After the Internship: A Novella (The Intern #4)

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After the Internship: A Novella (The Intern #4) Page 14

by Brooke Cumberland

  “No, you can’t. Simon is coming over. The only way I could talk him into it was that I said you’d be here.”

  I shoot her a disapproving look, but give in already. “All right, fine.” I sigh. “I’ll make the popcorn.” I flash a fake smile. “Oh, who did you have buy the tests for you?” I ask Ceci, pressing the popcorn button on the microwave.

  She gives me a puzzling expression, as she slowly answers, “No one. Why?”

  “Well, that’s probably how they found out. Maybe an employee saw you and leaked it to the press. People will do anything for a dollar,” I remind her. “You have to be careful.”

  Although I wasn’t in my old career, people were still obsessed with digging into our private lives. I’m not sure if that’s ever going to go away as long as I’m a Leighton.

  * * *

  Our living room is packed with people sitting on the floor and couch as Ceci flips the right channel on.

  Since the news was leaked anyway, I tell Ceci she should tell her mom and friends so they aren’t finding out like Cora did.

  We make eye contact from across the room as I bring in another bowl of popcorn. I nod in agreement with her silent question of if we should say something now or later.

  “So,” Ceci begins, getting all their attention. I walk over to where she’s sitting on the loveseat. “Bentley and I found out some news and we want to be the first ones to tell you before you hear it.”

  I watch Ceci’s mom, her face a mixture of fear and excitement. Although they haven’t always had the best relationship, I know it’s been a concern of hers that I’d take her daughter out of the state and make it impossible for her to see Ceci. I never wanted that, which was part of the reason for wanting to retire from modeling.

  “We found out we’re expecting,” she finally blurts out.

  A mixture of cries and squeals echo the room. Katelynn jumps up almost immediately as tears run down her mom’s cheeks.

  “Am I the only one not pregnant right now?” Katelynn cries jokingly. I turn and catch Brandon’s scared expression.

  “Not me!” Ceci’s mom says with a smile. “But I’m surely excited you are, baby.” She wraps her arms around Ceci. Watching them be close again makes this all more surreal and as if things are starting to fall into place.

  “Well, at least I get to be an aunt to two adorable babies now.” Katelynn smiles. “Just don’t give me the water you two are clearly drinking.”

  Once everyone has settled from the news, Ceci turns the show back on. Apparently, it’s the season premier, and it’s when all the new celebrities are announced.

  “Oh. My. God!” Ceci all but yells, leaning on the edge of the couch. “Is that…is that freaking Hannah?”

  I was barely paying attention before, so when she yells out Hannah’s name, my face immediately snaps up.

  “Wait, the Hannah? Conniving, manipulating, and life ruining—Hannah?” Cora rambles off, her eyes glued to the TV for confirmation.

  Simon and Brandon are all sitting back wondering what all the fuss is about when I finally clue them in.

  “Yes, that’s her.”

  “How is that possible? She’s not famous,” Katelynn asks, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth. “More times than not it’s celebs I barely know, but was Hannah ever cast in anything?”

  “She did a few times before she got real bad and went into rehab. Once she got addicted, her career nose-dived. That’s when she went into rehab.”

  “And apparently a good one!” Cora chimes in. “Talk about killing two birds with one stone,” she says, referencing to the fact that now she was on TV even though she’s battling her addiction.

  “Well, I hope it helps her at least. I hope she can get clean for her sake,” Ceci adds, genuinely. I smile at her, deeply thankful that my wife can be the stronger one and forgive although Hannah doesn’t deserve it.

  Half way through, the doorbell rings so I get up and greet Casey. “Oh, my god, what did I miss?” She barges through me, leaving Jason at the door.

  “Is there a sign or something that says ignore the greeter?” I ask although she’s long gone. “Hey, man. Come on in. The party’s in there.” I nod toward the living room. I pat him on the shoulder before adding. “Oh, warning. Ceci’s pregnant and Hannah’s on Celebrity Rehab. Be prepared for Casey to freak out,” I warn and wink at him.

