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One More Day

Page 24

by Hadley, Auryn

  "Anything," she breathed.

  "Stop me if you need to," he said softly. "Just don't lie to me."

  "I want you, Ryan," she said, pulling her shirt over her head. "You." She took a step up the stairs. "All of you."

  "Oh baby. You have all of me," he said moving toward her.

  "Not yet," she teased, staying just out of his reach.

  She let the shirt fall from her hands, and reached for the clasp of her bra. His eyes closed in pleasure, but only for a moment. He wouldn't want to miss any of this, but she stayed just an inch too far away, slowly leading him up the stairs. She slipped off her bra just as her feet found the second floor. It, too, fell to the floor, and her hands moved to the waist of her pants, but Ryan was done chasing.

  He stepped into her, his hands pulling her hips toward him, crushing her bare chest against his shirt. His mouth found her neck, and he kissed her savagely before sweeping her into his arms, carrying her to his bed. Laying her on the blankets, he kissed her again, sweetly, then moved away, leaving her longing for more.

  As he closed the two large doors, Mack pried off her shoes and socks, so aware of every inch of her body. She lifted her hips and shoved at her pants, but he was there, sliding them from her legs. Somewhere he'd lost his shirt, and when she grabbed at him, her hands met bare flesh, begging him to come closer, the sound of her breath loud in her ears, but he resisted.

  Somehow he managed to remove his shoes, even with her pawing at his body, then he reached for the button of his jeans. She sat up, her hands covered his, and he closed his eyes, letting her. Slowly, she slid down the zipper, nothing but bare flesh beneath her fingers, hot, hard, and throbbing. Moving aside the cloth, his hard cock sprang free, a single drop of fluid glistening at the tip.

  She pushed his jeans out of her way and grabbed him, her hand solid around the shaft, his gasp of pleasure making her even more excited. Her fingers slid down his dick, her other hand reaching for his balls, finding them hard and tight, and she glanced up. His lips were parted, his breath coming quickly, but he gasped when her wet tongue met the underside of his swollen dick, trailing slowly up it until the head entered her soft, willing mouth.

  "Baby," he breathed, reaching for the back of her head.

  She worked every inch of him, her hands teasing, her mouth caressing, until his knees wanted to buckle. When he tried to pull away, she locked her fingers in the denim, and held him, her other hand stroking in time with her mouth. She moved faster, pulling his hips to her as she swallowed every inch of him, listening to him pant and groan.

  "Mack," he gasped. "Baby, I'm gonna..."

  But she didn't stop. Ryan had finally given in, and this was one thing she knew how to do. She wanted to hear him. She wanted to feel him in her hand. She wanted to give back just a bit of the pleasure he had given her over and over. Her hand slipped down his shaft again her mouth following behind, and he tightened his fingers in her hair, urging her to take just a bit more. She did, and he sucked in a breath then nearly growled as his hips tensed, spilling himself down the back of her throat.

  "Holy shit," he sighed, moving his hand to her shoulder, holding her for balance.

  "Come to bed," she said softly.

  He nodded. "Yeah. Please tell me you'll do that again."

  "Often," she swore. "Figured getting you a bit less excited might make that damned thing fit better. If I can't even get my hand around it, we might have problems."

  Flopping on the bed beside her, he laughed. "You just rocked my fucking world." He reached for her, and pulled her against his shoulder. "I loved you before you gave blow jobs like a demon. I think I love you more, now."

  "I love you, too." She snugged into him.

  "I'm also not done with you," he said softly, pulling her hips across his. "I love that damned tattoo. I've been dreaming of you right here for as long as I can remember."


  His hands slid up her back, his eyes drinking her in. "We have all night, baby." He sat up and kissed the line of her stomach. "Just you and I, as much or as little as you want." His fingers slid around to the sides of her breasts, his thumbs sweeping higher. "I'm going to make you cum. I don't care if it's my hand or my dick, and I'm going to watch your eyes close and your lips part."

  "God, I..."

  "Shh," he whispered. "It feels good. You look so damned good. Relax, Mack, and let me just love you."

  His thumbs brushed her nipples, back and forth, making her gasp. Mack threw her head back and let her hips rock forward, his hard shaft pressing against her. Tilting slightly, slick folds parted, and his hot skin slid across her hard nub. Ryan groaned, hips twitching beneath her, and his mouth closed on her breast, his tongue flicking against the erect skin.

