East End Angel

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East End Angel Page 19

by Rivers, Carol

  ‘Told you, didn’t I?’ whispered Ruby as Arthur brought the car to a halt. ‘Don’t get your hopes up, though. I went on about it to Em and Colin, but it’s a bit of a shock when you get inside.’

  Pearl had never seen anything so grand in her life. Brawton Manor was like something out of the films. Perhaps Ruby hadn’t been so foolish; this did seem like a very special place to be married after all.

  But when they stepped inside the first thing that Pearl noticed was the strong, sickly odour of disinfectant. Even the cup of tea the matron offered them in the small refectory seemed to taste of it.

  ‘I don’t want to hurry you,’ the matron said to Ruby as they put down their cups, ‘but your fiancé is waiting. If you’d like to come this way . . . ?’

  Looking very official in her dark uniform and white cap, she led Pearl and Ruby briskly over the highly polished wooden floors, their steps echoing loudly. Pearl braced herself for the sight of the ailing patients as Ruby had described, but they saw none.

  ‘She’s taking us another way,’ Ruby whispered, and Pearl nodded silently.

  Ruby seemed very relieved at this and Pearl was left to imagine that, before requisitioning, the Manor had been very splendid indeed. However, most of the carpets, wall hangings and antique furniture had been removed.

  Finally the sisters were led into a room where an extended dining table had been covered by a white tablecloth. A wooden crucifix stood in the centre, between two big vases filled with fresh flowers. The long windows were open to the scents of the spring fields. Under the windows were several rows of wooden dining chairs. Pearl sat beside Matron whilst Ruby took her place with Ricky and another uniformed man in front of the makeshift altar.

  Pearl felt her heart lurch when she saw Ricky. Was it because he looked thinner and older? He turned briefly to nod. His dark eyes were just the same, black and intense, an expression that haunted her.

  ‘The man in the next seat is Captain Lockwood,’ Matron leaned close to say. ‘He’s performing the registration ceremony.’

  Pearl noted the distinguished-looking older man, who had discreetly put his papers to one side. The vicar then joined them to give his blessing. Ricky, bandaged and burned, showed no emotion but Ruby gazed lovingly into his eyes.

  It came as a shock to Pearl to see Ricky for once looking less than immaculately turned out. He wore his naval trousers and a white shirt, but no jacket because of his burns and bandaging.

  Pearl’s eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t help it. Ruby looked so much in love. There was no exchange of rings as it had been deemed that only Ricky could put a ring on Ruby’s finger, and he couldn’t manage that with the bandages. Captain Lockwood had suggested it was done at a later date.

  Pearl wished that Jim was beside her. His heart would surely soften at the poignant sight. As for herself, what did she feel? Did she still regard Ricky in the same way as she once had? Could she forgive him for what he had done in the past? If he was a changed person and truly loved her sister then the answer was yes.

  When the ceremony was over, Pearl hugged her sister as they stood in the dining room where a small buffet had been prepared. ‘Congratulations, Mrs Winters.’

  Ruby looked radiant. ‘I’ll have to pinch myself when I wake up.’

  Pearl raised her eyes to Ricky. She tried hard to think of him as her brother-in-law and not the man she once knew. It would be a big effort to put the past behind her but she was going to try.

  Pearl left everyone to talk and went to the buffet table. A few of the nurses came in to wish the happy couple good luck. Several men, with sticks or on crutches, shuffled around the rather uninteresting-looking food. They didn’t eat but smiled and talked quietly between themselves. What did the future hold for the survivors of this war? How would their disabilities affect their wives and children? Ricky might not entirely recover from his wounds. What kind of work could he do? What was in store for Ruby? She had started her married life by giving up her dreams, even though she insisted she and Ricky had others. If Ricky couldn’t find work, then she would have to stay at the factory. So far, Mr Brewer had been very good about time off, but what if Ricky was ill and Ruby had to be with him?

  Pearl saw her sister look up at her husband. Her green eyes filled with love and pride. Would Ricky prove a better husband than the lover Pearl had known? As for their affair, Pearl prayed it would always remain a secret. Jim and Ruby were everything to her and always would be.

