Shifter Overdrive (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set)

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Shifter Overdrive (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set) Page 35

by Scarlett Grove

  He pushed his fingers into her panties and dipped a finger into her wet slit. He growled into her ear.

  “You are so wet for me, Lucy. God. I want to fuck you. I need to see your pussy now.”

  He pulled her clothes off with such a quick flurry of hands that she was naked in what seemed like seconds. He threw off his own clothes just as quickly and parted her legs.

  “Caleb got your pussy all to himself the last time. Now it’s all mine.”

  He spread her legs and dove in, his tongue landing on her clit without warning. Lucy groaned and arched her back. Elijah didn’t tease or taunt; he went for it. He licked her all over, up and down, wetting her pussy with his thick tongue. He pressed against her clit and slid a finger inside her pussy, fucking her with his hand.

  “You taste so sweet,” he moaned. “No wander Caleb wanted you all to himself.”

  Elijah had brought her to the edge of orgasm so quickly that her head was spinning. She threaded her fingers through his hair as he ate her pussy with furious abandon.

  He slipped another finger inside her, bending them upward as he slid in and out of her. His fingers pressed against her G-spot as he sucked her clit into his mouth. She erupted with pleasure, her pussy clenching on his fingers.

  Just as she came, Elijah was on top of her. He kissed her, the taste of her juices still on his lips. His cock slipped easily inside her soaking entrance. He inched into her, holding himself back from plunging inside.

  Lucy groaned under him, wanted to feel him fill her with his massive shaft. He placed his hand on her hairline and looked into her eyes. His eyes glowed hot with desire, and she could see him straining to enter her slowly.

  “You’re so tight. I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, Lucy,” he groaned, sliding just an inch farther into her. The wait was torture. His girth stretched her wide, but she couldn’t stand it any longer. She needed him.

  She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper. He growled, and his cock sank deep until his balls brushed against her ass. She moaned with the slicing pain and pleasure of being filled again with so much cock. Just the day before, Caleb had filled her, leaving her swollen and sore.

  Elijah breathed into her ear and nibbled at her lobe. “I can’t hold back any longer, Lucy. I know you’re sore, but I have to fuck you. I need to fill your sweet little cunt with my seed.”

  She wanted that more than anything. Consequences be damned. She’d think about it tomorrow. Her life was a hot mess anyway, and she’d already let Caleb come inside her.

  “Yes, please. Fuck me.”

  That was all it took. It was as if something snapped inside Elijah, and she saw a side of him she’d never seen before. His wolf seemed barely hidden behind the mask of the man. He growled, baring his teeth as his hips thrust against her core.

  He pumped into her pussy hard and fast, without hesitation. There was nothing gentle about this fucking. It was so unlike Elijah that all Lucy could do was hold on for dear life. His massive cock thrust again and again into her wet, swollen pussy.

  “Oh, God!” she screamed, clinging to him like a drowning woman. He pushed against her G-spot over and over, making her come with such insistence that she didn’t know where one orgasm stopped and the next began.

  The sound of flesh smacking flesh filled her ears along with the sound of her own moaning breaths. Elijah groaned into her neck. His cock strained inside her as he thrust several times, hard.

  His cum shot deep into her womb, filling her with hot, sticky seed. The feeling of it propelled her rocketing into another orgasm. They breathed into each other’s necks as their bodies throbbed together in time.

  Finally Elijah rolled away, and she slid under his arm to rest her head on his chest. It had been another mind-blowing experience, the kind of thing a girl might travel across the world to get another taste of. She bit her lip, her pussy still pulsing.

  Chapter 16

  When Lucy woke early the next morning, dread descended over her body and mind. She had to go to work today and face Mr. Bars. She shivered at the thought as she climbed out of bed. Elijah still lay asleep under her flowery comforter. She smiled. The sight of him made her feel safer.

  She showered and dressed and went to the kitchen to make herself coffee before heading to work. Elijah came out of the bedroom in his boxer shorts, his beard a touch more full and his dark hair ruffled from sleep. Could a man look sexier?

