Red Mercury

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Red Mercury Page 18

by M. W. Fletcher

  GAIL looked at him and replied, “You are correct Sir Richard, and in your world death relates to any organism a living thing that has or can develop the ability to act or function independently. In fact, your dictionary puts the definition of death as the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a particular living organism. I am aware that I am not a living organism, but in my world death is as real to me as it is to you Sir Richard!”

  Sir Richard a man whom had been a serving British officer for many years experienced an uncomfortable feeling within him, the rest of the Everest team were also feeling his discomfort, Sir Richard looked at GAIL and said, ”GAIL, please accept the apologies from a man for who technology is still a hard thing to come to grasps with.”

  GAIL’s face gave him a smile and she said, “No need for the apology Sir Richard, I am aware of my uniqueness and if I was a person whom liked to bet, I would put some money on that question being asked again in the future.”

  Vince stepped in and said, “Ma’am, gentlemen we should be going live in a minute to Colonel Storm.”

  Max looked at his watch zero five fifty-six, the teams were gathered around the large kitchen table, Max said, “okay men, before the briefing update, the PM and the Everest team will be listening in at ICIS via the PCDL.

  Roy I will start with a summary and then you can give your update and then Vas you can give yours, I will then answer any questions from ICIS,” Max looked at is watch and turned on his PDA and said, “Eagle-3 to ICIS, over.”

  Strayker responded, “receiving you Max, the PM and the Everest group are present as is Vince and GAIL ready when you are, over.”

  Max answered, “firstly; the warehouse on Nicholson Street has a ninety-nine percent probability of being used for the storage of the Red Mercury, let me hand you over to Eagle-4 Roy Smith.”

  Roy Smith said, “Last evening we had a vehicle arrive at the warehouse and our liaison here identified them as the two CIA operatives Sydney Carter and Sean McFaul, also present was a female of Asian origin. I took a picture of her on my PCDL when she was dropped off at a hotel and downloaded it to ICIS, that’s all.”

  Max said, “thank you Roy, Vas if you could give us your update?”

  Vas said, “Up until half an hour ago, nothing has happened except regular guard changes, my team are still onsite keeping eyes on the warehouse, that’s all.”

  Strayker was first to respond, “GAIL, have you identified the female?”

  GAIL replied, “Yes Major, her name is Sun-Yung she is a former member of the Korean 707th Special Mission Battalion her speciality is nuclear armaments, she killed her commanding officer a year ago for what appear to be no apparent reason and fled the country. It is believed she went to one of the Western block countries,” GAIL deliberately paused and then resumed.

  “Prior to joining the Korean military she had studied nuclear physics; it would appear from her military record she has a natural talent with weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Sun-Yung was given access to nuclear weapons systems to develop her knowledge and skills to complement her years studying the subject.”

  The Prime Minister responded, “Colonel, it looks a good certainty that you have found the Red Mercury what your plan is?”

  Max replied, “I intend to go in later tonight Ma’am, I have been advised by our liaison that there will be a hard perimeter put in place by the local law enforcement, once we are in place, I have still to formalise my AP.”

  “Thank you Colonel,” replied the PM.

  Strayker said, “How safe are we with the local law enforcement being involved Max?”

  “Sir; Chuck Morris the CIA director is coordinating it and he will inform the Police to set up once we are on site, on the pretence it is a CIA operation.”

  “Thank you Max,” Strayker looked around the room and said, “Does anyone else have any questions?”

  Pierce Evans said, “What do you propose we do about the two CIA operatives and the Korean woman Sun-Yung?”

  The Prime Minister was quick to respond, “Our remit is to secure the Red Mercury and we will then leave it up to the Americans to tie up the loose ends, is everyone in agreement with that?”

  Everyone in the Intel room nodded in agreement.

  Strayker said, “Max, did you hear and understand the PM’s protocol?”

  “Copy that sir, I will re-contact you at zero four-thirty hours your time tomorrow morning, thirty minutes before we go in.”

  “Thank you Max, I will be here.”

  With that, GAIL terminated the Comms link.

  Strayker then addressed the PM and the Everest group, “you are all welcome to come back here to watch and listen in to the mission. Ma’am you will be able to do the same at number 10.”

  The PM said, “May I make a suggestion? That those who wish to do so, can come to number 10 instead of here if would make things easier for them.”

  Strayker said, “Good call Ma’am, anyone wishing to return here, please advise Vince before you leave so he can update the security systems with your details, for when you return. In addition, I will have my driver Corporal Edwards meet you at Biggin Hill airfield at zero four-hundred hours and transport you here. Unless anyone has any further comments, I believe we are done!”


  Roosevelt Room

  West Wing

  The White House

  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

  Washington, D.C.

  Lat = 38 degrees, 53.4 minutes North

  Long = 77 degrees, 0.5 minutes West

  Tuesday 19th September 1989 (same day)

  Eleven hundred hours EDT

  Six hours behind BST

  Following the briefing Tracy had immediately driven to the CIA headquarters and spoke with her father, they had then driven the three and a half hour journey up to Washington for a meeting with the President.