  "Higher," he breathed before he moved to the other side.

  She obeyed, her slit sliding up his shaft, feeling him suck in a breath around her nipple before teasing it even harder. The fingers of one hand pressed her toward his mouth, the other sliding lower to cup her ass, and Mack leaned forward, shifting her knee, then slid against him, again. Hot, slick, and wet, his hard head moved lower before sliding back up, every movement punctuated by the rasp of his breath, her own panting even faster. She rocked again, and he pressed his face against her chest, clinging to her.

  "That feels so good," he groaned, lifting his hips slightly as his eyes closed, pressing harder as his dick slid against her clit one more time.

  Mack moaned, her hands pressing against his chest. She couldn't wait anymore. The scent of sex filled the air, the pressure of his fingers begging, needing more, and the ache inside her needed to be filled. Hard flesh slipped against her, moving back, and she paused as it teased her opening, then sank lower. Ryan's eyes flew open, his lips parted, and his hands found her waist.

  "God, you're so hot."

  Thick and hard, his head slid higher, stretching her, filling her, quenching a primal need no words could define. He held her, his hands holding her up, accepting her direction, demanding nothing. Slowly, she pushed him deeper. He watched her, those blue eyes drinking it all in, making her feel beautiful, desired. Perfect. Then he moved.

  The first shift of his hips sent sparks up her spine and tingles down her legs. Ryan glanced down, looking at their fused bodies, and a hint of a smile teased his mouth before he moved again. She felt every inch of him slide against her, caressing her from the inside, slowly withdrawing just to do it again. Then she joined him. Wet skin whispered, crisp sheets sighed, and Mackenzie groaned at the exquisite pressure, pressing into him. It was all the permission he needed.

  His fingers pulled, guiding her hips and he surged, his dick throbbing. When she closed her eyes, he moaned, leading her gently through the steps, his heavy breathing proving his own enjoyment. She lost herself in the moment, no longer caring about how she looked or what she did. She wanted this. She wanted him, and she knew that's what he was giving. It wasn't just sex, it was love, pure, physical, and complete. Ryan Sterling loved her with every inch, driving her higher than she knew was possible.

  "Mack," he gasped. "God, you feel so fucking good." He pushed. "Hot. Tight." He moaned. "And you're gonna make me cum so fucking hard."

  He pushed again, and she felt him swelling inside her, harder than she knew was possible. She couldn't speak, she couldn't find the words, but his crashed over her, proving that she was worth it. As his hands held her, his body caressed, and his mouth praised her, she gave in to the feelings, no longer fighting it. Sparks flared in her loins as her hips ground against his, and Mack whimpered in pleasure, pushing harder, driving him deeper, until she exploded.

  The passion ripped from her throat, a strangled cry as her body clenched against him. Something ached, but the pleasure covered it, and her hips bucked as she lost control. Ryan pushed one more time, sucking in a breath, his fingers refusing to let her move as he throbbed, clutching her hips while he spilled into her.

  Then he breathed, letting it all out in a rush as he pulled her against
his chest. "Never," he gasped, "worry about being good in bed." He chuckled and guided her off him and onto the sheets at his side. "Hey?"

  "Mm?" She lifted heavy lids and looked at him, a smile on her mouth that wouldn't leave.

  Ryan trailed his fingers over her ear. "Still alive?"

  "Yeah." She giggled. "I approve of your therapy."

  "You hurt?" He leaned closer and kissed below her eye. "Honest, baby. Ache, pinch, anything?"

  "Just the incision," she promised. "Barely an ache. My abs aren't exactly in the best shape."

  "K." He kissed her lips, shifting to look down at her. "Then next time, we'll try another way. And yeah, there will be a next time, so don't even ask."

  That's exactly what she wanted to hear. Mack snuggled closer to him and pressed her face into his neck. "Ryan?"

  "Yeah, babe?"

  "I love you so much. You're my knight in shining ink."

  He froze, then pushed his lips against her shoulder. For a moment he said nothing, then, with a subtle sniff, leaned back and wiped at his eyes. Only then did she realize he was crying. He laughed once, wryly, and glanced at her. "I'm sorry, baby. I just..." He took a breath. "I can't believe I just made love to you, is all. You, my Venus de Milo, and you love me."

