Captured Heart

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Captured Heart Page 2

by Angelica Siren

  He finally couldn't take the hesitation anymore and pushed his own fingers into the waist band of his underpants, pulling them down to the floor. Rather than tearing my hands away, I continued just as I had been. My hand wrapped itself around his warm and thick cock, stroking him towards me. My other hand massaged between his legs, pushing and prodding. My lips drifted down from his stomach to the base of his cock where I laid kiss after kiss against his skin.

  I could feel the wetness slipping from between my legs as I kissed and fondled his member. The excitement of being with him was still powerful and our lust was still an exciting and daring thing to me. Every time I saw his naked body my own senses seemed to turn up to eleven, daring me to sample him fully. I opened my lips slightly and pushed a wet kiss against the shaft of his cock as my hand skipped along its surface, daring him to resist my touch. He couldn't resist, of course. He had only desire for me as well.

  I slowly trailed my hand from beneath his legs, dragging my fingers across his most sensitive skin. I slipped my hand between my own legs, desperate to feel more than just the burning heat that was threatening to engulf my body. I spread my knees apart and pushed my fingers against my own wetness, feeling just how easily they slid across the surface. I was soaked and completely prepared for him. I didn't know how much longer I could resist.

  I rubbed myself harder, pushing two wet fingers against my clit. I let out a gasp as I felt it, hungry for more than just a simple touch. I stroked my fingers back and forth before straightening them and rubbing in a small, circular motion that soon had me rocking softly back and forth, wishing it was him who was beneath me.

  I couldn't wait a moment more and pulled him forwards towards the bed, my hand gripped tightly around his cock. He stepped towards me and I maneuvered his body around before pushing him down onto the bed. He tumbled onto the sheets softly, laughing as he fell. It was wonderful to hear his laugh. Too often recently the business with his father had distracted him and he'd unable to find the joy in simple things. Not tonight, though. Whatever happened tomorrow would happen tomorrow. For now there was just me and him.

  I crawled across his body, feeling his rigid cock sliding across my chest and my stomach, thrilling at the sensation of this powerful man beneath me. His fingers rose along my legs up to my hips as I mounted him, settling in the curve of my body, just where he knew I liked to be touched when we were together. I slipped my hand between my legs and took hold of his manhood roughly, pushing him just where I needed him to be. The pulsing, thick head of his cock pressed against the moist and soft folds of my womanhood before I pushed him inside, lowering myself down onto him. I let out a small gasp as I felt the fullness of him penetrate me. The size of him had become familiar to me, but it was still a shock and a pleasure each time.

  I pushed my hands against his chest and began rocking my hips back and forth, driving him into me more and more with every small movement. Beneath me he kept his hands fixed upon on my hips, helping to push and pull me back and forth, his rate of breath increasing steadily as he let himself go and felt the burning heat that was building between us. I held tight against his shoulders and then his upper arms, my fingers desperately clawing at his muscles. I wanted to feel the strength in his body. I wanted to feel the power that was lurking there. I was in control, but as I took in all of the feelings that were rolling through my body, I imagined the ways he'd taken me in the past. I thought of his rough, warm hands holding my body steady as he pushed himself into me.

  I angled myself forward so that I could rub myself against his body with every thrust. My wetness was trailing across his skin, and his cock seemed to grow larger and harder with every push. I squeezed myself tight around his manhood. I wanted to feel every inch of him inside of me. Every breath I took was fuel for the fire inside me that drove me forward in our passion. Our bodies were connected in a way that was more pleasurable and more incredible than anything I'd ever known. When we were together, I couldn't imagine ever being apart.

  He groaned beneath me and I knew that our time together would be brief. I'd spent so much time building him up and teasing him that he was struggling not to release his pleasure in one grand explosion already. I slowed myself down and rode him back and forth, pushing my mound against his hard body. I stretched my legs wide around him, pushing myself fully onto his rigid cock again and again. Every stroke was a thing of beauty, bringing me ever closer to the kind of supreme pleasure I could only feel when the two of us were together in this way.

