The Bottom of Your Heart

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The Bottom of Your Heart Page 22

by Maurizio de Giovanni


  On the way back, they chose to cut inland; the route was a little longer but less packed with people, horses, and wheeled carts. Maione was the first to speak: “Commissa’, if you ask me, these two aren’t telling it straight. In practical terms they’d have been ruined, if the boy hadn’t had this stroke of good luck, so to speak, with the professor’s death. Because the professor, if I’m understanding this correctly, would have gone on flunking him, now and forever.”

  Ricciardi agreed: “Right. If he couldn’t pass that exam, he’d never have gotten his degree, he’d never have been able to take the place of his dying father, and the partners would have forced him out of the clinic.”

  Maione wasn’t done: “Apart from the exam, it seems to me that the dying doctor had other motives for wanting his old colleague dead. The man had ruined his life by writing that anonymous letter.”

  The commissario wasn’t entirely convinced.

  “All quite true. And what’s more the sheer bulk of the son lines up with the size of the man that the goldsmith told us about. Still, I have to wonder: what sense does it make to send a threatening letter and then proceed to do something like that? It amounts to a confession before the fact. What’s more, why take revenge after more than twenty years? It doesn’t add up. It’s one thing to die and leave your son unemployed, it’s another to send him to prison for the rest of his life.”

  The brigadier wasn’t willing to dismiss his theory: “Maybe it just wasn’t premeditated, Commissa’. Maybe the son just went to have a talk with the professor, and since he showed no signs of changing his mind, he picked him up and threw him out the window. And the father, lying on his sickbed, found himself with a murder to cover up.”

  “That could be. Anything could be. Did you notice that one of the son’s shoulders is lower than the other? The jeweler might have noticed that detail. It’s worth having another talk with him. In any case, first I want to meet Peppino the Wolf, and go see the professor’s widow again; I’d like to figure out whether she knew about little Sisinella.”

  Maione mulled over the idea. Then he said: “That’s a possible lead, too, Commissa’. If a guy finds out that his wife . . . No, sorry, if a wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her, who can say what she might be capable of doing. But the lady was over at her cousins’ place in the same apartment building, with her son, and I doubt she has the strength to throw anyone out a window.”

  “No, I wasn’t thinking about it that way. It wasn’t the wife, that’s for sure; I was thinking about Sisinella and her new boyfriend. I want to understand whether she might have taken any initiative on her own, such as going to call on the professor. As for Signora Iovine, I wonder if she might have noticed some change in her husband’s mood.”

  Maione murmured grimly: “Sure, of course. When a husband’s being cheated on, or a wife for that matter, he’s always the last to know.”

  They reached the corner of Via Toledo and parted ways: Ricciardi continued toward the hospital, and Maione headed home. The brigadier said that he’d swing by later to see how Rosa was doing, but the commissario replied: “No, Raffaele; stay with your family today. I’ll see you tomorrow in the office, we have a lot to get done.”

  And he headed off, with a dagger in his heart.

  Nelide stared at her aunt’s placid face. The doctor had told her it wasn’t possible, but she sensed that something was happening inside that head: she could spot almost imperceptible movements of the facial muscles, as if the old woman were dreaming.

  The young woman’s practical mind kept chugging away. What was she supposed to do now? Of course, she could go back to her village. It would be more appropriate for one of Rosa’s sisters to be at her deathbed. That, however, would mean that for a period of at least two days, there would be no one tending to the sick woman but the young master.

  Ah, yes, the young master. Another problem. Rosa had explained to her how incapable the man was when it came to running a house and taking care of himself. And she’d assigned to Nelide the task of looking after him: the young woman would inherit Rosa’s responsibility to care for him.

  Her first duty was to obey the instructions that her aunt had left her. Yes, she was sure of that. This is what she was born for. Once the thing that she felt was inevitable had happened, all obligations concerning Ricciardi would rest on her shoulders, and she would assume those tasks without doubts or hesitations.

