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Breaking The Darkness (The Light and Dark Trilogy Book 1)

Page 4

by Jessica Miller

"No, please just ignore my son. We will explain more to you in due time but for now you need to rest. I've already taken the liberty of calling the school, you and the boys are off for the next couple of days."

  My shoulders relax slightly. "Um...thank you," I mumbled.

  "Okay, well if you have everything you need, let's get going. My husband is at the house. He had something to take care of so you will meet him when we get there." She gets up and turns for the door leaving me alone once more.

  I take a look around the house and notice how empty it is and how much I will miss my aunt.

  Realizing that I have to bury another piece of my heart this week makes me want to break down and cry for days.

  But I can't, I have to be strong.

  I grab my keys off the counter and take a look at the empty house, before turning the lights off and closing the door shut behind me.

  Chapter Ten

  When I make it outside, I see two black vehicles parked on the street in front of my house and a black motorcycle parked in the driveway.

  Switching my gaze away from the bike, I see Cole and Trace in a heated argument, while their mom stands there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

  Our eyes lock and her face lights up with excitement. She pushes the two boys apart and makes her way towards me.

  "Are you ready to go?" I nod my head and she says, "Good. Now you have some options. You can either ride with Cole and I or you can ride with Trace on his death trap." The last word comes out of her mouth like the venom coming from a snake.

  I glance at Trace who is looking at me with pure disdain. I quickly avert my gaze back to his mother with a gulp.

  "Riding with you is fine," I say just as Trace brushes past me, gets on his bike, and speeds out of here faster than I can swallow. I shake my head and follow Cole and his mother to the two black vehicles parked out front.

  Cole takes my bag, puts it in the black dodge, and then heads over to the black ford, before getting in and driving away. As I slide into the passenger’s seat, my palms become sweaty, increasing my nerves. Their mother comes around to the driver's side and gets in. She puts the key in the ignition and then looks over at me with concern.

  "Don't be afraid. We would never hurt you. All we are trying to do is take care of you." She turns her gaze away from mine to the road and we head on our way.

  I'm incredibly grateful that they are offering to take me in, and even though my aunt gave me that warning, I can't help but think this is a mistake.

  I'm afraid I'll never rid myself of this fear.


  Is that even real?

  How could I force a bond with someone?

  How could I force someone into loving me?

  Breaking myself out of my thoughts, I realize we just pulled up to a secluded house surrounded by nothing but trees.

  It's not your typical two story suburban house, it honestly looks like a small mansion. There is a big driveway out front that comes in a full circle with a fountain in the middle, the house is brown with white windows, and white pillars. Attached on the side is a five car garage that already has Trace's bike parked out front.

  I get out of the car and make my way towards the trunk. Right as I reach in to get my bag. Cole walks over to me with a concerned look on his face.

  "What's wrong?" I ask, confused at his expression.

  "I'm worried about you. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time. I know this is a little much, but we're here to help you." I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. He grabs the bag from the trunk and walks to the house, I silently follow behind him.

  When I enter the house, it feels like I just stepped into a magazine for the rich.

  The house is beautiful, from the old antique furniture, to the soft colors on the walls.

  While Cole talks to his mother, I take a moment to step further inside and look at my surroundings.

  To the left of me is a dining room that has a long dining table with eight chairs surrounding it. The room has an antique brown table that has brown chairs with white cushions attached, a hatch that holds china, and a big family picture at the other end of the room.

  Turning to my right, I see a lounge room that has a fireplace in the middle, with an antique brown couch surrounded by a few white chairs.

  There are white curtains hung up on the window to block out the remaining sunlight, a small brown bookcase off in the corner, and a couple of side tables that have lamps on top.

  A soft hand lands down on my arm, as my eyes meet hers, "I know you don't remember us, but I would like for you to meet my husband."

  A sudden chill settles down on my spine at the thought of meeting him. Folding my arms over my chest, I nod and follow her.

  As she takes me through the halls and down to the office, I suddenly feel overwhelmed and tired, not exactly sure how much more I can take without passing out.

  When we finally reach the office, we step inside to see a man sitting at a desk in the middle of the room sorting through papers.

  "Tom, I have someone for you to meet."

  The man looks up from his paperwork and gives me a very warm and welcoming smile.

  He gets up and walks towards me reaching a hand out for me to shake. I silently grab onto it and then take several steps back, while his smile broadens.

  "I'm so sorry for your loss, and I want you to know that we are here for you. I know you're scared, but we would never hurt you."

  I study him for a few moments and notice that Trace gets his gorgeous looks from his father.

  With thick black hair, a scruffy beard, sky blue eyes, and a very tall and broad appearance, I realize just how good looking this family is.

  Everyone in this family is so polite and happy, while Trace is so dark and closed off. It makes me more and more intrigued to know what made him into this brooding and mysterious character.

  I clear my throat. "Thank you for taking me in Mr. Evans. I am very grateful," I try to say as politely as possible when on the inside I'm confused at this situation standing in front of me.