  Pearl waited in the car with Arthur Forsythe. Ruby was saying good night to Ricky. The sun was setting through the trees of Brawton Manor. The day had ended with a sky of burnished gold. Even with such beauty, Pearl was eager to get home. She was missing Cynthia. This was about the time she would tuck her into bed. Em and Colin had assured her they would follow instructions to the letter. But was Cynthia missing her? Pearl couldn’t help but wish her little girl was in her arms. She wanted to breathe her in, to feel Cynthia’s plump little body tucked warmly under the bedclothes. Absence was certainly making her heart grow fonder. And that was true of Jim too.

  Again, the question came to mind: what would he say when he knew Ruby had married Ricky? One day she would have to tell him. She must break the news gently . . .

  The car door opened. Ruby was clutching a hanky. Her hat was askew and her eyes very bright.

  ‘It all went very well,’ Pearl said as Ruby sat beside her.

  ‘’Spose so.’ Ruby glanced at the back of Arthur’s head. ‘Thanks for waiting.’

  ‘Congratulations, Mrs Winters.’

  Ruby smiled.

  As the car went along, she was quiet. Pearl knew she was missing Ricky. But he couldn’t come out of the hospital. Leaving her husband at the end of the day was the price Ruby had paid for instant marriage.

  ‘Cheer up.’ Pearl took her hand.

  Ruby stuck out her chin. ‘It just feels strange.’

  ‘It’s bound to be.’

  ‘I’m leaving me husband behind on my wedding night. Not many brides do that.’

  ‘It’s what you wanted.’

  ‘Yes, I know and I don’t regret it. I just want him home with me.’

  Pearl thought to say, yes, but you haven’t got a home to go to. But she couldn’t be unkind.

  ‘Did Matron tell you when he might leave?’

  ‘No. I’ll ask tomorrow.’

  The Brown Bear came into sight, an old pub with a thatched roof and swinging sign, under which stood wooden seats. The street was bathed in dusk and a few stars had already begun to twinkle.

  Arthur stopped the car and helped them out. ‘I hope you’ll be comfortable here. It’s not a bad place to stay, but it can be a little noisy sometimes. There are a lot of Americans still around.’

  ‘We don’t mind that. We was lucky that Matron managed to get us a room,’ Ruby said gratefully as Arthur handed her the attaché case.

  ‘Ten in the morning, shall we say?’

  ‘Yes. I’ll be waiting.’ Ruby glanced at Pearl. ‘Do you want to come too?’

  ‘No. I’ll walk to the station and meet you there.’

  They watched Arthur drive off and stood for a moment in the still, spring evening. The smell of newly mown grass filled the air. Sounds of loud laughter came from inside the pub.

  ‘That’s the Yanks Arthur told us about,’ said Ruby.

  ‘We’ll give the bar a wide berth,’ nodded Pearl. ‘They don’t mean any harm.’

  ‘I hope our room’s at the back,’ grinned Ruby.

  ‘Look, isn’t it pretty?’ The narrow street was filled with tiny cottages and lattice windows. Thick, flowery vines grew up to the eaves, and most of the gardens had white picket fences. ‘Don’t half look like Gloucestershire,’ said Pearl on a nostalgic sigh.

  ‘Yes, it does. I could quite get used to this.’

  ‘You mean you could live in the country?’

  ‘I don’t see why not.’

  ‘This does take me back to Gloucester. We used to play in fiel
ds like those ones, remember? There was always real birds in the bushes and trees, not gulls, but little ones with red chests and pretty whistles. And the farmer’s wife let us collect the eggs from the barn. Real lovely eggs they were, all warm and brown. I used to feel a bit sorry for the chickens.’

  ‘Why was that?’

  ‘Well, it was their babies.’

  Ruby giggled. ‘You daft thing.’

  Pearl was glad she’d brought a smile to her sister’s face. ‘Come on then, let’s go inside.’

  Ruby opened the heavy, creaking pub door. They could see American uniforms through the window of the public bar as they went up to the tiny desk and said who they were. A large, red-faced woman wearing a white blouse and black skirt handed them their key. ‘Congratulations, Mrs Winters.’

  Ruby smiled. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘The matron is a friend of mine. When she telephoned to make the booking she said she wanted a special room for a new bride and her sister. It’s a shame your husband couldn’t be with you but I’ve given you the best room we have. I hope you two don’t mind sharing a double bed.’

  ‘As long as it’s a big one,’ grinned Pearl.

