Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2)

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Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2) Page 10

by Adams, Zoe

  Del wasn’t the only man who let out disappointed air when she replaced the stick on the wall. She picked out the oldest cue stick on the wall. Holding it out carefully, she twisted her wrist. Satisfied by the outcome, she held the stick and smiled.

  One of the pool players walked up to Lady. “Here, you can use my pool cue. See, it has abalone shell inlaid on it. It’s still straight.”

  Lady looked at the offered cue stick. Her eyes were much wider than the stick, and she seemed to be calculating the whole situation.

  “Yes, it’s a nice cue stick. You must be a professional to have such a nice cue. You are probably used to winning, huh?”

  “Oh yeah,” the man replied, and moved in closer. “Girls always like to use my stick.”

  Lady raised her eyebrows, and looked around quickly. “Okay. I will have to keep my eyes open for that to happen.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong? I’m just trying to be nice. I thought you’d like a professional.” He narrowed eyes on Del. “What would he know about anything?”

  Lady bristled sharply at the reference of him. “You have a nice mouth. I bet you have a nice sucker punch too. Or maybe you can just give me AIDS or warts or some other unwanted thing. You can keep your cue stick. And I’m going to kick your ass at pool.”

  She walked away without a backwards glance. Del could have been knocked over with a feather. Lady drank alcohol and turned into a badass. She lived in every guy’s dream. Sexy, smart, and protective. She crooked her hand through Del’s arm and kissed his neck.

  His loyal companion was hotter than any other girl in the room. Del held his head high.

  Their turn came up and Del racked fifteen balls. The guy with the fancy pool cue took the first shot. After a loud crack, the balls dispersed. A few of them dropped into pockets and he bent over to check.

  “I guess I’ll be solid balls and you guys are stripes.” He glared at them and took another shot. He made the next shot but missed the third.

  Lady took the next turn, leaving Del to shoot fourth.

  Lady picked up some blue chalk and absently applied it to her cue. She walked past Del and leaned over the table. Her first shot was a combo, dropping two balls in different pockets. Her second shot dropped off the green surface. Then her third hit dropped another ball.

  Del wasn’t sure if he would even get a turn. There were only three striped balls left on the table. But they were grouped behind a bunch of solid balls. Lady walked away from the table after her fourth shot.

  Del gave her a victory kiss. Lady handed him her pool stick. They waited for their next chance at the game.

  The competition was good. By the time Del stepped up to the table, there were only a few collective balls left. He checked out the choices and smiled ruefully. He didn’t want to disappoint Lady because of her talent for the game.

  He leaned over the pool table and lined up his shot. He stiffened the front fingers and loosened his back hand. The pool stick felt uncomfortable. He twisted it a few times until it fell into a heavy sweet spot.

  Del took his time. Perfecting angles came naturally to him. He did it with saw blades and machinery all the time. He finally took his shot. The cue stick sliced across the table with knife-like precision.

  The balls moved and one of them dropped into a pocket. Del sighed with relief and looked up. There were only two striped balls left on the table. He had a good, clear shot ahead of him. The next ball slid into a corner pocket effortlessly.

  Only one ball left before he could go for the trophy eight ball. His next shot aimed toward the pocket right in front of Lady.

  Del missed the shot. He wondered if it was an omen. He’d been aiming straight toward Lady. If it had been Cupid’s arrow, then it would be a different story. The only benefit to missing his shot was returning to Lady’s side.

  They stood close together and watched the competition. The first round of pool was complete and everyone’s initial turn had ended.

  The guy with the fancy custom cue stick sauntered back up to the pool table. Del wished he could’ve finished the game on his last turn. Not letting the competition have another chance to strut was how the game was played.

  Del stretched his neck from side to side and refocused on the game. The guy made a shot and a ball slowly rolled into a pocket. He made another. Del already knew he wouldn’t get another turn in the game. He started to wonder if Lady would get another turn.

  The guy missed his last shot. Both Lady and Del automatically sighed with relief. She winked at him before stepping away. She picked up the blue chalk and prepared the cue stick for the remaining balls.

  There was a crack and the eight ball comboed its way home behind the last stripe. She had won the game. They high fived before Del picked her up and kissed her.

  “You’re awesome,” Del said loudly.

  “I know.” Lady’s cheeks were red. “I used to practice a lot.”

  Del considered her for a moment.

  “I meant to say thank you.” Lady tried to cover for herself.

  “Ha. If you have a skill, brag about it. You don’t have to be humble around me.”

  Lady smiled and her face went from normal shine to high beams of happiness. She obviously liked to win. She also liked Del because she stayed very close to him. She looked around, a little flustered, and swayed into him.

  Del considered her sportsmanship a bonus. Then when she bumped into him, he considered her alcohol tolerance. He wondered what he should challenge her to next.

  It didn’t matter what Del wanted, Lady had her own ideas.

  “Hey!” She held out her arm to the competition. “We are playing you another game of pool. But this time you will only get one turn each.”

  The guys looked a little stunned. They nodded and bent over to prepare the next game. Lady turned to face Del. She planted a tiny kiss on his lips. She wouldn’t be getting away without a lip drenching.

