Night's Promise

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Night's Promise Page 11

by Sandy Lynn

  “I love you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Duncan gave a slight growl in his throat as he stretched on the bed. He wasn’t ready to wake up. He wanted to stay in his dream. It was so real he could practically feel Melissa caressing him. He smiled as he remembered taking the time to remove his jeans before he fell asleep.

  At first her movements were timid as she stroked him through his boxers, but after a few strokes, she reached into them and her finger traced him.

  He thought he was going to die when she pulled him through the opening, her hand wrapping around him for a few brief strokes before her finger began to trace the head of his cock. He hissed when he felt her loose hair trailing over his thighs before her warm breath blew over him.

  Duncan tried to shift slightly in the bed, his eyes flying open when he felt palms against his thighs, restraining him only seconds before a tongue began to slide over him.

  Lifting himself to his elbows, Duncan couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Melissa kneeling naked between his legs. Her full concentration was on the hard cock in front of her.

  “It feels so hard,” she said, her fingers going back to tracing him. He wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself or to him. “It feels so hard, but it also feels like…” She seemed to be searching for a word. “Velvet.”

  Her eyes lifted to his face briefly and he knew she was talking to him. That she knew he was awake.

  Her fingers grew a bit bolder in their exploration, and his heart stopped as she cupped his balls, rolling them slightly in her hand.

  “These, however, feel so delicate, I’m scared I’m going to break them.” She rubbed her cheek on his length. “How can something so hard be so soft?”

  “I-I don’t know,” he groaned. Did she know she was killing him? How much people in the last hundred years would have paid to see him lying in a bed sweating, as this innocent girl tortured him.

  His fists gripped handfuls of sheets. He didn’t care if he shredded them. His gaze returned to Melissa when her tongue swept over the head of his cock.

  “Mmmm. That tasted nice.” His eyes rolled into the back of his head as her mouth began to suck on the tip of his cock before slowly releasing it. “Tell me what to do.”

  “You’re doing a damn good job on your own, Angel,” he forced out. No. She was killing him. Fuck Chinese water torture—Melissa’s innocent exploration would have him confessing any sin in no time.

  “No, I just got tired of waiting for you to wake up. And I figured you’d try to stop me. Duncan, I want to do this. Tell me? Please?”

  Was there anything in this world he would deny her? Even without her mouth so close to his cock, he knew he’d have done anything she wanted.

  Releasing a fistful of sheet, he placed his hand over hers. “Wrap your hand around it.” She complied instantly. Guiding her hand up and down his cock, Duncan groaned. “That feels really nice.”

  “What else?” she asked after a few minutes of matching his rhythm.

  Gods, could he handle her doing anything else?

  He released her hand, his hips flexing slightly as she continued stroking him on her own. His finger traced her lips as he looked into her eyes. “Angel, I won’t ask you to do that—”

  She didn’t give him a chance to finish. “Just tell me if I’m doing it wrong, okay?” Without pausing so he could protest he felt her mouth replacing her hand on his cock. Her teeth grazed against his skin slightly.

  Duncan’s fingers combed through her hair, toying with the long strands. It took all of his control to prevent him from wrapping her hair around his hand and thrusting up into her mouth. When her finger began to trace his balls he groaned.

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” she asked, pulling back slightly.

  “No, Angel, it felt really, really good.”

  She nodded as her mouth covered him once again.

  He didn’t want to be rough with her, he wanted to be able to go slow and make sure she wasn’t hurt, but his hips wouldn’t remain still. He arched into her mouth. Instead of pulling away, Melissa began to match his pace.

  He was going to come. “Oh gods Angel, I’m gonna come. If you want to pull back, you really should now…” he warned, his voice thick and hoarse. He didn’t want her to stop, but he wouldn’t be a dick and just shoot his load into her mouth without warning either. To his delight, she continued to suck him into her mouth, her movements more demanding.

  He fought it as long as he could. When he came, she focused on the head of his cock, taking everything he had to offer.

