Destiny and the Dragon (Redwood Dragons Book 5)

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Destiny and the Dragon (Redwood Dragons Book 5) Page 17

by Sloane Meyers

  “Welcome to the Redwood Dragons lair,” Owen said to no one in particular as he jumped off Raven’s broomstick, clearly excited to be home. A rush of energy rang out, and the dragon that had been Finn began to morph back into human form. Anya started sliding the backpack she was wearing off her back, knowing that he’d be naked and wanting clothes once his transformation was complete.

  She strained her eyes to see, but wasn’t able to make out much of anything in the darkness. There was no moon tonight, and the forest here was thick and dark. While her eyes were still adjusting to the darkness of the forest floor, she heard a shout of excitement from somewhere over her left shoulder. Startled, she turned to look and saw that two men who were very tall and just as muscular as Owen and Finn were coming crashing through the trees, swinging flashlights.

  “What the hell, guys!” one of the men said, but his tone was jolly. “We had no idea you were coming here tonight. For a minute there I thought we were about to be attacked by Saul’s stupid army again.”

  “Vance!” Owen said to the man, then pulled him into a big bear hug.

  “And Grayson!” Finn said to the other man, turning to give him a hearty slap on the back as well.

  The next half hour was a flurry of talking. Anya was introduced to the dragon shifters who were guarding the Redwood Dragons’ base. In addition to Vance and Grayson, there were Holden and Weston. There was also Vance’s lifemate, a friendly wizard named Lily. Several other wizards from Falcon Cross were here to help guard the camp, and Anya’s head was soon spinning from the introductions, and from the noise of everyone talking at once as they explained to the Redwood Dragons how the dragon amethyst had been found. Anya wasn’t sure she had ever seen a more excited group of people. As soon as he’d heard the story, Vance went to call Peter and Knox. Not long after, he came back with the news that Peter was sending a large group of wizard soldiers from Falcon Cross to assist with transferring the dragon amethyst to Texas, where the shifter protectors were already guarding the dragon emerald and dragon sapphire. Peter also extended a personal invitation to Anya to come to Falcon Cross as an honored guest. Anya wasn’t exactly keen on visiting the town of the wizard who’d wanted to wipe her memory, but she said nothing to the others. She didn’t want to offend Izzy and Raven.

  Finn guessed at the meaning behind her hesitation, though. Not long after, the whole group was sitting around a firepit and enjoying freshly barbequed food. Anya was savoring the hot meal after weeks of surviving on wilderness cooking and meal bars. She had just bitten into a juicy burger when Finn crossed his arms and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “You’re not really thinking of declining an invitation to be the guest of one of the most powerful wizards alive, are you?” he asked. “It’s a great honor.”

  “The man tried to wipe my memory,” Anya protested around a mouthful of burger.

  “And I’m pretty sure he realizes now that he was very wrong to even think of that,” Finn said. “Give him a chance to say he’s sorry. And go see Falcon Cross. It’s a really cool place. It’s not every day you get to see a wizarding town.”

  Anya grunted noncommittally, but she knew Finn was right. She should go. Peter could not question her loyalty now that she’d found the dragon amethyst. But thinking of going to Falcon Cross brought up a bigger question for her. Where would she live now? She wanted to be with Finn, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t want to go live in a fully human town in Idaho. She didn’t really feel at home there herself. And now that she knew that dragons and wizards existed, how could she ever hope to go back to living as if they didn’t?

  “And what about you?” Anya asked, meeting Finn’s deep green eyes. “Are you going back to Falcon Cross?”

  He understood what she meant by the question, and smiled. “If you go to Falcon Cross, I’m going with you,” he said. “And I do have some unfinished business there to take care of. But my heart is here, in the redwoods. I’m planning to come back to my cabin here as soon as possible. And when I do, I’d love to have my beautiful lifemate join me in that cabin. I know you love the outdoors, Anya. This is a beautiful place to live, and there’s no shortage of plants for you to explore.”

  Anya smiled, her heart filling with joy. “I think I’d be really happy here,” she said, looking up at the dark night shadows of the trees that towered above them. “And hopefully now that the dragon amethyst is found, your clan can live in peace here.”

  “I hope so,” Finn said, but he sounded wary. “The war isn’t over yet, though. Finding the dragon amethyst gives us a huge advantage, but we still have to find the dragon ruby before we’re completely safe. Peter might want my help with that, too.”

  Anya nodded. “I guess I’d expected as much. Seems there will be more adventures ahead then, huh?”

  Finn laughed. “Well, regardless of whether we’re sent to search for the dragon ruby or not, I have a feeling that life is going to be one giant adventure from now on. I’ve done a lot of crazy things in my life, but being with you is my biggest, best adventure yet. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Our pasts are connected, Anya. I know that means our future is going to be incredible.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Anya said, smiling happily as she took another bite of her burger. Finn reached over to squeeze her hand, and the familiar warmth of his body flooded through her. She knew the road ahead of them still held challenges, but they would face them together, and that was all that mattered. Right now, she just wanted to relax and enjoy the good food and good company. Spirits were high around the campfire. The dragon amethyst was theirs, and they all knew that this was the beginning of the end for Saul.

  Later that night, when Anya slipped into Finn’s cabin with him, she was exhausted, but happy. After he shut the door behind them, he dug in his bag for a moment until he found the photo of his father that Anya had given him. Without a word, he went and hung it on the refrigerator door. His eyes glistened with tears as he stepped back to hold Anya’s hand. It was strange to see such a big, tough guy on the verge of crying, but Anya appreciated that he was comfortable enough with his emotions not to hide them completely. And he had a right to feel emotional. This was, after all, the only link he had to the father he never knew.

  Without a word, Anya went and found the picture of her in front of the dragon claw falls—the one her dad had taken so long ago. She hung the picture up by the picture of Finn’s dad and smiled. The two old photos fit well together.

  “I think our dads would have been really happy to see us together,” Anya said.

  Finn smiled. “I think so, too. I wonder if they knew, somehow, that fate would bring us together.”

  Anya took Finn’s hand again, and he pulled her into his arms.

  “I like to think they knew,” Anya said. “And I like to think that, if there is a heaven, they’re both up there sharing a beer and looking down on us right now.”

  Finn held her tighter. “I like to think that, too,” he said.

  His arms fit perfectly around Anya, warming her. She looked up at the pictures on the refrigerator, and, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was home.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Book Six in the Redwood Dragons series will be coming in early June 2017!

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  About the Author

  There are shifters walking among us. Sloane Meyers is devoted to telling their stories.

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what bette
r way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious world of those who have an animal within them, roaring to be let out. Sloane brings you hot shifter males, and spunky, spirited heroines—with NO cliffhangers! Each book can be read as a standalone.

  When she’s not busy crafting shifter tales, Sloane enjoys a good glass of wine, preferably shared with good friends. She loves reading (duh!) and spending time in the great outdoors.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website,, and be sure to find her on Facebook at




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