Red Mercury

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Red Mercury Page 25

by M. W. Fletcher

Thursday 21st September 1989(same day)

  Fifteen fifty-six hours

  Directly above the CIA safe house the OSC’s satellite was looking down at the house with its highly powered lenses.

  Back at ICIS, Major Strayker and Vince Edwards were monitoring the large plasma screen displaying the images from the satellite.

  GAIL said, “This is the house the two CIA operatives have come to an hour ago.”

  The plasma screen single image then split into two images and GAIL continued, “The left image is real time, the right is thirty minutes ago, as you can see a figure is walking across the back area to another smaller building.”

  This image fast-forwarded showing the figure coming out of the outer building carrying an object.

  Strayker said, “Zoom in on the image and the object being carried GAIL?”

  A couple of seconds later the satellites lens tightened up on the figure and Strayker said, “It’s a female possibly the Korean woman Sun-Yung and is that a case she is carrying?”

  GAIL replied, “One moment sir, I will sharpen the image up for you.”

  Several seconds later the image was clearer and Strayker said, “Sun-Yung and if I am not mistaken she is carrying a small metallic looking suitcase.”

  Vince said, “GAIL can you tighten up on the suitcase please?”

  The image of the suitcase was now clearer and Vince said, “if I am not mistaken, just the right size for a suitcase bomb!”

  Strayker said, “how far away is team-6 GAIL?”

  “As soon as I confirmed the destination of the targets, I relayed the address to team-6; they should be less than twenty-five minutes away sir.”

  “Put me on the Comms to them GAIL?”

  Gail replied, “You are on sir.”

  “Eagle-2 to team-6 what’s your ETA to the address over?”

  One of the team responded, “Sir, twenty minutes, over.”

  “As soon as you are on site set up an OP and keep eyes on the premises, over.”

  “Understood sir, team-6 out.”

  Strayker thought for a moment and then said, GAIL connect me to Max?”

  A few seconds alter Strayker was connected to Max, “Max, we have the two CIA operatives at a house with the Korean woman Sun-Yung and it looks like they have the device contained within a suitcase. Team-6 are twenty minutes away and have ordered them to set up an OP on the address. I want you to take a team with sergeant Cray to the address, it’s time to take them and the device out of play.”

  Max replied, “Copy that sir, have GAIL send the coordinates to my PCDL and I will take Tracy to guide us there.”

  GAIL’s voice interrupted and said, “details now being downloaded to you eagle-3.”

  Max looked at his PCDL and replied, “got them GAIL, how good are we for satellite coverage for when I get there GAIL?”

  “Once team-6 are on site I will reconfigure the satellites trajectory and should have it back overhead when you arrive.”

  “Roger that we will be on our way in the next ten minutes, eagle-3 out.”


  CIA safe house

  10705 Mockingbird Lane


  VA 22553

  Lat = 38 degrees, 12.5 minutes North

  Long = 77 degrees, 34.1 minutes West

  Thursday 21st September 1989(same day)

  Twenty one hundred hours EDT

  The three-man team of team-6 had arrived onsite and were keeping eyes on the house when they observed a taxi pull up outside the address a minute later a woman emerged from the house carrying a holdall one of the team spoke into his Codetta, “team-6 to eagle-3 over.”

  Max was still on route to their location when the call came in, “team-6 go!”

  “We have movement at the address a woman has just come out and is getting into a taxi, over.”

  Max said, “can you confirm it is Sun-Yung, over?”

  “That’s affirmative eagle-3, over.”

  Max quickly thought and then said, “okay; one of you stay on site and the other two follow the taxi, over.”

  “Roger that, confirming one to stay on site and two too follow, over.”

  “That’s affirmative team-6 we should be on site in forty-five minutes, eagle-3 out.”

  Sun-Yung climbed into the rear of the taxi placing her holdall on the seat beside her and gave the driver directions.

  As the taxi pulled off and headed down the road the OSC’s black Ford SUV emerged and took up a following position.

  Forty minutes later Max and the teams arrived and parked, the two SUV’s up down the road and out of site.

  The group consisted of Roy Smith and his six-men from team-2, Vas Dembo with three of his team-6, Sergeant Cray and Tracy Morris.

  Max instructed the teams to equip-up and be ready for a forced entry into the house and left them and along with Roy, he located the team-6 member whom was keeping eyes on the house across the road in an area of shrubs and trees.

  Max said to the OSC man, “give me a SITREP?”

  “Sir nothing has happened since the woman left and the two CIA men are still inside.”

  Max nodded and then used his binoculars to scope the area; the houses were well spread apart and as he eyed the house, the odd car dove along the street, but at the moment there was no pedestrian activity.

  The house had a light on in one of the downstairs rooms, Max looked at his watch showing twenty-one fifty-eight hours and said to the OSC man, “keep eyes on the house; I will be sending a recce party to the rear to ascertain our options before we go in.”

  He then turned to Roy and said, “back to the teams Roy.”

  A couple of minutes later they were back at the vehicles just as the teams were completing weapons checks.

