Boritt, Gabor, 289
party machine, 18, 21, 25, 77–78, 88–91, 128, 148, 160, 171, 175, 226
plantation, 14–15, 23, 25, 134, 160, 186, 194
Bouie, Jamelle, 6, 201
Boxer, C. R., 137
Branigan, William, 184
Breckinridge, John C., 107
Breckinridge Long, Samuel Miller, 170
Brown v. Board of Education, 187
Bruenig, Elizabeth, 287
Buchanan, James, 19–20, 281
Burke, Edmund, ix
Bush, George W., 73, 278
Byrd, Harry, 156, 208
Byrd, Robert, 22–23, 156–157, 197, 208
Byrnes, James, 172
Calhoun, John C., 11, 34, 50, 54, 61, 65, 71, 82–84, 281, 287
Califano, Joseph, 187
campaign finance, xiii-xiv, 222
Campbell, Clarence, 147
Caro, Robert, 184, 186–187
Caron, David, 260
Carson, Ben, 121, 123
Carter, Dan, 182, 206
Carter, Jimmy, 281
Cartwright, Samuel, 60
Chalmers, David, 117, 259
Chambers, Whittaker, 23
Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, 6, 12, 27, 31, 48–49, 243–245, 248, 258, 260
Chavez, Cesar, 237
Chavez, Hugo, xiii
Chesnut, James, 17
Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 17, 58–59
Chotiner, Isaac, 7
Christianity, 2–3, 8, 261–264
Chu, Judy, 229
Churchill, Winston, 162, 179–180
Civil Rights Act of 1866, 114–115
Civil Rights Act of 1957, 187, 206
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 23, 113, 180–183, 187–188, 195–198, 204, 206–207, 288
civil rights era, 179–211
African Americans and party affiliation, 200–202
party of civil rights, 195–200
Republican South, 208–211
Civil War. See American Civil War
Clark, Jim, 14
Clinton, Bill, xv, 22, 25, 59, 128, 156, 160, 186, 212, 278, 281, 284
Clinton, DeWitt, 87
Clinton, Hillary, 25, 94, 174, 236, 243, 239, 250, 278, 281, 289
2016 presidential campaign and election, 6, 239, 243, 245, 249–250, 278
2016 presidential primary, 92
Robert Byrd and, 22, 156
CNN, 244–245, 258–259
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 9–12, 96–97, 118, 123, 215–217, 221, 226–227, 245, 249, 251
Common Dreams, 2
Confederate monument controversy, 34, 48–50
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 178
Connor, Bull, 14, 189
Constitution of the United States, 104, 275
fascism charge and, 7
Fifteenth Amendment, 99, 113–114, 287–288
Fourteenth Amendment, 99, 113–114, 197, 287–288
Second Amendment, 251
slavery and, 10, 16, 31–36, 44, 101
Thirteenth Amendment, 99, 113–114, 287–288
three-fifths clause, 44–45
Cooper, Anderson, 245
Cooper, John Milton, 129
Cost, Jay, 94, 175
cotton industry, 10, 52, 76, 135, 190
Covey, Edward, 60
Crawford, William,
Crittenden Compromise, 95, 108, 274
Crockett, Davy, 80
Croker, Richard, 89, 91
Croly, Herbert, 132, 170
Cuomo, Andrew, 73–74
Cuomo, Mario, 65
Curley, James Michael, 89
DACA. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Dallek, Robert, 154, 156, 183–187
Darwin, Charles, 120, 121
Davis, David Brion, 16, 40, 44, 47, 135, 252
Davis, Jefferson, 34, 65, 71, 98, 105–106, 108, 135
de Man, Henri, 166
Déat, Marcel, 166
Declaration of Independence
“consent of the governed,” 42, 102, 103, 112
Democratic Party and, 35, 54, 65
Dred Scott, 32–33
equality clause, 10, 31–38, 44–45, 65, 92–93, 108, 112, 213, 248, 268, 273, 276
Jefferson and, 10, 31–33, 35, 37, 40–41
Lincoln and, 34, 37–38, 44–45, 65, 92–93, 112, 273, 276