  "Forever," she promised. "My bright angel, Ryan, I do. I'm the luckiest woman in the world."

  He smiled and turned into her, wrapping her in his arms. "Forever. I like the sound of that. I love you, too, baby."

  Chapter 30

  The next day she was a little sore. The doctor had warned that might happen, but it had been worth it. She woke in Ryan's arms, and he'd smothered her in kisses, but hadn't tried to push things any farther. It was like he knew, and she never had to say a word, proving just how perfect he really was.

  When she pulled out a pair of baggy but comfortable jeans, he glanced over, but pretended not to notice. To make up for it, Mack decided she needed a cute shirt. She found a thick sweater that hugged her curves, and pulled it on, turning before the mirror to look for some visible difference. She'd just made love to her boyfriend. She was healthy enough to do that now, proof that she was almost done counting days. When she looked up, Ryan was smiling.


  He cleared his throat and glanced down. "So, I take it this means you're up for going to work?"

  "Yeah." It only took four steps to reach him, and she tossed her arms around his neck. "You didn't hurt me, big boy. I'm still all in one piece."

  His tongue swept the corner of her top lip. "And moving a bit stiff. I saw that, Mack. You sure you're ok?"

  "It's a good ache," she promised. "But, you might not get any tonight."

  He nodded. "I can wait. Besides..." He bit the tip of his tongue. "There's other things."

  She gasped in playful shock. "Ryan Sterling, you are a bad boy!"

  "Mhm, and completely addicted to seeing the look on your face when you cum. Damn, gets me hard just thinking about it." He leaned forward and kissed her, pulling out of her arms. "Four feet, missy, or you might need to get dressed again."

  Mack laughed, but let him step back. "Ok. Point taken. You have clients in twenty minutes."

  He pulled open the door, and together they walked out, neither one shocked to see Colby sitting at the bar. He looked over pointedly, watching Mack make her way over, and grinned. Pushing a pair of cups in their direction, he leaned back.

  "Morning, love birds. Good fuck?"

  "Yeah," Mack said. "And you're washing my sheets."

  He made a noise and waved that away. "I used a sock. Seriously though, had coffee with that nurse, Maria. By the time I got back, was pretty damned quiet."

  "It's been a few months," Ryan said. "Gotta build up some stamina."

  "Yeah," Colby laughed, rolling his eyes. "Go open the shop, boss, I need to borrow your girl."

  Ryan slapped his shoulder but obeyed, jogging down the stairs with his cup. Colby gestured to the seat beside him, but waited until he heard the door before flopping his elbows onto the bar. He looked her over.

  "You good?"

  "Just so you know, he's as bad as you, ok?" Mack rubbed his arm, though, to prove she didn't mind. "Just don't ask me to be a gopher today?"

  "Nah. You sit your ass at that desk and draw. Things work well enough between you two? Girl to girl, hun. I mean, if he needs some pointers, I can drop the hints, if you need it."

  Mack grabbed her cup. "It's fine for me. Shit, fine is the wrong word. He's amazing." She bit her lip and looked up. "Not like I have the experience to know, right?"

  "Doesn't take much experience to know if it works. From the way he's hovering, pretty sure he's not complaining." Colby reached over and palmed the back of her head, mussing her inch long hair. "Want me to make sure?"

  "Yeah. Subtle-like. None of this, 'can she suck a mean cock' shit you usually do."

  He sucked at his teeth, nodding slowly, then reached up and smoothed down his goatee. "So, Mack, you suck a mean cock?"

  "Yeah. Surprised I still have the back of my head attached. Aren't you glad you asked?"

  Colby laughed, sliding off the chair, and grabbed his cup. He shook his head once, tossed back the last sip, then gestured to the door. "Ok, just so you know, if you're a dead fuck, but can suck dick, no man will ever complain. Just sayin'. C'mon, we've got clients."

  The shop wasn't busy, but they did have clients. Ryan was already working on a bicep piece and Colby's chest showed up within minutes. She watched, taking in the way her boyfriend moved, her pencil stalled out on the page. At least Colby didn't tease her, well, not where the clients could hear. She felt like a giddy teenager, completely lost in her daydreams.

