Galatzi World (Galatzi Trade Book 2)

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Galatzi World (Galatzi Trade Book 2) Page 37

by Robin Roseau

  "What reasons?"

  "Because then you would take a little bit of Talmon with you, Darling."

  * * * *

  Their last two weeks went by so quickly. We had no special festivities planned beyond a farewell dinner their last night in Sudden. There was no dance afterwards, as Cecilia wanted a quiet evening with her family. Some of the younger members would stay in Sudden for one final evening, but I imagined Cecilia would be sharing tears with her closest family.

  I spent time with them, too. Cecilia told me, "When I trade you, it might not be to someone on Centos Four, but if it is, then it's good if you know a few people, isn't it?"

  "Where else would you trade me?"

  "Tarriton is the regional capital," she said. "Perhaps Anna White is arranging something."

  "Maddalyn's aunt. Your boss."

  "Right. It's closer. Colonel Blue is there a lot. It might be better."

  I nodded. "Your judgment, Governor."

  And so, I spent time with August, who had a dry sense of humor. It could be deeply cutting at times, but he was very good at making me laugh. He was warm and gentle, but I detected an inner fire, and I decided that while he might be slow to anger, I would never want his anger directed at me.

  I spent more time with Christianna. She loved the communal baths and was always trying to find someone to go with her. I let myself be her companion for these trips, and we talked for hours. I'd never met anyone who could see to the matter of things the way she could, and I was going to deeply miss her when she was gone.

  I found myself with Savannah a lot, too. In the last week, she wanted to go shopping. "I have so many presents to purchase." But she had taken to dressing in Talmonese clothing, and so she bought more clothing of all types. And she insisted on buying me a few things. I wasn't comfortable with it, but she told me she wanted to see me wearing the things she bought. I quietly complained to Cecilia about it.

  "She is thanking you for your help."

  "She doesn't have to do that."

  "She wants to."

  "It's too much."

  "She isn't from Talmon. This is how someone on Centos Four might offer thank you when she feels indebted. Please be gracious, Chaladine."

  "Of course."

  I got to know Shawn and Corinne a little more, too, although they had their own partners for everything they did, and I didn't want to force myself on them. So I only spent time around them during the group events.

  Then the lander arrived. It disgorged a little more technology for us to install -- lights for Sudden and more heaters for Indartha. And then it waited two days before it would take everyone -- except Arthur, away to the stars again.

  Last Night

  We had a lovely dinner at my parents'. I had to do nothing, but I could see the tension. Most of our visitors were ready to go home. Even Christianna, August and Savannah were ready to go home, but they weren't ready to leave, either.

  And Cecilia would have kept them much longer if she could.

  She sat between her mother and her sister, with Sartine and I several places away.

  "Is she going to be all right?"

  "Yes. She is upset that some of the dearest people to her are leaving in the morning, but she'll be all right."

  "I'm going to miss them. It's been a good summer."

  "Even the first half?"

  "Even the first half. Being drugged out of my mind was pleasant."

  She laughed. "You didn't seem to mind, but I could see you fighting it, too."

  "Not very well." I shrugged. "I am not permanently scared. We had fun. Some of it was good. I learned a few things. Some of the things I learned, I enjoyed learning. Some I didn't. It was a good summer."

  "Yes. A good summer," she agreed.

  We sat quietly people watching for a few minutes before I asked her, "Sartine, do you know when she's going to trade me? Or to whom?"

  She paused before answering. "Chaladine, I love you like a sister, but if you ever ask me a question like that again, I will have you in the stocks for a week. Do I make myself clear?"

  I lowered my eyes and nodded. She paused a moment then kissed my forehead. "I'm not angry, but I wasn't bluffing. All right."

  "I'm sorry."

  She squeezed my arm once then asked, "Did Colonel Blue show off?"

  I laughed. "Yes. To you?"

  "Yeah. Yesterday. I almost soiled myself."

  "I'd love to see what she or Arther could do in an aircraft designed for those sorts of maneuvers," I said.