  She could see the hint of morning wood inside his shorts. She raised her eyebrow over her cup of coffee. If she only had time.

  “What’s the plan for today?” he asked, scratching the soft black hairs on his chest as he slid onto a stool at her counter.

  “Work. I have things I have to deal with.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”


  “I can smell you’re scared. I can help you. I’ve got kung fu skills.”

  She giggled. Even though he sounded as though he was joking, Lucy had a feeling he was serious. “I don’t think kung fu is going to help this situation.”

  “You’d be surprised how many situations it actually does help in.”

  “I’m sure it does. Just not office politics. I’ll be home after five. Then we can talk about how to get you home.”

  “Home? I thought I was moving in,” he said pouring himself a cup of coffee. She slapped him gently with the back of her hand and gave him a sideways look.

  “No. You have to get home, and I have to go on with my life. I’m glad you came with me. Maybe we can, you know, have a long-distance thing. I wouldn’t mind coming to visit, but we can’t be more than that. My life is here and your life is there. Plus, I still haven’t forgiven you.”

  Elijah suddenly sank to his knees in a comically exaggerated way. “Lucy Zimmer, I beg for your forgiveness. I was a fool. I accept any punishment you require.”

  “Get up,” she said, rolling her eyes. He was kind of cute on his knees for her. She could see the hint of an erection still inside his underwear. He stood and gave her a wolfish grin. “Okay. I forgive you. But I still can’t go back to Mystic Harbor. I have things to deal with.”

  “Okay. I can accept whatever you decide, Lucy. I respect your autonomy.”

  She laughed at him and sighed. “I’ve got to go. We’ll talk about this later.”

  She grabbed her bag and hurried out the door. Lucy got in her car and stared out the front window. The last thing she wanted to do in the world was to go to work today. Not only had she not answered any of his messages, she’d missed a day of work without calling in.

  She might not even have a job when she went in to work today. Gritting her teeth, she turned the key in the ignition and backed out of her parking spot.

  She made it to work a few minutes early and poured herself another cup of caffeinated courage from the break room. Slowly she made her way to her supervisor’s office. Ms. Cavendish was in her office already, filing papers.

  “Ms. Zimmer,” her supervisor beckoned, waving her hand for Lucy to come into her office. “What happened yesterday? I called you several times. Were you ill?”

  “My car broke down on the coast, and I was stranded. I just got back to civilization last night.” The half truth slid off her tongue with ease.

  “Oh, that’s terrible. Did you get everything sorted out with your car?”

  “Yes. It should be fine now.”

  Lucy left Ms. Cavendish’s office with a sigh of relief. Lucy hadn’t taken more than one sick day in the two years she’d worked there. This infraction would be easy for Ms. Cavendish to forgive, but she doubted it would be for Mr. Bars.

  She sat at her desk and set her coffee down beside her computer. A stack of research files sat in her file bin. She groaned and started to flip through them. An entire day’s worth of work to catch up on. Might as well get to it.

  Just as Lucy began sorting the files, she heard a voice from down the hall. “Ms. Zimmer. My office. Now,” Mr. Bars commanded. A wave of cold blew
over Lucy’s shoulders, making her shiver. This was it.

  She gulped and stood, taking a pad and pen with her in an effort to appear professional.

  She entered his office and left the door open, knowing that he would do something lascivious if they were left in private. He looked up at her from behind his desk, and his eyes narrowed at her from under his bushy eyebrows.

  “Close the door and have a seat, Ms. Zimmer,” he said with a smirk.

  Lucy sighed and closed the door, feeling her heart doing flip-flops in her chest. At that moment, she wished she’d stayed on the farm with Elijah and Caleb. She gulped as she approached Mr. Bars’s desk. Having Elijah back at her apartment gave her a small sense of safety.

