The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance Page 8

by Jay Cannon

  “That’s not enough. You must kill Captain Shisal!”

  “I will kill him!” Stated the XO defiantly.

  “You can go rejoin your ladies now XO. Thanks for coming by. Please forget we ever talked.”

  “Sure thing. Goodbye,” said the XO walking off.

  Commander Filo clapped his hands together and let out a wicked laugh. Two down two to go!


  Yoyo and Commander Filo watched as the captain of the Euclidian resource ship Alvin sat down across from them resting his coat on the back of his chair. They decided to go over and have a chat with him.

  “Greetings Captain Krashan. You probably don’t know me. I’m Commander Filo of the alpha ship Adele. I was in space in route to my home planet while you were busy destroying it.”

  “I hope you got to see the event. It was spectacular. I recorded it if you would like to get a look at it.”

  “No, I’ve seen it enough times to memorize it though. Right now I want to see you get hacked up by that Ossie over there.”

  “Oh, you’re too much of a coward to attack me,” said Captain Krashan leaning into him with a finger in his chest, “so you want me to attack someone who has done nothing to me. Is that right?”

  “I’m not very good at explaining things. Perhaps my colleague could do a better job. Yoyo, could you come over for a minute? Yoyo, this is Captain Krashan. Could you convince him that we should work together?”

  “Captain Krashan,” whispered Yoyo tapping the captain on his arm, while removing his goggles. “This Alpha is your friend and you want to do whatever he tells you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes little one,” replied the captain.

  “Thanks Yoyo. I’ll catch up with you later. I’m going to have a private chat with the captain,” Commander Filo stated walking off with the captain.

  “Captain Krashan,” stated the commander, “that Ossie over there is your mortal enemy. You hate him immensely. I want you to go over there and kill him with your bare hands.”

  “With pleasure,” replied the captain. “Hey Ossie, you’re going down,” screamed the captain diving at the Ossie.

  The captain tackled the Ossie to the ground and started pounding on him, while the crew of the Alvin looked on in disbelief. The Ossie kneed the captain over his head and jumped to his feet. The captain’s crew looked on in disbelief.

  He turned grabbed the captain by the back of his pants and spun him backwards throwing the captain over his head and five meters away. The captain rolled to a stop and then looked back at the Ossie with disdain.

  “Why are you attacking me?” Shouted the Ossie at the captain.

  “Because I hate your guts!”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I don’t care. I’m still going to kill you,” replied Captain Krashan getting to his feet and rushing towards the Ossie.

  The Ossie turned and vanished as the captain’s crew gathered around him.

  “Captain, are you okay?” A crewman asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” replied the captain pushing the crewman away from him. He grabbed his jacket, walked out the door and down the street where he was met by his friend Captain Witt of the resource ship Bonni.

  “Krashan are you doing okay? I walked into the bar just as you attacked an Ossie from your own crew. What the hell happened to you in there?”

  “I don’t know Witt. For some reason I felt compelled to attack him.”

  Commander Filo had followed Captain Krashan out of the bar and couldn’t believe his luck when he saw the fourth captain on his list show up. He thought up a plan and waited hatch it.

  “Krashan, you need to get back to your ship and get checked,” insisted Captain Witt.

  “I will. I just need some time to clear my head.”

  “Okay, I’m going back to the Bordelle Bar. I’ll see you later.”

  “Sure, Witt. Thanks for checking on me.”

  Captain Witt turned back to go to the Bordelle Bar while Commander Filo ran and caught up with Captain Krashan and whispered in his ear. He then stepped to the side and watched the captain run down the street after his friend.

  “Hey Witt wait up,” Captain Krashan shouted running after Captain Witt.

  Captain Witt turned in time to see Captain Krashan stab him in the chest with a knife killing him dead. Captain Krashan then ran head long into the grill of an oncoming military transport vehicle killing himself.

  Chapter 8

  Retrieving Betty

  Uan was irate when he heard what had happened to Betty and he couldn’t understand why. Somehow he felt an attachment for her. Even though he deeply wanted to kill her for humiliating him the way she did, he couldn’t stand to think of anyone else harming her. He called the ship up that was stationed on Earth under the Atlantic Ocean and asked them to transport him to Natchitoches, LA, which is where the truck that picked up Betty supposedly came from.

  Uan arrived that evening and went straight to a local bar to see if he could find Pierre Thibodeaux. He spotted a few guys drinking beers standing around a pool table and decided to see what he could find out from them.

  “Excuse me, I’m looking to score a kilo and heard that I should look up Pierre Thibodeaux.”

  “He might be the guy, but why should I tell you anything?” Said one of the guys standing by the pool table.

  “How about I slip you a fifty?” Responded Uan.

  “That would work. How do I know that you’re not a cop?”

  “Really? A tiny guy with a Scottish accent and face tattoo. I don’t think I would pass the entrance exam.”

  “Good point. Pass me the fifty and I’ll give you the info.”

  Uan gave him the fifty and the man whispered in his ear, “He hangs out at JJ’s Club on highway 1 just south of the airport.”

