Taken by Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens #7)

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Taken by Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens #7) Page 4

by Melissa Foster

  Her father’s injury made him even more prickly than usual, and Daisy was ready for that drink. She rose to leave, thinking about when she’d peeked out of the clinic window and seen Luke climb onto a big black motorcycle. It had amped up the sexy quotient—not that his sexiness needed amping up. She’d spent her life avoiding men like Luke, but something in his eyes had reeled her right in.

  “I’ve got to go.” She kissed her father’s cheek. “I love you, Dad. I hope you have a good night’s rest tonight, and please, just take one stroll around the yard. Please?”

  He mumbled something about there being no sense in it.

  “Don’t mind him, Daisy,” her mother whispered as she walked her to the door. “He’s just overtired.”

  “If you mean cranky, then yeah, he’s been overtired my whole life. I’m used to it. But the injury seems to have made him a little worse, which is to be expected.” She searched her mother’s eyes. “How are you? Are you okay? This is stressful, and I know you aren’t getting out much.”

  “I need to be here in case your father needs anything.”

  “I know, but I can come over and sit with him while you go out with a friend, or for a walk, or whatever you want.”

  Her mother wrapped her arms around Daisy. “You’re such a sweetheart. I’m good. I love your father, and I don’t mind taking care of him. Lord knows he’s cared for us without complaint for years.”

  “I know, but you know that he’s capable of taking walks, and he should be taking them. Not just to strengthen the injured muscles, but for his emotional state, too. Even if he can’t work the farm, I think just being out there would help. And if John doesn’t show up by the weekend, I’ll come cut the hay. I kind of like driving the big machines. It’s a great way to alleviate stress.”

  “Which is exactly why your father loved doing it.”

  Something in common. Imagine that.

  Her mom pushed Daisy’s hair from her shoulders. “He’s proud of you, you know. Despite his inability to tell you, he is.”

  She knew, but hearing her mother say it made her tear up a little.

  Chapter Four

  DAISY TEXTED LUKE as she left her parents’ house, and as she neared her apartment, worry stewed in her stomach. She called Kevin as she pulled into her apartment complex. It struck her that even in high school there were a few girls who were nice to her, but Kevin had always been her go-to friend. Her college friends had prodded her to see if there was something more between them, but amazingly, there had never been a time when either of them had wanted their relationship to be anything more than a friendship. As she listened to his voice when he answered the phone, she was glad they’d never tried to force something that wasn’t meant to be. She loved him—like a friend.

  “Hey, Kev. You would tell me if Luke had done something horrible that I needed to know about, right?” Of course he would.

  He laughed. “A little late to ask, isn’t it?”

  “Shut up. You told me he was arrested in another town and the charges were dropped. That made me feel a little better, but…I’ve been gone a long time. Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “Daisy, I wouldn’t have led you to that room if I were worried. He’s Luke Braden, so you know about what he used to be like in high school, but I haven’t heard anything bad in the last few years. I mean, he’s a Braden. They have a great rep here and in Weston. Besides, I know you, and you’ll make him tell you the real scoop. Do you need a chaperone on your date?”

  She laughed as she unlocked her apartment door, even though she knew he was only half kidding. He’d come along if she asked him to. With the dirty thoughts she’d had all day about Luke, she probably did need a chaperone.

  “I’m twenty-nine. I think I can handle him as long as he’s not an ax murderer, and I doubt my dad would sell hay to an ax murderer. I just wanted to see if you knew anything else.”

  She ended the call, red flags waving loud and clear in her mind. She had no idea why she was willing to risk her reputation on a guy she had a wicked crush on. She trusted her gut instincts where Luke was involved, and her instincts were to trust him—but she wasn’t sure she could trust herself.