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 74, 228–230, 236, 284
Democratic Party
civil rights era, 179–211
Civil War and, 95–119
Dixiecrats, 181, 197, 202, 207–208
fascism and, 149–178
immigration and, 72–79, 85–91
Ku Klux Klan and, 116–117, 141–142, 182, 197, 201, 204, 259
multiculturalism and, 212–242
northern urban political machines, 72–94
origins of, 48–71
Peace Democrats, 106–107, 109–110
progressive era, 119–148
Southern Democrats, 19, 22, 33, 54–55, 68, 71, 97, 110–115, 130, 139, 146, 172, 182,198, 280
War Democrats, 106–107, 109–110
white politics and, 243–272
DeVega, Chauncey, 6
Devins, Neal, 205
Dew, Thomas R., 61, 138
Diggins, John Patrick, 163
Dixon, Frank, 208
Dixon, Thomas, 139–140, 142, 187
The Clansman, 139–140, 187
The Leopard’s Spots: A Romance of the White Man’s Burden, 139
Donald, David Herbert, 107, 110
Doriot, Jacques, 166
Douglas, Stephen, 19, 34–35, 50–51, 68, 84, 100–102, 106–108, 197, 247
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 68–71, 97, 100–103
popular sovereignty doctrine, 55, 68–71, 100, 108
Douglass, Frederick, 45, 60, 68, 122, 195, 197, 200–201, 248, 288
Dream Act. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Dred Scott, 15–16, 32–34, 101
Du Bois, W. E. B., 61, 89, 119–128, 143, 223, 228, 285
Duke, David, 6, 259, 264
Dunning, William, 98–99
Dunning School, 98–99, 187
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 172, 208, 277–278
election-rigging, 91–92
Elkins, Stanley, 53, 152
Emancipation Proclamation, 51, 86, 97, 103, 109–113, 131
Enten, Harry, 198
ethnic mobilization, 75, 78, 88, 94, 128, 287
eugenics, 21, 27, 134, 143, 145, 147–148
Evans, George Henry, 61
Evans, Hiram, 155
Evans, Richard, 7
Fair Housing Bill of 1968, 181, 196, 197
fascism, 14, 16, 55, 126, 182, 258, 282–283
charge against Trump, 6–9
FDR and, 21–22, 149–178
See also Hitler, Adolf; Mussolini, Benito; Nazi Germany and Nazism
Faubus, Orval, 14
Federalist, The, 92–93
Federalist Party, 112
Fields, Barbara, 96, 104, 118
Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 89
Fitzhugh, George, 15–16, 19, 48, 54–67, 71, 281
Fitzhugh, William, 83
flag, American, xii, 30, 47, 162, 214, 287
Fletcher, Arthur, 205
folkways, ix–x
Foner, Eric, 96–98, 104, 111–112, 114–118
> Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 116, 156
Fortune, Timothy Thomas, 122
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 52
Frady, Marshall, 183, 186
Francis, Sam, 265
Franklin, Benjamin, 37, 38, 286
Franklin, John Hope, 31
Frazier, E. Franklin, 223
Fredrickson, George, 16, 97, 138, 189
Free Soil movement, 94
Freedman’s Bureau, 67, 114–115
Freisler, Roland, 146
Furman, Jason, 72
Genovese, Eugene, 16, 52, 62, 191
Gentile, Giovanni, 165–167
GI Bill, 11
Gillette, Howard, 205
Giuliani, Rudy, 262–263
Goldberg, Jonah, 123
Goldsmith, Jack, 3
Goldwater, Barry, 181, 204, 206
Golway, Terry, 77–78, 89–90
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 184, 187
Gordon-Reed, Annette, 96
Gorsuch, Neil, 279
Gramsci, Antonio, 166
Grant, Madison, 144
Grant, Ulysses S., 132
Greeley, Horace, 107, 110
Greenberg, Kenneth, 56–58
Gregoire, Henri, 39
Gregor, A. James, 16, 165–166
