Queen and the Kingsmen: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (Dark Fantasy Book 3)

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Queen and the Kingsmen: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (Dark Fantasy Book 3) Page 4

by Zoe Blake

  Such deliciously sinful torment.

  My body had been starved.

  Though my ass and the backs of my thighs throbbed from the whipping, it did not match the throbbing in my pussy that had been ignited once again. The cadence of his discipline nearly matched the beating of my heart, and the only thing I could do was cling to the fabric of the bed, bury my face into the mattress, and mewl in agony. Agony that awoke something so deep, dark and demanding. I wanted more, even though my poor punished backside did not.

  “Now the color of your arse matches the color of your tits. A pretty sight indeed,” Sigmun said, pausing in his whipping. “The question I have for you, is have you learned your lesson? Will you obey the next time I, or any of the kingsmen, tell you to do something?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes,” though I doubted the truth in my statement.

  He laughed loudly. “I do not believe you, Queen. But I won’t whip you again for your dishonesty. I suppose I would lie as well if I had a tanned backside like you have now. Self-preservation is a powerful emotion.”

  I heard the heavy thud of the belt falling to the ground and released a sigh of relief.

  “But we still have to stretch this arsehole of yours. I won’t leave before I have completed my task.” He spread my legs wide, which I didn’t resist. I remained perfectly still. I wanted to see what was next. I wanted to see exactly what he meant when he said he would stretch me.

  It was then that I realized the kingsmen had the greatest weapon of all. My own masochistic desires.

  “Suck my finger,” Sigmun said as he leaned over and forced his index finger past my lips. “Get it nice and wet.”

  I did as he asked, uncertain what he planned next, but his command seemed simple and easy enough.

  He then pulled it out of my mouth with as much force as he had used to put it in. Moving his hand to the juncture between my legs, he dipped his wet finger to the folds of my pussy and began caressing.

  With a snicker, he said, “Oh, Zell, it appears that I didn’t need to have you lick my finger at all. Your pussy is plenty wet. It seems that you actually enjoyed that whipping.”

  His continued laughing filled me with shame. I didn’t like revealing my true feelings to him. I did not want my captors to know that my body was responding in ways that still mystified me.

  “Well, this will make my job, and your situation so much easier.” He moved his finger to my tiny pussy hole and pressed in.

  I gasped as renewed pleasure erupted. My gasp turned to a moan when he pumped his finger in and out of me a few times. Although the pleasure was short-lived, because Sigmun pulled his finger from my pussy and placed it on my anus.

  “Time we open this little hole of yours a bit.”

  I tensed and tried to buck up and off the bed, which was useless since Sigmun’s other hand held my back down like it had done during the whipping. “You will not! No!”

  “I’m doing you a favor, my queen. A favor indeed. Because one of the kingsmen will most certainly claim this tight arse of yours, and you don’t want your first opening of this hole to be with a cock. Trust me.”

  As he pressed his fingertip past my tight puckered entrance, I shouted, “Please!” The sound of such a weak request leaving my mouth, sounded foreign.

  He continued to ease his finger all the way inside of me, stretching me, invading such an intimate part of my body.

  “Oh yes, this hole is tight. You are nearly cutting the blood off at my knuckle.”

  “It hurts,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “From a finger?” Sigmun chuckled. “Come now, Zell. You are a woman whom nearly every man and woman fears. Surely, a finger up your arsehole isn’t going to be your undoing.”

  The humiliation of such an act was made worse when I glanced up and saw a black raven sitting on the ledge of the window. As much as I was happy to see Hrafn there—with the light of the purple haze behind him—I also was mortified that he had to see his mighty queen splayed out on the bed with her captor’s finger shoving in and out of her in long, fluid movements. All I could do now was close my eyes and hope this torture would end soon.

  As Sigmun’s finger inched deeper and deeper with every tiny thrust into my channel, I moaned uncontrollably. I didn’t want to like what was being done to me, but I did.

