Before Max had been able to carry out a check of the two dead men and the vehicle, the Police had arrived.
The Police officers had immediately focused on the lone-armed man, Max.
The man was now moving to the back of the Range Rover raising his AK-47 assault rifle towards the nearest group of three two men with a female with their backs to him and two Police officers looking at them.
Chief Superintendents Attlee’s eyes had picked up the movement, he observed a man coming from behind the Range Rover raising a weapon at them.
He moved quickly grabbing both Max and Ruth bundling them to the floor as the first rounds spat out of the AK-47.
The Police officer that had been standing beside them took several hits to his body that was covered by a body armour system and was knocked down to the ground.
The two other Police officers had immediately crouched down and returned fire finding their target with their rounds.
The man at the Range Rover took three fatal rounds two in the chest area and one in the throat, his weapon fell to the ground as he crumpled down hitting the asphalt face first.
Max had been quick to recover from the push to the ground and the sound of gunfire, his instincts immediately rolling him out of the fall with his right arm extended gripping his Glock towards the Range Rover watching the man drop to the ground.
He ran over to the man and immediately fired two rounds to the man’s head.
He then kicked the AK-47 away, moved cautiously, and checked the Range Rover out, as soon as he was happy, there was no one else he turned back towards Ruth.
What he saw was a shock to his system; Ruth was kneeling down and cradling Chief Superintendent’s Attlee’s head in her lap.
He ran over and looked down; Ruth looked up with tears in her eyes and said “I think he is dead Max!”
Max could see blood seeping through his friend’s uniform around the right shoulder area, he knelt down and felt for a pulse at the neck, he kept his two fingers there for several seconds looking at his friend and felt nothing.
He was just about to remove his fingers when he thought he felt a slight faint movement.
He pressed a little harder and detected a faint pulse.
He turned around and shouted to the nearby two Police officers, “Get an ambulance here ASAP!”
One of the officers shouted back, “one on route sixty seconds away sir.”
Ruth still weeping said, “is he alive Max?”
“Yes Ruth.”
Max removed his friends head from Ruth’s lap and placed him in the recovery position and quickly searched for any other signs of bleeding, he could find no other obvious wounds.
The presence of the ambulance distracted him followed by two medics running towards him.
Both medics bent down to examine the Chief Superintendent.
Max said to them, “he has been shot looks like the right shoulder area, and he has a faint pulse.”
Both medics worked on their causality and within ten minutes had him stable and on his way to hospital with a Police escort.
Another ambulance had arrived and the medic team were treating the shot Police officer.
A fire engine had rolled onto the scene and the crew had begun cutting the three men out of the Chrysler.
Max had asked one of the Police officers to fetch Ruth’s car up to them and they now were both sitting in it, Max had been holding Ruth tightly and for the past few minutes had been reflecting on the events as well as watching the events around them. They had both been deep in their own thoughts.
Max was acutely aware that both he and Ruth had just missed death by inches.
Ruth looked up at Max tears in her eyes, mascara running down her cheeks and said, “he saved our lives didn’t he Max?
Before Max could reply, a voice interrupted them that was immediately recognisable.
“Max or Ruth come in?”
Max was momentarily disorientated as to where Strayker was, until he looked down at the codetta radio between the two front seats.
He picked up the codetta and replied, “Max here sir.”
Strayker replied, “I have just heard that Stan has been shot Max what happened?”
Max spent a few minutes replaying the events back to Strayker finishing with... “He saved Ruth and my lives sir.”
GAIL interrupted their conversation, “I have been listening into the ambulance radio chatter, it appears the Chief Superintendent has regained consciousness and they are just arriving at the hospital.”
Strayker responded by saying, “that sounds good news, Max I suggest both you and Ruth go home, I will have GAIL keep tabs on Stan’s progress and inform you of any adverse changes to his condition.”
Max replied, “copy that sir,” he placed the radio between the two seats when a knock came on the window.
He looked around and noticed a Police officer standing beside the car.
Max stepped out and the Police officer said, “there is a gentleman over there that wishes to speak to you sir.”
The Police officer was pointing towards the Fire engine and the Chrysler car.
Max leant back into the car and said to Ruth, “will you be okay for a few minutes?”
Ruth replied, “yes, but be quick I would like to go home.”
“Give me five minutes honey and we will be on our way.”
Max closed the car door and sauntered over to the Fire engine and Chrysler car.
A short stocky man was walking towards him followed by two men a discreet distance behind as they met the man held out his right hand and Max reciprocated.
The man was first to speak, “Colonel Storm I am US ambassador Nathan Jackson, I believe I owe the lives of my two men and myself to you for your heroic intervention.”
Max replied, “You know my name sir?”
“Yes I spoke to one of the Police officers over there and they advised me to the name of my rescuer, you’re the operations leader of the OSC, am I correct?”
