Night's Promise

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Night's Promise Page 15

by Sandy Lynn

  “Keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise.” He waited until the girl signaled that she understood, her head bowed in subservience.

  Silently he stepped around where Mary Louise still knelt on the hard wooden floor.

  “Keep her for as long as she pleases you,” the mother continued, unaware of his intentions. Before she could say another word that would hurt her daughter, his hand closed over her mouth.

  “You will repeat what I tell you. Do you understand me?” he hissed in her ear, applying pressure to her flesh until the woman agreed. “Say Mary Louise, I love you.” Duncan shifted his hand from her mouth to her throat.

  “Mary Louise, I love you.”

  “Tell her you will miss her, and when she sees you again things will be different. And you better sound like you mean it. Tell her you’re going to get help and things will be better,” he hissed, applying more pressure to her throat.

  Afraid for her life, the woman had tears in her eyes and his grip on her throat caused her voice to sound hoarse, as though she really meant what she was saying. “I’m going to miss you baby. I’m going to miss you so much. You be good for Mr. Stone, you do what he tells you. And Mary Louise, I’m going to get some help. I’m going to be different the next time you see me. Things will be better.”

  “Good,” he whispered. “Now, go give her a hug and a kiss, and don’t try anything stupid.”

  He watched, eyes still narrowed, as the woman knelt to give her daughter a hug and a kiss, cradling her daughter close.

  “Mary Louise, are your eyes still closed?” Duncan asked when the mother released her.

  “Yes sir,” she responded, her voice low, emotion making her voice thick.

  Gripping the woman’s arm he pulled her into a back room. Disgust still filled him at the way she could give up her daughter so easily. He wanted to allow her to live long enough to regret how she had mistreated her daughter. Instead, he looked into her eyes.

  The look on her face said she knew he was going to kill her. His thoughts returned to the girl still waiting for him on her knees. He decided to make it quick so Mary Louise wouldn’t be left waiting much longer. Using his increased speed, he waited until she blinked. His hands moved so fast she didn’t even have time to reopen her eyes as her neck snapped.

  Allowing her body to fall soundlessly to the floor, Duncan left it as he reentered the room where Mary Louise awaited him.

  Taking her elbow gently in his hand, he guided her up and out of the house.

  “Thank you,” she told him, her eyes still closed and her voice quiet as he helped her into the car awaiting him outside.

  “For what?” Leaning forward, he gave the driver directions to their next destination.

  “My mother has never told me she loved me a single day in my life. I know you had something to do with it.”

  He looked at her beside him in the back seat of the car. Despite her closed eyes, he could still see the tears that flowed down her cheeks.

  “I’m never going to see her again, am I?”

  He debated about lying to her for only a few seconds before deciding to be honest. “No.”

  “What are you going to do with me?”

  In the darkness he could see her trembling. “I promise no harm will come to you.”

  Mary Louise sniffed. She didn’t speak again during the remainder of their ride.

  “I want you to stay here until I return.”

  “Yes sir,” she answered, head still bowed. Climbing out of the car quickly, he walked purposefully up the path to the elegant front door. After knocking on it a few times, a man answered the door.

  “What do you wan—” His face blanched white when he saw Duncan standing there.

  “I’m collecting the debt you owe me. I have a girl in the car. You will invite her into your home. You will become her guardian and you will treat her as though she were a princess. Anything she wants, she gets. You will make sure she has a new wardrobe—only the best clothes and styles. Silks and velvets, nothing cheap. And most importantly, you will make certain no man ever hurts her or takes advantage of her.”

  “And…and if I fail?”

  “Then you can expect another visit from me. And I promise, you will feel much pain.”

  The man looked as though he were going to pass out.

  “I understand. She’ll be well taken care of.”

  “I know she will.” Turning, Duncan returned to the car. Guiding Mary Louise to the awaiting man, he finally told her, “You may open your eyes. Mary Louise, this is Joseph. He will act as your guardian. If he ever mistreats you, I will know about it, and I will return to fix the problem.” On impulse, he kissed the girl’s forehead. “You should get some sleep. You will have a busy day tomorrow. Joseph will be taking you shopping for clothes and other necessities.”

  Returning to the car once the girl was safely inside the house, he instructed the driver to take him to another house nearby.

  Within minutes he was standing in front of another, slightly more elegant door. This time a short, pudgy, balding man answered the door.

  Without preamble he said, “I want to set up an account for a girl named Mary Louise.”


  Duncan remained where he was, kneeling in front of her, watching closely as Melissa opened her eyes, and looked at him. What would she say about what she’d seen? Would she run from him as fast as she could? He wouldn’t blame her if she did.

  After several minutes of silence, he cleared his throat. “I’ll walk you back down to the club. I won’t bother you again.”


  “No, it’s fine. I understand completely. I’m not the kind of man you deserve. I’m not a hero. In this life, I’m the villain.”

  “You saved that girl.”

  “And I killed her mother. Angel, I killed her; snapped her neck like it was a twig. I didn’t hesitate. I didn’t feel any guilt or regret. I still don’t.”