  After clearing security, they were now both waiting in the Roosevelt Room, for Tracy this was a first, not only actually in the Whitehouse but also in personally meeting the President.

  Chuck Morris had decided with Tracy that she should deliver the update to the President.

  After five minutes, President Bob Dulles entered the room, Chuck and Tracy began to stand up but he immediately said to them, “please be seated.”

  The President sat down and said, “Where are we with the Red Mercury Chuck?”

  “Mr President, this is Tracy my daughter who has been assisting the OSC teams, I will hand over to her as she has the first-hand knowledge.”

  The President replied, “Good morning Tracy, please when you are ready?”

  Tracy replied, “Good morning Mr President. As you are already aware, we have located a warehouse where we are certain the Red Mercury is being stowed. The two CIA agents Carter and McFaul arrived last night along with a woman, who the British have identified as Sun-Yung. She is Korean and was attached to the Korean military 707th Special Mission Battalion her speciality is nuclear armaments...”

  The President interrupted her, “you say she was what does that mean?”

  Tracy replied, “Sir, it would appear she killed a senior Korean officer and fled the country and ended up in one of the Western block countries, we can only presume the Russian KGB agent Ivan Balagula who smuggled the Red Mercury out of Russia recruited her.”

  The President replied, “You may continue.”

  “When they left the warehouse we followed Carter and McFaul who dropped Sun-Yung of at a hotel and then onto CIA Headquarters, Colonel Storm is going into the warehouse at midnight tonight, they are on a shoot to kill protocol and to secure the Red Mercury.”

  The President stood up and walked around to the front of his desk and leaned back on it contemplating the information he had been given and then said, “do they have any idea of
whom the men are that are guarding the facility Tracy?”

  Tracy replied, “Colonel Storm is of the belief that they are most probably mercenaries, possibly from the Soviet bloc.”

  “How can he be that sure Tracy?”

  “The satellite images and the eyes on the ground have confirmed they are equipped with Soviet firearms.”

  “Thank you Tracy, Chuck what’s your take on this?”

  Chuck Morris replied, “I think we need to have trust and faith in the OSC sir, I would like to be in attendance when they go in and I will ensure the local Police set up the perimeter and keep back from the warehouse.”

  “How do you intend to keep our Police out of the loop until the last minute Chuck?”

  “The chief of police down there is a close friend sir, I intend to call in and see him with Tracy as soon as we are done here.”

  “Can you guarantee this man’s integrity Chuck?”

  “I would trust this man with my family’s life’s sir.”

  “Okay Chuck, keep me in the loop, hopefully this time tomorrow this will all be over!”

  Chuck Morris stood up and replied, “God willing Mr President,” he turned and beckoned to Tracy to follow him.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were driving out of the Whitehouse on route back to Virginia.


  Virginia Police HQ

  7700 Midlothian Turnpike

  North Chesterfield, VA 23235

  Lat = 37 degrees, 30.0 minutes North

  Long = 77 degrees, 32.3 minutes West

  Tuesday 19th September 1989 (same day)

  Sixteen thirty hours EDT

  The Virginia State Police is a state agency, conceived in 1919 and established in 1932, that acts as the state police force for the Commonwealth of Virginia in the United States. The agency originated out of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles as an inspector and enforcer of highway laws.

  Wayne Rochester had served in the Police for twenty-nine years and currently held the rank of Colonel of Police for the state of Virginia; he had received a phone call from Chuck Morris, who had asked for a meeting in his office for four thirty pm.

  Being a Monday he had busied himself with the usual beginning of the week tasks of allocating resources, reviewing the weekend crime statistics with his senior officers and managing the forces budget associated with this.

  His phone broke into his thoughts, he picked up and listened to the caller and replied, “Bring them to my office Jacky.”

  A couple of minutes later Chuck Morris and Tracy were led into his office by Jacky, Wayne looked up and said, thank you Jacky that will be all for the moment.”

  He stood up, walked around his desk, extended his right hand to Chuck, and said, “It’s good to see you Chuck and you too Tracy.”

  Both men shook hands and then Wayne gave Tracy a hug.

  Wayne Rochester was Tracy’s Godfather and over the years had watched her grow and develop into a fine woman, as well as following her career within the FBI.

  He said, “Please take a chair.”

  When all three were seated, Wayne said, “I presume this is not a social visit Chuck?”

  Chuck Morris replied, “Unfortunately it is not Wayne, I am here to discuss a delicate issue and ask for your assistance however at this stage I am not at liberty to give you the full details. If you wish, you can contact The President to verify my presence here Wayne.”

  Wayne looked at him for a moment and replied, “Chuck how long have we known each other?”

  Chuck replied, “Nearly thirty-five years Wayne.”

  Wayne said, “Exactly so what can I do for you Chuck?”

  Chuck began to brief him on the matter, “there is a warehouse on Nicholson Street, Richmond just of the James river that we have an interest in...”

  Wayne interrupted him and said, “I know the area well Chuck, please continue.”