  The rising heat inside of me slowly spread throughout my body. I could feel a warm tingling in every limb, from my fingers down to the tips of my toes. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning too loudly. I wasn't ashamed of sex or anything, but I was far from an exhibitionist. Our time together was our time alone, and I didn't want to get self-conscious about being too loud. I held even tighter against his arms and he brought one hand up my chest. His fingers softly played against my breasts, teasing and sweeping around my nipples. The increased sensation drew ever forward and I couldn't help but resume my frantic pace of hip movements.

  His grip on my waist became tighter still and he squeezed my breast with his other hand. I felt his cock pulse inside of me as he moaned loudly. The instant that he came, the warmth that had been spreading through my body seemed to catch fire and spread throughout me. Every part of my body exploded with pleasure as the bright light of climax rushed through my limbs. My body shook and I pushed myself hard against him as his warm fluid flooded into me in great spurts. We both moaned softly, struggling to keep our voices low as we came. Every excess decibel was translated into physicality as we groped and rubbed ourselves against one another, seeking to extend our pleasure for even one more moment.

  Finally, there was nothing more we could do and the moment fled from us. I collapsed atop Ronan, breathing deeply and struggling to regain my bearings. Our lovemaking was always passionate, but that night it seemed especially so. We were hardly on vacation here in Belfast, but still it felt exotic and different. Having to stay quiet was part of the thrill, I think. I giggled about that as I rolled off of him, our rapidly cooling bodies still pressed together. In the past we'd never shied away from being loud and that night was definitely a new experience.

  I pushed myself against his body, my hand held against his chest. I felt his breath slowly to a normal rate and kissed him gently on the cheek. These tender moments with Ronan were all the more wonderful knowing the danger and threat that was the cause of our visit. We might have little time in the future to enjoy each other's quiet company. Neither of us was willing to let one moment go to waste. He pulled me closer to him, and I delighted at his strength. He was fighting this far for me and it was always good to be reminded at just how much of a fight he could put up.

  We fell asleep in each other's arms, never bothering to get beneath the covers. During the night it got a bit chilly, but I always had Ronan's incredible and constant heat beside me to keep me comfortable. My dreams were pleasant and calming. Some people have difficulties sleeping in new places. That used to be me, but not wherever I went with Ronan seemed as much like home as my old apartment back in Baltimore. Home was family and for now, Ronan was all that I had.

  The next morning we woke up to the sound of Lila singing as she made breakfast. I could tell that was what she was doing because she sang each of the ingredients and whatever she was doing with them. I'd never heard someone put the process of poaching eggs to music before, but then again I'd never met anyone quite like Lila before either. I softly ran my hand across Ronan's face and his eyes opened slowly. When he saw me he smiled, even before we said anything. It was a beautiful way to wake up and I thought in that moment that I'd never like to wake up differently.

  I pushed my way through my travel bag looking for a change of clothes. Ronan wore the same pants and shirt he'd been wearing the day before, just as I suspected he would. When we were dressed, I was about to head for the door but he pulled me aside. I thought he was goin
g to tell me something but instead he bent low and began to kiss me. Our lips met and I accepted his passionate morning embrace with all the comfort possible. The attraction between us existed at all times and in all places. It couldn't be denied or restrained, certainly not by breakfast.

  We went out into the apartment and found Lila dancing around the kitchen. She was wearing clothing that morning, which I would come to learn was not a guarantee. As she saw us, she lifted two plates from the counter and sang them towards us.

  Poached eggs and bacon

  It's what I been makin'

  Now's high time that you sat

  My dear Ronan and Cat

  Sometimes her songs didn't quite rhyme and her sense of melody was strange at best, but we accepted our breakfasts in good humor and sat to eat. From his non-presence I correctly surmised that Darren had already left for work. It was 10 in the morning by the clock on the wall. It took me a moment to remember that some people still worked ordinary jobs and couldn't sleep 'til 10.

  "So," I asked Ronan as we sat down to eat, "What's going to happen today?"