  "Oh, wouldn't that be something. I don't think I'd keep my stomach though."

  "Yeah, me neither."

  I waited a minute then said, "I am withdrawing an apology I made to you some time ago."


  "I once apologized for rudely talking to Cecilia while you were negotiating with my father. I withdraw that apology. I'm not at all sorry."

  Sartine roared with laughter. "Neither am I."

  "Well, except if you hadn't gotten her, maybe I would have. But you're better for her than I would have been."

  "You would have been good, too. We'd take care of her in different ways."

  "I noticed something. You don't talk to your implant anymore."

  "I've learned," she said. "It's very strange."

  "Did you name it?"

  "Not this one. This one doesn't have a personality, not like Cecilia's. It came with an English name, and I just use that. Cecilia said she'll upgrade it, and the upgrade will have a personality. I haven't picked a name yet. I might call it Delilah."

  "Why would you do that?"

  "I'd like to order her around."

  I laughed. "I wonder if I'll ever have one."

  "Is that the sort of comment that should land you in the stocks?"

  "What? Oh, no. I'm not fishing. Not this time. Just saying I don't know."

  "You understand we're going to live a very long time. And you're the sort of person to make things happen. It might be fifty years from now. But that time will fly past."

  "I doubt it will fly. Talmon will be so different though."

  "Yes. We're opening the Rejuvenation Center this fall. The lander will bring the equipment we need on the next trip with the technicians to install it, and then the doctors come on the trip after that."

  "Really? Cecilia didn't tell me!"

  "She found out today."

  "We'll be busy."

  "We certainly will." She smiled. "I want to thank you."

  "For what?"

  "So many things. Friendship. Everything you do for Cecilia. This summer. Friendship."

  "You said that one."

  "It was worth repeating."

  I leaned against her, and she put an arm around me for a moment.

  "Are you two going to have children?"

  "We're talking about it, but she won't have them here."

  "A hospital."

  "Yeah, and the Rejuvenation Center isn't a hospital. She wants the child on Centos Four. So we need an opportunity to be gone that long. It won't be this year and probably not next. Maybe the year after. That would be good."

  "It would. I'll miss you while you're gone."

  "We'll miss being apart from you." She paused. "Chaladine, you will always have a home in Indartha."

  "Did you just offer me a galatzi trade to compete with the one I'm already promised to?"

  She laughed. "She hates the idea of sending you away. She'd let me talk her into it. Did you want to stay?"

  "Yes, but you know I can't."

  "I know."

  * * * *

  It was late. I would be helping escort everyone to the lander in the morning, and I would say my final goodbyes then. Cecilia and Sartine were spending their last night alone with them, and I was in my own bungalow.

  I was sad. I would miss them. I tried to sleep, but I was restless, and I found myself prowling.

  I tried to work for a while, but I couldn't concentrate.

  It felt like something was wrong
, but I didn't know what.

  And so I prowled. And I was mid prowl, a pause by the window to stare out into the night, when from behind me I heard my bungalow door open.

  Other than me, there was only one person on the planet that should be able to override the front door controls, but even Cecilia always knocked.

  I turned to face the door, and several people, dressed all in black leather with dark cloaks, hoods pulled low over their heads to leave their face in shadows, swarmed through the door.

  They all had the sash of a galatzi raid.

  They didn't hesitate, not even a moment, and I found myself backing away, but I only made it two steps before two of them grabbed me, and then two more. Another two stepped around behind me, blocking me from backing away any further.

  And those two were very, very large.

  Then one of them, a very petite woman, stepped up in front of me and pushed her hood back.

  "Chaladine, this is a galatzi raid. We have an agreement, and we are taking you. Do you intend to fight?"

  I stared at her then lowered my eyes. "No, Cecilia. I will not fight."

  She eyed me. "I recall being taken wearing similar clothing to this, once. I think there's a certain part of me that is going to enjoy this."

  My lips quivered, but I didn't quite laugh. Neither did she.

  "Bind her," she said.

