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Wicked Fate (The Wicked Trilogy)

Page 10

by Tabatha Vargo

  Bernie’s brother is such a nice guy. He doesn’t look at me funny or treat me differently. There are perks to hanging around people who don’t go to school with you. He has no idea that I’m a total freak around these parts.

  He talks about school and his grades. His face turns bright red when his mom asks about any special girls in his life, other than her and Bernie. It’s cute to watch him blush. There’s no way this guy is single considering how totally adorable he is. Again, I blame Bernie for my new boy craziness—Adam, too. I never noticed guys as much as I do now.

  When we pull back up to my house, Bernie hands me my birthday gift.

  “Ah, Bernie, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Of course I did, crazy girl! You’re my best friend, duh!” she giggles.

  I pull at the pretty pink and blue wrapping paper. Inside there’s a sterling silver five-by-seven picture frame. I turn it over to have a look at the picture inside. It’s a picture of Bernie and me sitting on the lunch bench in the courtyard at school. Kale’s hand is behind her making bunny ears and I have a big goofy grin on my face. It’s perfect. The top of the frame has best friends etched across it. I reach over and give her a big hug.

  “Thank you.”

  Bernie’s mom and brother wish me a happy birthday before I exit the car. I hear them leaving behind me as I make my way up the front steps to my house. I’m almost in my front door before I notice Adam lounging on the porch swing watching me.

  “You’re so cute when you don’t know you’re being watched,” he grins as he uses his long legs to push the swing.

  “You’re so full of it,” my cheeks heat up.

  Thank God I wasn’t doing something totally embarrassing.

  “Have I ever told you that I love it when you blush?” he stands and grabs my hand. “Come on.”

  He pulls my hand and leads me down the steps.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Just come on—it’s a surprise.”

  I follow him to the side of the house and then further back until we’re almost in my favorite garden.

  “Close your eyes,” he runs his fingers softly down my face making me close my eyes.

  I close them and then I allow him to lead me through the garden. I hear the old rusty gate creak as we enter. He sits me down on the old crackled marble bench then he runs his fingers down my face again. It feels amazing.

  “Okay, open.”

  In front of me, on the old marble table, is a little purple and white cupcake with a single candle in the middle. A single purple balloon floats above the table. Next to the cupcake is a tiny silver box.

  “I figured if you hadn’t really celebrated Christmas since your grandmother died, then you probably hadn’t celebrated your birthday either,” he shrugs, like what he’s done really isn’t a big deal.

  It’s a gigantic deal to me.

  I stare down at the cupcake and think to myself how lucky I am to have such a great friend like Adam—unless of course we’re more than friends? The fact is, I have no idea what this is and I don’t care. I like it.

  I decide to show off a little.

  I look down at the cupcake and stare hard at the candle. Thinking in my head how bad I want the candle to light, I continue to glare at it. I try my hardest to will it to light…it doesn’t work. Go figure, the one time that I actually want something to happen it doesn’t.

  I know I can do things with my eyes and hands. Since my eyes obviously aren’t doing the trick, I’ll try with my hands. Reaching my right hand out, I let it linger right above the candle. I close my eyes and focus hard on the thought of it lighting. My shoulder ignites and I know I’m doing something. The burn’s not excruciating, but it’s enough to make me flinch.

  The heat from my shoulder begins to spread down my arm. It’s getting hotter and hotter the further down it goes. I take deep breaths since that helps manage the agonizing blaze as it reaches my wrist. I can feel Adam watching me and I don’t want him to know I’m hurting.

  When the inferno reaches my palm, I almost scream out in pain. Swallowing hard, I lean my head back and pray for it to end as the fire simmers in my hand. My arm is wildly shaking, but I hold it in place. I won’t let the blaze get the best of me.

  Soon, I feel something cool against the palm. I exhale deeply from the relief of the cold. Opening my eyes, I look down at the candle beneath my hand and watch as the flame dances upon the wick. It reaches up occasionally and licks at my palm causing the cooling effect that feels so nice.