  “Yes, that’s it, Zell. Loosen that hole of yours. The more you relax, the easier this gets. You’ll want to remember this when a cock is buried balls deep inside of you.”

  “Please stop,” I begged softly, hoping Hrafn couldn’t hear me through the glass of the window. “I’ll submit to any other punishment. Whip me again. Do anything but this. It’s…unbearable.”

  “Only a few more moments. You are opening up nicely. Let us see if you can take two of my fingers.”

  As he pressed another to join the first, the pain had me crying out. “It’s too much. I’ll tear!”

  “No, you won’t.” He pressed down harder onto my back when I tried to wiggle free. “Stay still and relax. Once I get this second finger all the way in you, I will have mercy and call it good for now.”

  Knowing there was at least an end to such a mortifying act, I buried my face into the fabric of the bedcovers to conceal my whimpers as he stretched my bottom to what I believed to be impossible in size.

  Feeling both fingers shoved all the way inside of me, I sighed between my moans knowing that at least this part of Sigmun’s punishment was over.

  He pulled out his fingers from my ass, took hold of my hips, and flipped me over onto my back. He then helped me to a standing position as my vision blurred a bit from standing too fast.

  “Kneel,” he said as he shoved me down to the ground.

  Switching positions with me, Sigmun sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled out his hard cock from the confines of his pants. The contrast of his thick member against the leather of his clothing truly was a sight. My pussy throbbed in anticipation of having it put inside of me like Troylus had done.

  “Put your mouth around my cock and show me your appreciation for what I just did for you,” he said, reaching out and taking hold of the back of my head and pulling my face toward his crotch.

  Appreciation? Was the man mad? He had whipped me and invaded a part of my body I’d never imagined being touched by anyone before. But before I could respond with a snide remark, Sigmun was pressing his rigid shaft into my mouth and lowering my head upon him.

  “That’s right, Zell. Up and down. Run your tongue all along the length. Keep your mouth open wide and keep those teeth away. One nick with your fangs, and you will truly see the beast come out of me. That whipping will be nothing compared to the punishment.”

  His warning was enough to have my belly flip, and the tone in his voice had me opening my mouth as wide as I could, paying close attention to not touching his cock with my teeth. I struggled to breathe through my mouth as Sigmun’s size jabbed the back of my throat with every downward motion of my head. If I didn’t go down far enough with each up and down movement, he would press the back of my head, making sure that I did so.

  Up and down, up and down, I sucked, I swirled my tongue the best I could, and I often gagged against the size of his mass so big in my mouth.

  “I’m going to spill my seed into your mouth, and I expect you to swallow every last drop. Otherwise another whipping will follow.”

  Moments later, and a few more forceful thrusts of his hips, Sigmun’s seed coated my tongue as he groaned loudly in completion. I swallowed the salty fluid as fast as I could as Sigmun pulled out from between my lips.

  Placing his cock back inside his pants, he said, “Very good, my queen. I think you have earned yourself a warm meal…something besides just the warmth of my seed,” he said with a wink and devilish grin. He then reached out and stroked my hair in a loving fashion. It reminded me of how I would stroke Hrafn who still sat on the windowsill watching. I had just hoped that with the angle, and the bed blocking some of his view, he was not able to
truly see how Sigmun had debased my mouth.

  Sigmun stood up and walked over to the fire to stoke it. “Regin will be here later with your meal. Consider this a small reprieve, my queen. We will not be through with you until you tell us what we want to know.”

  I remained kneeling until Sigmun had left the room. The moment the door closed behind him, I stood and walked over to the window. Opening it up, I spoke before Hrafn could. I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say anyway. “I have a mission for you, Hrafn. You must be fast. Go retrieve these items for me at once. A bite of Snow’s apple, water from the hot spring, soil from my mother’s grave, and fur from the enchanted wolves.” When Hrafn didn’t leave right away, I hissed between my teeth. “Go! Hurry before it’s too late.”