  Ryan finished his, and while she completed the invoice, Tony walked in, waving at her. He was carrying a large box and didn't pause, just walked to the back, tapping Ryan's leg with his foot as he tilted his head to the door. Ryan nodded, and leaned around the wall to see Mack.

  "Hey, Tony and I are in the back room. No one wants to see his ass."

  "K. He's not scheduled."

  Ryan blew that off. "It's cool. He called last night, I just forgot to mark it. Don't book me for about four hours?"

  "Ok." She smiled, but he seemed off.

  It was hard to describe the difference, but once he'd reached the shop, Ryan seemed stiff, almost like he was trying to ignore her. She looked up at Colby and made a face, asking silently if he noticed it. He shook his head and wrinkled his nose, making light of her worry, then turned back to his client. Colby might not see it, but something was going on, and she could tell. Had she really been that bad in bed?

  But Ryan had seemed so happy. Not even an hour ago he sounded like everything was perfect, and now? He could barely meet her eyes. Biting her lip, Mack opened the list, and looked through the schedule. The only women on it were all from the cancer clinic. She couldn't see Hailey's name listed anywhere. Staring at the screen, she searched for some hint of what could have changed, losing herself in it so completely that she didn't realize Colby's client was done.

  "Mack," he said. "Go get a cup of coffee, babe, I'll finish this. You're obviously on another planet."

  She took a deep breath and nodded, prying herself from the chair. At least she didn't shuffle anymore, she thought. She might not win a marching contest, but she could walk. Passing the open bathroom, she checked her reflection, hoping to see a beauty queen, but instead, she just saw the shadow of new hair on the top of her head.

  In the light of day, it was all so apparent. Her middle sagged where her abs were weak from being sawed in half. Her skin was sallow and blanched, her hair was gone. She looked like a cancer survivor. At least she'd made it to survivor, but she, Mackenzie Lawrence, was no beauty queen. She couldn't pull off a seductive look; she couldn't seduce a man, let alone one like Ryan. She was just lucky he hadn't given up on her.

  No wonder he was acting strange. He was embarrassed by having some sick girl fawning all over him in front of the clients. The thought mad
e her eyes sting, but she just took a deep breath. He hadn't dumped her. He'd said he loved her. He'd made love to her. Maybe she hadn't been good enough? Then why had he been fine that morning?

  No matter what it was, she'd make it through this. She'd beat cancer. Step by step, just working to make it through one more day, she'd won that fight, and she'd win this one. After all they'd been through together, after giving her a taste of heaven, there was no way she'd let her own doubts drive her away from the man she loved. She owed him that much. If he was nervous, shy, or embarrassed, she'd understand, and they'd make it through this day, just like they had all the ones before.

  Determined, Mack entered the break room and headed for the coffee pot. No one had brewed any, yet, and the pot sat there, clean, cold, and empty. On auto-pilot, she pulled open the cabinet and reached for the bag of grounds, only to find an empty space. She paused, then glanced over at the trash and groaned. She'd been so distracted yesterday that she hadn't even noticed they were low on coffee. She tried to remember if they had any upstairs, but Colby had brewed it that morning.

  Groaning to herself, she headed back to the front. "Hey Colby? How much coffee is upstairs?"

  Looking up from the chair he was cleaning, he shrugged. "I dunno, you got another bag? I finished off that one."

  Mack groaned again. "No. We're out in the break room, too."

  He chuckled at her and reached for his back pocket. Pulling out his wallet, he checked the cash. "Yeah. Lemme buy ya a first day as a real person cup, then. I'll just tell Tony and Ryan that we're headed next door."

  Flashing a smile at her, he headed to the back. Mack could just hear him open the door and say something, but the words were too quiet to hear. In a couple of seconds he was back, grinning like he'd just won the lottery.

  "Yeah, Ryan said he'd watch the front. Tony should be the only appointment for a few hours, so no biggie. Ryan said you get a caramel macchiato."

  She bit her lip and smiled. He'd remembered. Maybe all her fears were just paranoia and she was over reacting. Either way, she was more than happy to share a cup with her best friend. Winter break was almost over and they wouldn't get the chance again for a while. Besides, she had a fondness for that coffee shop, it's where her life always seemed to change.


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