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A Little Bit of Fur

Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  “Lube.” He bit out.

  “Hmm?” Her eyes were closed and a small, half smile, graced her lips.

  “Got it!” Thank God his mate had a clear head and had gone searching through drawers.

  Ian’s cock remained hard and still between her legs, nestled in the valley of her thighs while her pussy continued to coat him in the evidence of her continued arousal. The heat of her beckoned him, taunted and teased him in a way no other ever had before. This was a different type of mating, a different kind of coming together than he’d experienced with Chris. There was still no doubt that Chris was his, but Nic… Nic meant something different to his cat.

  He rocked his hips against her, dick sliding along her slit and rubbing that spot that aroused them both. Her clit, hard and needy, rubbed beneath the crown of his cock, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine.

  Meanwhile, his lover toyed with his ass, circling and teasing with a lubricated finger. He growled a warning to his mate. He wanted, no, needed more.

  “Now, Kit.” He barked his lover’s name.

  Chris, the ass, chuckled in return and shoved two fingers in his ass and he nearly sighed aloud. To fill and be filled. That had been one of Ian’s fantasies for so long. And now it was about to come true.

  His cock throbbed and cat clawed with an insisting need to be inside the woman beneath him. Her eyes had glazed over to reveal pure lust… and something more. Or was it his imagination? Was he superimposing his own emotions onto her? He didn’t know, and prayed that what he saw was real… true.

  He rocked his hips between his two lovers, impaling himself on Chris’s fingers while rubbing that sweet spot on Nic’s body. Back and forth he worked, over and again. The entire time, knowing that relief wouldn’t come until his body relaxed.

  After what seemed like hours, he felt Chris align his cock with his ass and slowly press forward, slipping past that first ring of muscle and then the second.

  Ian moaned aloud. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”

  Stretched and filled, he froze for a moment, allowing his body to become accustomed to the invasion. Chris’s dick filled him like no other ever had, or ever would. Perfection.

  Once fully seated, his lover froze and Ian pushed back. “Shift. Just… a…” Ian repositioned his cock at Nic’s entrance, “little.” He slid into her waiting heat slowly, parting her flesh with his cock with infinite care.

  His cat, churning below the surface, forced his hands to shift and change with this initial claiming. His fingers elongated into claws and tore into the bed linens while his cock throbbed deep in her cunt. White-hot heat surrounded him, burned in him like a never-ending flame.

  Chris gripped his hips and stroked his back, murmuring words of encouragement and love. Before long, Nic was doing the same and he felt the cat relinquish its bit of control. The claws receded and reformed into the fingers he used every day.

  “Shhh… We’ve got you.”

  “Not gonna let you go. Got you.”

  Their voices twined and mingled while the furry haze crept away from his mind and all he could feel was the love of the two people surrounding him.

  Voice deep and rough from the cat, he purred his demand. “Want to fuck.”

  Nic laughed below him, jarring his cock within her and she gasped. Chris didn’t respond beyond easing his cock out of Ian’s ass, one inch at a time. “Fuck yourself on my cock, Ian, while you give our girl a ride.”

  Yeah. Fuck yeah.

  Ian eased back, impaling himself on Chris’s cock while slipping free of Nic’s pussy before shifting forward again and reversing their roles.

  Back and forth. Fill and be filled. They fucked and loved in a shift of bodies, arms and legs. Chris’s cock nailed his prostate with each shove back, sending stars shining behind his eyes and a shudder through his body. With each thrust forward, the searing heat of his soon-to-be mate burned him and surrounded his cock with a pleasure previously unknown.

  Ian grunted and groaned, Nic mewled and Chris panted as they all reached for release. His own orgasm slithered and danced along his spine like a cat’s claw scratching his back. It scored its way through his body, sinking and simmering in every crack it could find before centering around his balls. His body tightened, muscles straining to withhold his release until he sensed the others joining him. Pump, fuck, fill, come. Gods how he wanted to come. Hard and deep and fast. Filling the woman beneath him. Again and again.

  Nic’s movements became stilted, uneven. Her breathing even more harsh. “C-Coming.”

  “Yes.” Chris hissed behind him.

  He didn’t hold back any longer. He roared and bit hard, scoring Nic’s shoulder with his teeth while the tingle in his balls grew and swelled, bursting through his cock, he emptied himself deep within Nic’s pussy. Ian felt the heated splash of Chris’s semen within his ass and it furthered his orgasm, renewing the tingling pleasure surging through him with every stream of heated cum.