  They’ve been ‘casually’ dating according to Casey, but from what I hear from Ceci, they spend every free moment together. However, I know this translates into more than just casually dating, which makes me truly happy for them both. It makes me much more comfortable knowing Jason is just her friend and co-worker that she can confide in without any emotions brewing to the surface. And now that I’ve gotten to know him, I really don’t mind him being around. It’s good she has both girl and guy friends. Makes me feel a bit less guilty when I still have to travel.

  “Oh, my god!”

  There it is.

  I walk in to Casey hugging her sister and squealing obnoxiously.

  “Hey, be careful with my wife. That’s my baby in there you’re squeezing the hell out of.”

  “Oh, she’s fine!” she spits back at me. “She is already rounding out so there’s plenty of padding.”

  “God, Casey,” Ceci cries. “Way to be sensitive.”

  Casey tries to hold in her laughter, but she can’t contain it. “Yup, she’s pregnant.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Saying Goodbye

  “OH, SHIT IT’S hot.”

  “Mom!” I scold.

  “Sorry, but damn, it’s humid.”

  We walk into our hotel that we’ll be staying at for the night. I’m a thirteen weeks pregnant now, but Ava’s condition has been getting worse, and I want to see her one more time.

  “You promised, remember,” I remind my mother. She was shocked when I finally told her I knew about Dad’s twin sister. She was even more shocked when she found out what Dad was really doing with all that money. She had no idea, and then when I told her I wanted to go visit her one last time, she offered to come with me so they could finally put the past to rest.

  “Yes, Cecilia. I know.”

  My mother can be a tad…intimidating. I made her promise to not drill Ava or even mention money. I wasn’t certain she would anyway, but it made me feel at ease knowing she wouldn’t.

  Once we settled into our room, we grabbed a bite to eat in the hotel restaurant. Mom and I have grown a lot closer over the past couple months. I think it has to do with the fact that I’m carrying her first grandchild, but I’m grateful for it nonetheless. I’d rather build a relationship with her now than never.

  “Are you ready?” she asks as I sit in the car in front of her house.

  I swallow back the tears that are threatening to surface. The last time I saw Ava was only months ago, but even in her voice, I could tell she was weaker.

  “Yeah.” I nod.

  My mother holds my hand as we walk to the door. Ava’s husband, Adam, answers and greets us.

  “Hi, welcome!” He leans in for a hug when I offer him my hand. “It’s a pleasure to officially meet you.”

  “Likewise.” I introduce him to my mother, and soon, we’re being escorted into a room in the back of the house.

  “She’s back there. She’s very excited to see you.” Adam nods his head toward the hall, but doesn’t follow us down.

  I walk softly down the carpeted hallway. I push my hand against the door, opening it slowly. I’m greeted with Ava’s smiling face as she pulls herself up against the bedframe.

  “Come in, sweetie.” Her voice is soft and weak.

  I all but run to the side of the bed and wrap my arms around her. “Oh, god, it’s so good to see you.” I squeeze her lightly, not wanting to put too much pressure on her tiny body.

  “You look amazing, Cecilia,” she says as she finally gets a better look at me. “Definitely glowing.” She smiles wide.

  “Sorry, Au
nt Ava, but that’s not glow. That’s sweat. I’m sweating.”

  She laughs, but shaking her head in disagreement. “Either way, you look gorgeous. Pregnancy agrees with you.”

  “I brought my mom,” I say, changing the subject. Her brows rise as she finally notices my mom is standing behind me. “I hope that’s all right.”

  “Ava…” my mom begins, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She stands next to me. “I never meant to shut you out of our lives for good. I just wanted Brock to see that he wasn’t helping you if he was constantly bailing you out. But I should’ve butt out. You two were family and it wasn’t my place.”

  My mom’s confession surprises me, but I couldn’t be more appreciative that she comes clean.

  “Thank you, Claire. That means a lot to me. I know it’s too late now, but your apology means the world to me.”