“That’s correct sir.”
“Colonel; you can call me by first name, I am indeed fortunate that you were by chance in the area.”
“It’s always a pleasure to be of service Nathan, call me Max.”
“I hear a senior Police office and another Police were shot in the exchange, will they be alright?”
“The Police officer should be okay, my friend Chief Superintendent Attlee is at the hospital now; it’s too early to know of his condition.”
Nathan Jackson detected a tone in Max’s reply and the word friend used and replied, “He is a good friend of yours Max?”
“Yes Nathan; he has been involved in some of our previous missions on the main land and has become a good friend of ours.”
“I hope he makes a full recovery Max and I will be speaking with my President about yours and the Police’s actions here tonight, again thank you.”
Just at that moment a dark coloured Chrysler car came into view, Nathan Jackson looked up and said, “My back up vehicle has arrived if you would excuse me Max?”
“Certainly Nathan,” replied Max.
Nathan Jackson turned and walked away with his two bodyguards.
Max also turned and walked back to the car and climbed into the driver’s seat.
Ruth looked at him mascara stains on her beautiful face and said, “What was that about dear?”
“The US ambassador just extending his gratitude darling, now let’s go home.”
Max turned the ignition key, fired the engine up, and slowly negotiated the scene in front of them.
Home of Max Storm
Datchet village
Lat = 51 degrees, 29.0 minutes North
Long = 0 degrees
, 35.1 minutes West
Sunday 6th August 1989.
Zero hours thirty-seven minutes BST
Forty minutes later, they were arriving back at Max’s home in the village of Datchet near Windsor.
Datchet village is situated on the banks of the river Thames near Windsor castle, written evidence of this village appears in the Ten Eighty-Six Doomsday survey, it is situated Twenty-one miles from central London.
During World War 2, vital secret works on the development of radar had taken place here.
Max’s home was tucked away behind a stock brick wall with electronically operated gates in Gables close and backed onto Datchet golf course, the house comprised of four bedrooms, three receptions two bathrooms and a double garage and a conservatory leading out onto the back garden overlooking the golf course, but with adequate trees to create a secluded environment.
Max reached for a small black oval shape plastic object from the door glove box and pressed the button on it and immediately the electronically operated gates opened.
He drove the car into the driveway parking it alongside his Meteor metallic grey Porsche 911.
Max exited the vehicle, noticed Ruth was still sitting within it, he walked around and opened the passenger door, and said, “We are home sweetheart!”
Ruth looked up at him, gave him a smile, and said, “I could do with a stiff drink love?”
Max offered his hand and Ruth grasped it and stepped out of the car.
On two previous occasions, Ruth had been abducted so she was no stranger to danger; however, this was the first time she had been within a whisker of death.
In addition, seeing the Chief Superintendent lying in her arms with gunshot wounds, having put himself in harm’s way to protect Max and her had been a terrible experience.
Inside the house, Max had poured two large glasses of whiskey and said, “To Stan may he make a quick recovery.”
“To Stan,” replied Ruth.
Max put his arm around Ruth and pulled her close to him, he leant close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t worry darling Stan’s a strong man, I am sure he will make it!”
Ruth turned and placed a passionate kiss on his lips when she withdrew she said, “Would it be wrong to ask you to make love to me Max?”
“I could think of nothing better to do to take our minds off this evenings events.”
A few minutes they were both naked on the bed, Ruth was on her back and Max was supporting himself with his palms on the mattress supporting his torso easily, his hips were held aloft on his knees, affording him ease of movement.
Ruth had her legs hooked around his biceps and her pelvis was cantered upwards.
Max’s cock plunged and recoiled repeatable with a rapid movement as his hips rose and fell.
Soft sobs of pleasure escaped Ruth’s mouth as everything else faded away from her, leaving her with only the base desire and a heated yearning.
Her only focus was on Max whom possessed her body; she felt the first wave of her orgasm as her womb clenched and the rush of the orgasm engulfed her body with an enormous pleasure, her skin felt like it was on fire as she felt the unravelling of her own emotions.
Max continued with his rhythm as he felt the first thick spurt of semen ejaculate into Ruth.
Ruth had also felt it and let out a gasp of delight.
Max’s fists were grabbing at the bedclothes on either side of Ruth’s head shuddering with every wrenching pulse of his own orgasm as he came hard and long.
Ruth took it all as he shattered from his passionate storm, Max fell into her arms his face pressing against her breasts his energy spent.
North Middlesex Hospital
Sterling Way, Edmonton.
London N18.
Lat = 51 degrees, 36.8 minutes North
Long = 0 degrees, 4.4 minutes West
Monday 7th August 1989 (The next day)
Fourteen hundred hours BST
Both Max and Ruth had journeyed from Datchet in Max’s Porsche 911 and had parked the car up in the visitor’s car park.