  “Thanks,” said Uan and walked out. He walked out to the parking lot and jumped into the passenger side of a truck a man had just started and offered him fifty dollars to drop him off at JJ’s.

  “Get the hell out my truck little fella before I drag you out by your ear,” replied the man.

  Uan placed the blade of his spear to the man’s throat and stated, “You take me to the club or I’ll cut you from ear to ear. What do you think of that big fella?”

  “I think if you slide that blade back a bit I can put this truck in gear and git you to that bar you asked about,” the man said nervously.

  Uan obliged the man and ten minutes later he was standing in front of JJ’s. Uan handed the man fifty dollars and stepped down from the truck, which immediately pulled away. The club was a long rectangular cinder block building in the middle of a dirt parking lot. Loud country music could be heard coming from the open club doors.

  As Uan approached the door his path was blocked by the bouncer.

  “You don’t look old enough to come in here little fella. You got any ID?” Asked the bouncer.

  “Sure,” responded Uan grabbing the man by the crotch and lifting him in the air against the building. It is in my hand. Would you like me to pull it out so you can see it?”

  “No!” Gasped the man astonished to be lifted up so high by such a small person.

  “That is what I thought,” replied Uan releasing the man so he could drop to his feet.

  Uan walked through the door and felt a hand on his chest stopping his forward progress.

  “Where you going fella,” a stern firm voice stated. “It costs five dollars to get up in here.”

  Uan was being blocked by a petite woman. Though she was pretty she had piercing eyes and a tough demeanor that gave one the impression she was not the type of person to be ignored. Uan resisted the urge to simply snap her neck and throw her to the floor. He was concerned it might draw too much attention now that he was inside the club. He didn’t want to scare away the man he was looking for.

  “Here, just keep the change,” said Uan handing her a twenty.

  “Thanks. I’m Dominique. You look like you’re new around
here. I’m off in an hour if you need a tour guide or anything else tonight.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Can you point Pierre Thibodaux out to me?” asked Uan attempting to shout over the loud music.

  “Sure. He’s the big guy with the beard in the blue three piece suit across from the dance floor.”

  “Thanks. I see him.”

  Uan walked into the crowded room towards Pierre, the man that picked Betty up from Shreveport and drove her into the heart of Cajun territory. He passed by him and stood a few feet away waiting for an opportunity to talk to him in private. Uan got a few strange looks from passersby, but ignored them. Pierre stood along the wall with some of his associates admiring the women dancing in their tight, short skirts. After about forty-five minutes Pierre finally pushed away from the wall and headed towards the men’s room.

  Uan followed Pierre in and spotted one man finishing up at the sink. Pierre went into a stall and closed the door behind him. Uan grabbed the man at the sink and shoved him through Pierre’s closed stall door forcing Pierre across the commode. He closed the door behind him and started chopping the stranger up with his spear.

  “What the fuck!” Exclaimed Pierre shoving his way to the back of the stall.

  Uan dropped the stranger to the floor and looked at Pierre. “I have no idea who this man is I just cut up. If I do not hesitate to cut him,” growled Uan leaning into Pierre with his spear at his throat, “what do you think I would do to a man who hurt someone I care about?”

  “What do you want?” Asked Pierre in a trembling voice.

  Uan just paused for a while and stared at Pierre through his shades. Then he continued. “You brought a woman named Betty here. I want to know what happened to her. You tell me what I want to know and I will let you live. You hesitate and I will start slicing you up.”

  “I handed her off to Boudreau this afternoon. She was just fine when I left her.”

  “Where can I find this Boudreau person?”

  “He lives back up in the Negreet bayou on a compound in the middle of a swamp full of alligators.”

  “How will I know when I have found it?”

  “Negreet is not a big place. It only has one street that goes through the town. Two miles up the road you’ll pass by the Collier Memorial Park on your right. Just beyond that you will see a bridge that is protected by some guards. That leads to his private island. You should find her there.”

  “Good. If I do not find here there I will be back and you will be missing some body parts.”

  “I can’t say for sure, but she should be there.”

  Uan wiped his spear off on Pierre’s pants and walked out of the bathroom and towards the entrance. He paused in front of Dominique trying to think of what to say.

  “I’m on my way out. You want me to show you around town?” Dominique asked.

  “Do you know where Negreet is?”

  “Yes, but no one in their right mind would want to go up there. Especially this time of night.”

  “Who said I was in my right mind? I can give you a thousand dollars if you just drop me off at a bridge off the main road.”

  “Oh, you’re going to Boudreau’s place. You definitely have a death wish. He owe you a bundle money or something.”

  “He has something of mine and I plan to get it back.”

  “Okay, but you better have an army of people meeting you there.”

  “I won’t need an army. I just need you to take me there. I will do the rest. I will need you to do me a favor as well. I will pay you one thousand dollars if you wait for me to return and drive me to Shreveport.”

  “For a thousand dollars I’ll carry you to Shreveport on my back!”

  “That will not be necessary. Just get me to that bridge as soon as you can.”

  “Sure. Let’s go.”