  Del enveloped her in a bear hug. His lips covered her mouth and chin. He had plans for her to get sloppy wet. They got steamy and sweaty very quickly. Lady pulled back and breathed deeply. Looking at his narrowed eyes, she mopped her chin with flat palms.

  She looked at him hungrily but remained one sway away. Del waved the cocktail server over. He motioned another round for the group. The drink bringer cut to the bar immediately.

  Del readdressed the lady in front of him. She stared at the crowded room. A look of exhilarated questions kept an innocent smile on her face. It had finally arrived. The feeling Del dreaded the most. He felt old.

  Del tried to cover the look on his face before Lady questioned him. He wanted to feel young and spontaneous, but those feelings had never accompanied him before. Why would they now?

  He could credit Lady with a certain amount of bravado as she looked around.

  Lady put her mouth next to his ear. “You should go first this time.”

  Del wondered for a moment, then busted out laughing. “Oh. I see. You want to clean up the table after me?”

  Lady nodded and rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah. I’ve got to be a woman of my word, so this way I know we will win for sure.”

  Del shook his head but agreed. “Okay, boss lady. You want it, you got it.”

  Lady grinned. “Yep. You agreeing is just one more victory for me.”

  They teased each other until the next game began.

  Del made the first move. He aimed and lined up his stick. He smacked the white ball hard. After a loud crack, the balls scattered. Balls dropped in various pockets. He could have his choice, but looked at his partner to make the decision.

  “Stripes,” Lady almost yelled.

  Del shrugged like she owned him. “Okay. Whatever the lady says.”

  He didn’t need her to win the game for them. Lightning struck and he realized Lady had been holding back for him. Now he considered doing the same thing for her. At least that way she could get a turn, and make the winning shot.

  He whistled a long, low breath. They really were a
lot alike. He smiled at her. She sat perched on the stool, watching attentively. She perked up and smiled with his attention.

  Del let his gaze sweep over her slowly. When his eyes came back up to her face, he involuntarily nodded. He puffed out his chest and circled the pool table.

  Del lined up the pool cue and started dropping balls into pockets. He circled the table a few more times and grinned at Lady triumphantly. Del put all the balls away, but saved the last ball for Lady.

  “Geez,” she said, and high fived him. “Thanks for letting me have a turn.”

  “You’re welcome.” Del claimed a triumphant kiss.

  The other team put up a good fight, but soon it was Lady’s turn. She hopped the eight ball over another and dropped it into a pocket.

  Del already claimed the status of Lady’s biggest fan. But now he could claim an even higher level of partnership.

  He might as well be a benign tumor. Her side would be accompanied by him forever. He made his silent vows and kissed her soundly. They played another game, but the thrill of winning got old. They had acquired enough victory points to satiate their competitive egos.

  Lady had loosened up quite a bit. She had three drinks under her belt already. From previous experience with her, he knew her limit would be reached shortly.

  Del considered the night.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Del wrapped his massive hand around hers.

  “Wait. My purse is in the way.” Lady flung the strap aside.

  Del raised his eyebrows. What did girls usually do? He couldn’t remember any purses on the dance floor. Obviously, they left them with a friend.

  “I can put it behind the bar,” Del offered.

  She clutched her purse tighter.

  “Or we can put it in the truck.”

  Lady nodded.

  Del stood up and finished his drink. They left two glasses of ice behind.

  Outdoors, the bar instantly muffled. The starry sky and brisk air almost overwhelmed him. It felt good to be free of the constraining crowd. Del would always be able to clearly recount the previous experience. He would never forget finding more golden skills of hers.

  “Wow. You’re a talented little pool player.” Del put his arm around her shoulder.

  “Yes, I am.”

  Del smiled. “Honest, talented, and beautiful. I’m so glad you’re mine.”

  Del couldn’t believe how she gave herself to him. When she smiled he could swear he saw a thousand light bulbs. Her beauty truly blinded him. She could have said anything and followed it up with any shape or form of herself and still be majestic.

  Lady knew it. Maybe that was the reason she didn’t seem drunk. She knew all about herself and remained aware of her surroundings.

  Del wondered if she could see the future with him in it. He wanted to ask so many serious questions. He could command her or dream with her, but being with her topped everything.

  The truck came into view. Del unwrapped his arm from her shoulder and unlocked the doors. Del opened the door and synthetic light did a poor job of lighting the situation. The seat of the truck turned into a table for her to set the purse down.

  She pulled out a tube of lipstick and put it in her pocket.

  She picked up her wallet. “Do I need this?”

  Del looked at her, insulted. “No, don’t take your wallet. And if anyone cards you, tell them you were born five years earlier.”

  Lady stuffed everything behind the front seat.

  “I’m ready to go,” Lady said, and stepped back from the truck.

  “All right. I’m ready too. Let’s go back inside this dive bar and see what else angels like you can dominate.” Del meant to sound lighthearted but it came out thick and heavy.

  Lady lowered her head suggestively. “I hope I’m not too much to handle.”

  Del wondered the same question. It was uncanny how she could read into his fears and then make light of them.