  I thought she'd tie me herself. Instead, someone else stepped up. She kept her head down, and I couldn't see who it was. I tried peeking, but they pulled me upright, and then I was even bent backwards slightly. It was uncomfortable, but I neither complained nor resisted.

  Cecilia directed the way my hands were to be tied. Then she directed how to tie the harness, and how to bind my hands behind my head. The person tying me required less help binding my legs.

  And then Cecilia presented a gag, handing it to the person tying me.

  "Wait," I said, eying it. "Please."

  "This is taking too long," Cecilia said. But she smiled. "What is it?"

  "My things?"

  "We'll bring everything you need," she said. "While you are being paraded as our galatzi prisoner. That is the custom, after all. We must drive past the Vendart's home so they may see we have completed the trade agreement."

  I nodded.


  "Wait," I said. "Cecilia, who are you giving me to?"

  She didn't answer me.


  "Please, Cecilia, who are you giving me to? Do I know her? Where am I going?"

  She didn't answer, but then the person who had tied me pushed back her hood, and I stared into Savannah's eyes.

  "Chaladine of Sudden on Talmon, I have had several names over my long life, but I am currently Savannah Grace of Centos Four. I am the second daughter of my parents. My mother was once the Imperial Governor of Centos Four. My sister is the current Imperial Governor of Talmon. It is I who claims you. From this moment forward, you are my galatzi prisoner."

  I stared at her.

  And then she said quietly, "You may say 'no'."

  I continued to stare, and then slowly asked, "Will I be your galatzi wife?"

  "That is my intention."

  "Do you not believe you should kiss me before you tie that gag?"

  It turns out, she was a very, very good kisser.


  We stood at the observation bay of the starship Urban Green. The ship was the biggest thing I had ever seen. But now we stood at the observation bay. Savannah's arms were around me, her chin resting on my shoulder, our cheeks touching. Below us was Talmon.

  It was hard to believe.

  I felt the ship's engines begin to rumble. Savannah spoke quietly, telling me what was happening, holding me tightly. I clutched at her arm, my heart pounding in my chest.

  We accelerated, still traveling around the planet. But I knew what it meant. We would go around once or twice more, going faster and faster. Then we would escape from Talmon, traveling to the distant stars.

  I was leaving my home behind. I was leaving everything I knew behind.

  I was so scared.

  The tears began to stream from my eyes.

  "Oh Chaladine," Savannah said. "We can tell them to stop. We can take you back."

  I shook my head. "I belong to you now."

  "I have wanted you since the day we first met, Chaladine."

  "Did you know?"


  "I'm so scared."

  "I know, Darling. I will take very, very good care of you. Is that not how one treats a galatzi wife?"

  About the Author

  A writer by avocation, Robin has a renaissance interest in many areas. A bit of a gypsy, Robin has called a few places home and has traveled widely. A love of the outdoors, animals in general and experimenting with world cuisines, Robin and partner share their home with a menagerie of pets and guests, although sometimes it is difficult to discern who is whom.

  Robin can be reached via email as [email protected]. Robin's web site is

  Works by Robin Roseau

  The Madison Wolves Series

  Fox Run

  Fox Play

  Fox Mate

  Fox Afield

  Fox Revenge

  Fox Dish

  Fox Lost

  Wolf Watch

  Wolf Ways

  Wolf Women

  Fox Short Stories

  Hunting Pups

  Fox in the Water

  Fox Rematch (set after Fox Mate and Fox Afield)

  Fox Opponent

  Other Books in the Madison Wolves Universe



  Seer: Thrall

  Other Novels and Novellas

  Blood Slave

  Emergency Claus

  Fitting In

  Free to Love

  In Custody

  Lost in the Words


  Stark's Dell

  The Interrogation


  Galatzi Trade

  Short Stories

  Captured by the Raptor (writing as Rosetta Robins)

  Cooking for Love

  Southern Night

  Galatzi World

  Copyright 2014 by Robin Roseau

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  * * *

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