  Over the whistling of the wind outside I could hear the slight, hesitant scrape against the windowpane. Sparing a glance at my bedchamber door, I crept off the bed. Giving my leg a shake to straighten the heavy iron manacle around my ankle, I bent to lift the chain. It wouldn’t do for one of the men to hear it drag along the stone floor. Stepping to the window ledge, I undid the latch, bracing myself for the blast of frigid air. A dark shape flew over my shoulder into the room. Landing on the mantle above the lit fireplace, Hrafn gave his feathers a shake sending small ice crystals floating to the ground.

  “Did you get what I asked for?”

  Twitching his head to the side, he made a clicking sound with his beak. “Have I ever failed, my queen?”

  Smiling, I stroked my warm hand down his chilled, sleek back. “No, my pet.”

  I carefully untied the scarlet ribbon around his leg which held the brown suede pouch.

  “I nearly lost my tail getting the tuft of wolf’s fur. Did you know they have a new mate?”

  I nodded. “I believe she is called Red.”

  “Vicious little thing. You would think she was the one supposed to protect the wolves instead of the other way around. She launched rocks at me when she caught me in their den.”

  “Yes, I hear she is very protective of them and that she is with child. Perhaps it is time to return the dark force to the time of the ancients.”

  Hrafn fluffed his feathers as his claws tapped the mantle. “Is my queen softening?”

  I bristled. It was true my time spent as a mortal had enlightened me to the powerful sensations that one could experience when feeling both pleasure and pain. That I learned it was both exhilarating and frustrating to be forced to submit to one of superior strength. Still, I resented the idea that it was making me weak.

  “Nothing of the sort. I merely meant that if the wolves have time to fuck and create a spawn then perhaps the dark force is no longer powerful enough to keep them occupied.”

  Hrafn made another clucking sound with his beak.

  “Stop that,” I snapped, annoyed he knew me so well. Turning my back on him, I reached into the bag. Seeing that all was as it should be, I returned to Hrafn.

  “You have done well, my pet. Now go back to the forest where it is safe. I will join you as soon as I can.”

  “Can I not wait here with you?”

  “No. I don’t want to risk them seeing you. Now do as I command.” I opened the window and gestured for him to leave.

  With a bow of his shiny black head, Hrafn obeyed.

  As soon as he was gone, I walked back to the fire, giving my chain an irritated yank as it pulled tight. It was no matter. As soon as my powers returned, I would make short work of my shackles.

  Kneeling before the fire, I used the tip of my finger to trace the intricate symbol in the scattered ashes. Soon the swirls and slashes began to take shape.

  “Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own.”

  I tossed the soil taken from the grave of my mother into the fire.

  The flames turned from a bright orange to a weak, milky green.

  “Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own.”

  I then tossed the fur from one of the cursed wolves.

  The green flame became stronger.

  “Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own.”

  I placed the piece of apple touched by the women they call Snow, who can communicate with the beasts.

  The flames shone like grass in sunlight.

  “Hear me now, oh ancient ones. I call upon the spirit of the forests to free one of your own. With this water, extinguish the cursed purple fire which keeps me imprisoned.”

  I poured several drops collected from the hot springs deep within the forest.

  The green flames snuffed out. The room cast in darkness. I waited. Hardly daring to breathe. Slowly there was a spark nestled deep within the charred logs. Then another. Another. The red glow of the fire returned. Standing slowly, I curled my fingers into claws and waved my hand over the iron manacle around my ankle. The metal bubbled and dripped as it melted away. The heat never touching my skin.

  I could feel the rumble in my chest as I chuckled deeply.

  My powers were back.

  The heavy tread of a footfall was just outside my door. It must be Regin with my evening meal. I wonder. I wondered if all the troubling feelings of the flesh would feel the same now that my powers had returned?

  It would be a shame not to take one more taste before I vanquished them all.


  Striding over to the bed, I pulled the red brocade covering down so it pooled on the floor and around my feet, concealing my ankle. The heavy bolt drew back with a clatter as Regin strode through the door. He was carrying a tray. The earthenware bowl was filled with something that smelled rich and savory with the added sweet scent of sage. There was also a plate filled with strawberries so ripe and full they were flushed a deep crimson. Regin placed the tray on the small table before the fire. I held my breath and cast my eyes downward, lest I give my apprehension away. Would he notice the symbol scratched into the ashes and guess at its significance?

