If I Didn't Care (Wishing For A Hero #1)

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If I Didn't Care (Wishing For A Hero #1) Page 25

by Kait Nolan


  For all she’d been in and out of the Hamilton household all her life, Autumn wasn’t sure she’d ever truly known how many of them there were. It was one thing to objectively know how many cousins Judd had. It was entirely another to see them all in one place. Owen was one of Pop and Nanna’s three children. Each of them had also had three children. And that didn’t even begin to cover the extended family brought in by Pop’s brother and sister and their progeny.

  Picnic tables and camp chairs covered the lawn outside the back of Pop and Nanna’s house, and there were people at all of them. Pop and his brother were manning the grill, arguing over the right ratio of charcoal. Nanna was inside with several of the other Hamilton women, finishing up enough cobbler to feed the army. The counters in her kitchen were covered with more casseroles than Autumn had ever seen in one place outside a church potluck. She sat at a corner of the back deck and absorbed the sounds and scents of life.

  “What are you smiling about?” Judd asked, dropping onto the glider beside her.

  Autumn automatically snuggled into the curve of his arm. “Just because I’m happy.”

  “You don’t mind all the crazy?”

  “It’s the best kind of crazy.”

  “Spoken like a true Hamilton,” Leo announced in a voice so loud, Autumn wondered how many beers he’d had already.

  Everybody’s attention shot their way.

  Judd lifted a brow. “Nice, little bro.”

  Leo just shrugged and grinned.

  Definitely at least two too many beers for this early.

  Judd shifted to face her. “The thing is, you’ve been an unofficial part of this family for twenty-five years. I think it’s time we change that.”

  The sudden quiet sparked Autumn’s nerves, as did the look in Judd’s eyes as he slid off the seat.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed.

  “Catching up,” he said, and sank to one knee.

  Someone—Patty?—squeaked, but Autumn couldn’t take her eyes off Judd to check.

  “When you came to us in high school, my parents could’ve adopted you. They didn’t. And it had nothing to do with them not wanting you as part of the family. You were always meant to be a Hamilton, it just wasn’t through them. They knew that, maybe before I acknowledged it myself. But the truth is, I’ve loved you since I was six years old. I’ll love you until I’m a hundred and six. So—” He pulled a box out of his pocket. “I’m asking you, Autumn Elizabeth, in front of literally the entire Hamilton clan, to marry me.” He flicked the box open.

  Autumn dimly registered the ring, but she couldn’t take her eyes off his. Her heart felt so full, for long moments, she couldn’t speak. Here was everything she’d always wanted. Family. Friendship. And more love than a body could contain.

  She reached out, cupping his face between her palms. “It’s been yes since we were seventeen.”

  The twins whooped and everybody cheered as Judd scooped her up and kissed her until they were both out of breath.

  “Mom,” he said, “you may now hit number seven on your speed dial.”

  “Oh boy!” Patty whipped out her phone and hit the number.

  From somewhere around the corner, a tinny version of “Here comes the bride” began to play. Patty’s jaw dropped open as an older gentleman stepped up on the porch. “Reverend Prescott?”

  “She said yes,” Judd announced.

  “Got that. Congratulations!” Then the minister stuck two fingers in his mouth and let loose an ear-splitting whistle.

  From across the yard, the barn door opened and people began to spill out like clowns from a tiny car.

  “What is going on?” Autumn asked.

  Judd lifted her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “We’re getting married.”

  “Here? Now?”

  “Well, as soon as you and Babette decide on a dress.” He nodded toward the Brides and Belles van pulling out from behind the barn.

  Autumn stared at him. “You…organized our wedding?”

  “I wasted years being an idiot. I’m not wasting another day.” When she said nothing, for the first time, uncertainty flickered over his face. “If this isn’t what you want, we can wait and do it later. I just thought, everybody’s here and—”

  She cut him off with a fierce kiss. “Whatever you did, it’s absolutely perfect.”

  “Then go find your dress, while we finish setting up.”

  Patty and Nanna spirited her to the back of the house. Babette brought in a full rack of dresses in her size, in every type imaginable. But like Autumn’s choice in men, the first one was exactly right. Ivory satin, with clean lines and a sweep of skirt to her ballet slipper clad toes, it suited her and the simple, perfect wedding she’d been gifted. Judd’s cousin, Emma, whipped out some hot rollers, while his other cousin, Amelia, started in on Autumn’s makeup. It was a bit like being put through bridal boot camp. But an hour later, she was ready to walk down the aisle and marry her best friend in front of his entire family.

  “They’re ready!” Nanna announced. “Oh my lord, don’t you look beautiful.”

