Calico Cross (Cross Series Book 1)

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Calico Cross (Cross Series Book 1) Page 5

by Deanna Kinney

  He turned me toward him. “Cali, I really like you a lot. I’m sort of hoping you’ll let me spend more time getting to know you better.” And then he leaned in toward me, his lips inching closer and closer.

  My eyes grew wide, and then the porch swing to our left dropped from its hinges to the floor. We both jumped. I grabbed my throat that had suddenly seemed to hold my heart.

  “What is going on around here?!” Blake barked. “Is this house haunted or something?”

  Or something was right. “Umm…weeeell…”

  “I’ll call you later on,” he said as he backed cautiously off of the porch. He was then in his car and driving out of the driveway before I could even wave goodbye.

  “Whew! I owe you guys one. Now, please fix the swing back,” I said into the air and then burst into a roaring laughter.

  I was still laughing as I walked into the kitchen and made myself a turkey and cheese sandwich. I was taking my last bite when I entered my bedroom to change my clothes.

  I pulled my shirt off over my head and tossed it across the room and onto my chair in the corner. I stripped my jeans off and flung them off of my last foot they were desperately trying to hang onto. They landed somewhere near the door of the bathroom. I spun and my eyes immediately went to the window and that’s when I noticed ‘the savage’ standing in front of his garden, across the way.

  I gasped and dove onto the bed and pulled the covers over my nakedness. I stared out the window and then sighed when I realized he wasn’t looking my way.

  I dressed quickly and took a seat by the window and watched him work in his garden for the next hour, hoping he would cut his hand off with his pruning shears.

  * * * * * *

  Dane’s POV

  I had to concentrate really hard not to cut myself with my pruning shears knowing Calico was watching every move I was making from her bedroom window. I was tempted to stand up and wave, but that might alarm her, especially since she had no idea just how good my eyesight really was.

  I chuckled to myself as I continued to pull and prune the stubborn weeds. I might need a cold shower when I’m finished.

  Chapter Eleven

  I spent most of the night fuming. That crazy Dane Savage was really getting under my skin. His behavior was more than annoying. It was turning downright out of control.

  My sisters had decided that they wanted to stay in town and grab some dinner after work. That was fine by me. I wasn’t really in the mood for conversation anyway.

  I opened the freezer and surveyed my choices for dinner. I decided on a steak and cheese hot pocket, my favorite. I stuck it in the microwave and poured me a drink.

  The buzzer to the microwave rang and I took my food and drink to the living room. I plopped down on the sofa and grabbed the remote to the TV.

  “Yay!” I squealed recognizing my favorite mystery show.

  I couldn’t tell you if my food was good or not since I ate without thinking as I watched the show. I went for another bite and realized I’d eaten it all already. Bummer.

  I was whistling the tune from Jeopardy and walking with my dishes through the dining room toward the kitchen.

  Wow, it turned dark quick, I thought as I glanced out the glass doors toward the back deck. Wait. I thought I saw movement in the dark. It was brief but I was sure I saw something. I stopped and peered out the glass, looking first to my left and then to my right. Hmmm, I guess not. Big yellow eyes were suddenly right in front of mine. I screamed and jumped backward, causing my dishes to drop to the floor and make a loud clatter.

  I quickly reached for the door to make sure it was locked and then I remembered the front door. I spun and made a mad dash through the house toward the front door. At that moment, it swung open wide and a man barged in.

  I didn’t even stop to see who it was. I turned and raced for the back door.

  “Calico! Calico!”

  I recognized the voice instantly and stopped dead in my tracks, spinning to greet him.


  He ran to me, taking my shoulders in his hands. His big grey eyes, filled with concern, peered down at me. “What happened? Are you all right?”

  I couldn’t answer. All I could do was nod.

  He then ran throughout the entire house, checking on all the doors and windows. When he returned, he took my hand and led me to the sofa and sat me down.