  Daisy had been lucky when she’d found an apartment that would rent to her on a month-to-month basis. After living on her own for so long, she didn’t want to stay at her parents’ house for an extended visit. She liked having her own space, and she was sure that by now they were used to having their own space, too, even if they missed her. She showered and dried her hair, taking an extra minute to look at herself in the mirror. She fingered the ends of her hair again. Seeing her mother’s beautiful blond hair made her miss her own lighter hair color. She pushed the thought away and weaved around unopened moving boxes as she changed her outfit for the fifth time. She’d put most of her belongings into storage until she decided where she was going to be living, but she’d brought her medical books and clothes, her necessities. Unpacking seemed like a commitment to staying in Trusty, and she wasn’t willing to go that far. For now, dodging boxes was just fine.

  She heard Luke’s motorcycle in the distance, and her stomach fluttered. She ran a comb through her hair one last time. She was lucky. Her hair still felt silky even though it was dyed, and it had just enough natural waves to negate the need for heavy styling. Her black sleeveless sweater would be the perfect weight for the brisk evening. She had no idea where they were going on their date, but she was dressed appropriately for just about anywhere in Trusty. She’d worn her favorite pair of jeans instead of the short skirt she’d wanted to wear, in anticipation of riding his motorcycle—and hoped that the extra material would serve as a reminder to keep her clothes on around Luke.

  She answered the door and felt her cheeks flush at the sight of Luke, freshly showered and sporting a lazy smile. Sensuality rolled off six feet of solid muscles wrapped tightly in low-slung jeans and a T-shirt like sugary sweetness wafted from a bakery. And Daisy was starved.

  “Hi.” Like everything about Luke, his voice was deep and easy.

  “Hi.” She felt her steely resolve slip away like melted butter.

  He handed her a single red rose. “You look beautiful. I almost didn’t recognize you without a needle or bandage in your hand.”

  She took the rose, her eyes never leaving his, and for a second—or thirty—she stood there, rooted to the ground. His smile widened, and she blinked away her stupor.

  “Sorry. Come on in.” She stepped aside as he passed. His eyes danced over the still-packed boxes that lined the far wall as she went to the kitchen and put the rose in a vase. “This was so nice of you.”

  “Did you just move in?” He waited for her just inside the door.

  “Two weeks ago. I haven’t had time to unpack, and I’m only here for a few weeks anyway, so why bother?” She joined him by the door, and it struck her how similarly they were dressed. “We look a little like we called each other to match outfits.”

  Luke looked down at his clothing, as if he’d forgotten what he had on. “Indeed it does.” He pointed to the door. “Want me to go home and change?”

  She laughed. “Half of Trusty will be wearing jeans and T-shirts tonight. In fact, probably most of Trusty.” He was naturally easy, relaxed. Her nerves tied themselves into a hundred different types of knots, and she envied that about him.

  “Shall we?” He opened the door.

  “Where are we going?” Out in the hall she waited as he checked to be sure her door had locked behind them. Hm. It had been eleven years since anyone had looked after her in that intimate way—and eleven years ago it was her father checking the locks. She realized how similar checking the locks was to how Luke had kept her safe all those years ago. She liked seeing that protective side of him toward her.

  “It’s a surprise.” He placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked through the dimly lit parking lot toward his motorcycle. A wave of heat pulsed beneath his touch. Daisy had dated a guy in college who drove a moto
rcycle, and the memory that stuck with her was how she’d thought that straddling the bike, and her date, would stimulate sexual feelings when she rode, and she’d been surprised when they didn’t. Her body was already humming with desire at the sight of Luke—and walking close, with the breeze at her back and his masculine, musky scent wrapped around her, sparked fires in all the right places. Wrong places. Oh God. Maybe she did need a chaperone.

  “I should have asked if you minded riding a motorcycle,” he said as he picked up a helmet.

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

  He helped her on with the helmet. “You look cute as hell.”

  She doubted that, but he’d just earned bonus points by saying it with such sincerity.

  “I won’t drive too fast, but you need to hang on tight.”