  His orgasm hit so hard he was left weak and trembling, much as she had been before they went to sleep.

  Her mouth gave one more hard tug on his cock before she gently returned him to his shorts and laid her head on his stomach.

  “That was nice. I think I understand what you meant last night, about giving pleasure.”

  Nice? Hell, he had seen heaven, touched it!

  He pulled her up his body, pleased that she hadn’t gotten dressed yet. “Melissa, why did you…”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “I didn’t expect…”

  “I know.” She placed a gentle kiss on his lips before snuggling her head on his shoulder. “That’s part of why I wanted to. And if you don’t mind, I think I’d like to try it again sometime.”

  “Are you trying to kill me?” he groaned.

  “You didn’t like it?”

  Duncan tried to make her look him in the eye, but she avoided him. Rolling so she was pinned beneath him, he turned her face. “No, Angel. I never thought a bastard like me would ever be able to even hope for a glimpse of paradise. You gave that to me today.” He flexed against her, his cock already growing hard again. “You do this to me. Just the thought of feeling your mouth around me again makes me hard as a rock. But I’m so damned scared of hurting you.”

  “You won’t hurt me.” She sounded so sure, so confident in him.

  “I might,” he told her. “I like to get rough sometimes.”

  “And I’m not made of glass.” She kissed his cheek then began to nibble on his ear. Her arms locked around his neck, holding him close. “So, when do I get to do that again?”

  Lying beneath him, his taste still in her mouth, Melissa wanted him even more than she had the previous night. She wanted to feel his tongue in her mouth, to feel him inside of her body. But she wouldn’t push him. She wasn’t sure if he would want to kiss her after she’d just given him a blow job. She remembered more conversations from the girl’s locker room. The girls that got around were always giving everyone else advice. And one of the things they’d stressed was that guys hated to be kissed after you blew them.

  She continued nibbling on his shoulder, her body aching for more.

  He tilted her head gently, and sucked on her lower lip. “You don’t want to kiss me anymore?” he teased.

  “I thought maybe you didn’t want—that you wouldn’t want to taste…”

  His lips descended on hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth. Melissa’s fingers curved as they moved over his back. Her hips arched against him. She couldn’t remember wrapping her legs around his waist, but forced herself to release him. Tugging his boxers down his ass, she kept him distracted by sucking on his tongue and teasing his fangs.

  Slowly and carefully she felt his cock against her bare hand as she stroked him, her foot pulling the underwear down to his knees.

  “What are you up to?” Duncan asked against her cheek.

  “I just want to feel all of you,” she told him. He chuckled but didn’t stop her, instead he helped her to finish pulling the shorts off.

  He returned to her, an eyebrow arched. She didn’t give him time to begin questioning her again. Lifting her head slightly, she bit down on his ear, smiling when he growled against her neck. She felt his mouth tugging on her flesh and allowed him free access to her.

  Still stroking his cock with her hand she slid it between her nether lips, arching as it rub
bed against her clit.

  “Melissa…” He rolled, placing himself beneath her. His hands covered her breasts, thumbs rubbing against her nipples.

  Moisture dripped from her, and she knew the time was right. She wouldn’t give him the opportunity to deny her again. Lifting herself slightly, she positioned him then dropped down.

  Pain filled her body, and all the desire vanished as she felt as though she’d been ripped apart. A few rogue tears rolled down her cheek.

  “Gods, Melissa…” Duncan said, pain filling his voice. Had she hurt him too? When he tried to move she cried out. “Shh, Angel. Please trust me?”

  Her eyes closed against the pain, she nodded once.

  “This might hurt a little.” He adjusted slowly until she was beside him then held perfectly still.

  The area between her legs was throbbing. How could anyone find this pleasurable? How could it be so different from what she felt earlier?

  Feeling brave enough to crack her eyes open slightly, she saw him watching her. He pressed his lips against hers, slowly, tenderly. “Oh Angel.” He kissed her gently again.

