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The One That Got Away

Page 6

by Lexie Miers

  The song ended as we pulled into Cass’s street and I stopped my car by the curb, right in front of her house.


  “Thank you for tonight,” she said as she undid her seatbelt.

  “You’re welcome,” I said, not wanting to push the conversation past her comfort zone. Judging by the expression on her face, she was way beyond the limits of being comfortable.

  She opened the car door and glanced back at me for a moment. I held her gaze, not saying a word.

  Then her shoulders fell and a sigh escaped her lips as she climbed out of the car.

  She muttered, “Goodnight, Liam,” before slamming the door.


  I watched her walk up the steps in front of her house and go inside, all the while scolding myself for being such an idiot.

  You should have said something, anything.

  I drove away, sadness dragging at my spirit. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to work out?

  Who knew?

  Chapter Seven


  A few days after my roll in the hay with Liam, it was my first day at my new job!

  I blinked open my eyes and a beam of sunlight flashed directly onto my face, blurring my already hazy vision.

  I groaned as I rolled over, the familiar softness of my sheets wrapping around me. I stared at the clock beside my bed and sighed. It was two minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. “Damn it.”

  I sat up in bed and images of my time with Liam flooded into my head, along with a huge wave of sadness.

  It had been one of the greatest nights of my life, but also one of the worst. And more importantly, it had been a mistake.

  Sure, it had been amazing and spontaneous, and if it wasn’t for Liam being... Liam, I would have gone my whole life without a memory like it.

  But it was still a mistake.

  I sighed and slid back down beneath the warmth of my covers. I couldn’t believe that Liam had nothing to say to me in the car while our favorite song had played on the radio. Or even when he dropped me off.

  No words, no explanation.

  Nothing. As usual.

  And for two days following, he hadn’t called me either. I only had myself to blame if I’d thought he could change.

  I glanced at the outfit I’d hung on my closet handle. I couldn’t put it off anymore.

  “Okay... get up.”

  I climbed out of bed, made myself a cup of coffee and glanced at my phone. There were no messages or calls from Liam. Still.

  Disappointment hit me like a punch to the gut and I groaned aloud.

  “Stop being so pathetic.”

  Maybe he’ll call today? Isn’t the rule for guys to wait three days before calling?

  I shook myself to clear the thoughts. I had bigger fish to fry today.

  Today was my first day at Hartmann and Cole, and I was determined to have a great day. I also had to swing by the hospital to make a payment. Mr. Hartmann’s signing bonus had been more than generous, and would definitely cover the next few months.

  I’d almost burst into tears when he’d told me that. And even better than that, after signing the contract three days ago, the balance was already reflected in my bank account.

  I was truly grateful and I had no words to properly express it, so I figured the best way to show my gratitude was to work hard.

  Within the hour I was dressed in a chic outfit, my hair swept to the side, and despite everything that had happened, I was feeling confident.

  I drove to the hospital and walked along the corridor until I found the billings office.

  “Good morning, ma’am. May I help you?” the young woman greeted me with a warm smile.

  “Morning,” I greeted in return and took out my wallet. “I’m here to make a payment for the account of Nathan Moore. I’m his sister, and responsible for the account.”

  “Of course,” she answered and typed on her computer keyboard.

  She took my card from me swiped it through the machine.

  The relief in my heart knowing I could pay this bill was overwhelming. It felt like a mountain had been lifted from my shoulders.

  “There you go.”

  “Thank you.” I left with a smile and made my way to Nathan’s room.

  When I opened the door, I saw the doctor standing beside Nathan’s bed..

  “Hey, Cassie,” Nathan said with a welcoming smile. “You look nice.”

  I winked at him and approached the doctor. “Good morning, Dr. Andrews.”

  “Good morning, Cassidy.”

  “How is everything going?” I asked.

  “Look,” Nathan said excitedly and pointed to his feet.

  As soon as I saw the wiggling of his toes, I stopped abruptly and bit my bottom lip. “Oh my God.”

  “Yeah, pretty impressive, right?” he grinned proudly.

  “Doctor, is this normal? I mean, I’m not complaining or anything. I just didn’t expect him to be able to do something like that so soon.”

  “Nathan is a strong-willed young man,” the doctor answered as though that was the entire answer to this incredible puzzle.

  I couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t I know it.”

  “Usually, with injuries as extensive as Nathan’s, the prognosis’s not very good, but he’s exceeded our wildest expectations. The way things are currently progressing, and with the determination he has to get better there may not be a need for another surgery.”

  My eyebrows shot up. I could breathe again.

  I glanced at Nathan, who was still proudly wiggling his toes. A relieved tear ran down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I didn’t want to ruin my makeup before I even got to work.

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard all month.”

  “Apart from you getting a job at a law firm, sis,” Nathan pointed out.

  Dr. Andrews glanced at me and smiled. “Congratulations, Cassidy.”

  “Thanks. Speaking of which... I have to get going or I’ll be late my first day.”

  “We wouldn’t want that,” Nathan said with a touch of sarcasm.