  "I'm going to go over to see da," he told me, "and leave the grand plans to him. I've got a feelin' he's already mapped this thing out in his head and I dinnae want to step on his toes - not yet at least."

  I nodded along with what he was saying as I took another bike of eggs. He didn't say so, but I knew that meant I would be staying here at the apartment. Part of me had hoped to come along, but I knew it wasn't to be. This was serious business and while I might be starting to look the part of a biker, that didn't mean I was ready to fight their wars by a long shot. I was a little disappointed but another part of me was uncommonly cheerful. Ronan going off to talk business meant that I could spend the day with Lila. Ever since leaving Baltimore I hadn't spent any time around another woman my age with interests remotely similar to my own. Daisy was fine, but she had lived a life so different from my own that we often found ourselves without anything to say to one another.

  After breakfast, Ronan gathered his jacket and his keys and stopped in the kitchen to thank Lila for breakfast. He came back to find me waiting by the door. He stepped up to me and wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me close for a kiss. He stared deep into my eyes afterwards and said nothing for a long moment.

  "I'll be back later," he said. "And I've got my phone. Don't worry about me, Cat."

  I nodded. "I love you," I told him.

  He kissed me again as if he was compelled by physics rather than mere love. When his compulsion had relaxed he pulled away again. "I love you," he told me and gave me a final short kiss on the lips. With that he turned as I knew he had to and went out the door. I stood near it for a minute listening closely until the familiar roar of his bike's engine came to my ears. I listened carefully until it faded softly into the morning din of Belfast. Ronan was gone to fight his war and I missed him already.

  I headed back to the bedroom to find my bag of bathroom supplies. I hadn't had a shower in far too long and I hoped that the water pressure in Darren and Lila's apartment would be up to the task. I found the bathroom to be small but comfortable and I was pleasantly surprised when the water came out of the showerhead strong and hot right from the start. Maybe things weren't going to be so desperate here in Belfast after all. As I undressed, I was feeling better and better about our trip up north. What if I treated the whole thing as an extended vacation? I didn't even know what a vacation meant to me anymore. I hadn't worked in months and with the way I was living I figured the sale of my grandmother's house would keep me solvent for a long, long time. Taking a trip to Belfast was no more exotic than my life had already become.

  The warm water hit my skin and relaxation spread through my limbs immediately. I hadn't realized just how tense I had been. The combination of a long ride, a night of heavy drinking and sleeping on an unfamiliar bed had left me sore all over. I stretched out in the shower and pushed my head under the falling water, closing my eyes and focusing only on the sensation of the warm rush around me. I could have stayed in there all day. As it stood, my shower lasted far longer than maybe it should have. I didn't have any convincing reasons to leave the warm, soothing water, after all.

  When I got out of the shower, I dried myself on a towel which had now traveled with me all the way from Baltimore through two major Irish cities. It's strange the kind of things you keep with you and the kind of things you give up when your life changes as dramatically as mine had. In my turn from being just another office drone in a major American city to the girlfriend of a dangerous biker traveling across the length of Ireland, I'd lost track of many of the things I started with, but not my towel. There was nothing special about it, but it was a piece of home that reminded me of where I came from - and where I could always return to.

  I finished drying my hair and wrapped the towel around my head. For a moment I was self-conscious about making the short journey from the bathroom to the guest bedroom naked, but I realized that Lila was probably not the sort of person who would mind a little nudity, if she even noticed me. When I'd gone into the shower she was just getting out her yoga mat and it seemed like she would probably be pretty engaged in her routine for the time being. I carefully opened the door to the bathroom and rushed down the hall to the room I was sharing with Ronan. When I got inside and closed the door, my heart was pounding in my chest, but of course there was no reason for it. Lila hadn't noticed me. I grinned wildly anyhow, briefly excited by my own small adventure.

  I put my towel on the back of a chair and gathered up the clothes I'd been wearing earlier. I slipped into them, glad that I'd chosen comfortable outfits for our trip to Belfast. I was starting to believe that a naked trip down the hallway might be the most exciting thing that would happen to me while Ronan was out. I didn't much feel like doing yoga with Lila and Irish television leaves a lot to be desired. When I was dressed I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. At least I'd have a chance to relax.