  Minutes… possibly hours later, Chris rolled free and rose from the bed. Ian shifted to the side and pulled Nic with him, cradling her in his arms. His mate returned with two warm washcloths and cleaned both him and Nic before leaving again.

  The moment Chris returned, Nic burst into action. She crawled to the end of the bed, her chocolate hued ass wiggling with every inch of freedom she gained.

  “Where you going?” He’d just come like a freight train and didn’t think he had a game of ‘chase the pussy’ in him.

  At the door she turned around with a smile. “You two exhausted me, but I’ll be damned if I nap in the wet spot. I’m going to the guest room and you two… are welcome to join me.”

  They didn’t have to be asked twice.

  Chapter Eight

  Nic woke alone Sunday morning with the weekend’s aches and pains making themselves known as she rolled from the bed. Twinges and twangs of stinging soreness shot through her legs, and other more intimate places, with each step. Wow, the men sure did know how to love a girl. No, not love, fuck. They knew how to fuck a girl.

  No matter how many times they’d said she was their mate, she couldn’t allow herself to believe them. Hopefully, her vacation in Europe would give her a chance to clear her head. She sure did need the time away.

  Nic checked the clock. Dang, it was already five. Good thing she was already packed for the trip. Now, all she had to do was shower, throw on a little make-up and hop on the plane at eight. No fuss, no muss.

  If it was all supposed to be so easy, why did it all seem so damned hard? She chuckled at her own pun as she shuffled into the bathroom. Without turning on the light, she started the shower and leaned against the wall, waiting for the water to warm. Dang, even her back and shoulders ached. The men really had done a number on her. Next time, she wouldn’t spend so much time tied up. Next time…

  Who was she kidding? There wasn’t going to be a next time. She’d told them before the sexin’ started that she didn’t believe a word out of their mouths, but she wasn’t going to look a gift cock in the… yeah.

  Nic pinned her hair back then stepped into the bathtub and let the warm water soothe her aches. The heat seeped into her skin, relaxing her. She turned around and a hiss escaped her lips as the water collided with her skin. She leaned forward, catching herself with her hands against the cool tile wall while she tried to escape the water. It felt as if a thousand razor blades collided with her back at once; her back was on fire. Fuck, what did they do to her?

  She vaguely remembered some scratching. Was there biting? Okay, she might have nibbled here and there, but the way her back felt… She imagined she’d been their chew toy.

  Under control, barely, she eased back beneath the spray, braced for another onslaught of pain. As time passed, the heat calmed the ache in her muscles. She scrubbed herself from head to toe, resolved to be as clean as she could before hopping on an international flight.

  Shower finished, she stepped out of the tub and snagged a towel from the rack. Awake now, she flicked the light
on and began drying her body. She rubbed the soft terry cloth towel all over, soaking up the tiny droplets of water that clung to her skin. Again, she hissed when something came into contact with her back. She spun around, dropped the towel and peered over her shoulder.

  Damn, they really had used her as a chew toy. Dark brown splotches of bruised skin marred her back from shoulder to hips. She could almost see the outlines of their fingers where they’d grabbed along her spine and the darker spots on her shoulders… Were they bite marks? No. No. They wouldn’t have. No way in hell after she’d laid down the law would they have… Just, no.

  Nic hung up the towel and switched the light off as she stepped across the threshold and back into her bedroom. She wouldn’t think about the bites or scratches or… Nothing, she’d think of nothing but her impending vacation. Period.

  One hour later and exactly two hours before her flight departed, Nic was checking her baggage and obtaining her boarding passes at the Air Europe counter.

  The customer service representative checked her identification and then turned back to her little computer behind the counter. All the while, Nic had a smile plastered on her face. How could she not? One month in Europe. Europe of all places. She couldn’t wait to get there and explore the sites.

  The representative, Melinda from what her nametag said, handed her the boarding passes. “Here you go, Miss Cooper, may you have a pleasant flight. The first class passengers lounge is—”

  “Oh, there’s been a mistake, I’m flying coach.”

  Melinda smiled. “No, Miss Cooper, your ticket was upgraded…” The woman tapped on her little computer. “This morning. It doesn’t say why… Ah, here it is. You were bumped to first class to make room for other coach passengers.” The woman smiled. “Seems today is your lucky day. As I was saying, the first class lounge is…”

  Nic listened with half an ear as Melinda rattled off directions and the amenities that came with her shiny, new first class ticket. First. Class.

