Illusions of Evil (Illusions Series Book 1)

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Illusions of Evil (Illusions Series Book 1) Page 23

by Lily White

  I lost myself in that moment, in that second when my balls tightened with the force of my release, when I came inside her without regard for pregnancy or the consequences. Pulling out wasn’t an option for me once I was gripped within the wet heat, and I shuddered beneath the power of feasting on her greatest sin.

  My hips thrust up one last time as I reached behind to wrap my hands over her shoulders and pull her down on top. And as the wave of power washed through me, as it seeped from my skin and my muscles could relax with its absence, I dragged my nails down her back and cupped her ass with my hands.

  Staring at her, I noticed the exhaustion in her arms, the way her eyes closed following the force of her climax, the way her body hung forward from the ropes that bound her wrists above my head.

  I was a devout man, one falling into the depths of Hell happily staring up into the face of what had been my last temptation.


  Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people – Karl Marx

  "I'll ask that the women and young children leave the room. Their hearts and minds are too fragile to witness the exorcism we must perform tonight."

  Staring out at my family, I waited as the women gathered the small bundles of hope that dotted the room, the youth born into our hearts and home to lead the next generation - the next army - when the current soldiers become frail. They walked past me whispering thanks for the ugly task only I could take on and told me they'd pray for me until that task was done.

  I didn’t need prayers. What I needed was their unwavering faith.

  Only the men - the soldiers - from the ages of fifteen up remained standing in place, their focus on the altar where I stood. So loyal, they remained quiet while awaiting their next command.

  Steadfast and loyal to the one true God the world had forgotten, they rounded their shoulders back, always fierce and prepared for whatever battle we encountered in our fight against the powers of evil.

  I almost laughed at the absurdity of it.

  Stepping out from behind the altar, I set my eyes on the two whores hanging from the wooden crosses, my steps soft as I wandered up the center aisle, my soldiers turning to watch me as I passed.

  The two whores mumbled from behind their gags, tears erupting from their eyes as their bodies shook with sorrow beneath the metal cuffs that held them in place.

  With silence falling over us, only my steps and their sobs could be heard in the room. Each step a beat that counted down the time drawing them closer to their fate.

  While one hid behind a garment of black, the other wore white, the difference being that one had blindly accepted her Master, had made her vows to a false prophet, while the other was just beginning her journey.

  Stopping several feet from them, I glanced up at their frightened faces, my lips pulling into a sardonic grin to see them trembling before me now.

  "I gave you both the chance to deny your Master. I gave you the opportunity to denounce your prophet in favor of the one true God. You refused me then. Is that still your decision?"

  Their feet kicked beneath them, trickles of blood dripping along their arms from where the cuffs were cutting into their skin. The older whore had already bled for us, but she'd still refused to bow.

  Two of my men climbed up to rip the gags from the women's mouths. The screams started almost instantly.

  I let them grieve and wail for a minute or two, my hands folded together behind my back, my expression as serene as a sunlit summer day.

  When their voices quieted, I smiled. "Are you done yet? Or did you want to cry some more?"

  More screams erupted. I sighed and rolled my shoulders back. I was nothing if not patient.

  The room grew quiet once again.

  Sliding my gaze to the women in her black habit, the whore for the prophet that leads the ignorant with lies, I stared at her wrinkled skin wondering if her knees were shot from the amount of time she'd spent on them. "Bring her down."

  My soldiers rushed to follow the command, unlocking the cuffs and not giving a damn when the woman fell to the ground. She cried on impact, her body lost within the habit she wore, the sickening crunch of a bone being snapped a whisper beneath the pain emanating from her mouth.

  I didn't regret the damage, she was useless to me. But still, I was a kind man, a true believer in the Almighty - in the eyes and minds of the family, at least. I would give her the chance to repent her sins and beg my forgiveness. Even if it was just for show.

  Squatting down beside her crumpled body, I rested my forearms on my knees and looked down on her in pity.

  "You were lied to, Sister. Deceived and lured in by the liar with a silver tongue. You were sold much like Christ was by Judas."

  My voice softened just a touch when her clear grey eyes looked at me. "You can't help your sin because you are woman, but hasn't your heart felt hollow since you put on your veil?"

  She tried to move, a small cry of pain bursting from her lungs when she discovered her leg was useless.

  Leaning forward, I whispered, "I think you broke a bone. It's probably best you stay still."

  I was on my feet a second later, my measured steps slowly pacing in front of her.

  "I'd like to offer you redemption, Sister. It's only fair. You can't help that you were deceived. The question now is whether you can admit you were led astray."

  The crows-feet at the side of her face deepened, the ridges digging angry channels across her temples. With her eyes narrowed in hatred and fear, she watched me as a mouse would a hawk, staring up at the endless circling of the predator taking its time for the kill.

  I'm not sure whether she was brave or stupid, but it didn't really matter. Her decision was her fate.

  Squatting again, my knees cracked to take the position. I didn't mind lowering myself to stare into the face of the fallen because below me was the only place they could exist.

  "Will you take the Salvation being offered?"

