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THE DEAL: Novel Page 27

by Bvlgari, M. F.

  But now the feeling was mutual, he loved Carolina intensely, found in her the woman he was seeking in his life, at the beginning he didn’t want to see, but now he loves her more every day if that could be possible. He had no doubt it was with her he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He could no longer see their lives without each other, he loved the taste of Carolina from the outset, but only became aware after having fallen in love with her and now he kisses her always with love and desire to feel in all its fullness, he has no doubt that she is his alone and no one else, it brings him peace at home and he loves to return home every day to be with and to embrace her.

  They kissed for a long time, enjoying, increasing the will to love, he was always ready for her and she for him, but JP liked to prolong desire in a delicious agony for release with foreplays. With all time in the world JP’s undresses Carolina completely, forcing her to continue lay with her belly up to caress her belly lightly passing with his hand and kissing repeatedly.

  "Hello babies, daddy is here, and daddy will spoil you like crazy" said to Carolina’s belly.

  She bursts out laughing JP could sometimes be so amazing.

  "Mummy hope she will not have problems with the babies education only because daddy want to spoil them to pieces"

  "My dear, you already know I will spoil them, I'm sure you'll give them an excellent education as you did with your sons that are a real example, but I'll spoil them like crazy. And I want pampering yourself too"

  He said cheerfully to her lying beside Carolina with his head resting in his palm, looking at her as he stroked her belly.

  "Oh I'll have a lot of headaches with you"

  Said Carolina sighing.

  "I love you so much and you make me feel so happy"

  JP drops a kiss on her forehead and one on the lips.

  "You know what we could do now that you're still in early pregnancy? Travel the world for about three months"

  Carolina looks at him with disapproval, but without being convincing enough.

  "Only you to suggest something like that. We can travel, but we will not leave London for 3 whole months are we? We can go for about 2 weeks and return 1 week, and then we will go again. What do you think?"

  "I think that’s an excellent idea as always Mrs Bennett. When do you have the next appointment with the doctor?"

  "In about two weeks"

  "Great, it gives me time to plan the trip during the next 2 weeks and travel later. But before we go on vacation I would like to give a wedding party, do you think you can have your family here in two weeks? Please think where would you like to go for a few weeks on holiday?"

  "Well, my family is my father and my boys, I am not very close to the rest of my family, they never invited me to their weddings. But I have some friends who I would like to invite if you don’t mind, they are just 9 or 10 I don’t have many friends in London. Altogether I can remember of not more than 10 friends, my father and my two children. 13 people in all, it's simple."

  He embraces her fondly staying for a while in silence. Then he says:

  "I have some relatives who I would like to invite, and my half-brother. I have a few close friends and thousands social friends, but let's keep the party as small and intimate as possible, in maximum 50 people in total, what do you think?"

  She turns to him, put her head in her palm, supporting the body with the arm, and in the same position as JP was already, facing him. She started caressing his body, passing through his soft hairy chest which she loves so much.

  "I think that’s about perfect, love of my life"

  "Thank you so much love of my life and thank you for never having given up on me, thank you for making me see the woman you are and thank you for making me see that you were the ideal woman for me"

  She smiled at him a little embarrassed but genuinely happy that she had been chosen to the woman in JP’s life.

  "Where would you like to go on holidays? We will have a second wedding, now that we want each other"

  At the same time he looked at her eyes with those intense blue eyes that made her melt inside. As they spoke, they were caressing each other, though they needed to feel each other, they extended the desire with chatting and brief kisses. Carolina looks thoughtful to JP and then says slowly, measuring her words:

  "Do you think it would be very odd if we returned to the island for a few days?!"

  He took a moment to think about what he had just heard and finally said:

  "I have a friend who has a very unique island and he usually rent’s it"

  "Is it that friend of yours by any chance a billionaire?" She asks curious.

  "Yes, it's Richard Bronson. Do you know him?"

  "Only from the television, and I've seen his island online once it looks absolutely wonderful"

  "Deal, we will spend the weekend there because I have other plans for us, but I will just say it to you when we get there, it'll be a surprise"

  "I like your surprises"

  Confess Carolina and in craving for pregnancy desire she chances the subject.

  "Do you know what I crave right now?!"

  "Hmmm we have a mom with desires?! What does my wonderful wife fancy?"

  "Ice Cream, but is in the freezer downstairs"

  She informs him without feeling strength enough to get it downstairs.

  "I'll get it for you, everything for the mother of my babies"

  He offers immediately while giving her a brief kiss on the lips as he rises to go to the kitchen. When JP returns from the kitchen with the ice cream found Carolina already sleeping, he straightens the duvet over her, lying beside her putting up his arm cupping over her, falling asleep immediately afterwards. Carolina wakes up during the night feeling very hot of warmth towards JP’s body pressed against her. She loved sleeping with him, she loved falling asleep smelling him and feeling his body close to her, she felt the desire for him, she needed to feel him.

  But how? If he was sleeping and didn’t appear to wake up anytime soon?

