The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance Page 3

by Jay Cannon

  “Why isn’t the pool at the end lit up? Has the chemical worn out or something?” Asked Lephi.

  “Not at all. Although it is plain water it contains a mineral that sparkles when you run your hands through it. Go ahead and try it,” urged Yoyo.

  The two Alphas ran their hands through the water and watched as sparkles appeared around their fingers.

  “This is quite clever,” stated Commander Filo.

  “Watch this,” said Yoyo grabbing a handful and throwing it into the air. The water hit the nearby wall and lit up like miniature fireworks. The water sparkled all along the wall and continued as it hit the floor. Soon afterwards it evaporated.

  “My kids would have loved to have some of this to play with,” said Commander Filo.

  “I can get some to take home with you if you like,” replied Yoyo.

  “That won’t be necessary. They died when the Euclidian attacked my planet.”

  “That’s unfortunate. They don’t seem like violent people to me, but I’ve only had very little interaction with them.”

  “Trust me, they are very violent people.”

  “I’ll just have to take your word for it. Let’s continue on,” suggested Yoyo.

  The three of them moved through a corridor into another open area that was less dimly lit.

  “Here along the entire length of the wall on both sides is the robe, sandals, orb, necklace and headgear of our chieftains, dating back thousands of years. You can see how our culture and artistry has changed over the years.”

  “I’m surprised that nothing has been destroyed or stolen,” stated Lephi.

  “Somehow I think we have just been lucky. No one has ever tried to steal anything that I’m aware of. In general our people are very honest. Just in case, the Magi in the blue robes help to guard the place. To help preserve the items, we keep it dry in this chamber and coated the clothing with a preservative. After all that, the older items have still become a bit ragged. Let’s continue up the stairs to the receiving area.”

  “How is this place so big when it seems so small from the outside?” Asked Commander Filo.

  “It’s built into the cave wall,” responded Yoyo. “It goes on for a ways inside the cave wall and then comes out the other side into another large cavern.”

  “How clever!” Stated Commander Filo.

  “Clever indeed!” Agreed Lephi.

  They reached the top of the stairs and there was a small reception area with chairs across the walls and several Magi guarding a door carrying spears.

  “This is the first time I believe I have seen weapons here,” stated Commander Filo.

  “Yes, this is the entry way to the chieftain’s quarters. While we have never had attacks here in the past, we don’t take any chances. No one else here carries weapons. We don’t war with each other and outsiders would have a difficult time navigating the caves in order to get here so weapons aren’t really necessary. In addition we have so many deterrents made from the minerals and liquids in the caves that an invading army would find it too costly to attack us to get what little we have in here. Hold on, I need to let the guards know that you are here to see the chieftain. I’ll be right with you.”

  Yoyo spoke to one of the guards in her language and then disappeared through the door, returning a few minutes later.

  “Our chieftain can meet with you in two periods. In the mean time I can take you through the rest of the palace on the lower floor and then out for some food. By the time we finish our chieftain should be ready to meet with you.”

  “That sounds like a grand idea,” replied Lephi. “Go ahead and lead the way?”

  Yoyo headed down the stairs while Commander Filo and Lephi followed after her.


  Commander Filo and Lephi were surprised at how well they enjoyed the food and drink that Yoyo had found for them. She even treated them to her own brand of Tammarian grog, which they thoroughly enjoyed.

  “Yoyo, you make the most amazing blend of Tammarian grog that I have ever tasted, and I have drunk a lot of them. I could drink yours all day,” stated Lephi.

  “Then you would be in no shape to see our chieftain,” replied Yoyo. “We should probably be heading back.” Yoyo lead them back to the reception area and disappeared through the door to the chieftain’s chambers.

  “She’ll see us now,” stated Yoyo sticking her head through the door.

  The two Alphas entered the door behind Yoyo and were surprised to see the ornate nature of the hall. The floor was covered in tapestry. Chandeliers lit by luminescent balls hung from the ceiling. The walls were covered in various types of art. The baseboards were made of a shimmering, gold-colored material. At the end of the hall were large doors with more guards. The three proceeded through the door into the hall beyond it.

  The hall was a large room full of activity. People everywhere were chatting with each other. There were village chiefs, elders and dignitaries carrying on their business. The three stood for a moment to take it all in. Yoyo described the people waiting to speak to the chieftain.

  “The three people in the blue gowns are chiefs from the Wochowo region discussing distribution of their new fungus crops to the other regions. The two in the loin cloth are Tammarians looking to barter to get some Keegon fish from us. We served them some at a state dinner and they can’t get enough of it. The group behind them are construction planners. They are planning an extension of our cave system.”

  “It sounds like they are arguing,” stated Lephi.”

  “Yes, there are concerns that it would make it more difficult to communicate across the many villages we have today. There are also concerns that there may be problems removing the rock from the construction the long distances to any cave entrance. The interior minister is worried that the expansion will cause an increase in population that will place a strain on our resources. It takes time to develop additional sources of food, waste services and educate people about the new.”

  “Interesting problems,” said Commander Filo rubbing his chin.