  Tracy had watched as the men had quickly changed into their unique assault uniform and body armour Roy came over to her gave her a knowing smile and said, “there’s a lot of male testosterone on display here Tracy, you can turn away if you wish?”

  “Don’t worry your heart out on that score Roy, I spent time at Quantico and spent half my time there amongst half naked men.”

  Max interrupted their banter and said, “okay everyone gather around, firstly we want them alive so first choice of weapon will be the Taser. Before we go in I want you Vas to take your three men around the back of the house and complete a recce, once you have done that stay there and give me a SITREP.”

  Vas replied, “will do sir.”

  “Roy keep your team here with Tracy, I will return to our eyes on the front of the house, any questions?”

  There was a moments silence before Max said, “okay Vas move in.”

  Vas spent a minute eying the immediate area before he and his team made their way across the road and circumnavigated their way to the rear of the house undetected.

  Max had made his way back to the team-6 member watching the house.

  It was fifteen minutes later when Vas spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 SITREP update as follows, there is a lot of open area at the rear of the address and a large garage style building. We have checked it but nothing of interest in there. The rear door is unlocked and can be opened without forcing it, over.”

  Max said, “roger that, any signs of our targets in the back of the house, over?”

  “Negative the rear is in darkness, over.”

  Max said, “standby eagle-6, out.”

  Max spoke into his Comms this time to ICIS, “eagle-3 to ICIS is our bird overhead, over.”

  GAIL replied, “Affirmative eagle-3, the Major and Vince are here monitoring your progress, thermal imaging shows only two individuals in the front room of the house, over.”

  “Thank you ICIS, standby!”

  Max made his way b
ack to the vehicles and liaised with Roy who had been listening in to the Comms chatter.

  Max said, “we need to do this ultra-quietly Roy, we cannot afford any of the neighbours becoming involved or the local Police, your thoughts?”

  Roy thought for a few moments before replying, “a subtle diversion could be the answer,” he pointed to the CIA car parked on the roadway outside the house.

  Max was a true leader of men and never made himself an island always respecting the input from his trusted team leaders that in the past had led to successful operations.

  He immediately could see where Roy’s mind was going and said, “we need a distraction by triggering the alarm on the vehicle, enabling our men to enter through the rear as they come out, like it Roy.”

  Roy said, “a silenced round to one of the tyres should cause the vehicles motion sensor to trigger the alarm as the vehicle tilts.”

  Max said, “okay Roy we go in fifteen minutes, select one of your team for the shot, I will make my way to Vas and coordinate from there.”

  “Leave it with Max.”

  Max moved over to one of the vehicles and began stripping off to put on his uniform.

  Tracy had listened into their conversation and once Max had moved away, she approached Roy and said, “You guys are good, in fact I don’t think we have anyone better than you Roy!”

  Roy said, “your country has many brave men and woman whom put their lives on the line every day in your country and around the world, we are really no different Tracy.”

  “That maybe so Roy, but you Max and your men are here trying to prevent a possible World War-3 occurring, all because we have people within our ranks that have gone rogue and do not want this SALT agreement to take place.”

  Roy said, “people are people wherever you go around the world Tracy and some of them have their own agendas that conflict with others, in fact you could say that many wars are caused by either religion or politics and sometimes both.”

  Tracy looked at him for a few moments and then said, “you know what Roy! You have a very astute mind for a soldier.”

  “Why thank you Tracy, now if you will excuse me I must attend to the diversion tactic.

  Fifteen minutes later Max was with Vas and his three-man team, Vas had two Tasers in his hands and handed one to Max.

  Max said to Vas and the three-men, once the distraction has been implemented we wait for confirmation of the targets coming to the front and we go in the back, we position ourselves to Taser them once they come back inside,” Max looked at his watch and then spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 to eagle-4 instigate diversion, over.”

  Roy was alongside the team member tasked with the shot, they were both lying down a hundred yards from the vehicle.

  Roy tapped his team member on the shoulder, the pre-arranged signal to take the shot.

  The shooter equipped with his suppressed L96A1 was in the prone position by far, this is the most accurate field position for sniping with his legs spread out and feet, arched down partly embedded in the ground and the rifle tight in his shoulder this position looks like a ‘Y’ shape.

  This position is also the most stable position as to enable the recoil to be absorbed through your body. This will cut the recoil enough to give better accuracy especially at longer ranges.

  The rifle was being held tightly against his cheek creating the cheek weld or stock weld.

  The shooter had already begun his breathing routine along with watching the oscillation of the rifle over the target area caused by his breathing.

  As he felt the tap on his shoulder he then filled his lungs with air and held his breath and the sights dropped directly onto the target, he then squeezed the trigger back through the first stage and then squeezed again through the second stage.

  The round left the muzzle silently and immediately struck one of the car’s rear tyres, causing it to rapidly deflate tilting the car to that side and immediately followed by the cars alarm activating.

  The cars alarm had a high pitch warble along with the turn indicators flashing and within several seconds the front door opened and two figures came out of the house and looked at their car.