  My relaxation turned into sleep faster than I could have previously believed. Maybe it was that I was more tired than I knew or maybe it was the warmth of the shower that did it. Part of me thinks it was probably just having the whole bed to myself. As nice as it was sleeping next to Ronan, there's something to be said for stretching yourself out on a bed alone. Warm rays of sunshine were pouring into the windows of the small room, and something about it was enough to drive me towards an uncharacteristic mid-morning nap.

  I woke up some time later, not quite sure that I'd been asleep. I wasn't sure what had woken me, but I remembered a loud sound and rolled myself groggily off the bed. I searched around for my phone, eventually finding it beneath a pile of clothes. I'd been asleep for two hours and there were no messages from Ronan. I supposed that was both good and bad. He'd barely started the work he'd come to Belfast to do, and at times like these, no news was probably good news. Still, something had pulled me roughly from my sleep and I wanted to investigate what it was. I tossed my phone back onto the bed and stepped out into the apartment.

  I couldn't hear the tell-tale music that seemed to follow Lila everywhere, whether she was listening to it or singing it. That probably should have been my first clue, but I pressed on anyway.

  "Lila?" I called out. "Darren? Ronan?"

  There was no answer from the apartment. Maybe the sound I'd heard was the door slamming as Lila left or something. I rounded the corner into the kitchen and discovered just how far off my guess had been.. I saw her legs first, splayed against the floor in an unnatural fashion. Lila was laying there, unmoving against the floor. Her arms were spread out around her in the heap she'd fallen into.

  "Lila!" I called out with a shriek. I would have run for her, but just as her name escaped my lips I felt the tight grip seize around my arm. I wheeled around, my wrist held tight, and came face to face with a man I'd never seen before. He was tall and bulky and had an unkempt beard that made him look even wilder than he otherwise might have. I screamed for just a moment, but not long as
he pushed his free hand against my face, clamping his large and sweaty palm against my mouth, muffling the sounds I was making.

  I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. With my free hand I groped for anything I could use to hit him with but came up empty. I barely had the presence of mind to understand what was happening. Even without an improvised weapon, I struck out at him with my fist, but he merely growled at the blows I delivered to the side of his face. For a second I thought I might be able to get the better of him but then I felt a tight and rough piece of cloth slide across my face and he pulled his hand away. There was someone else behind me, pulling a gag of thick cloth across my mouth. I tried to shriek again but predictably failed. Both of my arms were held tight and I turned my head to see the second attacker. He was younger, with short blond hair and cold eyes.

  "Goddamnit, Vic," the older one said, "You got her? This is the one."

  My eyes widened. What the hell was going on? I was the one what? My eyes turned quickly to Lila, still lying motionless on the floor. I couldn't tell if she was dead or just knocked out. Terror seized me and I began struggling more than ever but my strength was nothing compared to the two of them. The one that had been called Vic held my hands behind my back while the other one tied them together with something. Then he moved in front of me and stared me directly in the eyes.

  "Alright," he said, "We're going to go for a little walk now. If you try to scream or run, it's not going to do any good, but we're going to make you suffer for it, alright? Now be a good girl and shut the fuck up."

  I nodded, too terrified to consider resisting these men. Maybe when we went wherever it was that we were going, I could choose an opportune moment to scream for help against my gag. At least, that's what I thought my rationale was. In truth, I was too scared to do much of anything. They started shoving me through the apartment and I craned my neck to take one last long look at Lila. I thought I could see her chest moving with breath and the thought that she might not be dead was instantly relieving to me. Whatever else these men might be, they weren't cold-blooded killers. While I was thinking about who and what they were, my mind clicked on something I hadn't noticed at first - an American accent. I'd been surrounded by Irish accents for so long but still it was easy to just ignore an American way of speaking as being "normal". Suddenly things started to become clear in my mind: these were the men Ronan had come to Belfast to fight. Evidently they'd been more ready for that fight than anyone had guessed.


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