  He climbed on in front of her, and she put her hands on his hips. She’d forgotten the awkward feeling of not knowing how close to sit. He took her hands from his hips and drew them all the way around him, until her breasts pressed against the hard planes of his back and her hands were flush against his rock-hard abs—and heat warmed the area between her legs. When he started the engine, it heightened her arousal. As they drove out of town and onto the highway, being that close to Luke and the vibrations of the engine made her body hum. This is way better than holding you in my dreams.

  They drove into Allure, Colorado, two towns away, and Luke slowed as they rolled down Main Street. Allure was about the same size as Trusty, but while Trusty was a small ranch town and everything about Trusty smelled of horses, leather, or hay, Allure was more suburban, with restaurants and bars, and a quaint, brick-paved village that was lit up year-round with white lights, giving it a perpetual holiday feel. Luke drove past the Village and all of the restaurants along the main drag. When he turned down a dirt road and the lights of a Ferris wheel came into view, Daisy remembered about the county fair. She hadn’t been in years, and she felt a smile press her cheeks as they parked in the field of cars and climbed from the bike.

  Her body was still vibrating even after she was on solid ground. She put her hand on the bike to steady herself as Luke helped her take off her helmet.

  “I hope you haven’t already been to the fair.” He brushed a lock of hair from in front of her eyes with his index finger.

  “I actually haven’t been in years.” The intimate gesture took her by surprise, as did his choice of where to go on their date. She’d expected him to take her to the local pub for a beer and try to feed her a burger and fries in hopes of getting laid. She was relieved, even if a little disappointed that maybe he didn’t want her in that way, and once again, intrigued, by this man whom she realized she’d judged unfairly based on a reputation he’d had when she’d left town eleven years ago. If anyone should know better than to judge someone unfairly, she should. Well, I’ll just have to make up for that. She grinned at the dirty thoughts that conjured up.

  “Was the ride okay?” He locked the helmets to the bike and settled his hand on her lower back again, sending another shiver of warmth through her.

  “Yeah. I hope I didn’t hold you too tight.”

  The right side of his lips lifted. “I doubt you could ever hold on too tight.”

  Why did everything he said sound sexual? If Kevin had said the same thing, she would have wrapped her arms around him and squeezed until he pleaded for her to stop, just to prove she could. There would have been nothing sexual about the words or the touch. If she were to wrap her arms around Luke, she had a feeling they’d have to pry her off with a crowbar.

  They crossed the grassy field that served as a parking lot, and headed toward the lights. The air smelled of buttered popcorn, hot dogs, and livestock. Daisy felt herself smiling. She wouldn’t have even thought of going to a fair. She looked up at Luke, and at that very second he looked down at her. The air between them sizzled. They meandered through the crowds. Shouts from the rides and laughter filled the air. Arms shot out from the cars on the Ferris wheel as they went around and around. Dozens of people waited in line for the carousel, while parents stood off to the side taking pictures with their phones and waving at their children. The din of laughter grew as they neared the bumper cars. Just being at the fair eased Daisy’s nerves, and when Luke slid his hand into hers and pulled her toward a funnel cake vendor with a spark in his eyes, she realized that she was breathing normally for the first time in two weeks. She wasn’t thinking about work, or her father’s injury, and she wasn’t counting the seconds until she could leave Trusty and get started on her real career.

  LUKE BOUGHT A funnel cake and tore off a piece. “Mm. Open up.”

  Daisy crinkled her nose. “Do you know how bad that is for you? I haven’t had a funnel cake in years, and just the smell of it makes me drool.”

  “Who cares? You’re not eating twelve.” He drew his thick, dark brows together and gently coaxed her. “Come on. One night of yumminess never hurt anyone. Besides, you can’t go to a fair and not have funnel cake.”

  “How can I turn down logic like that?” She opened her mouth, and he popped it in and then ate a piece himself.

  “You can’t tell me that isn’t delicious.”

  She closed her eyes for a second, savoring the sinful treat. “Sinfully delicious. The best dinner ever.”

  “I’m not that cheap. I’ll still spring for a hot dog,” he teased.

  They finished the funnel cake as they strolled through the fair, and Luke felt the initial tension he’d sensed in Daisy fall away.