  "Please call me Tom, and call my beautiful wife here Amy. Now, I know this is a lot for you to take in, but we will explain everything to you in the morning. For now, go get your rest. You are looking quite pale."

  After giving her husband a quick peck on the lips, Mrs. Evans leads me out of the room and down the hall.

  As we reach a hallway with five bedrooms, she takes me over to one of the rooms that's centered in the middle and opens the door.

  "This is the room you will be staying in. You have your own connected bathroom. If you ever need anything, Trace is right across the hall, and Cole's bedroom is a couple doors down." I slowly drag my eyes around the room.

  "Well, I am going to leave you to get settled." She heads out the room and closes the door shut behind her.

  I take in my surroundings as I make my way around the room. There is a queen bed centered against the wall with two white nightstands on either side. The walls are a soft yellow color to match the white comforter that has small yellow flowers scattered on top of it. There is a white desk in the corner of the room and a white dresser with a mirror above it.

  I make my way over to the bed and collapse on top of it. Abruptly, the door slams open and I sit up so fast it makes my head spin. Standing in the doorway breathing heavily is Trace with a smoldering look on his face.

  I get up and stand next to the bed. "What do...what do you want?" I mutter through my exhaustion.

  He holds me in an intense stare, while walking towards me as I slowly back away from him.

  He takes one step forward, I take one step back until my back hits something hard.

  My heartbeat increases with a heated excitement.

  With my back against the wall, he takes one final step towards me and puts his hands on either side of my face, completely blocking me in.

  I have two options. Option number one, is to kick him in his balls and bolt out of here as quick as I can, o
ption number two is to stay here and remain calm. As he continues to stare at me with wonder and excitement, I can't help but lose myself in his beautiful gaze.

  "I can't keep pretending. I can't continue to act like I don't care. Hart, you are killing me in every possible way. I can't get you out of my head. I can't think, I can't sleep. I want you to remember me. I need you to remember." He gives me a pleading look, which almost breaks my heart into a million pieces seeing him this vulnerable.

  "Then give me my memories back."

  Shaking his head in refusal, he takes a step back. "I can't, it's against the rules. You are supposed to remember on your own."

  He raises his gaze back to mine. "I want you with every damn fiber of my body. I need you with every breath that I take. But I can't, and I won't take your will away from you."

  "What happened to you?" I try to search his eyes to find the answers I so desperately need.

  Running his hands through his midnight hair in frustration, he raises his gaze back to mine and steps forward so he's chest to chest with me once again.

  Raising his hand to my cheek, he looks deeply into my eyes and slowly starts to lean in as if asking for my approval. Leaving my thoughts behind, I slowly lift myself up and press my lips to his.

  He takes advantage of the situation and presses his body even closer to mine completely pushing me against the wall. My magic begins to surface as he kisses me with a fierce passion that leaves little to the imagination.

  He pulls away from me and looks into my eyes with an emotion I have never seen him show before.

  "You happened to me, Hart."

  He slides his hands away from my body and slowly backs away before turning around and closing the door.

  I slide down the wall and hug my knees to my chest as every emotion hits me like a ton of bricks.

  My head begins to pound with a ferocious pain, leaving me to feel as if I was hit in the head with a baseball bat.

  I'm so confused.

  He acts like he hates me, then he does a complete one eighty degree turn and acts like he likes me. He says I need to remember, but remember what? I don't remember him and I fear I never will.

  It's pointless.

  I should stop trusting him so easily, but how can I do that when he continues to break down my walls?

  My frustration becomes too much for me, and tears begin to flow down my face.

  The weight on my shoulders grows heavier and I slowly succumb to the darkness.

  Chapter Eleven


  Cascaded by a sea of darkness.

  No light, no hope, no idea what will happen next.

  I take a deep breath, in and out, and let my powers flow to the surface. My body starts to shake as my powers arise and break through.

  Becoming stronger, I think that I might be able to break through the chains that bind me, until a hot searing pain rips through my body.

  A blood curtling scream erupts from my lips as I taste the metallic on the tip of my tongue.

  The smell of burning flesh makes me gag as a blinding light appears above my face.

  Once the black spots disappear from my vision, and the pain slowly eases, I can finally gauge my surroundings.

  In a dark room that has one small window with bars attached to it, I'm tightly bound to a chair, with little to no clothing. To the right of me is medical equipment, and to the left of me is a black door, that appears to be thick enough to keep the screams in.

  When realization comes to place, my eyes widen in fear as I try harder and harder to break free of my chains.

  Suddenly the door creaks open, and a small girl about my age comes through with a tray of food. She walks over towards the chair and sets the tray of food on a small table. Her body is shaking with fear, and her eyes are as wide as they can reach.

  She doesn't make eye contact with me, so I try to get her to talk, "Excuse me?"

  She finally raises her gaze to mine, as I instantly regret looking into her eyes. The black as night, soulless eyes stare into my own, slowly, but surely draining the life from my body.

  Swallowing hard I ask, "Can you please tell me where I am, and what I am doing here?" She backs away from me and turns for the door, closing it shut behind her.