  She sat, her fight-or-flight response on high alert. Why had she come back to work? Gritting her teeth, she pulled out her pen and looked Mr. Bars in the eyes. I’m stronger than this. She’d survived a night in the woods and had a threesome with two werewolves. Mr. Bars was just some old pervert schmuck. Nevertheless, she couldn’t keep her hands from shaking.

  “Ms. Zimmer. I left you numerous messages telling you to come in to work over the weekend. Then you missed Monday without a single response. That is an offense worthy of termination.”

  “I told Ms. Cavendish why I was absent yesterday. My car broke down on the coast far from a phone. It was a serious emergency. Sorry I didn’t make it in to work on the weekend when I was stranded in the middle of nowhere,” she said, with an edge in her voice.

  “Don’t play games with me, little girl. You won’t win. Now, stand up and lean over the desk or you’re fired.”

  “No,” she said, her hands trembling.

  “What? You realize that if I fire you, I won’t give you a reference.”

  “You realize that what you are doing is completely illegal. I’m not going to let you rape me to keep a crappy entry-level job, you freaking disgusting old man,” she said, standing. She couldn’t keep her voice from wavering, but she’d said it.

  Mr. Bars stood and pounded his fist on the desk, growling at her and showing his yellowing teeth. “You’ll never work in the law again,” he shouted.

  “I’d rather work at McDonald's than let you touch me.” She turned toward the door and yanked it open. Her heart pounded in her ears, and she felt close to passing out as the blood rushed to her organs and away from her extremities, leaving her hands cold and numb.

  “Get out of this office immediately,” he yelled behind her.

  “You don’t have to worry about that!”

  Lucy dumped out the wastepaper basket and poured her personal items into it before grabbing her little fern and a picture of her at the beach taken a few years ago.

  She had no idea what she would do next, but she knew for damn sure she would never let a man treat her so badly, ever again.

  Chapter 17

  Caleb stripped out of his clothes and shifted on the front porch. His link with Elijah told him that Elijah and Lucy had been making progress back in Portland. They’d made love, which made Caleb glad. The sooner he and Elijah got their mate back, the sooner they could start making pups.

  He trotted down the stairs and broke into a canter as he passed by the gardens and into the meadow before he broke into the forest. The creek filled his nose with the scent of fish and water weeds.

  Stepping through the brisk, cool water, he emerged on the other side of the stream. He picked up a new scent. The coyotes had returned. He was sure of it. Their scent was fresh, little more than an hour old. Growling, he broke into a full gallop as he tore through the springtime forest.

  Soft sunlight filtered through the alders as new leaves sprang from the ripening buds. The scent grew stronger as he came to a stand of Douglas fir that dripped with moss and lichen. He clawed at the underbrush, bringing the strong smell of coyote into his lungs. Someone had marked these woods. This was his territory. He and Elijah marked this land at least once a week, and the land belonged to them by law.

  Furious, he growled and yipped as he followed the scent farther into the dense forest. The smell of fresh deer blood rankled his nose. They’d been hunting his deer! He galloped after the scent and found the pack of coyotes in a clearing standing over a fresh kill. First they’d stolen from his traps, and now they were openly hunting on his land. This had to stop now.

  Caleb lunged for the leader of the pack, not thinking twice about the fact that he was outnumbered six to one. He gripped the leader’s neck and bit down hard. The coyote had already taken two injuries from Caleb, but he just kept coming back. The idiot didn’t learn.

  The rest of the pack jumped on Caleb, biting and clawing at the alpha wolf. He fought them off with his superior strength and size. They scurried back and circled him. One of them had taken a deep bite out of Caleb’s foreleg, and it bled profusely.

  Caleb could feel the wound draining him of strength as the pain coursed through his body. He took a step forward, but the bleeding gash caused him to limp. The circling coyotes took advantage of his momentary lapse and charged at him all at once, teeth bared and snarling.

  Lucy came home to find Elijah frantically pacing the apartment.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, dropping her things on the kitchen table.

  “Caleb’s been hurt. We need to go?”

  “Is it bad?” she asked, her heart leaping with fear. She’d barely thought since she’d left Bars & Associates. Hearing that Caleb was in trouble snapped her into focus.