  “So beautiful,” Patty sniffed and waved a hand at her face. She was already a weepy mess. “Don’t mind me, I’m just so happy. I can’t believe he did this.”

  Autumn smiled and linked her arm through her future mother-in-law’s. “I think it was as much a surprise for you as for me. And hey, you did get to use your speed dial.”

  “I did.” She gave a teary grin. “So I’ll forgive him for depriving me of getting to plan the wedding.”

  “Cheer up. You still have Eli and Leo.”

  “True, but a daughter’s wedding is extra special.”

  Autumn felt her throat go tight. “Oh hell, is this mascara waterproof?”

  “Well, clean yourself up right quick, Patty,” Nanna ordered. “The photographer’s already snapping pictures.”

  “Oh, there’s a photographer?” Autumn asked.

  “And flowers, and chairs, and music. He covered everything. All your friends just showed up in a caravan.”

  He’d made sure there were people here for her. “Just when I thought I couldn’t love him any more,” Autumn murmured.

  By the time she came out of the house, the long slope of front lawn had been transformed. Rows of white chairs, filled with guests—Hamiltons and friends—had been set up in a neat rectangle, bisected by a long white runner. Little arrangements of greenery and deep blue ribbon accented the end of each row. At the front of the aisle, beneath an arbor twined with climbing roses, the minister stood, Bible in hand. Eli and Leo, both dressed in tuxes, flanked Reverend Prescott on one side.

  “Oh my God, you’re gorgeous!” Livia gushed.

  Autumn turned to find her friend in a blue dress that matched the ribbon, a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Riley stood beaming right behind in a matching dress.

  “Oh God, now I’m going to cry. He even made sure you were both bridesmaids?”

  Riley flapped a hand toward Autumn’s stinging eyes. “No, no crying until this and all the pictures are done. It’s the rule.” She handed over an enormous bouquet of lilies. Autumn’s favorite.

  Livia grinned. “Married now. Hugs later. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  As if waiting for her signal, music rolled out of speakers from…somewhere. Riley began making her way down the aisle to Pachelbel’s Canon in D.

  But wait. Judd wasn’t up front. They couldn’t start the wedding without him. Autumn started to call out, but refrained. Maybe he was going to come out after the wedding party was in place? Didn’t some weddings work like that? So she held her tongue as the processional continued. Livia took her position beside Riley.

  Everybody stood up and turned around, looking at her. The music shifted into the bridal march and still no Judd. Cameras flashed. Autumn didn’t move. How could she? Her groom was MIA.

  A warm hand slipped into hers. Autumn looked up. And there he was, breathtaking in his tux, as
she’d known he’d be. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, her moment of doubt washed away by joy. Judd tipped his head toward the crowd.

  Ready for this?

  Autumn nodded.

  Judd tucked her hand through his arm and they walked the aisle, between family and friends, as they’d done everything else for most of their lifetime.


  What’s Next In Wishful?

  I hope by now you’ve fallen as much in love with my little town as I have. I’ve got five books planned in the Wishing For A Hero Series (so far!). While I’m working on those, have you checked out the lighter side of Wishful with my primary Wishful Romance series? You can nab the first book, To Get Me To You, for free, wherever ebooks are sold!

  If you want to keep up with all the action in Wishful (and get to see snips of works in progress) and hang out with like-minded readers, come join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wishfulseries/

  You can also like my page on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/kaitnolanwriter

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  Other Books By Kait Nolan

  Contemporary Romance

  Wishful Series

  Once Upon A Coffee (Avery and Dillon): Available for FREE!

  To Get Me To You (Cam and Norah): Available for FREE!

  Be Careful, It’s My Heart (Brody and Tyler)

  Know Me Well (Liam and Riley)

  Once Upon A Setup (A Meet Cute Romance with Piper and Myles!)

  Just For This Moment (Myles and Piper)

  Wish I Might (Reed and Cecily)

  Turn My World Around (Tucker and Corinne)

  Wishing For a Hero Series (A Wishful Spinoff Series)

  If I Didn’t Care (Judd and Autumn)

  Meet Cute Romance

  Once Upon A Snow Day

  Once Upon A New Year’s Eve

  Once Upon An Heirloom

  Once Upon A Coffee: Available for FREE!

  Once Upon A Setup

  Meet Cute Romance: Volume 1 (Meet Cutes 1-5)

  Paranormal Romance

  Mirus Series:

  Genesis (an omnibus including, Forsaken By Shadow (Mirus 1.1), Devil’s Eye (Mirus 1.2), and Blindsight )


  Whisper of Shadow(Also available in the Magical Mayhem anthology)



  Whisper of Shadow




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