  Instead of jerking my hand away from the flame, I sit and let the fire touch my palm. It’s amazing how cold the fire feels against my smoldering hand.

  Without looking at him, I can feel Adam smiling. I don’t care what he sees anymore. I no longer fear him telling people and if he really wants to be a part of my life, then he needs to know the real me. No more hiding who or what I am. I want him to see me do these things and if he walks away because of it, then I’ll have saved myself the heartache.

  He reaches out and pulls my hand away from the fire, then flinches from the heat that’s radiating from my fingers. I jerk my hand from him, scared that I might have burned him.

  “Did my hand burn you?”

  “No, but your hand is so hot. Did you burn it on the candle?” concern flickers in his eyes.

  I hold my hand up to inspect it—not a single burn mark. The fire that I had brought forth from inside has already burned out. There’s nothing to show for what had just happened except the candle on the cake that is now illuminating a small area of the garden.

  “Why did you let the candles burn your hand like that?” he asks, as he grabs my hand and does his own inspection.

  “It didn’t burn, it cooled it.”

  “What do you mean it cooled it? It’s fire…fire burns,” his brows inch up.

  “I guess my fire is hotter. The candle flame felt cold. I don’t know—I can’t explain it.” I lean over my cupcake and prepare to blow out the candles. “What should I wish for?”

  “What do you want?” his eyes search my face.

  I close my eyes to think of a wish. What else could I possibly want? With the addition of Adam and Bernie in my life, I’m beginning to feel whole. That might sound crazy and maybe I’m jumping the gun, but I’ve always had great instincts and my instincts are telling me that Adam is good…he’s right.

  Blowing softly on the candles, I wish for the only thing I can think of.

  I wish the way I feel right now—in this moment—never ends.

  When I open my eyes he’s looking at me funny. Some strange emotion I’ve never seen flashes in his luminous eyes. As quickly as it comes—it goes.

  As if realizing himself, he puts his carefree mask back on and softly pinches my cheek.

  “I hope you get what you wish for,” he tosses me flirty grin. “I know you told me not to, but I got you something.”

  He pushes the little silver box to me.

  I shyly smile at him before I start peel the silver wrapping from the box. Inside is a purple jewelry box. I pop the box top off and fold back the white tissue paper. Lying inside is a little silver necklace with a half heart charm.

  He takes the necklace out the box and pushes my hair to the side. Dragging his fingers purposely against my skin, he puts the necklace around my neck.

  “Happy Birthday,” he whispers as leans down and kisses me behind my ear.

  Goose bumps cover my entire body.

  “Thank you. I love it, all of it.”

  He grins as he reaches in the collar of his shirt. Pulling out a more masculine silver chain, I see that the other half of my heart charm is hanging around his neck. He leans in and softly kisses me giving me no time to register what the half heart charm means.

  Chapter 11

  The Ascendant

  It’s pitch-black outside by the time Adam walks me to my door. Fireworks go on sale a week before New Year’s Eve, so kids are already starting to shoot them. Every now and again
the sky lights up with color. I love the way Adam looks with the reflections of the fireworks on his face.

  Once we say goodnight, I run into the kitchen and grab a quick snack. I can’t get to the library quick enough to tell Thaddeus about my day. I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love and I want to tell the world.

  Thaddeus laughs at me as I tell him about my day. When it’s time for bed, I don’t bother my grandfather to tell him goodnight. I don’t want to take the chance of waking him if by some chance he’s already asleep.

  My grandmother’s standing outside my bedroom door. She smiles nervously as I quickly go through all the events of the day. When I’m done with my story, I sense the sadness about her.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Mage, tomorrow’s your sixteenth birthday, as hard as it is to believe. It seems like just yesterday you were learning to walk, and now look at you, all grown up and more beautiful than any other girl in the world.”

  “Grandma, what’s wrong? I can feel it, something’s wrong.”