  Decided to wake him up, she uncovers him carefully exposing his body and his private parts now sleeping, but she wanted him, she wanted to feel him inside her. Carefully she takes with one hand on his member and puts it in her mouth, sucking and leaving it soaked in saliva, JP private parts began slowly to wake up even before he opens his eyes, and when JP finally wakes up all of his was ready for sex and to get inside her. While he was waking up at first he didn’t know if he was dreaming, but as soon he was gaining conscious he realized it was Carolina who was waking his desire on him for the need to satisfy her and to satisfy him at the same time.

  He didn’t wait to be fully awake and positioning Carolina cupped, spooning her, he enters into her very slowly, pressing her body with his hands against him feeling that Carolina was terribly tasty. He stopped with his hardiness inside her, he wanted to move to feel her and release himself, but decided to prolong it as much he could, instead he hang on very still inside her and starts to play with his fingers on her clit, making her to move against him, wanting him, he was only holding still and feeling her moving all around him, he didn’t stop to play with his fingers and when she was about to explode he pushed her against him, to feel her deep inside, giving her the orgasm she was seeking for.

  She was satisfied for now, but he was still inside her, hard and willing to continue, he starts to move inside her, he needed to release the desire he felt for her in the next minutes, but he wanted to extend as much as he could. She was so tired, and he kept moving inside her, in and out, she was now so wet inside from her orgasm and both could hear the noise from it when JP moves inside her, he wanted to release himself but she was so wet that she was not tight enough to produce one orgasm to him, he decides to change position putting her on her back and he on top of her, he needed her so badly, she closes her legs tighten her body against his sex, making him to orgasm the minute after and she couldn’t help it but to orgasm with him too. After JP gives her his last drop, he doesn’t want to get outside
of her as they switch to the spoon position carefully so he could keep inside her although his erection had gone already, they didn’t move and he was able to remain inside her, they fall asleep like that.

  When they wake up a couple hours after, Carolina woke up feeling him hard, very hard, ready again, pressed her body a little bit against him, and he sleepy was moving already slow in and out of her. He had been playing with her while she was still sleeping, that was so excited for Carolina, and she loved it.

  They were in a long and unhurried movement in and out of for long minutes, until Carolina tells JP that she couldn’t take it any longer and needs to explode, he says he wants to explode too and is prepared to give her and orgasm and deposit more of him inside her. They released both the desire they have for each other in a delicious burst of pleasure.

  Both were already very tired, but the pleasure they felt for each other was something beyond and he couldn’t help it and even without having the strength for another erection for her, but just thinking how he loved to release inside her, he couldn’t help it when he gives her his last drop and after his erection had gone he decides to play inside her with his fingers, touching and introducing his fingers inside of her, he and his erection was the cause for her to be now so open, he feels her very wet, it was a mix of her orgasm with his orgasm, he puts his fingers inside her again and again, now the way to his fingers was so wide open he could introduce with ease three fingers.

  When Carolina thought she was finally going to sleep, she felt his fingers inside her, in and out. “My love you’re always so delish, do you have an idea how amazing you are to me since our first time?!”

  She just moaned with pleasure to him. She was so tired but his fingers were so amazing skilled, she felt how he was touching the wet of both orgasms while rubbing her G spot, bringing the fluid outside with his movements, leaving small stains on the bed. But they didn’t care. Although he was giving her wonderful pleasure with his fingers, she didn’t knew if she had any orgasm left, but when he introduced his third finger, in and out of her, rubbing her G spot, she starts to feel an intense pleasure again and she had another orgasm literally in his hand, depositing her fluids in his hand, he takes his fingers out of her and with the wet hand rubs on his soft sex and spooning together they fall asleep full of sex fluid all over, smelling their pleasure in the air. They loved to fall asleep with the smell of each other and the smell of just having sex.

  Both felt extremely exciting Carolina sleeping with JP semen inside her, he loved to know that she liked him so much she didn’t mind that some of it remained in her as long as possible. Every time JP thought about it, was soon full of desire for her, he had never met a woman like that genuinely liked him so much and he craved for her the same way. All the other women he had met with whom he had a relationship for a long period of time in monogamy, the first thing they did after making love was going to take a shower and wash all traces of sex they just had, but Carolina was different, they could do everything together, didn’t matter what and it felt all natural for them. They had always plenty of time to take shower hours later, when the day started for them.

  When they woke up it was already 8 hours in the morning and JP had an important meeting with the future owner of his company, there was only signing the final contract until the end of the week, he would no longer be responsible for the company and would be available to devote his time to his family. Carolina was delighted with the decision, but she knew he was a driven man and he had the need of challenges to keep his mind busy, he would do something to entertain himself even if it was working from the home office, sooner or later he would find a new project who he would build from scratch again, until then she knew he would be there always for her and for the kids whenever she needed him, and for the near future they would enjoy themselves travelling and discover the world together and preparing to receive the twins.