  “You didn’t feel this big in my mouth,” she whispered. “I just thought…”

  “It’s all right. I promise you, Angel, the pain will end.” She attempted to look at him but he looked so blurry. “Melissa, I’m going to bite you. I want that link to you. Will you let me bite you?”

  Shifting awkwardly beside him, she cried out as pain filled her again. Closing her eyes, she agreed, her teeth clenched against the pain.

  “Mel, Angel, stop. I want you to look at me.” She shook her head, squeezing her eyes closed even tighter. “Melissa, look at me,” he demanded. The tone was so different from what he always used around her that she instantly complied. Looking into his gray eyes, she saw him move closer.


  She was wrapped so tightly around him, his body wanted to move, to thrust deep into her, but he refused to cause her one more second of pain than absolutely necessary. He berated himself for not predicting she would try that. Each whimper from her made him berate himself even more.

  Staring into her eyes, Duncan sucked her lower lip into his mouth nibbling on it, allowing her to feel his fangs on her as his suckling grew slowly stronger. Laving her lip with his tongue with each pass, he managed to scratch the inside of her lip without her noticing before he closed the wound. When she didn’t try to stop him, he continued. Trailing down to her neck, he began to gently suckle her, just above her shoulder.

  After about thirty seconds, his mouth grew harder, more insistent. Adding in his teeth slightly, he nipped her flesh.

  Melissa wrapped her arms around him, gripping his flesh. Even her legs lost some of the tension in them, but he remained still. Good. She’s relaxing slightly. Giving one final pull he decided it was time. His mouth became demanding, sucking on her flesh hard as his fangs slid into her, then withdrew quickly.

  He allowed the blood to flow into his mouth. After taking several sips he closed the wound with a swipe of his tongue, hoping he hadn’t caused her more pain.

  Reaching out tentatively, he slipped into her mind.

  Oh gods, it hurts.

  Duncan shifted slightly, trying to hold her as close as possible without hurting her.

  No. No, don’t move, please don’t move, she whimpered.

  He kissed a path to her ear, nipping it sharply, but not drawing blood. Melissa’s nails dug slightly into his back and a brief moan filled her head.

  He toyed with her ear for a few more seconds before kissing her. His tongue slid into her mouth, coaxing hers to come out to play. One of his hands traveled up her side, cupping her breast, thumb teasing her nipple.

  Gods that feels nice. Please keep doing that, it feels good.

  He wasn’t sure if she was trying to speak to him or if she was too wrapped up in the sensations surrounding her body, but either way, he was more than grateful for link between them. Using her thoughts to guide him, Duncan moved slowly.

  He continued to knead her breast as he leaned closer to kiss her. His mouth gentle, he nipped at her lips until she opened to him.

  Mmmm, I love it when he does that with his tongue, she thought as his tongue slid over hers.

  He did it again and this time he heard her moan with his ears as well as inside of her mind.

  Slowly the desire built within her once again. He could feel Melissa growing wetter around him and bit down on his tongue to prevent himself from rushing forward. Angling a hand between their bodies, he found her clit. There was a brief flash of panic in her mind and her eyes flew open, but then she was quickly moaning again. He pinched and tugged on her clit, reveling in the pleasure he heard in her thoughts. Her hips began to thrust minutely and he had to force back his own groan.

  Faster, she pleaded in her thoughts and he complied. When the orgasm ripped through her body, Duncan was shocked with the intensity of it. He felt her pussy contracting around him, making his cock ache to plunge into her.

  Gathering her in his arms, he rolled onto his back as the pleasure still coursed through her body. When the tremors began to ease, she opened her eyes and he could see the shock on her face as she looked down at him.

  How the hell… “How? When? Why didn’t it hurt?”

  “Oh, Angel.” He gave a thick chuckle. His balls were beginning to ache with the need to push into her, but still he forced himself to remain still.

  “So what happens now?”

  “That depends on you. Are you still in pain?”