  Her head shook only slightly, her fear a vitriolic poison within her veins. "I found my salvation twenty-five years ago when I made my vows to God."

  The corner of my lips tipped up, my voice a bare whisper. "You only thought those vows were to God."

  A resolute spirit shone out from behind the clear grey of her eyes, a spirit I would have admired if not for what she said next.

  "You're a sadistic tyrant. I'd call you the Devil himself, but I think even he is too good for you."

  I tsked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, shaking my head with the sympathy I felt for the fallen. "That's too bad. I will grieve for your soul when the time comes."

  Pushing up to my full height, I stepped around the broken woman and walked toward the one still hanging. She'd become quiet while I spoke to the other, her attention rapt, her body still trembling where she hanged.

  "Bring her down, gently this time." My eyes locked with hers and within them, I saw light shining through, acceptance and the possibility that she could be saved.

  My men ensured she remained unharmed as they lowered her to the floor, their hands only touching her to balance her on her feet. Through touch they believed they could be tainted, at least until she was purified beneath me.

  The brave, young woman held my stare as I approached her. Barely able to stand, she wobbled in place, but didn't scream or cry, beg or plead. Her resilience was inspiring.

  Stopping within inches of her, I could feel the pulse of her heated breath on my face. "What is your name again?"

  Her full lips parted several times before she could find any strength in her voice. Even then, it was barely loud enough for me to hear it. "Sister Eunice."

  I studied her for several seconds before responding, "That's right. I remember now. How are you feeling? Have my family hurt you since you've been brought to see me?"

  Holding out her wrists, she showed me the marks left by the cuffs.

  My eyes lifted to h
ers. "Is that all?"

  The white veil she wore shifted over her shoulders as she nodded. She was such a pretty little thing.

  "How old are you, Eunice?"


  My lips puckered at the sound of innocent youth. She reminded me so much of Eve. "We've met before, haven't we?"

  "Y - You're Father Hayle."

  "Don't talk to him, Eunice! You're staring at Satan! Resist him-"

  The older hag's warnings cut off when one of my family struck her. Eunice jumped in place in reaction to the violence, her head turning to look upon the fallen, but I reached out to touch her cheek and lead her eyes back to mine. Genuine fear sparkled behind the blue color.

  Using a soothing voice, I said, "Don't worry about that, Eunice. You need only concern yourself with me."

  She was so sweet, this innocent, frightened little thing. Nodding her head, she kept her gaze trained to mine despite the pained cries echoing through the room.

  "There you are," I cooed when her breathing had evened out and the trembling of her shoulders no longer looked like she would snap in two. "That's right. You can calm down, Eunice. You haven't been threatened here. There's still a chance for you."

  Her lips parted, her breath growing heavy with worry. The poor girl would give herself a heart attack if she didn't stop careening back and forth between peace and panic.

  My voice was deceptively soft, a comforting sound that could lead the terrified into the light. "I'm not Father Hayle, beautiful girl. My name is Elijah. And I've brought you here to make you an offer."

  She didn't respond, but her gaze still held mine. There was a thread of boldness in this girl that I had to admire. "Do you remember what I told you outside of the parish a few days ago?"

  Nodding her head, she blinked away the tears that had welled in her eyes. "Y- yes."

  "Good," I said through a smile. "Because what I said is very important. My hands are free, sweet girl, they're untarnished by lies and greed, a history of needless death and slaughter. I can heal you with those hands if you'll let me. Do you seek salvation, Eunice?"

  "Don't listen to h-"

  Eunice flinched when the fallen whore was kicked again. A sigh blew over my lips for the interruption, my head craning to the right. "Do me a favor, Richard, and replace that woman's gag. Her outbursts are annoying."

  The gag wouldn't mute her cries entirely, but it would prevent her from speaking. That's all I could ask.

  Refocusing my attention on Eunice, I reached out to trace the tip of my finger along her jaw. "God has a plan for you. A plan that will raise you higher than you ever imagined you could go. You won't have to hide behind the clothes of the wicked, won't have to deny yourself the truth of what it means to be human. There is freedom in the light, a freedom not corrupted by the threat of shadow. Would you like to know that freedom?"

  Her nod was hesitant, but it was a start. She'd need to be purified for her role in my destiny, but there was still time for that.

  "Good," I said, "that's real good, Eunice. There's hope for you yet. I tell you what: You look like you've had a hard time and I want to show you there is safety and comfort here for you. I want you to go with one of my family so that he can introduce you to the other ladies. They'll feed you. They'll tend your wounds. And when I'm done here, we'll talk again. Does that sound better than the cross?"

  Swallowing hard, she darted her eyes to where the fallen whore sat, her gaze tracking back to me before she nodded again.

  I smiled and snapped my fingers in the air for one of my men to step forward. Without releasing her gaze, I commanded, "Show her to the women's dorm. Make sure to tell them to treat Eunice with the same love and compassion they give each other."

  "Yes, sir," he answered back, his hand softly touching her shoulder to lead her out of the room. She jumped in response, but eventually turned in the direction he wanted her to go. I waited until she was led into a hall and the large wooden door slammed closed.