  “You saved her daughter. You saved Mary Louise. You took her to a place where she would be safe, you made sure she could have anything she needed, she could possibly want. You aren’t a monster, you saved her. Look at what her mother was going to do to her.”

  He should have known she would try to defend him even after what he’d shown her. “Angel…”

  “No, don’t you ‘Angel’ me. Yes, it was wrong of you to kill that woman. But you saved another life. What happened to her? What happened to Mary Louise?”

  He closed his eyes, her image appearing. “She blossomed into a beautiful woman. She went to the best schools and married a man who swept her off her feet. He was the youngest son of a politician. If he could’ve, he’d have put a bow on the moon and handed it to her.”

  “She never saw you again.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No. But I made sure she was kept safe. I made sure she never had to do without. Her wedding was one of the most elegant affairs of the year. She was denied nothing. Over half the city was invited. And everyone knew they better not start trouble that day or night. Word got out to all the bosses, all the leaders of every gang that if anyone so much as jaywalked the night she got married they would be seeing me—the one responsible for the action would be punished, and so would they for not controlling their people.”

  “A day without crime. The most perfect day you could give her. Not even her own father could have cared for her more.”

  Duncan shrugged. “I took her mom away. Besides, the bank manager handling my accounts was getting too fat.”

  “You gave her a new start. You gave her things she could only have dreamt of having. And I’m sure she never forgot you.”

  He shrugged again.

  “Why are you so determined to make me see you as cruel and uncaring?”

  “I just want you to know the truth, Mel. I don’t want you to wake up a few months, or even a few years from now and regret staying with me. I don’t want you to feel like you settled and wonder how you could be with such a cold bastard

  She stared at him. “Are you asking…are you saying what I think you’re saying? Gods, I have to be dreaming. Could you be a little more blunt please, cause I can’t be understanding you right.”

  “Angel, I love being with you. I want to spend as much time with you as you will allow. I want—would you consider becoming a vampire? I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you.”

  “And yes, love, as soon as I can get to a jewelers I will be asking exactly what you think I am.”

  Her face turned rosy. “I’m not sure I was supposed to hear that.”

  Smiling, Duncan lifted her out of the chair and sat down, placing her on his lap. He didn’t respond to her comment. He pulled her close and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Melissa settled back against him. “So what do you do up here, while you’re watching everyone?”

  Maneuvering the chair backwards to lock the door, Duncan smiled when she blushed again. “I guess that depends.”


  “On who is in the back room.” He pointed to the monitors that showed the room was empty. “Or if I see anyone about to start shit on the dance floor.” Today was the first time that he’d ever given less than his full attention to his job. If something happened when he hadn’t been paying attention, he’d never forgive himself even though he was sure Bram would understand. This was important to him, and in all the years he’d worked at Club Strigoi, he was one of the very few bouncers who paid attention to his job instead of goofing off. Even if he did jerk off occasionally.

  “How can you tell?”

  “I can’t always, but there are little signs I look for. A woman that doesn’t want to dance with a guy will nudge him away from her. She’ll move his hands off her body or reposition them. Sometimes she’ll try to step away.”

  “How can you see the signs when the floor gets so crowded?”

  “It’s not easy, but, it’s not hard to notice the two that look like they are fighting among a crowded floor where everyone is happily moving with the music.”

  Duncan smiled, waiting for the question he knew was coming without peaking inside her mind.

  “How many times have you watched me on those monitors?”

  “Since we’ve been together? Every night you’ve been here.” He nipped her neck and she squirmed deliciously on his lap.


  “Shhhh. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  She leaned back against him, her body relaxing, questions stopping. Pulling her shirt loose from the jeans she always wore, he removed her shirt. His hand moved against her bare skin until he was cupping her breast.

  Melissa gave a low moan as he tweaked her nipple through the lace of her bra. Easing his hands up her chest to her shoulder, he gently slid the straps off her shoulders before unclasping her bra. As she watched, the lacy garment fell to the floor beside her. Lifting her off his lap, his hands went to her jeans, unbuttoning them and sliding them down her hips.

  “Who—wait. That’s Heath.”

  She leaned forward, presenting Duncan with a view of her ass, clad only in bikini style underwear that made his mouth water.

  “I haven’t seen him around in…” She paused. “I don’t even remember. I’m a bad friend. What if he’d been hurt? What if he needed help?”

  “Angel, you can’t be everywhere.” His hands slid up her bare thighs, his hunger growing. He wanted all of her, couldn’t get enough. As surely as some people were addicted to drugs or alcohol, he had eagerly fallen into his own addiction. Melissa.

  “Is there a way to cut the monitors off? We shouldn’t spy on them.”

  “No. You’d be surprised how many times we’ve had to stop something back there. Make out sessions gone bad where the lady would have been raped if someone hadn’t been watching.” Looking around her perfect ass, Duncan glanced at the screen. The couple was sitting on the ratty green couch. He smiled. No matter how shitty it looked, it was the most comfortable couch he’d ever sat on.

  Glancing up at her face, he saw disbelief as she watched the screen. His gaze returned to the screen, it was becoming apparent what the couple was back there to do. Duncan’s hands stroked up and down Melissa’s thighs as she stood, mesmerized by what she was watching.