  “Let’s continue on. The chieftain’s throne room is just through those doors,” said Yoyo pointing just ahead of them.

  The three of them stood at the door and waited to be announced. There was a Magi village chief just finishing up with the chieftain. He walked out and the chieftain’s yeoman escorted them in.

  “Yoyo,” the chieftain stood smiling. “How have you been?”

  “Chieftain Hilma I am just fine,” replied Yoyo clasping her hands and bowing. “I am with two Alphas that wish to discuss a business proposition for you. This is Commander Filo and his aide Lieutenant Swantik.”

  The two clasped their hands and bowed as Yoyo introduced them.

  “Greetings Chieftain Hilma,” Commander Filo started removing his goggles, “I represent an Alpha delegation that is interested in having formal relations with the Magi people.”

  “To what end? You are free to communicate with us as you wish,” replied the chieftain.

  “We would like to setup more formal relations with your people by exchanging dignitaries. We could have someone representing our people stay here in your caves and one of your people could spend time with us on our ship and planet. There is so much we could learn from each other.”

  “We are generally against mingling with outsiders. I certainly would not wish for you to take our people away from this planet, which I believe is what you are proposing,” she stated with a stern voice.

  “You are quite right,” Commander Filo stated bowing. “I feel there is so much we could share with your people. It would be much easier to express opportunities with someone who could spend time with our people. And likewise, your use of chemicals and minerals could be of great use to our people. Having your people embedded with our would be so productive for our engineers.”

  “Sounds interesting, but I’m concerned about the possible exploitation of our people and the negative influence that your culture could have on our culture. Yours is an advan
ced civilization. I understand the corruptive forces of technology and the greed that comes with that. Modernization does not come without a cost.”

  “I understand your hesitation chieftain. If I could have a second audience with you I believe I could demonstrate my sincerity and provide specific example of how the Alphas might be able to assist your people without disrupting the harmony of your culture.”

  “I am skeptical of your claim, but I am willing to hear you out. Yoyo, why don’t you bring them back in two days and let’s see what they have to present.”

  “Yes chieftain. Be well,” Yoyo ended bowing and walking out.

  Yoyo escorted Commander Filo and Nephi out to the cave entrance where she met them. “I’ll see you here at the same time two days from now.”

  “Yoyo, I appreciate your assistance with getting us an audience with your chieftain. I feel it was a productive meeting. I look forward to seeing you again. Let me know if there is anything I can bring you the next time we meet,” requested Commander Filo.

  “I am happy to help out. I don’t require anything at this time. I am merely doing my job,” replied Yoyo. “I’ll see you in two days. Goodbye,” Yoyo ended disappearing into the cave entrance.

  “Commander what do you have planned?” Asked Lephi, starting down the mountain.

  “I’m not sure yet. Let me make a few calls and we will discuss it in the morning. I see the Magi as a great opportunity for us to enact our revenge on the Euclidians and I refuse to let it slip through our fingers without a fight. Let’s get back to our ship and get some distance between us and this planet.”

  That place is wondrous, thought Commander Filo to himself. I didn’t realize there was so much going on there. Those people have formal societies with villages full of huts, roads and communications, though primitive. But what don’t they have? They don’t seem to have a need for money, food or resources. However, their desire to expand could be the key to gaining their cooperation. I need to find a way to show them that the Alphas can assist them with their plans without interfering.


  “So where is Yoyo?” Asked Commander Filo impatiently.

  “I don’t know,” responded Lephi. “We are inside the cave at the exact same spot as we were before. Unfortunately the Magi are very liberal with meeting times. They only have a crude way of tracking time inside their caves and no one wears a time piece.”

  “So how do we know if she will show up? The chieftain could have changed her mind, she could be sick or dead or maybe she came earlier and decided we stood HER up! I don’t like the casualness of these meetings.”

  “If she doesn’t show up in an hour I can contact one of their other emissaries and try to setup another meeting. In the meantime, have a seat on one of the boulders and try to relax.”

  “It’s bad enough I have to wear these goggles, I’m not going to sit on a hard rock. Anyway, that would be unprofessional. I will stand here until she arrives. If she doesn’t arrive we keep trying with her or someone else.”

  Another few moments passed and Yoyo appeared in front of them.

  “Hello Commander Filo and Lieutenant Swantik,” greeted Yoyo.

  “Hello Yoyo,” Commander Filo replied clasping his hands and bowing.

  “No need to be so formal. I’m not the chieftain.”

  “Still, I am happy to show you a little respect after the assistance you have given us. We have been here quite a while. You are late today.”

  “No, that is not possible. I came when I was ready. To come earlier would be a waste of our time.”

  “Forgive me, I expected you about the same time as last time.”

  “And that is when I arrived. So shall we go?”

  Commander Filo not willing to belabor the point nodded and gestured for Yoyo to lead the way. Lephi simply looked at the commander shrugging his shoulders and Commander Filo looked back at him with a smirk.

  Yoyo led the two Alphas to Chieftain Hilma’s chamber where Commander Filo proceeded to present his case.