Guelzo, Allen, 198–199
Gutman, Herbert, 223
Gutmann, Amy, 287
Hagenah, Steve, 234
Hague, Frank “I am the Law,” 89
Haley, Nikki, 121
Hamlin, Hannibal, 101
Hammond, James Henry, 54, 59, 61, 65, 236
Handlin, Oscar, 85–86
Hanfstaengl, Ernst, 153
Harlan, Louis, 123
Harris, Crampton, 155
Harrison, William Henry, 79
Hart, Michael, 264
Hedges, Chris, 8
Heer, Jeet, 181
Heimbach, Matthew, 265
Hemings, Sally, 38
Henry, Patrick, 53
Hill, Lister, 208
Hill, The, 6
Hitler, Adolf, 7, 21–23, 49, 189, 261, 267, 272, 281
centralized state and, 149–153, 158–163, 165–169, 173–175
Generalplan Ost, 153
progressives and, 125–127
See also Nazi Germany and Nazism
Hollywood, 9, 14, 140, 243, 266, 291
Holmes, George Frederick, 61
Holocaust, 9, 123, 151, 161, 281
Holzer, Harold, 36
Hopkins, Michael Starr, 6
Hovater, Tony, 261
Huntington, Samuel, 286–287
American, xii, 285–287
ethnic, 87, 237–239, 266, 285
Native American, 232
one-drop rule and, 213
whiteness and, 5–6, 237–238, 263–265, 270–271
identity politics, 25, 212, 231, 235, 237, 266, 270–271
imagined communities, ix
Bracero program, 236–237
DACA, 74, 228–230, 236, 284
Democratic Party and, 72–79, 85–91, 271, 278, 282, 284, 285
illegal immigration, 7, 41, 72–74, 161, 236, 241, 257, 269, 271, 278, 284, 289
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 73
Know-Nothing party and, 246–248
multiculturalism and, 212, 228–231, 236–238, 241
progressive era and, 143–148
Trump and, 28–29, 73–74, 161–162, 228–229, 236, 256–257, 271, 289–290
Immigration Act of 1965, 212
impeachment, 4–5
Industrial Revolution, 10, 52
intermarriage, 97, 101–102, 144, 146, 155
Isenberg, Nancy, 252–253
Jackson, Andrew, 15, 32, 115, 129, 270
Democratic Party and, 18, 44, 52, 54, 60, 68, 79–83, 85, 152–153, 224, 232, 281
Jackson, Jesse, 214
Jaffa, Harry, 33, 43, 70, 104, 199, 276
Jay, John, 38
Jefferson, Thomas, 50, 81–82
Declaration of Independence and, 10, 31–33, 35, 37, 40–41
Democratic Republican Party of, 84, 112
Fitzhugh and, 65–66
Jackson and, 60
Notes on the State of Virginia, 1, 38
slavery and, 19, 30, 31–32, 34, 35, 37–42
A Summary View of the Rights of British America, 40–41
JFK Files, 22, 184
Jim Crow, 125, 146, 182, 201, 217, 227
John Birch Society, 246
Johnson, Andrew, 115–116
Johnson, Hugh, 170–171
Johnson, Lyndon B., 11, 16, 90, 94, 155, 179–202, 236
“conversion” of, 22–24, 188–191
Democratic plantation and, 22, 128, 160, 191–202, 210, 212, 224, 281, 283–284, 283–284, 288
ethnic mobilization and, 94
Great Society, 193, 195, 200, 202, 224, 278
Ku Klux Klan and, 22, 184–185
Southern Strategy, 24, 182–183, 196
See also Civil Rights Act of 1964; Fair Housing Bill of 1968; Voting Rights Act of 1965
Johnson, Samuel, 32
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 49
Johnston, Olin, 208
Johnston, Richard, 208–210
Jones, Robert, 181
Jones, Van, 244, 251, 259
Jordan, Don, 252
Jordan, Everett, 208
Jordan, Winthrop, 39, 52
Kaepernick, Colin, 30–31
Kaplan, Fred, 97
Katznelson, Ira, 16, 150, 164, 171–173, 176, 185, 201
Kennedy, John F., 186. See also JFK Files
Kessler, Jason, 260–261, 263
Kessler, Ronald, 188
Key, Francis Scott, 31
Khan, Genghis, xii
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 189, 195, 197, 206, 229, 288