  No other woman in the family, Nelide decided, had a greater right than she did to run the household of Luigi Alfredo Ricciardi. Her own aunt had conferred that enormous charge upon her, and she would rise to the responsibility unless Ricciardi himself sent her away.

  She turned her attention back to Rosa. Her aunt had taught her everything she could, and her example had formed the basis of Nelide’s entire education. She loved her Aunt Rosa, and she felt ready to inherit her position. She only wished, though, that Rosa had been able to stay on a little longer with her and the young master, even bedridden; so that she could talk with her, confide in her, ask her advice.

  In silence, without even mouthing the words with her lips, she said a prayer to the Madonna del Carmine—Our Lady of Mount Carmel—whose feast day would soon be here. Madonnina, she asked, won’t you leave her here with me a little longer? If you don’t need her up there right away, to tidy up heaven, maybe you could let her stay on a little longer here with me. Just so she could tell me one more time how to make the teneredda, or the pizza roce; or what I should do if the sharecroppers fall behind in their payments for more than a season; of if one of the plants out on the balcony starts to wither.

  She wasn’t afraid, Nelide. She didn’t consider the task overwhelmingly challenging, nor did she think of herself as a girl who was still too young. She’d battled against drought, against two floods, against the epidemic that had ravaged the livestock. You’re ready for anything once you’ve survived a winter during which hail has destroyed the harvest or the wolves have devoured eight sheep out of fourteen, if you’ve survived temperatures of 15 degrees with almost no firewood, when you’ve been forced to cut up the table and three chairs just to heat the house, and if the fever has carried off two baby brothers in a single autumn. Whatever happens, her aunt used to tell her, gives you a gift: the good things and the bad things. And the finest gifts come from the worst things, because they teach you what to do to keep from having it happen again. The good things leave you nothing but a pleasant memory, and that’s not very helpful.

  One time Rosa had taken her by the hand and led her to the window. ‘Look, Ne’,” she’d told her. “You see those two young ladies shielding themselves from the sunlight with that white silk parasol? You see them? Well, that little umbrella is just stuff and nonsense. You have to carry it in your hand and it has the same weight and bulk as an ordinary umbrella, but it shelters you from neither the sun nor the rain. It’s good for nothing. You, Ne’, should only load yourself down with the things that you need. You shouldn’t carry anything useless. I will teach you the things that are necessary, and those are the only things you need to carry with you.”

  Nelide had thought it over. Then she’d turned to look at Rosa and had said to her: ‘Sí, ’a zi’. I understand. Only the things that are necessary.”

  ’Nu sacco vaco nun se regge all’erta, she thought to herself. And it was true: a empty sack can’t stand up. An empty sack flops over onto the ground. And she, Nelide Vaglio, wasn’t an empty sack. Aunt Rosa had filled this sack to the brim.

  Madonni’, just a little longer, if it’s possible, she thought, addressing the Virgin Mary. Just a little longer.

  With a quick swipe, she brushed away a tear.


  Dr. Modo walked into Rosa’s bedroom and found Ricciardi sitting beside the bed, holding his tata’s hand. Just beyond them stood Nelide, in the shadows.

  “It seems to me that you’re worse off than she
is, you know that? Take a look at yourself: your hair isn’t combed, you need a shave, your shirt wants buttoning. You’re losing all your charm. Your legendary success with women is in danger, and the ladies of this city will notice that there’s a magnificent physician, no longer so young, but still perfectly fit.”

  “The clock has run out as far as you’re concerned, Bruno. Your only hope of winning women’s hearts these days is with cold hard cash.”

  “Money well spent, caro. And after all, those women are the best: professional, kindhearted, good listeners, and they don’t care about being taken to dinner. It’s a choice, not a necessity, remember that.”

  Ricciardi looked at Rosa.

  “I came back and found her unchanged. Aren’t there any signs of improvement?”