  The room was blanketed in silence, at least until I turned my attention to the whore huddled on the floor. Only when I looked at her did she start crying and sputtering again.

  She was older than most would prefer, but only because she'd been lost to the beast for so damn long. Still, there was a use for her.

  Stepping over until I was looming above her, I stared down with pity. "Last chance."

  I didn't need to hear what she said behind the gag to know she was rejecting my offer.

  "Richard, it seems this one refuses to release the evil inside her."

  "What do you want us to do, Elijah?"

  A smile stretched my lips. "Use her to train the boys in the room. They haven't had a chance to learn what it feels like to drive the sin from a woman's body."

  The young men around me straightened their postures to hear what would be asked of them. Excitement was woven into their expressions, their bodies becoming hard in anticipation.

  I retrained my gaze on the woman after looking at each and every youth who would have his turn.

  "And when you're done with that, use what's left to train the dogs."

  Richard paused, a question wrinkling his brow as he looked between the woman and me. "She won't be able to run, Elijah. Her leg is broken."

  Laughter shook my shoulders. "The dogs already know how to run, Richard. I'm not worried about that. It's what they do with the prey they've caught that concerns me."

  The family's soft laughter joined mine.

  Reaching out, I touched the woman's cheek, my fingers becoming wet from her tears. "Good luck to you, Sister. I sincerely hope we can strip away the evil you carry before you face your maker."


  Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality… Galatians 5:19

  Is there a stern line that divides the shadow from the light, the good from the evil, or the righteous from the damned?

  I wasn't sure, but it was the repetitive question running through my head in the hour I'd sat on the edge of my bed staring down at a woman who bore my marks.

  My head was a chaos of questions, of doubts and puzzles. What do you do when you had to choose between your faith and your heart? On one end, everything I'd just done to this woman was evil, tainted and impure. And on the other, I’d done what I could to help ease the burden she believed she carried.

  It's wrong to lie down with a woman who's not your wife, and in my case, it's wrong to lie down at all. I'd made vows that were now broken, promises that were unfulfilled, but I had to wonder how wrong it had been for me to do so.

  You can't help how you feel. And you can't help who you are. We are all born with faults, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual. We are all cast out into a world filled with both good and evil, with sadness and happiness, but mostly a world and life that has no directions.

  We are born to survive and eventually die, and there's not always a correct path to travel.

  Religions tell us they know the path, but what I always found funny was how those rules kept changing. Not the fundamentals; it'll always be wrong to murder, steal and hurt other people. But those aren't the only rules. No. Religion is far too complicated for that.

  Perhaps the only way to bring the two halves of myself together was through faith rather than religion - faith that, although I was a fallen man, I could still be redeemed without need of hiding who I really am. Disguising it, hiding it behind a vow intended to be a sacrifice for my mistakes of the past, was not only a lie to myself, but a lie to God.

  He knew what he created in me, and maybe he also knew that I would learn to control it. Perhaps it was His intent all along to put me on the path I now wander just so I could find Eve.

  My darkness is what led me to Cassandra, and it was my fear of that darkness that forced me into the Church. If it hadn't existed at all, I wouldn't be here now to find and save a woman who was a true innocent in the world. That must be what they meant by God's perfect greatness: even the shadows he creates
in the world have a purpose.

  There was no reason I couldn't explore my shadow with a woman while also leading a congregation to the light. Celibate or not, I could still help the people in need, still fight for resources and funding when the town was suffering from loss. I could still use what's available within the Church to benefit those who need it most.

  I could still be good.

  With that thought in mind, I traced my finger down a line of marks I'd left down Eve's back. Except for the burn on her shoulder, every imperfection of her skin was the story of me. I hated that brand, an E walled in by the broad lines of a square, a reminder of who had created the perfection that lay before me. If I didn't know how horribly it would pain Eve, I would have cut the damn thing off already.

  Her head stirred over her pillow in response to my touch, her eyes moving beneath her closed lids as her hair swept softly over the pillow.

  Trailing my finger down farther, I traced the line of her ass, eventually settling my hand between her legs, hungry for another taste, another bite. The tip rested against the opening of her body, her hips moved in response.

  Even sleeping, Eve was ready for anything I deigned to offer.

  The sun hadn't quite breached the horizon outside and I had another hour or two before I would don the clerical collar. I was hard instantly at the thought.

  Leaning over her, I allowed my breath to fan over the skin of one cheek, my finger pressing into her body as my teeth softly locked over the soft skin of her ass. She jumped in response, a tremor running through her core that made me smile.

  Was it wrong of me that I didn't want to wake her before taking a taste? That I wanted her to open those pretty eyes and come to consciousness with my cock already inside her pushing her towards a release?

  Creeping carefully over the bed to keep the mattress from dipping and rocking too much, I slipped my sweat pants down to my knees, my erection rock hard in front of me. I spread her legs apart and lifted her hips, taking care not to wake her where she lay sleeping on her belly.


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