  “You stay right here while I check the perimeter of the property, okay?”

  I nodded my agreement and then he was gone.

  It was only minutes later when he returned.

  “Whoever it was, they are long gone now. It was a were-coyote and not from around here, and it was alone.”

  “Do you think he was with Creed’s pack?”

  “I don’t think so. Last I heard he didn’t have any were-coyotes. He was probably just a stray that came across your scent and was curious. If he wanted to harm you he would have.” He sat down next to me and gently tilted my face toward him. “Now tell me what happened.”

  I then recounted everything to him. “How did you know?” I finally asked.

  “I heard your scream.”

  “Oh,” I nodded, thinking. “How did you get in my front door?”

  He scratched his head then. “It’s the weirdest thing. When I got to the front door it just opened for me. Weird huh?”

  I started to chuckle. I couldn’t help it. It was so clear that these silly ghosts favored Dane over Blake. They were actually encouraging him. The more I thought about it the harder I laughed.

  At first Dane looked at me with eyebrows raised, confusion marring his handsome face, but soon he was also laughing.

  My laughing came to an abrupt halt, and I stood and pointed my finger at him. “Wait! I’m mad at you, Dane Savage!”

  His laughing stopped and he gazed up at me with his thoughtful grey eyes. “Me? Why? It wasn’t my fault,” he said raising his hands in defense as if I had caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “Yes it was!” I snapped. “You picked a fight with Blake today. He was there to pick me up and you started a fight.”

  His jaw tightened and he stood, towering over me by at least 10 inches. “Is that what he told you?”

  With his words, my conviction wavered. “Well, sort of. But I saw you. You were lifting him into the air.”

  “Yes I was, but he was the instigator not me. He called me out as I walked to my truck. He said that you belonged to him now.”

  “He said what?!” I squealed. I felt my pupils narrow, and I knew they were glowing green. My hair stood on end and I felt my fur growing and covering my face.

  Dane stumbled, taken aback by my sudden change in appearance. “Wow. I have never seen anything like you before,” he said, the amazement in his voice.

  That statement sobered me and my appearance returned to normal in an instant.

  “I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have lost it like that. Forgive me.”

  He let out a heavy sigh and laid his large hand on my shoulder. “Calico, there is nothing to forgive. You are a were-creature, and sometimes we lose control. That is just part of it.”

  “But I try so hard to keep that side of myself tucked away. I just want to live a normal life.”

  His eyes filled with compassion and understanding. “I know. Me too, but it is part of who we are. The sooner you embrace that, the happier you will be. Trust me, I know.”

  “I know you’re right. By the way, what did you think it was that I was mad about anyway?”

  “Oh, nothing. I better get going. Your sisters are here.”

  It was then that we both heard the car pull up.

  Dane turned and walked toward the front door. “You gonna be okay?”

  I nodded. It seems like I’ve been doing a lot of that tonight. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thank you for showing up in time. I’m not sure what would’ve happened if you hadn’t.”

  “You’re welcome, Calico. Are we good now?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, w
e’re good.”

  He smiled back and it was a lovely smile that lit up his entire face and made his grey eyes sparkle. “Good. If you need me again, I’m just across the woods. Call me and I’ll here.”

  I laughed. “That’s both reassuring and creepy all at the same time.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah well, that’s me. Goodnight, Cross.”

  “Goodnight, Savage.”

  As he exited the house, my sisters burst through the door. They stared after him for a brief moment in confusion.

  “Cali, are you all right? We smelled a strange scent when we excited the car,” Kiki said, pulling me into an embrace.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Savage heard my scream and came to help. He said it was a were-coyote and he was alone. It wasn’t from around here. That was all Savage could pick up. He’s long gone now.”

  “What do you think he wanted?” Fancy asked, her big eyes filled with worry.

  I took her hand in mine to reassure her. “I’m not sure, but don’t worry. Between our ghost friends and our savage neighbor, we’ll be fine. I’m sure of that.”