Kirn, Walter, 279
Kleiner, Laura, 260–261
Knights of the White Camelia, 117
Know-Nothing party, 246–248, 271
Krugman, Paul, 7
Kruse, Kevin, 182, 204, 210
Ku Klux Klan, 9, 11–12, 214, 262, 270
Birth of a Nation and, 140–142, 187, 270
Charlottesville rally and, 6, 27, 243–245, 258–259
Crusader, 244, 259
Democratic Party and, 116–117, 141–142, 182, 197, 201, 204, 259
FDR and, 153–157
Force Bill and, 117
history of, 116–117
LBJ and, 22, 184–185
progressive era and, 21, 121, 123, 129, 139–142
Republic Party and, 116–117, 287
Kuhl, Stefan, 147–148
La Guardia, Fiorello, 94, 175
learned helplessness, 25, 224–228
Lee, Bandy, 5
Lee, Robert E., 12, 49–50, 105–106
Leuchtenburg, William, 154
Lewis, John (civil rights activist), 226
Lewis, John (UAW leader), 178
Lewis, Sinclair, 149
Lincoln, Abraham
assassination of, 110–111
Civil War, 95–97, 99–113, 115, 273–277
Cooper Union speech, 35–36, 292
Crittenden Compromise and, 108, 274–275
Declaration of Independence and, 34–38, 44–45, 65, 92–93, 112, 273, 276
Emancipation Proclamation, 51, 86, 97, 103, 109–1
13, 131
first inaugural address, xvi
on founders, 34–38, 42, 44–45
Gettysburg Address, 273
Hitler on, 150
House Divided speech, 15, 19–20
Know-Nothings and, 246–248, 271
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 68–71, 97, 100–103
Lyceum Address, xiii
plantation metaphor and, 15–16, 67, 231–232
progressives and, 129–132
Republican Party and, 286, 288–292
on slavery, 24–25, 34–37, 40–42, 44–47, 49–51, 67–71, 198–200
Lincoln, Abraham (continued)
Special Message to Congress (July 4, 1861), 276
Speech for Baltimore fair, 280
Trump compared to, 277–279
West Virginia and, 253
Link, Arthur, 129
Lippmann, Walter, 160
Locke, John, 42, 66
Long, Alexander, 106
Long, Russell, 208
Loury, Glenn, 265–266
Maddow, Rachel, 6
Maddox, Lester, 14
Maduro, Nicolas, xiii
MacWilliams, Matthew, 8
Malcolm X, 124
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 223–224
Marcy, William, 88
Marshall, Thurgood, 31, 186
Mason, George, 52
Mason-Dixon Line, 69, 273
Maxey, Chester Collins, 78–79
McClellan, George, 109–110, 113
McClellan, John, 208
McCooey, “Uncle John,” 89
McPherson, James, 16, 104
Mead, Margaret, 224
Mehlman, Ken, 180
Milbank, Dana, 3–4
Millman, Noah, 5
Morgan, Edmund, 32
Morris, Gouverneur, 37
Morrison, Toni, 5–6
Mosley, Oswald, 166
Mounk, Yascha, 3
Moyers, Bill, 183
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 223, 254
MSNBC, 5, 6, 198
multiculturalism, 212
fear and, 215–220
immigration and, 228–231
learned helplessness and, 224–228
multicultural plantation, 235–242
Native Americans and, 231–235
Murray, Charles F., 89
Murray, William, 208
Mussolini, Benito, 7, 21, 149, 158–171, 175, 283
Nation, 6, 8
National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 127, 180, 206, 264, 266
nationalism. See American nationalism; white nationalism
Nazi Germany and Nazism, 49, 54, 117
concentration camps and death camps, 150–153
FDR era and, 158–174
Gleichschaltung (conformity), 21–22, 158, 167–168
Hermann Göring Reichswerke, 167
progressive era and, 123, 126, 128, 145–148
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