  “Thanks for stopping by, Cassidy,” Dr. Andrews said.

  “No, thank you for giving us such great news.”

  The doctor glanced at my brother. “It’s Nathan you have to thank. He’s the champion here.”

  “He is, isn’t he?” I glanced at my little brother and struggled against the tears once again.

  Sure, he was twenty-two years old, but he’d always been far wiser than all his peers. Nathan was the one who’d helped me move on with my life after Liam.

  So, he wouldn’t be too impressed with me if he knew what Liam and I did last night.

  My skin still tingled where Liam had touched me, and oddly, I had to stop myself from grinning like a stupid teenager whenever I thought about it.

  No. I couldn’t let my brother know. He’d be furious.

  Nathan knew how much Liam’s departure had affected me. He’d heard me crying in my room for too many nights to count. He knew how long it had taken me to get over everything that had happened, which was why I knew he’d want me to stay as far away from Liam Ross as humanly possible.

  But I couldn’t.


  Nathan’s voice snapped me back to the present. Back to his hospital room, with Dr. Andrews staring at me strangely.

  “Oh, sorry! Zoned out there for a minute. I’ll be back later and I’ll tell you all about my day, okay?”

  “Okay. Can you bring some pizza or Thai food?” Nathan asked.

  I glanced at Dr. Andrews, who held his hands up in defeat. “It’s fine by me.”

  “Great,” Nathan smiled happily and glanced expectantly at me.

  If my miracle brother wanted pizza, he could have pizza.

  “Whatever you want,” I said to him. “I’ll see you later.”

  I left the hospital feeling lighter than I had in a very long time. Nathan’s bills were current, he was getting bette
r, and most probably wouldn’t require any more surgery.

  And on top of that, I had an amazing new job with an incredible salary. Everything was falling into place.

  The only piece of my new puzzle that I wasn’t so sure about was Liam.

  Where did he fit in?

  We’d had sex—very passionate sex, I might add. But where did that leave us?

  A better question would be, did I have the fortitude to allow him back into my life after everything? Was last night all it took for me to go back on all the promises I’d made myself? What if he left me again?

  I’d barely survived the first time, so I sure as hell wouldn’t survive a second.

  Did he even want to be a part of my life again?

  So many questions and so few answers!

  Somehow, Liam had weaseled his way back into my life, and into my pants as well.

  As I climbed into my car and put my seat belt on, my breath caught in my throat.

  I could still feel the pressure of his hands against my breasts as he thrust himself inside me, over and over.

  Damn, that was hot...

  Shivers ran down my spine and I glanced at myself in the mirror with a look of disapproval.

  “No, Cassidy. Stop it.”

  I had to focus. I couldn’t be thinking pornographic thoughts on my first day of work. Especially not about Liam, at his best friend’s firm. That would be unprofessional, not to mention inappropriate.

  Not that anyone would know.

  I sighed as I started the car. This was already getting too complicated.

  The drive from the hospital to the office was brief, and I kept the window open for some fresh air to clear my head.

  At my new work, everyone was surprisingly friendly and helpful as I found my feet. Mr. Hartmann... or Eric, as I was told call him, was really nice, and he briefed me about many of their important cases at the moment. It was a lot to remember but I didn’t mind. This kind of high stress, busy environment was what I had always desired. I loved it already.

  At lunchtime I took out my phone and texted Liam, even though I knew I shouldn’t.

  I couldn’t help it.

  I wanted to meet up with him. I had to talk about last night and what it meant for us, and what it meant to him.

  I used to understand Liam so well when we were younger. I knew how to read his physical cues, his eyes... and all the subtle hints on his face that most people missed.

  Now, I was a little out of sorts. I didn’t know what to expect, or what he was thinking anymore.

  “Boyfriend trouble, Cassidy?” Hannah, one of the paralegals asked me as she sat down next to me.

  I glanced up from my phone and pursed my lips. “No, I was just texting a friend.”

  “You were pretty zoned out while typing that message,” she pointed out.

  “It’s nothing,” I shrugged, not wanting to explain my whole life story to a practical stranger.

  “How’s your day so far? Not too much for you to handle?” Lennox, one of the managing partner’s paralegal asked.

  “No, quite the opposite actually. It’s exactly what I hoped it would be. My previous job was much less stimulating, and I was bored out of my mind. Plus, I loved Business Law in college, so this is right up my alley.”

  “Eric said you were a UC Denver girl, top of your class. That’s impressive,” Hannah pointed out.

  I glanced at Hannah, who was the same age as me, but so different in appearance. She had glossy black hair, olive skin, and high cheekbones.

  Her big, brown eyes and pink lips reminded me of my Columbian roommate. I’d always envied her beautiful skin and features, and the way she had the college guys hanging on her every word.

  Hannah was also one of those girls, I could see it as clear as day. And the worst part was, I was totally envious of her as well. But there was one thing no one could take away from me, and that was graduating at the top of my class. “Thank you.”

  “Why didn’t you just become a lawyer?” Lennox asked and glanced at me after taking a bite of her sandwich.