  Dominique led Uan to her black Lincoln that she used as a limo to chauffeur people in her off hours. She started the car and headed down highway 6. Uan sat in the back and looked out the window into the darkness. All he could see were endless trees capped by a field of stars. He let himself get lost in the darkness as the anger welled up inside him. He wallowed in his anger. An anger that typically drove him to violence.

  Uan had only known Betty for a brief moment of time, but somehow she had gotten under his skin. The fearless way in which she had tied him to that bed and had her way with him enraged him. Then she just untied him and walked away with her back to him when he could have so easily snapped her neck. Her confidence impressed him. Now he was afraid she might be dead.

  The thought made him angry. Angry that someone would dare steal away a woman he cared about, not really understanding why he cared about Betty. The good news is that pretty soon he would get to do some killing tonight. Whether Betty was alive or dead, those that held her captive would pay for doing so.

  Dominique was soon in Many and wound her way through the small town and out the other side and continued down highway 6 until she hit the turnoff for Negreet. The paved road soon into a dirt road and the surrounding trees seem to swallow them up. After five minutes of jostling down the unpaved road Dominique pulled over and turned off her lights.

  “The bridge to Boudreau’s place is just ahead around that bend in the road we should walk from here,” said Dominique.

  “There is no we,” replied Uan. “You wait here for me to return.”

  “I didn’t come this far to sit in the car and let you do all the work. He has a lot of men and you’ll need my help. Anyway, he’s a piece of shit lowlife that has more than once killed a friend of mine. I just want a little payback.”

  “Okay, just stay behind me though. I want to make sure my friend is still alive before any shooting starts.”

  They slowly made their way to the head of the bridge. It was blocked by a gate and there were guards just on the other side. The water around the bridge was filled with alligators. At the other end of the bridge were more guards and a compound with five buildings. The compound was surrounded by a fence to keep the alligators out.

  “Let me tell you what is going to happen. I will jump the fence, take out the two guards and then open the gate. If Betty is still alive I will free her and come running out with her. Shoot anyone that does not look like me.”

  “I got it. You’re going to jump a seven foot fence, kill those guys without them seeing you, then run past the other guards, break your girlfriend out of a heavily guarded compound and then come running this way with her over your shoulder. Is that it?”

  “Yes, something like that. I should be back in ten minutes. If I seem to disappear it is just a ninja trick I learned.”

  Dominique gave him a look of incredulity as he briskly walked away cloaking himself.

  What the hell? Thought Dominique as Uan disappeared before her very eyes. That’s some ninja trick.

  Uan hopped over the fence with ease and landed quietly on the other side. He quickly stabbed both guards in the chest with his spear and quietly laid them on the bridge. He then ran towards the compound where four other guards were waiting, two on each side of the bridge. Uan approached the two on the left, sliced through their necks and through one of them across the bridge at the other two guards. The guards stood there stunned watching one of their colleagues suddenly take flight towards them. One of them lifted his automatic rifle and started firing at the flying body. Uan ran to them, blocked by the body he tossed, and killed the two guards.

  The noise stirred several people from inside the compound causing lights to be turned on and more guards running towards the bridge. Uan used the opportunity to sneak into the compound to find Betty. Uan spent fifteen minutes going through the first building with no luck. He was growing impatient and didn’t want to waste any more time searching buildings.

  He found a guard walking around the grounds, dragged him behind a building and threw him to the ground. He put his hand over the guard’s mouth and stabbed him in the leg with his spear. The guard let out a muffled scream.

bsp; “I need to know where they are keeping the policewoman that was kidnapped from DC. You tell me now or I will stab you in the other leg and then other body parts until you decide to talk,” threatened Uan.

  “She’s in the building over there,” whimpered the guard pointing to one of the buildings. “Upstairs in the back on the right-side of the building.”

  “Thanks,” said Uan tossing the man over the fence and into the bayou. Several alligators went after the man as he splashed in the water screaming. I actually said thanks, Uan snickered to himself.

  Uan went in the front door of the building the man pointed to and up the stairs. He found the door to the room the guard described. He slowly opened the door expecting to see a guard inside. As soon as he entered Betty, who was hiding behind the door, hit him in the head with a chair leg.

  “What the hell was that for?” Uan screamed. “I came here to save you.”

  “How was I supposed to know it was you? How did you find me and why would you even want to save me?”

  “No time for chit chat. We need to get out of here before the guards come back.”

  “If you notice my leg, I can’t walk very well, let alone run anywhere.”

  “Not to worry I will carry you out.”

  “Really! You are just going to throw me over your shoulder and tip toe out of here unseen by the guards. Is that right?”

  “Yes!” Uan replied. He grabbed her, through her over his shoulder, pulled out his pulse rifle and went down the stairs towards the front door. As he exited the building he cloaked and headed for the bridge.

  Betty screamed as Uan disappeared drawing the attention of the guards. Uan had the rifle set for widespread stun and let the guards have it as he headed towards the bridge. There were five in front of him looking in amazement as Betty jerkily floated towards them. Uan fired stunning them all at once. He jumped over the bodies and headed down the bridge followed by several guards.

  Dominique stood at the other end of the bridge watching the floating woman come towards her, which she figured was Uan’s ninja trick again. She targeted the guards and started taking them out one by one with her 9 mm pistol.


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