  Today Carolina’s task was to start organizing the wedding dinner that they never had the opportunity to enjoy with family and friends. Carolina had a strange thought, she could invite JP’s ex-girlfriend, she was only afraid that JP wouldn’t like it, but knowing what she knows from him by now, she is sure he wouldn’t mind at all. She is more than curious to meet this powerful woman who brought them together, Carolina almost envies her, but only because she was able and had the power to pull a stunt like the one she did with her and JP.

  Carolina thought it would be interesting to finally meet JP's ex-girlfriend, now married to an American tycoon, after all Carolina needs to thank her to be with JP now, although it was in kind of unethical circumstances that now she was married with JP, but she is over the moon happy with JP and Carolina was sure his ex-girlfriend would appreciate to know although how it everything happens, there are no hard feelings. Carolina reflection was just to thank her personally, but perhaps inviting her for wedding dinner was a little bit too much, she was undecided if it was really necessary, but she needed so badly to meet the woman who outlined such a plan that would be only possible in a movie. With all that had happened and without head to talk to Tess, she never called her. She thought today would be the day that was perfect to talk with Tess again.

  "Hello Tess is Carolina. How are you?"

  Asked Carolina to Tess when she called her.

  "Hello Carolina! Long time no talk, what have you been doing? I’m glad to hear your voice, I was afraid you'd be mad at me."

  Tess said with genuine care.

  "Yes, I was in the very upset in the beginning when I learned the truth, but then things started to get together and then there is so many things going on at the same in my life I've been trying to assimilate everything.

  Well, despite what you did that wasn’t very ethical. I want to thank you for what you have done, because today I am married and very happy with JP. He became one of the most important people in my life and he loves me like I never found it was ever possible.

  You were absolutely right since the beginning because we are made for each other."

  Pausing for a moment, without deciding whether to tell or not about the pregnancy to Tess, but she would end up knowing anyway, and it would be better to know from her them to hear it from a stranger, it was a way to show Tess that she had no hard feelings for her as well. So he added:

  "I have more news for you, I'm pregnant with twins."

  "Oh my! Congratulations! I'm super happy for you, seriously I am. I am deeply sorry about the strategy I used, I know it wasn’t the most correct one but was the only one I found to compel you to get to know each other! And guess what, it worked! I knew it since the beginning."

  Tess said genuinely happy for them.

  "Thank you, I'm very happy I have finally reach happiness with JP, he is the man I searched all my life, until he discovered that I was the woman for his life we had a few bitter moments, but we passed that now and I’m genuinely over the moon. I have a favour to ask you, we decided to give a wedding dinner, because as you know we didn’t had a wedding party with our friends and our family, and we are arranging everything to have one and this may sound ridiculous, but I would like to invite his ex-girlfriend and her husband. What do you think of the idea? Will you help me to contact her? And of course I would like to invite you as well"

  Questioned Carolina a little bit unsure if it would be good idea at this time, she didn’t want to sound ridiculous.

  "Look, she's a real lady and became super powerful as you know already, but I am sure she will accept happily your invitation and meet you in a very classy matter without being a snob, she is genuinely very easy to talk too"

  They talked a few more minutes and Tess ended up giving Carolina ex-girlfriend JP contact, so she could invite her for the dinner and meet her as well. The day passed quickly, Carolina spend all the time dealing with the first chords for dinner, she wanted it to be in a place where everyone could be comfortable and at the same time have some privacy, she called several places and ended up making a reservation for a private room for up to
60 people at the Savoy Hotel in central London. At night when JP arrived home Carolina had made dinner, and when he walks in, he always kissed her like he didn’t see her for weeks. They sat at the table to talk excitedly about what they had done during the day.

  "Love, from today on I am officially no longer the owner of my companies, and many millions more rich.

  I'm all yours for the whole time. Will you be able to take me all the time?!"

  He asked her with a defiantly.

  "Of course"

  She said with a laugh.

  "I will put up with you until the end of my days my love, you have to put up with me too, don’t think that you will get rid of me because you won’t."

  She said still laughing. They had happiness and complicity that struck it into the envy of any couple. Carolina tells JP that will see the room for dinner at the Savoy, she had already sent to the e-mail invitations to be faster, since all the guests had email. After all it was only a dinner and it was not a wedding.

  "Yes, I did most of it already. I’ve sent to your email the e-invitation to send to your guests. I did the math and gives in total 47 people. I think dinner at the Savoy is a great idea and would you like me to go with you to see the room for the final arrangements?"

  Asks JP

  "I can take care of it by myself if you do not mind. I have so much free time I had to keep my mind busy" She said in a mysterious tone.

  "Hmmm do I have to worry about?!"

  "Not at all! I just want to occupy my time. Since we are together you have been the one who takes care of everything, I also wish I could surprise you from time to time"

  Answers her and changing subject without mentioning her absurd idea to invite his ex-girlfriend. The days passed quickly between planning the dinner and their first official honeymoon. On the day of the dinner, Carolina had bought a tight white evening dress in mermaid form to toe. She was now pregnant just over two months, she felt well, she never felt sick or dizzy again, she could make a normal life without any restrictions.


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