  “What kept you from law school?” Hannah also chimed in.

  I pursed my lips and lowered my gaze. “I was going to go, but...” I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. “My mom got sick and I had to go home.”

  An awkward silence filled the air and Hannah said. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. You didn’t know,” I glanced at everyone around the table. “None of you did, so stop feeling badly.”

  “If your mom okay now?” Keith, another paralegal asked.

  “Keith,” Hannah muttered and gave him the side-eye..

  “Sorry,” Keith muttered.

  I cleared my throat and stood up. “I need to make a quick call. Excuse me.”

  No better time to call your ex-boyfriend whom you recently slept with than when you’re already drowning in self-pity, right?

  I dialed Liam’s number and waited for him to answer.

  “Hey, it’s Liam Ross. I’m not available right now. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, call the office if it’s urgent.”

  After the beep, I said in a lowered tone, “Hey, Liam. It’s Cassidy. I was hoping you’d have replied to my text, but I guess you’re busy with work. I’d really like to get together after work, if you can. Call me back, please. It’s important.”

  I ended the call and took a few deep breaths.

  Stop being such a girl!

  My imagination was off to the races, running wild with conclusions.

  All because he hadn’t texted me back.

  I tried to find my calm. Did it really matter that he hadn’t called back?


  There were a hundred possible reasons why he wasn’t answering his phone, and considering we’d slept together once, I really needed to calm down.

  My stupid brain considered calling his office for a moment, but I didn’t want to seem desperate. So, I focused on my next task and pushed Liam to the back of my mind.

  I was a pro at doing that, I’d been doing it for over a decade now.

  I went about my day and even managed to leave my phone in my bag in the staffroom, so that I couldn’t keep checking it. If he called, he could leave a message, just like I had with him.

  The day passed quicker than I thought, and I was even complimented by Eric who was impressed with my work, which meant a lot to me.

  After I picked up some Thai food for Nathan, I headed over to the hospital. I glanced at my phone every so often, but there was nothing. No phone call, no text, no message from Liam.

  It was after six when I stepped into Nathan’s room and my baby brother was looking very cheerful. I put on my brave face and told him all about my day. How much fun I had... how nice the people were... and how much I had already learned.

  Nathan was happy for me, and we had a good two hours together. Of course, I didn’t mention Liam, because I knew how Nathan would react. I didn’t know how long I could keep the truth from him, because I really didn’t like keeping things from my brother. He was the only family I had left.

  But as his big sister, it was my duty to shift my personal problems aside, and stay upbeat and positive for him.

  I could deal with Liam later.


  Chapter Eight


  Two calls.

  Four texts.

  And all without a single reply from me.

  That was what I had to deal with when I glanced at my phone, the moment I stepped out of the courthouse.

  As if I didn’t have enough to deal with today.

  It had been a long day, and I was exhausted. Seeing my ex-assistant Katie and her smug-as-shit lawyer from across the courtroom made me promise myself that I’d never hire a female assistant again.

  And by the end of the day, I was wondering why I’d want anything to do with a woman again.

  So, seeing all of Cass’s texts and messages made me u
neasy. I didn’t want everything with her to blow up in my face too.

  “Liam!” I heard Morgan call my name and I lowered my phone.

  Morgan’s straight posture spoke of a confidence I lacked.

  Katie’s lawyer had been ruthless in his statement and even though I was told not to say a single word to him during the hearing. It had been extremely hard to keep quiet against such slander.

  “Are you okay?” Morgan asked. “It was pretty brutal in there.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  Morgan Cole had been my lawyer for a long time now. I was introduced to him via Eric. Morgan and Eric were partners in their law firm, and Eric had suggested I hire Morgan to represent me. I understood, as Eric and I were friends, and we didn’t want a conflict of interest on our hands.

  Morgan was a great attorney, and although I was taking a battering at the moment, I had great hopes that we would come out on top, with my integrity and reputation intact.

  “Listen, Liam. I know you’re frustrated right now, and I can understand that, but the trial may go on for three days, so you have to hold out for a little longer.”

  “I know.”

  “And you can’t see her until all of this is over. You know that too,” Morgan warned.

  “I know.” Even if it means losing the only woman I ever wanted.

  “If Katie’s lawyer finds out about this-”

  “I know!” What the fuck else did he want from me?

  I glanced back to my phone and tried to calm down.

  I’d told Morgan about what happened with Cassidy, obviously not in too much detail, but I had to tell him.

  I didn’t want him to get any surprises from the opposite counsel because I’d withheld information. He needed to know everything, which was why he advised me to stay away from Cass until everything was over.

  For her own safety, and mine.

  Why was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

  Katie’s lawyer didn’t need any more ammunition against me than he already allegedly had. Not only was my reputation on the line, but my credibility and my career as well.

  Losing a sexual harassment case would not do me any favors, especially with the company I worked for. I could lose my job if I was found guilty, which I wasn’t but no-one would care about my side of the story once the judge had decided for me. Few other companies in the city would hire me with a record like that.


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