  Despite my words, we all crammed snuggly into Tabby’s king size bed that night. I finally fell asleep once the sun began to rise.

  Chapter Twelve

  I didn’t have to be at work until twelve and so I slept in, getting at least four hours of sleep. It was more than I had expected.

  I called Blake and told him I didn’t need a ride to work and wouldn’t need one for the rest of the week. I was still trying to figure out a way to get rid of him without pissing him off. I couldn’t afford for him to run to Creed and give up our location. I had to play it cool until I could figure out something. It was sad really. I mean I was just beginning to like him, but if it was true what he said to Savage, and I believed it was, then he wasn’t someone I wanted to hang with. After all, he did lead me to believe that Savage was to blame for the incident between them. That alone made me angry. There were plenty of things I hated, like cliques, hairy moles, tattoos of naked women, and licorice, but being lied to would have to be at the top of my list.

  My sisters had to be at work early so I was left without a ride. I could have ridden with them but that would have meant hanging out for four hours before my shift started. I may be a pretty boring person, but even I had better things to do than that. I think.

  I was finishing up the last touches on my makeup in the mirror. The house was too quiet and it gave me a thought.

  I spoke loudly into the room, hoping my new ghost friends were present. “So, what are you guys’ names?” I assumed there was more than one because of the giggling.

  No sooner had I finished my question than my pink lipstick flew out of my hand. I watched in awe as my lipstick moved around the mirror and pink words appeared before me.

  Two names were written there; Ivey and May.

  “Well, at least I know now what to call you. Were you killed here, is that why you’re here?” I asked.

  The words ‘Not killed, but died falling in a well’ appeared on the mirror.

  I had to think about that one for a moment.

  “Were you responsible for the death of Mr. Peterson?”

  The word ‘NO!’ appeared on the mirror along with these words ‘He was a sick man without our help, but we did help Mrs. Peterson escape him’.

  Wow. I wasn’t sure what to think about all that. “Okay, well it’s nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends.”

  The words ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ appeared next on the mirror. And I smiled and headed for the door. My life is strange but I love the way it is going.

  I walked across the woods and asked ‘the savage’ for a ride to work. Of course he said yes.

  I spent the rest of the week trying to avoid Blake. After the third day, he stopped calling and texting me. I guess he finally got the message. I know I was supposed to be relieved to be free of him, but in truth I kind of liked him, as a friend. I felt sorry for him. I could relate to how it felt to lose both parents. I secretly hoped he wasn’t angry with me for shucking him off, but he did deserve it after all.

  I arrived home from work tired and a little grumpy. I dumped my things at the door and headed into the kitchen for a snack. I spent the next twenty minutes chatting with Kiki and Tabby about how uneventful our days were.

  I walked up the stairs and strolled casually into Fancy’s bedroom. I hadn’t seen her since I arrived home and was curious if she was okay.

  “Hey, Fan. You okay?”

  She rose to a sitting position on her bed. I leaned down and picked up one of her shirts on the floor. “Fancy, since when did you start dropping your clothes to the floor? That’s my thing, but definitely not yours. Holy scrolly!!!” I was suddenly looking at her, and her eye was swollen to the size of a golf ball on steroids. “What happened to you?”

  “I was sweeping up all the hair on the floor of the salon and my eye started itching, so I itched it. When I got home, it was still red and itchy and now it looks like this.” She looked like she was about to cry.

  “Okay, let’s get you dressed and to the doctor. It’s no big deal; you probably have an eye infection or something like that.”

  The girls and I took her to the doctor in town and made it there before he closed. Sure enough she had an eye infection, which meant putting eye drops into her eye daily. Oh joy!!

  The doctor thought he was going to put the first round in her eye for us, but he soon gave up when she squealed and wiggled like she was getting murdered, and handed the bottle to us. He mouthed the words ‘good luck’ and left the room. Big baby!