  “It’s bad. I need you to drive me back to the coast. Pack some things and let’s go.” His suitcase was already packed and waiting by the door.

  “Sure. Why not? I quit my job today,” she said, moving to the bedroom.

  “What happened?” he asked, pulling snacks out of her cabinets and putting them in a bag.

  “My boss was threatening to fire me if I didn’t let him fuck me over his desk, so I told him off.”

  “He what?” Elijah growled, his face and hands half shifting into wolf form. The amber glow of his eyes shone brightly in Lucy’s dim apartment.

  “It isn’t a problem anymore. I’m never going back there. I should sue his ass. I have evidence.”

  “We should chew him up and leave the remains in a dumpster,” Elijah growled, dropping the bag of snacks on the table.

  “Calm down. No one is eating anyone. I’ll figure something out. Okay? Just don’t go eat him. It will be fine.”

  “We will talk about this later. Now, please go pack.”

  Lucy pursed her lips and turned to the bedroom. The idea of tearing Mr. Bars to shreds did have a certain appeal, but that wasn’t the way mature people handled things. Once she’d settled her nerves, she’d look into suing, if not for herself, for any other woman who might work for that bastard or any other bastard who would do the same thing.

  She threw some clothes in a suitcase and met Elijah by the front door with her jacket. “Let’s go,” she said.

  Elijah drove most of the way to the coast, saying he could handle the twisting highway more quickly than she because of his shifter reflexes. She was more than happy to let him drive. Avoiding the stress of maneuvering over the coastal mountain pass would be a good rest for her frayed nerves.

  They made it to the coast an hour faster than she would have without even speeding. Elijah certainly was a good driver with those shifter senses. It made her wonder what it would be like to be a shifter herself.

  As they drew closer to his property, Elijah grew darker and more growly every second. Lucy had been terribly worried about Caleb the entire way. It made her realize just how important he and Elijah were to her. She couldn’t fight it any longer.

  Chapter 18

  Elijah and Caleb’s driveway was filled with parked cars. Lucy followed Elijah up the front steps of the house to find the front room filled with a pack of brawny men and svelte woman.

  Lucy felt awkward in the presence of so many good-looking people, especially the slim, athletic women. She reminded herself that Caleb and
Elijah loved her curves as much as she did. As she stood among the pack, she was surer than ever that she didn’t want her twin alphas looking at any other woman but her.

  She found her way up the stairs and into Caleb’s room to find Elijah sitting beside his bed. Caleb’s face was half hidden under a bandage, and the part that showed was black and blue from bruises and red from cuts. His neck was heavily bandaged, and so were his right arm and ribs.

  Her heart fell like a stone into the pit of her stomach, and she gasped. She hurried to him and sat beside his bed on the opposite side from Elijah.

  “What happened?” she pleaded, wanting to do something to help him, anything.

  “I was attacked by the coyotes while shifted. There were too many of them. I couldn’t defend against them all,” he said, his voice low and broken.

  “We will tear them apart,” said a burly man who stood in the doorway of Caleb’s room. “Give us the go-ahead, Caleb, and we will go right now. There won’t be a shred of them left.”

  “We wait until I’m well,” Caleb asserted. “I won’t have the pack fighting my battles without me. Those coyotes are mine. I want to taste their blood on my tongue and hear the sound of their bones breaking.”

  Lucy was taken aback by his words, but she knew that deep down, she felt the same way.

  “You will take months to heal, sir. We should deal with this now.”

  “You heard my brother,” Elijah barked. “I agree with him. I’m here now. Tell everyone to go home. We will call you when it’s time.”

  The man growled and turned out the door as Elijah’s eyes glowed amber and his teeth sharpened and grew inside his mouth. He looked down at his brother, a deep frown on his face.

  “He was right. You will take months to heal,” Elijah said, his voice gravely. Caleb curled his lip at his brother. “I’m calling the witch healer.”

  “Witch healer!” Lucy said.


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