  “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, or more likely you’re refusing to listen. She could remain in this condition for a long time. I can’t rule out the chance of her waking up, I’ve seen it happen: once a soldier was hit by a shell fragment and he slept for nearly two months; we’d even thought of finishing him off ourselves so we could use the cot, and it looked like he didn’t have a chance. Then he opened his eyes and asked for something to eat. But he was twenty years old. Rosa, on the other hand, I don’t know . . . a day, a month. She’s an old woman. Strong, but old.”

  Ricciardi rubbed his eyes.

  “Then what can we do? I . . . I can’t just stand here and do nothing.”

  The doctor leaned back against the wall and hugged his arms to his chest.

  “No, in fact. And if you did, it wouldn’t do a bit of good. You need to go home, wash up, put on some clean clothes. Get something to eat, go to your office. If anything does happens, and I don’t expect it to be anytime soon, I’ll call for you. The staff has been alerted: they’ll let me know the instant there are any new developments. For that matter, it’s thanks to you, you and people like you, that I sleep here in the hospital as often as I do, and that poor dog has gotten used to sitting around waiting in the courtyard; the nurses feed him scraps every day.”

  “Please, Bruno, do whatever you can. If there are special treatments, however expensive, I’d . . .”

  “Sure, as if it was a matter of money. I know that you’re rich, you think I don’t? I’d have told you. And after all,” he added, lowering his voice, “if there had been anything we could do, I’d have already done it, in part because the young lady over there scares me silly, and has no intention of leaving this room. A couple of hours ago, when you weren’t here, I told her that she could go home, because Rosa was being given excellent care.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She glared at me and said something in that Cilento language of yours whose meaning remains obscure to me: three dentals, four gutturals, a couple of aspirates, and vowels as tight as any dipthong. Then she swiveled her eyes back to Rosa’s face, and that’s where they stayed. I don’t know if the girl has had a chance to pee since yesterday, I certainly haven’t seen her budge. Can you ask here whether she’d be willing, anytime in the next hundred years, to donate her body to science? I’d love to study her.”

  In spite of himself, an amused expression appeared on Ricciardi’s face.

  “The women of Cilento are indestructible, Doctor. By the time Nelide will be available for scientific study, you’ll be a plaster bust on a plinth in the atrium of this hospital.”

  The doctor gave him a worried look.

  “Seriously, though, Ricciardi: go home. Get some sleep. You’re no help to Rosa in this state.”

  The commissario turned his eyes back to his tata: “I’ll just hold her hand until this evening. Then I’ll go home. But right now, just let me stay with her a little longer. Maybe she can feel my hand, who knows?”

  Rosa felt a caress on her hand and opened her eyes. She felt fine, well rested. She tried to get up but couldn’t.

  The baroness smiled at her, while still focusing on her stitching: “Calm down, tata. Don’t make any unnecessary effort, you can’t move, I already told you that.”

  “Barone’, then who is it that just caressed my hand? I could feel someone touching my hand.”

  Marta shrugged her shoulders.

  “Maybe a sigh, or a gust of wind. Or perhaps the kind thoughts of someone who loves you. It must have been Luigi Alfredo.”

  “What, the young master? Where is he?”

  The baroness sighed.

  “Who can say. It’s not as if we can see them. Maybe he’s here, by your side, right this second.”

  “But I can’t see anyone, Barone’ . . . there’s no one here but you and me.”

  Marta laughed softly: “No, we’re not alone. See?”

  And she cocked her head toward the far side of the room, where there was a tall old man, standing straight as a rod and dressed to the nines.

  “Oooh, the baron!” said Rosa, her heart pounding in her chest. She’d always been in awe of that frosty, silent man.

  Marta lowered her voice, as if to avoid being overheard: “Yes, that’s him. He’s over there because he’s ashamed, but he still wants to see what happens. It matters to him, too, you know?”

  “It matters to him about who, Barone’?”

  Marta held up the newborn baby outfit against the light and scrutinized her work.

  “About his son, of course. This is the only way we have, after all.”

  Rosa was baffled: “What way, Barone’? To do what?”

  “To find out about him. To let him know that we love him. You’re our only contact.”

  Rosa didn’t understand.