  Chuck said, “Maybe it will be better for Tracy to continue, she has been actively involved on the ground with this one, Tracy if you will!”

  Before Tracy could say anything Wayne chuckled and said, “interesting, the CIA and FBI working together, now that’s a first!”

  Chuck replied, “As I said Wayne, this is a delicate matter and the security and safety of the people of this country hangs in the balance with the outcome.”

  Wayne put both hands up palms facing outwards and replied, “Please Tracy, continue.”

  Tracy began to outline what she and her father had discussed on the journey down, keeping it minimalistic.

  “The warehouse is currently heavily guarded by armed men believed to be from the Soviet bloc, what is in the warehouse I am not at liberty to tell you sir, but we are going in tonight around midnight. We would like your help in setting up a hard perimeter once our people are at the staging area.”

  Wayne paused for a moment when Tracy had finished and then said, “Okay, I will arrange for a set of plans of the area to be brought to my office, would you like some coffee?”

  Ten minutes later the three of them were sipping their coffees and looking down at a large map on the desk showing the area, Tracy had pointed out the location of the warehouse and Wayne was now analysing the area to locate his Troopers.

  Wayne spent a few minutes covering the area and using a pen marked off five circles and the said, “this is where I would place the road blocks.”

  He began pointing to the circles he had made and said, “First on the north-western side here at Williamsburg Avenue and East Main Street, three here on the eastern side at Government road with the intersections with Stony Run road, Admiral Gravely Boulevard and Government Road. Finally one on the southern side Old Osborne Turnpike with the intersection with Bickerstaff Road. The Western side has the James River, I can arrange for a Police launch to cover that area and utilise Troopers from Division One on the road blocks.”

  Wayne dropped the pen on the chart and looked at Chuck and Tracy.

  Chuck said to Tracy, “how does that fit in with our plans Tracy?”

  Tracy had followed Wayne’s deployment and replied, “Yes; that should work fine.”

  Wayne said, “So; what time do you want this in place?”

  Chuck looked at Tracy and said, “It’s your call?”

  “Have your people on standby at a local precinct from twenty-three hundred hours, I will make the call when our teams are in place to deploy your people sir.”

  Wayne replied, “in that case I will personally be in attendance and supervise this from my end, before you go Tracy I will give you a radio handset to contact me at the appropriate time. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  Chuck Morris replied, “We appreciate your assistance and I think that is all Wayne. Again, I must emphasise a total blackout on this operation, even at your end, none of your people are to know the target area until the perimeter is secured and the teams go in.”

  “You can count on me Chuck, now Tracy if you will come with me I will requisition you with the radio.”


  Safe house

  Stockton lane

  Richmond, Virginia


  Lat = 37 degrees, 33.2 minutes North

  Long = 77 degrees, 30.0 minutes West

  Tuesday 19th September 1989 (same day)

  Twenty-one hundred hours EDT

  With the exception of two members of team six whom were still keeping eyes on the warehouse, everyone else was now sitting around the large table in the kitchen area as Max laid out his action plan.

  Tracy had brought a large whiteboard from the CIA HQ and a large pair of bolt cutters at Max’s request.

  Max had spent a couple of hours prior to the briefing outlining the warehouse area along with the surrounding area where the hard
perimeter would be put in place, on the white board together with a pad with his briefing notes for the AP.

  Max began, “firstly all weapons will be supressed and we will be going in at this point here wearing full PASGT,” Max, pointed to the south western corner of the perimeter fence, “I will lead in with Roy’s team cut the fence and make our entry. Vas I want your team to take out the roof top guards with four snipers just before Roy goes in, your Intel states they should be visible from ground level is that still correct?”

  Vas replied, “That’s affirmative sir.”

  Max continued, “Roy once the rooftop guards are down simultaneously take out the two perimeter guards here on the southern and western flanks. Secure this area then move to take the two remaining perimeter guards out here on the eastern and northern flanks. Any questions so far?”

  There were no responses so Max continued, “the main door here,” Max indicated the door on the eastern side of the building, “It appears to have a control box outside to operate it, once the roof guards are down Vas. I want your and four of your team straight in to back up Roy’s team, keep two snipers on standby outside. We need to be prepared to blow the doors if we cannot open them. Roy have one of your team with the appropriate charge for this. As soon as we are in Roy your team break to the left, Vas your team to the right and take them down, any questions?”

  Tracy spoke up, “Max this may seem a silly question but would it not be better to use stun grenades prior to going into the warehouse?”

  Max replied, “Under normal circumstances that would be precisely what we would implement Tracy; however we have to consider the Red Mercury device, any explosions within the warehouse could potentially trigger whatever system it may be linked too,” Max turned to Sergeant Cray their bomb disposal expert and said, “would you agree sergeant?”

  “Yes sir, at present we have no Intel on the state of the Red Mercury.”

  Tracy said, “My apologies Max, not really used to all this gung-ho action stuff.”

  “No need for apologies Tracy, I always appreciate input from all sources, has anyone else any input?”


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