  With gentle movements he parted her legs, his fingers moving effortlessly over the satin covering her sex. Feeling the moisture soaking into the material he leaned closer, nibbling on her ass. A gasp escaped her.

  We shouldn’t watch them,” she said, unable to look away.

  Instead of answering, Duncan continued to tease her with his mouth. Her eyes drifted shut as she concentrated on what he was doing. Inside her mind she tried to find the door he’d guided her through. Opening it timidly, she was surprised at the warmth that seemed to fill her body. All over, her skin tingled as though Duncan had suddenly developed six more hands.

  “Are you sure?” he asked behind her, before his tongue smoothed over the bottom of her ass.

  “Yes,” she sent back. Within seconds she felt him inside her mind, felt him standing behind her, his hard cock pressing against her ass even as she felt his tongue tracing patterns on her flesh.

  “Watch the screen,” the Duncan in her mind whispered in her ear. In her mind, both of his hands cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly. In the surveillance room, she felt him pull her panties down.

  The sensations were so real—both of them—she was quickly losing track of which was real and which were in her mind. It was as though she had two men catering to her every need, worshiping every inch of her body.

  His fingers slid inside her dripping pussy as his tongue stroked her ear.

  “Too much,” she moaned inside her head, still watching the screen where Heath and some blonde were now having sex on the old couch. She was on top of his lap, riding him with her head thrown back.

  She ached to feel Duncan thrusting inside of her. That image only added to the images filling her mind, heightening her desire.

  Duncan stood up behind her, parting her legs more then pushed deep inside of her.

  “Gods you’re so wet,” he moaned as the other Duncan circled to stand in front of her. Melissa’s eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down into a hungry kiss. Fingers began to play with her clit as hands held her close, wrapping in her hair.

  “Gods,” she cried out. She wasn’t even sure if she was screaming aloud or inside her mind, and it wasn’t important. Teeth grazed the back of her neck, as the form she was kissing pulled away. Kissing his way down her body, he knelt between her legs. After a second of looking up at her like that, he leaned into her body, his tongue stroking her folds as the cock slid in and out of her pussy.

  “Love…” one of the forms groaned, creating an echo.

  “Yes, Duncan, do it.”

  As teeth slid into her flesh, her entire body exploded. The force of her orgasm ripped through her body, her mind, her heart and her soul. In her mind she saw an explosion of color that would rival any fireworks display she’d ever seen. Every part of her trembled from the aftershocks as Duncan growled. She felt his tongue gliding over her flesh, closing the wound seconds before he stopped moving. The kneeling Duncan caught her as she fell to the floor, her limbs unable to support her any longer. Behind her, arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her backward until she was sitting on his lap. Cracking her eyes open, she could see the monitors in front of her.

  Her head fell back against him. Both Duncans kissed opposite sides of her neck as they held her close.

  Her heartbeat was hard inside of her chest. “What did you do to me?” She heard an echo of her words in her head.

  His chest vibrated beneath her.

  “How could you do that? How is it possible?”

  “It’s not easy. Did you enjoy it?”

  “Gods, yes,” she moaned.

  “I’m glad.” He kissed her neck again. “Get some rest, Angel.”

  “What about y
ou?” she asked sleepily.

  “As long as you’re in my arms I’ll be just fine.”

  As much as she hated admitting it, Melissa wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep her eyes open. Her body felt so relaxed, she felt so…satisfied. A smile curved her lips.

  Her head was turned to the side and a gentle kiss placed on her lips. “I’m glad Angel. And we are going to have to work on your shields.” He chuckled before she felt him pulling away, leaving her mind.

  Inside her mind she felt a chill as his warmth began to fade. “Don’t. Not yet. Please, hold me. Both of you hold me?”

  He nodded and she felt two sets of arms cradling her close to the man—men?—she loved as she drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Melissa stretched in the soft bed. She felt as though she were lying on a cloud. She felt so warm and safe. Propping herself up she glanced around Duncan’s bedroom.

  As though her thoughts conjured him, he appeared through the door. “Hungry?”

  “Starving.” She smiled as she sat up, allowing the blankets to puddle in her lap. Watching him, she enjoyed seeing the hungry look that came into his eyes whenever he saw her body. In his bedroom, it had been easy to release her fears. She couldn’t remember wearing clothes at all in the few nights and days she’d been there.

  Looking at him, she sighed contentedly. “I want to introduce you to my brother,” she blurted out.

  “We’ve met,” he chuckled. “I know all of the regulars.”

  “Yeah, but he hasn’t been introduced to you as my boyfriend.”

  “When would you like to do that?”

  “Tonight? If you’re going to change me, I—I want his blessing, Duncan. Gods that makes me sound like some little girl doesn’t it?”

  “Not at all. I’d be more surprised if you didn’t want it. But I think we should take you shopping first. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like to see you appear wearing rags.”

  “My clothes…” She blushed as she remembered the rush they had been in to remove her clothing when they arrived at his room. How she’d growled that she didn’t care how rough he was so long as he was buried inside of her as quickly as possible.


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