  When we arrived back at home we decided to try again. We had her lie down on the sofa, and I was appointed the one to put the drops in.

  “Okay, I’m going to place a drop into the corner of your eye, and when I tell you, you open the eye and turn your head and the drop will fall right in. Okay?”

  She nodded but seemed reluctant.

  “Okay, close your eyes.”

  She did, and I positioned myself right above her face.

  She suddenly began to scream. “Owww, it hurts so bad!!!”

  “You idiot!” I snapped. “I haven’t even taken the lid off yet!! Now, sit still!!”

  “It’s gonna hurt, it’s gonna hurt!”

  “Dang right it’s gonna hurt if you don’t lie still ‘cause I’m gonna shove this bottle right up your nose!”

  That calmed her slightly, and I tried again. This time she screamed and covered her eyes.

  I huffed and glanced at the girls. “We need to devise a new plan,” I said.

  The girls agreed.

  So, with one knee planted on her chest, I held her face still while the girls grabbed her hands and held them tight.

  I was sure this was gonna work, but I was not expecting Fancy to be so strong. She bounced us off of her like we were dishtowels.

  I looked over at the girls again. “We need reinforcements.”

  They nodded.

  I reached for my phone but then stopped when I remembered the other night with the stalker. Dane had said to call him if I needed him, didn’t he? Without any further hesitation, I yelled, “Savage!”

  I swung open the door when I heard his feet hit the front porch only seconds later.

  I was awestruck once again at his strikingly good looks.

  His hair was in his face and his shirt was disheveled from his run. His expression was intense as usual. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No!” I jerked his hand and pulled him inside. Once I explained the situation, he put his arms around Fancy from behind and held her still. I climbed on top of her and pried open her eye, pointing the bottle at it. I squeezed and though she was squinting, some of it actually went in, so before she could catch her breath, I did the same to the other eye. Some of the liquid got into both eyes. Victory!! We would all live to see another day. And the next day we would have to do it all over again.

  We had Dane meet us every day for the next week. I would be lying if I did
n’t admit that I was enjoying having him around. This might be wrong, but I sensed he was enjoying spending time with us as well. He was greatly amused by Fancy’s drama. I often caught him watching us girls fondly as we bantered back and forth like we always did. He even stayed most nights for supper.

  During that week, I didn’t hear a peep from our ghost friends. I found that odd.

  The girls and I pressed Dane to tell us what were-creature he was, but he wouldn’t budge, stating that was something he wasn’t comfortable talking about. This only added to my growing curiosity, and I knew it was time for me to do something to find out.

  I talked Fancy into helping me. She said as long as it didn’t involve anything illegal then she was in. I made no promises.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The ghosts, May and Ivey signaled us on the mirror that Dane was gone, and Fancy and I headed out of the house, through the woods and onto his front porch.

  “I’m not sure this is such a good idea, Cali. He will kill us if he finds us here. He might even call the police and have us arrested.”

  I glanced at her and smirked. “That’s why he can’t find us here. Don’t worry. We’ll be long gone before he returns.”

  She huffed. “You better be right about this.”

  “I am, now you try that window, and I’ll try this one.”

  I didn’t even make it over to the window when she called, “This one is unlocked.”

  I ran to her and helped her lift the window open. We both crawled in and landed softly on his sofa just under the window.

  “Now, look around for anything that might tell us who this Dane Savage really is,” I said as I began snooping around the living room.

  There were pictures on his mantle and I picked one up and inspected it closely. It was a picture of what I assumed was his parents. He was standing with them and smiling wide. He must’ve been around fifteen at the time. The next one was of him and the man I assumed was his father. Dane was slightly younger and holding up a big fish, a look of pride on both of their faces. The next one was of the woman that I assumed was his mother. She was very beautiful. In this picture she was wearing an apron and carrying a cake with candles lit on top. Was that his birthday cake?


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