  Just as he leaned over as if to get a closer look at something, I called out to him.

  When his dark emerald gaze returned to mine, I placed my fingers inside the collar of my dressing gown and drew it open and over my shoulders, exposing my breasts and navel.

  His eyes flashed with awareness. I could see the bulge between his legs lengthen.

  “Have you finally learned your lesson from your punishments, lass? Are you ready to submit?” he asked as he pulled his linen shirt over his head, exposing a chest sprinkled with light brown hair and the white crisscross patterns of several battle scars.

  Taking a deep breath, I shook my head. “No.”

  His brow knitted. “No?”

  Licking my lips, I boldly declared, “I want you to force me.”

  Taking a step toward me, Regin grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. His lips quirked up in the corner. “Your wish is my command, your majesty.”

  Using his grip on my hair, he pushed me down onto my knees. “That’s right. Kneel before me,” he quipped.

  My stomach knotted and flipped. While my mind said I needed to distract him so that I could flee the fortress before they learned I had broken the enchantment, I knew that was not the only reason why I was kneeling before him. I was curious. Curious to see if I would still feel…anything. In my short time with the kingsmen, I had already become addicted to the rush of emotion and physical pleasure. My immortal self had never felt such things before. I needed to know…would they still have the same effect on me now that my powers had returned.

  Keeping one hand twisted into my hair, he unfastened his jerkin with the other, freeing his engorged cock. Wrapping his long fingers around the shaft, he shifted his hand up and down. “Open your mouth,” he commanded.

  I knew what he wanted. I had already been forced to taste Sigmun’s seed.

  Slowly shaking my head, I whispered, “No.”

  Regin hunched down before my pr
one form. Taking me by the chin, his thumb stroked my bottom lip. “It does not have to be this way, Zella. Don’t force me to be cruel when I could be kind.”

  I lowered my eyes, not wanting him to see the truth. I needed him to force me.

  With a sigh, he raised up to his full height, towering over me. The feeling of being small compared to their large builds still gave me a thrill.

  Regin grabbed my face again, this time digging his fingers into the sides of my cheeks. The edges of my teeth cut my mouth inside, my jaw was pushed open…wide. Grasping his cock, he pushed the head past my lips. I could taste his earthy essence on my tongue already. He slid in deep, my lips stretching painfully around his girth. He was thicker than the others. A small drop of spittle tickled my chin as I struggled to accept his shaft. He rubbed the head along my tongue, pressed it against my cheeks. As if he wanted to mark the inside of my mouth with his scent. I placed my hands on the tops of his thighs, loving the difference between his warm skin at my fingertips and the cool leather that still encased his legs pressed against my palms.

  Still…it was not enough. I craved more.

  As if sensing my agitation, Regin pulled free.

  “Get on the bed,” he ordered.

  I rose from the floor and gingerly sat on the edge of the bed.

  Grabbing my breast and giving the soft flesh a squeeze, Regin then forced me onto my back, my legs still dangling. Slapping my inner thigh, he forced my limbs open. Without warning, he shoved two fingers inside my still sore and swollen passage.

  My mouth opened on a shocked gasp.

  “Your cunt is wet.”

  The short crude remark sent a shock of awareness down my body. Yes.

  Regin forced a third finger inside of me.

  I groaned as my body opened for him.

  Using his grip between my legs, he pushed forward with his hand, guiding me onto the center of the bed with my own sex. I could hear him kick off his boots, could hear the slide of his breeches as they hit the floor. The bed dipped with his weight. His fingers pulled free and I felt empty. Instead of lying beside me, he straddled my head, his knees resting on my long hair, holding my head immobile. Roughly grabbing my face again, he once more pushed my jaw open before shoving his three fingers into my mouth.


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