  He took her hand and walked back to the bar. He walked silently while Lady chattered about playing pool. It sounded so dirty when she talked about sticks and balls. He tried to remain focused on anything but what he really wanted to do.

  He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to dominate her body. He wanted to whisk her away right now. But she needed to exercise her womanhood outside of the home.

  Del didn’t mind letting her. Besides, going to bars was part of the growing up experience. Del wouldn’t deprive her of that. Whatever direction that might take her, Del would be there.

  Chapter 11

  And so it continued. Their little minutes of passion turned into time, eventually leading into weeks. Then the moon was gone and a month had passed.

  The days shortened and got colder. Del’s farm had been prepared for winter. He looked forward to the days before him. He remained busy as he considered his upcoming winter traditions.

  He would make wine, schnapps, and soap. He would brew beer. This was his time to stock up on things to last the upcoming year.

  Sometimes Lady watched him from the distance of the kitchen counter. She would ask questions and watch him closely. But she would remain far away from the boiling mixtures. Del was glad she stayed out of the way.

  She kind of reminded him of himself, a feminine version of course. She was intelligent and alert. Her brain sponged up new information with a blink of her eyes and their quick re-adjustment. Lady watched him closely. Her eyes would wander to the other items set out. She would ask questions and almost lead him along.

  Lady could do this without trying. Or maybe she confirmed her own ideas of how things ought to be done. However Lady did it didn’t matter. The fact she could do it was a resounding trumpet call for respect.

  Del remembered again how highly he regarded intelligence. Lady was placed on the pedestal where she belonged. He got to the point where he esteemed her input almost more than his own.

  When they were together, the only concern was for the moment. Del enjoyed spending time with Lady, and knew the feeling was mutual. She never really said how much she liked him. It was just a given. A metaphysical pat on the back was in each of her smiles.

  With her around, everything had the shine of being brand new. Even the old copper pots he used seemed cool.

  Everything just felt a little lighter. Like maybe the air around him was more buoyant as well. If this was what being in love felt like then it felt great. An ancient proverb battled its way to the front of his brain. The higher the climb, the harder the fall.

  He negated the warning by reasoning it wasn’t a climb, it was more like a slide. An easy ride of love, and everything came naturally.

  The day came when Lady was ready to leave the house. She had clung to him and the quiet farm earnestly. But when she was ready to leave, then she was ready to leave.

  Del had been anticipating her flightiness. It was the reason they had met, after all. He was expecting a certain measure of idiosyncrasies and a big lack of planning ahead.

  That is why when she announced she was ready, Del was ready too. They spent the night planning and packing.

  The next morning, Del fed the barn cats enough water for a week and then they were gone. Lady insisted on taking her car. Del didn’t mind, but had made his own determination of being the driver.

  He would have felt completely emasculated if she drove. Lady sat languidly in the passenger seat. She took her position with attentiveness and a serious curiosity for getting somewhere.

  “When are you going to let me drive?” she asked after an hour.

  “Never.” Del laughed.

  “Humpf.” Lady sat back in the seat. “I don’t like being controlled.”

  Del laughed again. “Why doesn’t that surprise me? You’re complacent, then instantly independent.”

  “Well, I like to be agreeable.” Lady was thoughtful. “Maybe I waited too long without doing something.”

  Del looked at her. “Yes, ma’am. I tried to get you out of the house more. I know what it’s like to stay in secl
usion. After a while you become socially starved.”

  “Your little town just didn’t sound fun.” Lady defended herself in a high voice.

  “Whatever.” Del rolled his eyes. “You just didn’t want to be seen with me.”

  “Yeah, right. I think you’re sexy. I can’t wait to see you in a tux.”

  “You want to dress me?” Del was incredulous as he considered changing. “I could probably do that.”

  “I will make clothes for us to be matching.” Lady held up the bottom of her skirt.

  “That’s pushing a little too far. I don’t know.” Del shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  “Well, that’s what your precious square dancers do. They match.”

  Del nodded. “Yeah, I guess they do. But that’s only one night a week. I would feel a lot different about matching in the store.”

  Lady relaxed. “Don’t worry. We won’t be going to very many stores.”

  Del tried to imagine a life like that and it shut his mouth for miles.

  A few more hours of driving produced the destination. Del drove into the heart of New Kirk City. Tall buildings all around them reached for the sky. Without definitive shadows and sun placement he finally used the built-in navigation. He found the hotel easily.

  “Just pull into valet.” Lady pointed to the side lane.

  “Okay.” Del parked in front.

  He looked around as widely as he could. He’d been successfully taken away from the country. Now he needed to know if he could, or should, flourish in the city.

  Del popped the trunk and took the keys from the ignition.

  “Hey, do you have a spare key to this car?” Del waited for an answer.

  “Yes. There’s one of those magnetic case things right under the gas door.” Lady touched up her lipstick.

  “Good. I’ll just leave that one with the valet. I don’t like to leave my keys laying around.” Del grinned and opened his door to the world.

  Lady was doing something in the car while Del emptied the trunk. For Lady running away with nothing, she sure had a lot now.


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