  “What do you mean, your only contact? What are you talking about?”

  Marta stopped stitching and looked at her: “Because he loves you dearly, tata. And he’s suffering the pains of damnation right now, sitting next to you. He’s afraid. He, a man who feels the pain of others, a man who thinks he’s insane, is suffering as he’s never suffered before. That’s why we’re here, his father and I. To see if we can comfort him just a little.”

  Rosa considered the matter.

  “I’m so sorry, Barone’. I never managed to find him a wife, help him start a family. I knew that I wouldn’t live forever, that my time would come. But in the end all I could do was set Nelide up here at home, at least in time to teach her how to cook. I failed. Forgive me, Barone’. Forgive me.”

  “What on earth are you taking about? Utter nonsense. You were a marvelous tata, and you did everything within your power, and then some. You see this little romper for a newborn baby girl? It’s for you, for when you’re here with us. I’m stitching ever so slowly, because when it’s finished, you’ll be reborn. And then Luigi Alfredo will be left all alone. Let’s hope that by then, he’ll be ready.”

  Rosa asked: “Ready to do what?”

  Marta stared at a point in the middle distance.

  “Ready to share his life. To understand that it’s still possible to love, even when you’re bearing the burden that we carry.”

  “What burden, Barone’? What burden does the young master carry, what burden did you two bear? Will you tell me?”

  “And why should I, poor tata? You wouldn’t understand. You just need to get a little sleep now. Don’t worry: I’m a slow stitcher.”


  Livia reached Gambrinus right on time.

  The driver pulled up in Piazza Trieste e Trento and walked around the car to open the door for her on the side facing the café. She stepped out, provoking a couple of shrill wolf whistles of approbation as she did so—whistles that she more or less ignored. It was the driver—also as a way of establishing his own presence—who shot an angry glare at the idlers sprawled at the outdoor café tables, fanning themselves with their straw boaters and twirling their mustaches as they waited for pretty girls to go by, maybe those leaving evening services at the nearby church of San Ferdinando.
br />   Stepping briskly, Livia walked into the café. Two young men lept to their feet: such a woman, alone in a café, was rare catnip for them. They hurried after her into an interior space, but a human colossus sitting at a table rose to his feet and barred the way, crossing his arms and blocking the threshold. The two men exchanged a glance of surprise, then one adjusted the knot of his tie, the other smoothed the crease of his jacket, and, crestfallen, both returned to their lookout posts.

  Livia looked down at a sheet of paper she held in one hand and crossed the empty room to take a seat by the plate glass window overlooking Via Chiaia. She caught a faint whiff of lavender and looked up from the list of drinks, locking eyes with a distinguished, middle-aged man of average height standing not far away.

  “Buonasera, Falco,” Livia said.

  The man bowed his head in a respectful greeting. He held a leather briefcase in one hand, just as he had every other time that Livia had seen him.

  “Buonasera, Signora. May I sit with you?”

  “You summoned me to an urgent meeting, you offered to send a car and driver to bring me here, from what I can see you’ve reserved the entire interior dining room at Gambrinus, so I’d have to say that, yes, you’re free to take a seat.”

  As if Livia’s irony had gone clear over his head, Falco executed a second small bow, and sat down across from her. A moment later, the waiter arrived with a tray.

  “I took the liberty of ordering you a vermouth. Perhaps at this time of the day you’ll enjoy it.”

  Livia shot him a look.

  “You know where to find me. You know what I do, how I dress, and where I shop, the places and people I visit. I’m hardly surprised to learn that you also know what I like to drink, or even that you decide for me what I’m going to drink, which amounts to the same thing. So vermouth will be fine, grazie.”

  The man returned the look, unblinking: “Believe me, Signora, the last thing I want to do is inconvenience you. And I’m sorry to hear that you’ve come to think of my presence as a nuisance. We do our best to be discreet, that’s in the nature of the . . . work that we do. But when we are forced to intervene, we intervene. Though we try to do it cautiously, we have no choice.”


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