  I’m beginning to panic. Things can only go downhill from this point on. Things are too perfect, they can’t get any better.

  “Big changes are coming. I’ve seen them in you over the years. Just promise me you won’t be afraid, can you promise me that? I need you to be that brave little girl that you’ve always been. No matter what, okay?”

  “Okay, I promise. Now, please, tell me what you’re talking about.”

  “Just trust me, honey, everything’s going to be alright,” she leans up to kiss me on my cheek and I feel nothing.

  “I love you, Mage.”

  “I love you, too, Grandma.”

  Sire grabs my attention as he comes running down the hallway towards my room. He’s ready for bed and he almost knocks me over when he jumps up on me. When I look back up my grandmother’s gone.

  I can’t sleep. For hours I lay there awake thinking. Everyone’s talking in riddles and I don’t know what any of it means. The only thing I do know is that something new is about to happen to me. When and what, I have no idea, but something’s definitely about to happen. I fall asleep around eleven o’clock and I have another horrible nightmare.

  I’m standing in front of Adam and he’s holding my hand. The waves make loud crashing noises and the water’s running across my feet. He’s smiling back at me just like in the other dream. I look past him to see if the evil laughing lady is behind him. She stares back, but she’s not laughing this time. Standing at Adam’s side, are my grandparents and Thaddeus.

  The evil lady is saying something to me, but I can’t understand a word she’s saying. Suddenly, Thaddeus begins to disappear before my eyes. I try to get around Adam to get to my grandmother and grandfather, but he won’t let me pass. Soon my grandmother and grandfather slowly begin to disappear as well. I scream out to them but nothing happens.

  I cry against Adam’s chest while he holds me. I can’t help but feel like I’m never going to see my grandparents or Thaddeus again. I look up into Adam’s eyes and he smiles. His eyes turn from their pretty hypnotic green to the dullest gray I’ve ever seen. I gasp and step back to get a better look at him. Slowly, he begins to disappear as well. His smile fades into a frown.

  “No, Adam! Don’t go!” I cry.

  In a matter of seconds he’s gone. I drop to my knees and cover my face with my hands. They’re gone! All of them, everyone I love, my whole entire family is gone! I look up when I hear the blonde lady’s evil high pitched laugh. I cover my ears, but they still feel like they’re going to explode. Suddenly, not only is the evil witch staring back at me, but now there’s a man beside her.

  He’s tall and slender and wearing a long gray robe. He has shoulder length black and gray hair and colorless eyes that sparkle. They’re like mirrors; clear and reflective—only showing the colors of nature around him.

  He looks harmless standing next to the wicked blonde woman, but I can feel evil radiating from him. Even though he looks harmless, he feels dangerous!

  He holds out his hand to me.

  “Come, my sweet.”

  The sounds of the waves at my side distract me. I look away from him and towards the mighty Atlantic just in time to see the ferocious wave about to crash down on top of me. I scream.

  I sit up in bed quickly, sweat trickles down my forehead. I look over at the clock on my bedside table. It’s eleven fifty-five, which means I wasn’t asleep for very long. I snuggle up to Sire and try my hardest to go back to sleep. But I’m uncomfortable, and soon I feel a slight burning sensation in my stomach.

  I adjust the way I’m laying and I think about getting something for my heartburn. I swear to myself that I’ll never eat Chinese food again.

  The burn gets more intense and I hear myself make a moaning noise. It’s really starting to hurt pretty badly. I turn over onto my back and press the back of my head deeper into my pillow. This only makes it worse.

  The burn begins to slowly spread. I want to scream for help, but the pain is becoming unbearable. I try to get up to go get my grandfather, but I can’t move. I lay there with my eyes wide. I’m dying! I don’t know what’s killing me, but I’m definitely dying.

  The fire moves into my hips and chest, slowly working its way through the rest of my body. From the mirror on my dresser I can see a blue light illuminating from my bed. It’s me; I’m glowing bright and blue.