  ‘The matron even found us a driver,’ said Ruby. ‘I should have offered to pay for the petrol.’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry about that,’ dismissed the woman. ‘Arthur has a petrol allowance from the authorities for driving for the hospital. It does him a good turn as well.’ She nodded to the big wall clock. ‘Are you hungry?’

  Pearl looked at Ruby. Neither of them had eaten much of the hospital food as it, too, seemed to taste of disinfectant.

  ‘I can find you some beef pie if you like?’ said their host.

  ‘Beef pie?’ they both exclaimed at once.

  ‘Real beef, you mean?’ asked Pearl.

  ‘Yes, of course.’

  Ruby rolled her eyes. ‘We haven’t eaten beef in years, since before the war.’

  ‘This is the country, don’t forget. We raise our own animals. Come down in an hour. I’ll put you in the snug, away from all the noise. Now, up the stairs and last on the left.’

  ‘Did I hear right?’ Ruby whispered as they went upstairs. ‘Did she really say beef?’

  ‘I hope it ain’t one of them lovely brown cows we saw on the way,’ said Pearl, which drew a chuckle from Ruby.

  ‘Well, wherever it comes from, we’ll eat it.’

  When they opened the wooden door of their room, Pearl gasped. ‘Oh, Ruby this is lovely. Look, the bed’s huge.’

  Ruby threw herself on it. She laid back and closed her eyes. ‘So this is what a real bed feels like. I’ve been sleeping on that old camp bed of yours for so long I reckon me back has warped.’

  Pearl smiled as she lay beside Ruby. It felt so soft and warm on the patchwork quilt cover.

  ‘Look at them black beams above us,’ said Ruby.

  ‘And the panes in the window. They’re like little diamonds.’

  ‘I wish I was looking at them with Ricky.’

  Pearl laughed softly.

  ‘What are you laughing at?’ demanded Ruby sitting up.

  ‘Don’t suppose many brides have slept with their sister.’

  Suddenly they were both laughing and soon the tears rolled down their cheeks.

  ‘How much did this room cost?’ Pearl asked, bringing them back to reality.

  ‘Don’t know. Ricky’s seeing to it. I only had to pay for the train.’

  The room was growing dark. ‘Let’s look out of the window before the blackout,’ said Pearl jumping up. ‘Oh, just look at that!’

  The blackout was still in force, but not to such a degree as in London. Little lights could be seen along the backs of the houses. It was quiet as the room overlooked the big yard. The trees made shadows everywhere, something not seen on the island.

  ‘I wonder if the warden still comes round and tells them to put them out?’ Ruby drew the curtains. She yawned and stretched, then fell back again on the bed. ‘Oh, this is heaven.’

  Pearl sat on the dressing table stool and gazed in the mirror. ‘Is the matron married? She seems very dedicated to her work.’

  ‘Ricky told me her husband died in ’forty-two. He was in the air force, like that poor man that was in Ricky’s room. He also died, I’m sad to say.’

  ‘Don’t let’s think about the war,’ said Pearl, turning round on the stool. ‘This is your wedding night. Although it’s not me you want to be with, I’d like to see you enjoy it.’

  ‘You’re not bad for a sister.’ Ruby kept a straight face. ‘Though I dare say there’s better.’

  Pearl threw a cushion as Ruby collapsed with laughter and so began a pillow fight as they’d done so many times as kids.

  It wasn’t until later, when they had washed and renewed their make-up, that Pearl reminded Ruby that downstairs in the snug, a delicious beef pie awaited them.

  * * *

  That night, Pearl and Ruby lay in the big double bed, well fed and content. Pearl had never eaten such a big, crusty pie, full of delicious brown meat. The vegetables had been cooked very lightly and tasted more like sweet nuts than the tough ones she bought from Hemsley’s. There was a lot of difference between city and country food.

  ‘I’ve been thinking,’ said Ruby in the darkness. ‘I really would like to live in the country. The food is lovely and all the people seem very friendly.’

  ‘Yes, it’s nice for a change, and very green. But I don’t know about living in it.’

  Ruby pulled the eiderdown up. ‘Anyway, Ricky’s got to get well first. I know that when he leaves hospital it will all be different. I’ll prove to him that it doesn’t matter about his injuries. A kiss and a cuddle go a long way.’