  “Chieftain Hilma thanks for meeting with us again,” started Commander Filo. “We continue to feel that there is much to be gained by an exchange of diplomats. As I mentioned previously, your use of chemicals, minerals and cave technology is of great interest to us. In return I believe that we could provide you some assistance with your expansion plans. You have a huge cave system that is difficult to navigate and communicate across. You also don’t have precise timing devices. We could provide a wealth of technology to you that can address those difficulties.”

  “Commander, we are not interested in bringing your technology into our caves. We have survived thousands of years without it and I have no desire to have my people spending hours learning your devices and thus cripple them by having them rely on some foreign technology, subsequently extinguishing years of our culture.”

  “Point well taken Chieftain. I would not want to disrupt your way of life for the sake of diplomacy. There is also the matter of the expansion of your cave systems. We have technology that we could use to carve out the rock and remove it in no time. We could then transfer any items you need into the new space. The Alphas could manage all of the work so your people would not have to deal with using the technology.”

  “Those proposals sound a bit more acceptable, but I don’t want life to become too easy for my people. Maybe we could look at a mixture of Alpha technology and Magi manpower. One thing we do not have is metal reinforcement to shore up our cave structures.”

  “That is something we would be glad to be able to assist you with. We also have a means for stimulating the growth of plants and animals. That could help you get started with providing additional food for your expanding population. Once we have increased the size of your food sources they should be able to sustain the continued growth needed by your people. As a sign of good faith I brought along a device that can be used to stimulate the egg laying capabilities of your sea life. I would be happy to demonstrate it on two isolated animals and you can verify that it does not harm the creatures in anyway.”

  “That would be a worthwhile experiment to test out. Yoyo, could you be so kind as to have one of our marine biologists setup an experiment before they end their visit with us?”

  “Yes, chieftain,” responded Yoyo.

  “I believe we have enough information to start working out an agreement between our people. Commander, what were you thinking in the way of an exchange of representatives?”

  “Since Lieutenant Swantik already has a relationship with your people I was hoping that he could be the Alpha Ambassador to the Magi people. There would be some additional people in his delegation to assist him with administrative work and assisting with any exchange of information. Likewise, I would like to propose that Yoyo be appointed as the Magi Ambassador to the Alpha people, with your permission of course Chieftain Hilma. I would also like to see others join her in order to improve our ability to exchange ideas.”

  Yoyo’s mouth sprung open as she was taken aback by the proposal. She never saw herself becoming the ambassador to another planet. As ambassador to the Alphas her dream of travelling the stars would be realized. But could she be successful while still having fun?

  “Are you still with us Yoyo?” asked Chieftain Hilma.

  “Forgive me chieftain. I was just momentarily lost in my thoughts.”

  “So what do you think of the idea of being an ambassador Yoyo,”

  “I would be honored and delighted,” replied Yoyo bowing to her chieftain.

  “You’ve done an excellent job working with the Tammarians and Euclidians. I think you are the perfect choice for the position. Do you think you can find some of our specialists that would like to join you?”

  “Of course chieftain.”

  “How do you feel about the choice of Lieutenant Swantik as their ambassador?”

  “I have had agreeable exchanges with him. He is patient and respectful, unlike Commander Filo.” The commander looked away embarrassed. “I feel he
will be a welcome partner for our people.”

  “Then it’s settled. Yoyo, have our foreign minister meet with the Alpha counterpart to iron out an agreement between our people.”

  “Right away Chieftain Hilma. I appreciate your sponsorship,” Yoyo ended bowing and moving away from the chieftain.

  Commander Filo and Lephi bowed and followed Yoyo out from the chambers.

  Within a few days the two sides completed their agreement. Yoyo and several of the Magi boarded a cloaked Alpha ship for a trip to Euclidia.

  Chapter 3

  Betty gets Kidnapped

  Betty had a thrilling B&D session with Uan and was basking in its afterglow as she finished freshening up in her bathroom. After she walked into her bedroom she was surprised to find that Uan had gone. I risk my life to save that jerk in a bar fight, bring him back to my place for a little B&D as a reward to myself for saving him and he disappears on me. He could have been kicked to death. The least he could do was indulge my fantasy. During the entire session he kept screaming about how he was going to kill me all the way up to his orgasm.

  After all that tough talk I can’t believe he just vanished without saying a word. What happened to all that “I’m going to kill you,” talk? I guess the sex was just too much for him. I should stop procrastinating and get to work.

  Betty got dressed, jumped into her squad car and headed to her police precinct. She walked into the squad room to find everyone in the briefing room.

  “Betty what are you doing out there?” Her captain shouted from the briefing room door. “The briefing has already started. Didn’t you get my email?”

  “Sorry captain, I was just getting some coffee. What’s going on?” Asked Betty.

  “Just grab your coffee and get in here.”

  “I’m not going to take up any more of your time,” the police chief said finishing up. “I believe you all understand how gruesome these murders have been and the importance of finding the person or people that are responsible for this mess. Right now I would like to introduce you to Special Agent Trent McKee from the FBI forensics team.”


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