  It feels like hours are passing as the blazing fire works its way down to my knees and up into my throat. I can’t breathe. No matter how hard I try to take a deep breath, nothing happens. I turn my head to look at my nightstand. The clock shows eleven fifty-nine. It’s only been a matter of minutes, but it feels like I’ve been on fire for hours.

  The fire intensifies and I arch my back and dig the back of my head deeper into my pillow. Far away, I can hear a girl’s scream and it takes me a minute to realize that the girl screaming is me. I’m burning alive; every part of my body feels like it’s on fire. I’m dying from human combustion!

  When the burn reaches the tip of my toes and the top of my head, I think I’m going to faint. I’m surprised that I haven’t fainted before now. The pain running throughout my body is excruciating.

  I begin begging for death while my body boils over high heat. I hear Sire whimpering from afar. Finally, the heat inside me starts to descend. I take a deep breath when the inferno leaves my throat. I begin to hyperventilate as the flames gather in my stomach and continue to fry me from the inside.

  “Oh, please, make it go away!” I hear myself cry.

  Suddenly, the fire explodes from my center and shoots up to my ceiling. The blue rays of light engulf the ceiling as they leave my body. I continue to scream even though my insides are beginning to cool.

  My room is on fire, blue flames spread around the area making a loud popping and cracking noise. I know I need to get up. I need to get my grandfather and Sire out of the house before it burns down. But I’m too weak as if my soul is leaving with the flames until finally…I pass out.

  I wake to Sire licking my face. I open my eyes and then slam them shut when the sun blinds me. Rolling over, I put my back to the bright window and slowly open my eyes. My room looks completely normal, not one thing’s out of place.

  This room was in flames last night and I know it wasn’t a nightmare. It was real! Standing, I walk to the center of the room. I turn in circles to get a better view of everything. Sire sits up on the bed with his tongue hanging out staring back at me. Everything’s perfect, nothing’s burned.

  I look down at my hands and legs and then I turn to stare into the mirror. I’m fine! There isn’t a burn mark on me!

  Dressing as fast as humanly possible, I throw on whatever and then run downstairs. I search through the house for my grandmother. I need answers and I need them now. Things are getting too crazy. This is no way to live and something has to be done.

  “Grandma!” I yell through the house. “I need answers! Please, tell me what’s happening to me!”

/>   There’s a loud knock on the front door. I grab the door handle hoping it’s Adam and I swing the door open. A little bald mail man stands there smiling back at me.

  “Got a letter for a Mage McPherson…that you?”

  “Yes. Thank you, but you could’ve just put it in the mailbox,” I reach out for the letter.

  “Oh, no ma’am, this letter’s been at the post office waitin’ to be delivered for goin’ on five years. Me and the boys at the office picked straws to see who’d get to deliver it—must be something important.”

  “Five years?”

  “Yes Ma’am. Some fella’ came in the post office and said it was real important that we deliver this here letter to this here house on this here day. It must be pretty special. We don’t usually hold letters for that long, but the old postmaster kept it in a lockbox over the years.”

  “Isn’t the post office closed for the holidays?”

  “Yes ma’am! It’s my day off, but the postmaster promised, and he never goes back on his word,” he said proudly.

  “Well, I appreciate your dedication to the mail,” I smile politely. “Thank you, so much,” the old letter warms my hand.

  The little postman stands there like he’s waiting for me to read it out loud to him.

  “Thank you, again,” I say as I shut the door in his face.

  What a weird little man.

  In the front living room, I sit on the old blue settee—my grandmother’s favorite.

  There’s no return address on the letter. I stick my finger into the envelope and rip it open. My eyes go to the top of the letter and I know instantly who it’s from—my grandfather.

  My Dearest Granddaughter,

  By now I’m sure that my mind has gone completely and for that I’m sorry. I decided a few weeks ago that I would write this letter for you and send it so that when you needed all the answers that I know you’re searching for; I could be the one to give them to you. I know things have been changing for you. I can only imagine the things that you’re capable of now, but please don’t let this thing break you.


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