  Pearl still didn’t like to think about that, but now Ruby and Ricky were married, she had to make a special effort to accept the idea.

  Ruby giggled. ‘Like I said, you’re not bad for a sister.’

  ‘Nor are you.’

  ‘Good night, then.’

  ‘Good night, and sweet dreams.’

  Pearl was awake long after Ruby had fallen asleep. The day she had been hoping might never come had been a surprise. Other than the lingering smell of disinfectant, there had been a charm to the service. Love shone from Ruby’s eyes. But did Ricky feel the same about Ruby?

  When at last her eyes closed, Pearl’s last thoughts went to Cynthia and Jim. Drifting slowly asleep, she surrounded them with her thoughts of love and gratitude.

  Chapter 18

  On the morning of Tuesday 6 June, five weeks after Ruby’s wedding, Pearl switched on the wireless to hear a broadcast made from the Home Service of the BBC. Shortly after midnight, three airborne divisions, the US 82nd and 101st and the British 6th, had flown over the English Channel to secure the beaches of Normandy for the D-Day landings. No longer was the invasion of Europe a rumour, it was a reality.

  Pearl stopped what she was doing and, with Cynthia, rushed down to the shop. The whole street were talking about the news. Little by little the information was coming through that everyone had waited so long for.

  ‘This is it then,’ Fitz said as Pearl pushed her way through the shop. ‘God bless all our lads and bring them home safely.’

  Gwen was twiddling the knobs of the old wireless in the shop. ‘Makes you proud, don’t it?’ she called, and Pearl nodded, experiencing the feeling of national pride as more news crackled out of the set. John Snagge, the BBC commentator, had revealed that at six thirty in the morning, when Britain was just waking up, the first landing craft had begun the assault on the French beaches. So far, the country was told, everything was going according to the Allied plan for the liberation of Europe.

  Once again Pearl wondered where Jim was. Two days ago, the newspapers had reported that Rome had been liberated by the Allies. It was said that the city had fallen easily after the harsh and bloody battles of Anzio and Monte Cassino. Women had thrown flowers to the troops, and even given bottles of wine. The pictures in the papers had sho
wn English and American soldiers being embraced and kissed. Had Jim enjoyed such a welcome? The young Italian women were beautiful. It would be easy for any man to fall into temptation. Especially after two years away from home.

  It was Fitz who, as usual, gave a word of warning to his assembled customers. ‘If we’re successful and they pull it off, Hitler won’t take it lying down. We have to be prepared for reprisals.’

  ‘Like what, you old Jonah?’ a woman in a headscarf demanded.

  ‘The secret weapon he has up his sleeve,’ declared Fitz. ‘I don’t want to be a killjoy, but we must be vigilant.’

  ‘How can we be vigilant against something we don’t know?’ shouted another woman, looking annoyed. ‘And you are a bloody killjoy, Fitz. Can’t you wish our boys success?’

  A man in a cap next to Pearl rolled his eyes. ‘That’s been the story of this war. There’s always something invisible round the corner to be frightened of. You can’t even celebrate a small victory.’

  Fitz heard the comment. ‘Well, it’s only my opinion.’

  ‘And you know what you can do with it,’ chuckled the woman in the headscarf. ‘Now sort me out some of them spuds, ducks, and I can get home and turn me own wireless on without all these interruptions.’

  ‘And hurry yourself up, Fitz!’ called Gwen, hands on hips as she stood at the counter. ‘Just because we’re winning the war at last don’t mean we ain’t got a business to run.’

  Fitz grinned at Pearl from behind his spectacles and turned his attention to the potatoes. Pearl hurried back up the stairs. The air of excitement and expectancy was palpable. In the kitchen, she sat at the table with Cynth and the wireless.

  ‘Throughout the night, British aircraft have pounded the German batteries along the French coast. Our paratroopers and marines have landed at the beachheads, whilst the US Air Force have continued the attack. Our ships have set sail, from large and small ports alike, converging on Normandy for the operation called Overload. The big question is, can the Allies supply reinforcements from the sea faster than the Germans can by land?’

  Pearl couldn’t wait for Ruby to come home. Her Factory would have heard the news by now. Tonight they would be glued to the set as they ate their dinner. Would we be successful in the most daring and closely guarded secret of the war? It was a question on everyone’s mind. The outcome would affect every family in the United Kingdom.


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