  “Do you want to eat now, or have some fun first?”

  Daisy narrowed her eyes. “I’m trying to reconcile the Harley-driving guy who wrestles with fences and uses duct tape for Band-Aids with the idea of a carnival being fun to you.” She ran her eyes down his body, and holy hell, did it turn him on. “What other surprises lie beneath your tough exterior?”

  Christ, he wanted to take her right there, feel her body pressed against him and kiss her until she couldn’t think straight. He’d show her what lies beneath…

  Holy hell. I need to get a grip. He shook his head in an effort to bring himself back to reality.

  “What can I say? I’m a complicated guy.” He’d chosen the fair because he’d be less likely to act on his desires as quickly as if they’d gone out for a drink. He hadn’t realized it at the time that he’d made the decision, but now he realized he was leaving the old Luke behind. Sort of. He couldn’t help but think about how sexy she was, even if he was trying not to act on it. “So? Food or fun?”

  “I’m not very hungry. Let’s go on a few rides first.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “How daring are you?” It was a loaded question, given that she was sexy enough to make him want to drag her behind the bumper cars to make out.

  She shrugged. “Kinda sorta daring?”

  He took her hand and led her to the line for the haunted house. “Let’s put you to a test on ground level first. If you can handle being scared with your feet on the ground, then we can turn it up a notch.” Like, on my bed. Shit. He had to stop mentally going there. He needed a distraction. She was too cute, and feisty.

  “The haunted house? I’m more afraid of things in the dark than heights or speed. When I first moved into my apartment in Philly, I slept with every light on except my bedroom light. For a month.”

  He closed the gap between them, leaned in close, and rested one hand on her hip, then whispered, “Scared by things that go bump in the night? I’ll have to remember that.” Everything she said made him picture her lying beneath him in his big, comfortable bed. He’d take away all those fears of the dark and replace them with things she’d never want to forget.

  The haunted house was set up inside a double-wide trailer. The line moved quickly, and when they pushed through the dark curtain that served as a door, the interior was pitch-black. The air was stale and humid, and Daisy hooked a finger into his belt loop. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and held her close. Her breathing was hitched, and when he settled
his hand on her upper arm, it was covered with goose bumps. The floorboards creaked beneath their feet as they followed the darkness through what felt like a hallway. The floor began to undulate and Daisy’s other hand gripped his abs—sending a wave of heat to his groin. He tightened his grip on her shoulder, trying desperately to rein in his desires. She felt so good pressed against him, touching him…

  The floor swelled and swayed beneath them, causing them to stumble from side to side. Flashes of light up ahead briefly illuminated the path toward intermittent screams and a tremulous wooooo. A skeleton dropped from the ceiling inches ahead of them and Daisy screamed. Luke pulled her close and pushed the skeleton aside.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She was shaking.

  A black-gloved hand grabbed Daisy’s arm. “Luke!”

  He held tight and drew her closer. She pressed herself against him. It felt like she would crawl under his skin if she were able. Another flash of light up ahead, and a screech filled the air as a ghostly figure passed before them, causing Daisy to suck in a breath and freeze.

  “It’s okay. It’s not real,” he reassured her.

  She slid her hand up to his chest. “Your heart isn’t racing like mine.” She drew away a little, and he knew she was making an effort to be brave.

  The darkness filled with eerie, shaky howling. Something flew by their heads, screeching as another flash of light illuminated a bloody image by the wall. Daisy plastered her body against Luke again. She was barely breathing as he guided her through the dark tunnel around a bend. He felt guilty that he was loving the feel of her against him while knowing she was terrified.

  “It’s okay. It’s almost done.” Light trickled in through the dark curtains at the exit. She clung to him, and when they came out into the night, he held her trembling body close. They were chest to chest, and he could feel the frantic beating of her heart against his.

  He tipped her chin up with his index finger. “You okay?”

  Embarrassment heated her cheeks. “I’m sorry.” She pulled away, but he held tight, keeping her against him.


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