  “I’m glad we came,” I say sitting on the edge of the bed next to her. The more I study her, the more I see my dad in her face. “It feels right.”

  “It does.” The corners of her lips pull up into a smile. I mold the memory to my brain so I don’t ever forget, especially when she’s gone.

  My mother comes and sits on the other side of the bed. I’m not sure how long we end up staying, but we talk for hours. Adam comes in with food and her meds once before we finally say our goodbyes. I could tell she was exhausted, but she didn’t want us to go. She kept insisting she was fine, but I could tell. Her body was breaking down, and soon, she wouldn’t be able to eat or breathe on her own. It was only a matter of time.

  Jackson and Jamison are in the living room when my mother and I finally make our way out.

  “How much time does she have?” I ask, pain in my voice as I say the words aloud.

  Both of the boys look tired and stressed. “Doctor says it could be a few days to a few weeks. Once her kidneys go, it’ll just be a matter of days then.” I nod, not really knowing what else to say.

  We stay another hour talking to Jamison and Jackson, since we’ve only met once on Skype. But soon, we had to leave for good.

  Saying goodbye to Ava was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Although I didn’t know her long or have a strong lifelong connection to her, it still felt like I was losing a part of me. She resembles my dad so much. I only wish I had been able to meet her sooner.

  Ava asked us to stay a few days, but if she only has days left, I didn’t want to be greedy when her husband and kids wanted that time with her. Plus, I wasn’t sure if I could handle watching her get sicker and sicker.

  I’m happy my mother and her were able to make amends before it was too late. I saw the relief on both of their faces when they both agreed to let the past be the past. I will say that my mother has definitely grown since being with Tony. The last couple of years, I’ve seen her become a better person since he’s been in her life.

  “So when do you and Tony plan to tie the knot?” I ask as we fly back from Florida to Omaha.

  “I’m not sure.” She smiles while looking at my stomach. “When do you plan to lose the baby weight so you can fit into a dress?”

  “You’re always so subtle, Mom.”

  “Sorry, kid.” She laughs lightly. “We’ve talked about it if that makes you feel better.”

  “Well, if he can put up with our craziness of a family, I’d say he’s a keeper.”

  She smiles genuinely now. “I agree.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Perfect Endings

  I WAS HIT with the bad news twelve days after saying goodbye to Ava. Her breathing became too rapid and her kidneys began failing just days after we left. It’s bittersweet knowing she’s up in Heaven with my dad now. I’m grateful I was able to spend that little time with her and to at least say goodbye. I can feel happy thinking she’s looking down on me.

  Bentley and I spend the rest of summer and the start of fall preparing the nursery. I help Katelynn with final wedding preparations and Cora with the arrival of her baby girl outside of working. Jason finally got his own office, which I’m grateful for since Casey comes to visit him at lunch and their relationship went from ‘casual’ to serious.

  Bentley’s new modeling company officially opens at the beginning of winter, giving us only a few months before I deliver. He spends his time traveling and setting up his new office downtown now before my due date.

  Baseball season ended mid-summer, so I transition to something less physical at work since I’m pregnant. I work on a variety of different tasks, anything Coach Tanner asks of me, basically. I don’t mind it since I get to rest and sit at my desk mainly. It allows me to Skype with Bentley while he’s away.

  * * *

  “You ready?” I ask Katelynn as she stares at herself in the mirror. “You can still run,” I lean in and whisper. Her eyes lock with mine in the mirror, a wide smile spread across my face.

  “You really suck as matron of honor, you know that?” she says sardonically.

  “I’m going to take that as pre-wedding jitters and ignore that last comment.”

  “You’re lucky Cora is still breastfeeding or you would’ve been tossed out like yesterday’s garbage.”

  “There’s the stressed out bride-to-be I know.” I grin, fixing her veil. “Reason number thirty-three I eloped!”

  “Hey, that’s my line!” Cora interrupts, laughing. She has Katie attached to her chest as she walks around the bridal suite.

  “You know you can’t walk down the aisle like that,” Katelynn mocks.