  Of course, the first thing she did was hunt down that lounge. She sure as hell wasn’t going to waste her one and only shot at being treated like a queen. Who knew if she’d get this lucky on the way back from Europe. The lounge was fairly empty this early in the morning. A few businessmen were scattered around, and Nic, in her comfy sweat suit and slip-on sneakers felt out of place. She snuggled into a chair by the door, and focused on a nearby television.

  Before long, a waiter buzzed by offering her several choices for breakfast and free reign with the remote to the TV she was watching. She couldn’t decide what she liked about the place more; the food, or not having to watch the news like every other person in the airport. She sighed and hugged her travel pillow.

  Before she knew it, the call for her flight was announced and she had to leave the quiet sanctuary of the first class lounge. Dammit. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait in line or push her way through the crowd to board. She got to board first.

  Nic settled into her oversized seat that would lie down completely during her long flight and giggled. First class! To Europe! She closed her eyes and blocked out the sound of the other passengers boarding the plane. Too soon, the captain’s voice came over the loudspeaker announcing that they were waiting on two additional passengers before they would taxi to the runway. Some people apparently couldn’t be bothered with arriving on time.

  Eyes closed once again, she heard the seats to her left and right become occupied. The tell-tale creaking of the leather seats and clink of the seatbelts as they were snapped into place alerted her to the fact that she was no longer alone in her row. Being in the center of the aisle with one seat on either side of her, she realized now she should have requested a window seat. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers.

  She continued to block out her surroundings as the plane lurched into motion and eventually took off. Cruising through the air in a comfortable seat, on her way to a dream European vacation, nothing could make the moment more perfect for her. Nothing.

  “Hey, sweets…”

  That voice. No.

  “Did you miss us, baby?”

  Oh. Good. Lord. “No.”

  “No?” Chris, it had to be Chris on her left. That meant that Ian was on her right and she was surrounded. Again.

  “What,” her voice was a hoarse whisper, “what are you doing here?”

  Ian stroked her arm, fingertips grazing the cloth of her sweat suit, the heat permeating the thin cloth. “What do you think, Nic? We told you that you were our mate, and last night…”

  Chris picked up where Ian trailed off. “Last night was on your terms. You were the one that put us into nice little packages that you could handle. Now, it’s our turn.”

  “Your turn?” She squeaked. Ian had leaned across the armrest and started caressing her thigh. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that you are ours. Our mate. Period. No games, no rules.” Chris, her usually light-hearted Chris, sounded so serious. Earnest even.

  They both threaded their fingers with hers and brushed their lips across the back of her hand as she watched. “You’re serious?”

  They answered together. “Yes.”

  Their sincere expressions and the fact that they’d followed her to Europe served to wash away the remaining doubts she had. But, she still wanted to play with them a little. “Fine, you’ve got a month to prove to me that this mate business is for real and show me just how much you care about me.” She sighed. “ ‘Cause I gotta tell ya, yesterday… just didn’t do it for me.”

  Ian kissed the back of her hand, tongue tracing her knuckles. “Baby, we don’t need a month. You’re our mate and we’ve got the marks to prove it.” The man released her hand and unbuttoned the top three buttons on his shirt and tugged the material aside. There, glaring at her in hues of red, purple and blue, was a bite-sized circle on the juncture of his shoulder and neck. “You’ve already claimed us both, now you just need to accept it. ‘Cause we’re not letting you go.”

  She smiled and looked over to Chris, seeking confirmation. He yanked the collar of his t-shirt aside, revealing a similar mark. “So, I suppose the marks all over me…”

  “Mean exactly what you think they mean.” Chris confirmed.


  “You upset about this, Nic? We can…” Ian sounded hesitant. “We can take it slow from here.”

  “Nah, I just realized I didn’t bring any condoms.” She grinned, attention bouncing between her two men. And now she was ready to accept that they really were hers. How many men would follow a woman to Europe, for a month, after a one-time fling?

  “Don’t worry about that sweets, we’ll just get a start on our family a bit early.” Chris nibbled her fingertips. “That okay with you?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it is.” And it really was. Seemed her ‘just for fun’ threesome turned into her own little family of two husbands, her, and eventually… maybe someday… a litter of kids.

  About the Author

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fall-back, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her at




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