Ruth was carrying a bouquet of flowers and some fruit, they both walked into the reception area and Max approached the nurse on duty, “we are here to see Chief Superintendent Attlee, can you direct us to his ward?”
The nurse looked up at Max and replied, “He is under Police guard with restricted visitor’s rights sir.”
Max replied, “I understand nurse here are my credentials, if you would like to contact the Police officer on duty at his room, he will vouch for us?”
The nurse looked at Max’s military identification card and the photo and then back at Max, “one moment sir, I will make the call have a seat for a few moments.”
“Thank you nurse,” replied Max.
Max and Ruth sat down in the reception area both looking around at the building’s interior.
As with many hospitals in the United Kingdom, the North Middlesex Hospital began life as a workhouse in 1840.
The hospital officially opened on 25 July 1910, and was separated from the workhouse itself by an iron fence, although the two shared a common gate, which still stands today. The accident and emergency department opened in 1955.
The nurse at the reception came around to them and said, “You may go up and see him Colonel Storm, he is on ward B4 on the first floor, in a private room.”
Max replied, “thank you nurse,” he turned to Ruth and said, “come on darling.”
Five minutes they had found the room, Max again produced his identification to the Police officer guarding the room.
The officer checked the details and said, “thank you colonel you may go in.”
Max said, “How is he officer?”
“He will pull through sir, he is one tough cookie.”
“That he is officer.”
Max opened the door and together with Ruth they entered the room and directly in front of them Stan Attlee was sitting up reading a paper, his right shoulder in a sling, he smiled at his visitors and before he could say anything Ruth ran the short distance to him and embraced him.
Max stood back for a moment and as they broke the embrace Stan said, “Well that was almost worth getting shot for.”
Ruth replied, “you could have been killed Stan, what were you thinking of?”
“I didn’t think Ruth I just acted; Max would have done the same, given the circumstances.”
“I thought we had lost you Stan we both owe you our lives.”
“I’ll tell you what, when I get out of here you can treat me to a slap up meal at an expensive restaurant.”
Max said, “That’s the least we can do Stan, so what was the damage?”
“Three bullets Max, one a flesh wound to my right bicep a through and through round in the right shoulder and another to the same shoulder that was stopped by my scapula bone causing a fracture.”
The chief superintendent pointed to a clear plastic cup on his side cupboard and said, “That’s the bullet they dug out, I will have it encapsulated in some clear polymer and keep it on my office desk as a paper weight and as a reminder of lasts night events.”
Ruth said, “How long are you in here for Stan?”
“Should be in for another three days and then some time at home, before going back on light duties in four weeks’ time, along with some physio.”
Max said, “Stan if you ever need help with anything give me a ring, anytime anywhere and I will be there for you. Now I believe you have some fruit for Stan Ruth?”
Two hours later Max and Ruth left the hospital and headed home.
US Embassy
Grosvenor Square
London W 1A
Lat = 51 degrees, 30.7 minutes North
Long = 0
degrees, 9.2 minutes West
Saturday 19th August 1989 (ten days later)
Twenty-one hundred hours BST
Max’s meteor metallic grey Porsche 911 arrived at the front of the embassy in Grosvenor square and was immediately met by a white suited valet.
Max Storm exited the driver’s seat and handed the keys to the valet as Ruth exited the front passenger seat and walked around to Max.
They interlocked arms and walked up to the main entrance, Max quickly looked up to the roof of the building taking in the large Gilded Bald Eagle atop the embassy.
The Embassy of the United States of America to the Court of St. James’s has been located since 1960 in the American Embassy London Chancery Building, in Grosvenor Square, Westminster, London.
The London embassy is the largest American embassy in Western Europe, and is the focal point for events relating to the United States held in the United Kingdom.
Tonight the US ambassador was holding a grand dinner in honour of Max Storm for his bravery in saving him from the recent attack.
The three assailants had been identified as members of the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) the International terrorist organization led by Sabri al-Banna, which had split from the PLO in 1974, and was currently based in the Lebanon.
The ANO had received considerable support, including safe Haven, training, logistic assistance, and financial aid from Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
Since 1974, the organisation had carried out numerous attacks on personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Israel.
Max was dressed in his Number 1 Temperate ceremonial uniform, Max’s number 1 dress consisted of a dark blue tunic and trousers with crimson piping on the tunic and because Max was part of a special services unit instead of a peaked cap, he wore a grey beret.
His uniform was adorned with a silk waist sash of crimson along with carrying a ceremonial sword.
Ruth’s red hair was up in a tight bun and she was wearing a stunning honey gold one-piece knee length dress that complemented her golden skin undertones with a beautifully crafted gold necklace around her neckline.
Red Mercury Page 3