  Both men then walked over to the vehicle and Roy spoke into his Comms, “eagle-4 to eagle-3 both targets at front of house with car, you are clear to go, over.”

  Max replied, “Copy that 4 we are going for entry, out.”

  Max led the team as they ran over to the back door and immediately gained access into the darkened kitchen area.

  Max and Vas moved forward to the living room area that was illuminated and they observed the front door partially open, they moved into this area, found two positions directly either side of the door, and flattened themselves against the wall.

  Max scanned the area of the living room, quickly eyed the suitcase, and said into his Comms, “eagle-3 to ICIS I have eyes on the suitcase, over.”

  Strayker replied, “Copy that 3 good work, out.”

  The three-team members stayed in darkness of the kitchen area with one watching the rear garden and the other two ready to assist Max and VAS.

  Outside Carter and McFaul were looking at the flat tyre and then began looking around the area; McFaul scratched his head and said, “A bloody flat, well it can wait until the morning as far as I am concerned!”

  Carter bent back down to look at the tyre more closely, but in the dark, he was not able to properly scrutinise the damaged tyre.

  He stood up had another look around and said, “Okay Sean, I’ll give a garage a ring in the morning and they can come out and fix it, no need for us to get dirty doing it, come on time for drink.”

  Sean reset the cars alarm and both men turned and walked back to the house, Roy was quickly scanning the area and had noticed a few neighbours curtains being opened and heads peering out, but the curtains quickly were closed.

  Roy spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 targets coming back in, over.”

  Max quickly replied, “Received, out.”

  Carter was first through the door and walked straight into the living room towards the kitchen; McFaul followed through the partially opened door and reached with his right hand closing it behind him.

  As he followed Carter two things happened simultaneously, he observed his partner suddenly going into an apparent spasm, Carters arms went rigid down his sides and he violently shook like a rag doll and collapsed to the floor.

  At that same moment, he felt his body being racked by a violent jolt of pain causing his muscles to seize and he blacked out before he hit the floor.

  The twin electronic barbs attached to cables found the rear of each man’s torso discharging the fifty-thousand volt charge.

  As soon as the targets hit the floor, Max spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 to all teams targets down, repeat targets down, out.”

  Both Max and Vas approached the inert bodies on the floor and removed the Taser barbs from their backs as two of the team came in from the kitchen.

  Carter and McFaul were quickly secured using plastic ties and dragged out to the rear door area, Max spoke into his Comms, “eagle-4 bring a vehicle up to the house for our guests and bring sergeant Cray over.”

  Roy replied, “on our way eagle-3, out.”

  Five minutes later Sergeant Cray along with his kit bag was in the house examining the suitcase.

  Max watched him for a few minutes as he looked closely at the suitcase and then gently lifted it and perused the underside, he replaced it back on the table and turned to Max, “Sir; it doesn’t feel right with the weight, its lighter than it should be!”

  Max said, “What are you saying sergeant?”

  “This suitcase if it contained a device would be heavier than it is sir.”

  “Can it be opened sergeant?”

  Sergeant Cray paused for a few mom
ents and looked at the suitcase again before replying, “this type of weapon would normally be set up to be prepared using the twin lock combinations and that would normally then arm the device, with a time delay to detonation. I can safely say that at the moment if the device is in there it is safe, I will need to get it back to the safe house to examine it further, maybe the two CIA men will be able to assist, sir.”

  “Okay sergeant, put the device in one of the vehicles we are out of here.

  Five minutes later Carter and McFaul were in one of the OSC’s vehicles heading back to the safe house in Richmond.

  Max now turned his attention to the whereabouts of Sun-Yung and spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 to mobile-6 SITREP over?”

  One of the two-man team replied, “eagle-3 we are about forty miles from the house, target has made a stop on route and used a payphone and has now been dropped off at a diner by the taxi several minutes ago and is at present inside the diner over.”

  “Can you remember where the phone was where she made the call from, over?”

  “The taxi pulled of route-95 onto Warrenton road that leads to the town of Falmouth and the payphone was located two hundred yards down the road on the corner with Short Street, she spent about fifteen minutes on the phone sir.”

  Max said, “I want one of you in the diner with eyes on her, over.”

  “Copy that eagle-3, out.”

  Max spoke into his Comms, “eagle-3 to ICIS, can you see if you can trace that call, over?”

  Vince Edwards replied, “GAIL is already on it eagle-3.”

  “Copy that, get back to me as soon as you have any information about the call, eagle-3 out.”



  Just of route 95

  305 Garrisonville Road


  VA 22554

  Lat = 38 degrees, 28.0 minutes North

  Long = 77 degrees, 24.7 minutes West

  Thursday 21st September 1989(same day)

  Twenty two fifty-seven hours EDT

  As soon as the taxi had dropped her off, Sun-Yung entered the Diner and was met by a man.

  The two of them left the Diner through the back door and both climbed into a waiting car that drove off heading east along Garrison road and then north on route-95.


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