts starting to twitch.

  Sofia unclips her bra and throws it onto the bed. Her breasts are a firm B-cup, her big chocolate nipples tight. “Or I could come out like this?” she teases.

  “Come on, bro!” Ray calls, glaring from the laundry doorway.

  “Go on then, get going!” Sofia says, pushing Gino backward from where he’s blocking the bedroom door. He stumbles back and she steps out into the hallway. “How long are you going to be anyway? Where’s this stupid Calais thing or whatever it is?”

  “Um, it’s um.” Ray leans back, holding the doorframe. His eyes have popped open. “It’s over the coast. At Main Beach.” He swallows hard and flashes a glance at Gino.

  Gino watches his wife’s bottom as she strolls along the hall past Ray, entering the kitchen. She has done the tie up around her waist and has her wrap closed, but when she turns and faces Gino and his cousin her breasts and nipples are
clearly defined beneath the white satin of her robe. Her eyes flash down at herself then back up. Her cheeks heat with a blush and she smiles and looks away as she reaches up to fiddle with her hair again. “So, what time will you be back? Should I wait for you or I could get the shopping done this morning and we could do something this afternoon. Maybe go to the beach or something?"

  “Um, don’t shop for too much. I’m gonna try get us into this resort thing.” Gino glances at his cousin standing there beside him staring at his wife’s tits. He takes a breath. “I’m gonna see Rebecca at work this morning and see if she can book us in.”

  “Okay, so we’re all going?” Sofia asks Ray.

  “Yeah, my little bro’s comin’ too. He’s just split with his girl so I told Dad I’d take him. We won’t hang with you two lovebirds though, don’t worry.” Ray is grinning huge as he looks to Gino then back at Sofia.

  Sofia pulls at her robe, tightening it around her body then folding her arms as she approaches Gino for another kiss.

  “Hello, are you there, Gino?” a deep voice calls. It’s the neighbour Geoff Kendall.

  “Yeah, Geoff,” Ray calls back and walks through the kitchen and living room to the open front door. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

  “I tried ordering the manifold you said but the part number was wrong according to the guy at Toyota.”

  “Oh right,” Gino says and goes on listening to his neighbor ramble about which model car he has and the fact that his workshop manual might be for the year before. Sofia and Ray are just casually chatting. Sofia has relaxed her arms and they are hanging loosely at her sides. Gino can see his cousin getting another good look at his wife’s tits. She’s just plucking at the hem of her robe and fiddling with the ends of the tie, holding it closed. Her nipples are poking at the thin satin, clearly visible. She has edged back toward the breakfast counter with Ray following. She sits up on a stool, hooking one foot on a rung while keeping the other leg straight. Her robe opens away at the bottom and exposes her panties.


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