  The room loses all source of heat, as it becomes deathly frigid.

  Ice slowly ascends upon the walls as fear begins to consume every part of my body.

  The dreaded feeling I got when my parents died comes back to haunt me, making my gut twist in knots, because I know who is about to walk through that door. I try break free one more time as the panic continues to rise. At that moment the door slams open, and I meet those glowing red eyes that continue to haunt my dreams.

  "Hartley!" A very soothing deep masculine voice calls to me.

  "Wake up! Come on please wake up!" The desperate voice continues to cry out to me but I can't break away from my enemies gaze.

  As my enemy draws closer to the bed, the room continues to get colder and colder. My lips begin to tremble, as goosebumps rise on my body.


  Every step he takes, the faster my heart beats.

  Thump, thump.

  His stare holds one of excitement, and malice, as he lifts his hand and aims it for my throat.

  My throat closes up as he cuts off my breathing supply. Trying to gasp for air, black spots invade my vision, as my body slowly succumbs to the darkness.

  Sitting up in pure adrenaline, tears well up in my eyes at the horror of becoming his slave. I felt so weak, and so destroyed in that moment. It was like I was watching my parent's deaths all over again, but instead I was watching my own.

  Realizing that I am back in the room, I relax my position at the thought of being safe.

  For now.

  Wiping my face of any stray tears, I notice a figure on the bed seated in front of me.

  In nothing but boxers, his gorgeous body is perfectly on display. Tan skin reveals several tattoos that have been hidden underneath the tight black shirts he always wears. Icy blue eyes stare back at me in concern, while I struggle to keep my gaze locked on his and not on those gorgeous abs.

  We stare at each other in a deep silence that seems to drag on forever.

  Clearing my throat and looking away from him I ask, "What just happened?"

  "I'm not sure. You were thrashing about and I tried to wake you but I couldn't. It was like you were in a coma with no way of waking up. It sounded like you were drowning. What happened in that dream?"

  Returning my gaze back to his, I notice how desperate he is to find out the answer.

  Sighing, "I don't think it was a dream. I think...I just had a vision."

  His jaw hardens as his fists clench, "Fuck!" I flinch back at his harsh tone. "Get dressed and come downstairs."

  He gets up and turns for the door slamming it shut.

  Groaning, I lay back down.

  This is going to be a long day.

  About an hour later, I get up and walk over to my duffel bag. I take out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some undergarments, when a folded up piece of paper falls to the floor.

  I put the clothes in my hands on the bed, and bend down to pick it up.

  With shaky hands I inspect it.

  The letter from my parents weighs heavily down upon me, as I decide whether to open it or wait.

  Deciding against it, I put the letter in the nightstand beside the bed, and get dressed.

  After I get dressed, I head downstairs and try to find the kitchen.

  When I finally make it there, I notice Trace's family is already seated at the table munching away.

  On the outside they look like your typical American family, but on the inside they are something completely different. My heart tells me to trust them, yet my brain tells me to run.

  Since they haven't noticed me yet, I lean up against the wall, cross my arms over my chest, and take the opportunity to examine Trace a little more.

  With his black hair a dishevel
ed mess, he's wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a tank that hugs every part of his chest.

  He is undeniably sexy in every possible way, and I can't believe I'm stuck with him for the rest of eternity.

  How could I be strong enough to change someone's destiny and unwillingly tie it to mine?

  This is the first time I have ever seen him so laid back and open. He's smiling and laughing with his family without a care in the world, and I can't help but feel slightly jealous that his family is here and intact.

  I would give nothing more than to trade places with him, to know what it feels like to have a family alive and well.

  "Good morning Hartley, I trust you slept well?" Breaking my gaze away from Trace, I look towards his mother who has caught me in the act of checking out her son.

  Shrugging, I make my way to the empty seat next to her and sit down.

  Looking around the table I watch as Cole is stuffs his face with bacon, and Trace scrutinizes me with his cold gaze.

  A throat clears from the end of the table, as my eyes drift towards their fathers. "After breakfast, the boys will go with you to your house to gather the rest of your belongings. My wife and I have decided that it be best for you to stay here for the time being until things settle down."

  I open my mouth to speak, only to shut it not sure what to say.

  "Actually, I won't be able to help out today dad, I have some stuff to take care of at the school." Their father switches his gaze from mine as it lands on Cole's. "What could you possibly need to do at the school?"

  Cole shrugs, "I have to talk to coach and get our assignments for the week."

  His father nods and returns his gaze back to mine, "Then Trace will come with you."

  I look back to Cole who is sitting there smirking at me. I narrow my eyes at him and pronounce, "You know it's just a one person job, Trace probably has stuff to take care of today as well, so I can go by myself."

  Trace smirks, and crosses his arms over his chest. "Trying to get rid of me already?"

  I roll my eyes and take a sip of juice.

  "Although I appreciate the thought, I have absolutely nothing to do today." I glance at Trace and watch as the corner of his mouth lifts up into a cocky smile.


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