  Melissa shook her head tentatively, “I don’t think so.”

  Finding reassurance inside her mind, and unable to feel any traces of pain or panic, he closed the link. His heart—the one most people he met swore he didn’t have—began to ache now that he couldn’t feel her so completely any longer. But he refused to simply force his way into her head.

  Placing his hands on her hips, he told her seriously, “Tell me if it hurts.”

  “You’re gonna move? But I thought we… I thought it…” He could see the fear in her eyes.

  “No, Angel, you are. Love, you’re in control.”

  “But I don’t know what to do.”

  “I’ll help you. Have you ever ridden a horse?” She shook her head. “Another thing we shall have to change.” He smiled. “Begin raising yourself to your knees.” Melissa obeyed and he began to slide out of her. “Now, back down.” She looked at him as though he were insane, but complied, slowly.

  “It doesn’t hurt.” Amazement colored her voice.

  Then why do I feel like I’m about to die? Duncan groaned inside his head. His hands remained on her hips, gently guiding her movements as she explored the new sensations. He gritted his teeth, bit his tongue and the inside of his cheek—did anything he could think of to prevent himself from taking control, slamming into her until he shot his come deep into her.

  “This feels really nice,” Melissa told him, still slowly sliding up and down his cock.

  He tried to smile, tried to say something reassuring, but he was scared that if he stopped concentrating for one second, he wouldn’t be able to control himself with her any longer. She’d already experienced more pain than he had hoped, he refused to do that to her as well.

  “Are you all right? Am I hurting you?”

  “No, love, you aren’t,” he told her, teeth still clenched.

  “You look like you’re in pain.” She stopped moving, eliciting a growl from him. His teeth were elongated and he couldn’t help the almost feral expression on his face.

  Melissa watched as Duncan’s eyes narrowed and she got a glimpse of his teeth between his parted lips. She supposed to some he would be terrifying. But she couldn’t help smiling. She could never be afraid of the man that had just done so much to ease her pain.

  “Fuck me, Duncan.”

  “We were—”

  “No. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you on top of me, like before. I want to feel your arms around me, your mouth on me

  “You don’t know what you’re asking of me. Angel, I’ll hurt you.”

  “No, you won’t. I will never believe you would ever hurt me. Please?” As an afterthought she added, “I promise to let you know if it hurts.”

  She stared at him a moment, careful to stay perfectly still no matter how badly her body wanted to move. When he nodded, she lowered to kiss him, her hair forming a curtain around them.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around her, one hand holding the back of her head, forcing her to remain in their kiss. Lightning fast, she felt the bed beneath her, and Duncan’s weight pressing into her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she moaned into their kiss.

  “Angel, I don’t want to hurt—”

  She cut him off with a kiss. “You won’t.” She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead then sucked his lower lip into her mouth and released it. “Show me the stars?”

  He devoured her mouth in response as his body began to withdraw from hers. He thrust into her, and Melissa wrapped the sensations around her. She felt his mouth tugging on her neck, the same spot he’d bit her before. Her entire body began to tense as his thrusts became harder, faster, his mouth matching the frantic pace.

  “Drink,” she gasped.

  A sharp pain in her neck heightened her pleasure rather than detracted from it. Beneath closed lids her eyes rolled up into her head. Her fingers dug into his flesh, and a scream ripped from her throat as she was pushed over the edge into an orgasm more intense than the last. As her body trembled she could feel him push into her one, two more times before his body stilled and he growled into her neck.

  His tongue closed the wound on her neck and he placed a kiss against the mark. All of his weight rested on her, but she welcomed it. Melissa never wanted to move, she never wanted to leave this room or Duncan’s embrace.

  He tried to roll off her, to pull away, but she refused to release him. “Stay,” she asked.

  “I’m crushing you.”

  “Yeah, but I like it.”

  He chuckled and moved them so they were side by side. Melissa pouted at his loss and he bit lightly on her lip.


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