  “I can’t wait until you’re pregnant,” she teases.

  “No kidding!” I add in. “We get to give all the shit you’ve given us right back.” I smirk, rubbing my belly that’s about to pop out of my bridesmaid dress. “Payback’s a bitch.”

  “No problem. I just won’t get pregnant.” She snarls.

  “Have you met your future husband? There’s no way you guys are going to keep your hands off each other.”

  She smiles at the mention of his name. Oh yeah, it won’t take long.

  The ceremony is perfect. Bentley and I walk down the aisle together in matching red color accents. Katelynn looks stunning as always as she and Brandon promise each other forever. I think back on the memories of when Katelynn and Brandon first met. The whole story is quite funny now that we can look back on it. I really hated hurting Brandon, but knowing he’s found his true soul mate makes me think that everything happened for a reason.

  The reception and dance are both beautiful and run smoothly. I do my best to participate in all the wedding party shenanigans, but my belly often gets in the way.

  Bentley and I dance for most of the evening. Although my feet are swollen and ache, I don’t want to let go of this moment we have together. It’s only a matter of weeks before our lives change forever.

  “You look stunning,” he whispers in my ear. “Absolutely gorgeous.”

  I smile back at him. “Do you regret not having a big, white wedding and reception?”

  He looks around and smiles before locking eyes with me again. “No. I love every part of our wedding. I wouldn’t change it for anything. Well, maybe that one time I almost got stung by a jellyfish.” I laugh at the memory. “But honestly, I think it was perfect.”

  “I agree. It was perfect.”

  My feet are killing me by the time we leave. We booked a room at the hotel where the reception was so we didn’t have to drive all the way home after a long day. We step into the elevator, grinning at each other like a bunch of horny teenagers.

  “I know that look, Mr. Leighton.”

  “Is that so, Mrs. Leighton?” He walks over and pins me to the wall as much as my belly will allow him to. “And what look is that?” He dips his nose into the nape of my neck, trailing kisses up to my ear and jawline.

  “It’s the look that got me pregnant in the first place,” I say matter-of-factly. His lips never part from my skin as he laughs.

  “Well, it’s a good thing you’re already pregnant.”r />
  It’s practically a race as we finally get the door open of who can get each other’s clothes off first. Bentley wins by a landslide with his greedy hands.

  His kisses are hungry and raw as he walks us backward toward the bed. My knees buckle when I collide with the bed. He lays me back, worshiping my mouth with his lips and tongue. His hand lands on my breast as he wakes up every nerve sensation in my body, making me eager and practically begging for it.

  “Bentley…” I whimper with no other words able to come out as I ache for him.

  He kisses down my chest, over my stomach, and down below to my clit. He teases and tortures me before pulling me to stand up.

  “Bend over the bed, sweetheart.” His lips graze over my ear as I feel his cock pressing into my back. I do just as he says, spreading my legs apart for him.

  I feel him walking away, leaving me exposed. I turn to look for him, but I can’t see that far back. Fortunately, he returns and kneels in between my legs.

  “Hold the bed, baby.” I hear the sound of buzzing before I feel it. There’s no time to react before Bentley presses a vibrator to my clit.

  “Oh, my god,” I scream. He presses a hand to my back, holding me in place. “W-What are—”

  My words are soon lost as he circles it around my pussy, swirling the vibrator up and down my slit.

  “Jesus, baby. You’re so wet.”

  “God, Bentley…the sensation is too much.”

  He pushes just the tip of it inside, allowing me to get use to the foreign feeling. My hips circle on their own accord as he teases my swollen lips. I can feel my own build up as he pushes it deeper inside me.

  “Holy shit…you’re going to make me go into labor,” I say through heavy panting. My fists clench the comforter on the bed. I can barely keep myself up.

  “No worries, sweetheart. I looked it up and made sure it was safe for you,” he says proudly. “Now relax and let go.”

  He works the vibrator inside my pussy as his fingers rub against my clit. It’s a matter of seconds before I release hard, giving him exactly what he demands.


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